Hello maqui here! I rarely make stories as I'm an artist and a general reader and reviewer rather than a writer, but I had a nice idea I thought I'd take some time into making. So if you enjoy it then great, if not then I hope something will appease you soon! For now let's get this show on the road!

update 6.30.15, i really smashed my fingers in bdly earlier so i wont be typing for a few days, but on my DA has some art if you wanna go see! links in the bottom.

Update 12.26.17 Wow this story is a disaster, time to clean this up.

The island nation of Japan. There was always something mystical and exciting about it. There in the shadows lied ninja villages deep within the country itself, hidden from the rest of the world unless you knew the way into one of these big cities. These was the village hidden in the sand, the village hidden in the mist, the village hidden in the stone, the village hidden in the cloud, and the village hidden in the leaf. Each having its own distinct appearance and way of doing things. The other thing that made these villages special were the people inhabiting it, namely the ninja who wielded the strange power of chakra and ninjustu.

"Mom! Come watch me run here!" an excitable brunette child had yelled to his mother.

"Sure Naoru! Run as fast as you can honey." His more than tired mother said to him, satisfied that she could finally get a break from playing with her endless ball of energy.

All the while she was watching her son, she didn't realize that for the past fifteen minutes or so, she wasn't the only one watching. There, on top the branches of the tree they played under, was a blonde child watching them. The child had shaggy blonde hair reaching to the end of his neck nearly to his shoulders, a dirty and slightly ripped black shirt and equally dirty grey shorts. An obvious way to tell exactly who he was were the three whisker-like birthmarks stretching the length of both of his cheeks. His name was Naruto Uzumaki and he was the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox.

What's a jinchuriki? It's roughly translated as the power of human sacrifice, see, when Naruto was minutes old, the leaf village was attacked by a Tailed beast. ( A massive living constructs of chakra with a mind of their own) In order to subdue the beast, the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze had sealed the nine tails into a newborn babe, and in doing so caused the Shinigami to take his soul. Thanks to a few big mouths in the villages higher ups, the entire village learned of his relation to the whole incident and began hating him, hurting him (physically and verbally) and straight out ostracizing him to try and get any form of revenge to the nine tails, as they had believed him to the nine tails reincarnated.

'So that's having fun with a parent' the blond mused to himself.

Due to his "loving" upbringing, he grew to be a very calm, cool, and collected a majority of the time, since being loud, annoying, and troublesome didn't get you many places when you were a homeless orphan who was already on nearly everyone's hit list. Secretly, or more obviously he harbored an intense hatred of the village and their people through the peace they had attained at the cost of his suffering.

He got up and tree hopped away from the scene that was currently making his heart wrench and very obviously making him jealous.

He soon reached his destination; his home. Located in a residential of the red light district, his house wasn't all that well together, or well looked after by the community. Upon reaching his door he unlocked his door, and soon got in bed, saying a quick good riddance to the village for the night before drifting off to sleep.

What he didn't know was that there were a large amount of villagers slowly building up nearby simply to hunt him down. The quickly organized mob was filled with a bit of everyone. With everyone being; some civillians, several genin, some chunin, and even a few jonin. And they were all being led surprisingly by a civilian woman with oddly graying shade of pink hair and an equally as odd loud voice. Her name was Mebuki Haruno.

"Come on everyone we can rid the village of this demon tonight right now! With everyones support itll go without a hitch!" she yelled, the villagers in kind responded with many things, mostly along the lines of "YEAH!", "LETS KILL THE DEMON SPAWN!", "LETS KILL IT!" And with that, the group marched their way towards the house of an unsuspecting Naruto. From the back of a nearby building, walking around and slowly following the crowd while making sure they weren't seen was a hooded man with silver hair.

It didn't take them long to reach his home, kick down the door, and get the obviously groggy eight year old from his spot on his bed. They dragged him out of his home and through the village until they neared a forest, where they proceeded to start beating him mercilessly despite his cries.

Hooded Mans POV

I walked behind this mob, seeing exactly who or what they were planning on capturing, but to my surprise they went and grabbed a kid! I didn't know what to say or how to respond to that, so curiously I watched and followed as they dragged the boy out to the village outskirts and started beating on them. At first I believed that the kid must have done something to earn this villages wrath so they were just giving him a little discipline, but they continued beating the child until he was bloody and bruised and looked like he was going to die. Soon I noticed they were bringing knives into the equation and was cutting him and stabbing, and at that moment I had realized these fools were not disciplining a child but were about to mercilessly murder one!

I sharpened my nails and prepared to go and stop this madness myself- then a pillar of red energy shot up stopping the fools from hitting him.

Naruto's POV

They kept hitting me, and this pain wouldn't stop no matter what I yelled, from "I did nothing wrong" to "please stop". This pain was becoming unbearable and I thought to myself 'am I gonna die here?' I haven't gotten out of this crappy village, there was no damn friend or hero to help me out of this, no hokage.. I know he secretly looks at me with those hate filled eyes as well, no matter how well he tries to cover it up.

Then I felt it. Several knives were embedded into my stomach and chest. And with feeling this searing pain I started losing consciousness, fast. I raised I hand out only to feel another knife inside me and plunged my world to black.

Normal POV

Naruto soon woke up in a sewer. Looking around, he couldn't find anything that would be considered an exit or anything linking up besides a straight path forward, he started walking forward.

'Well atleast I know this couldn't possibly be deaths cold embrace.' Soon he reached a large room with bars and a small paper in the middle of them that read 'seal'. Red eyes soon opened on the other side of this prison with a large grin accompanying it.

"Well, if it isn't my jailor…welcome…Naruto Uzumaki." At that Naruto fully perked up and took a step towards the cage.

"Who are you…and how do you know my name..." Realization dawned upon his face a few seconds later.

"Wait… are you the nine tails?" Naruto asked gaining a laugh from the inside of the cage.

"That's right. Aren't you a smart one, for a minute I thought you'd be stupid enough to think otherwise."

Naruto gulped, realizing the potential danger he was in but decided to try and be as brave as he could, after all, the fox was in a cage and he wasn't. As Naruto got closer to the cage, the fox was slowly watching him, trying to discern his reasoning behind his approach to the cage, when he heard words that almost surprised him.

"Help me."

The fox's eyes narrowed. 'Another human who just wanted to live with no purpose whatsoever guiding him', he became defensive and replied.

"Why should I help a twerp like you survive this? If you die, I'll just be released and gain my body back in a few years." To his surprise, the child before him narrowed his own eyes at the fox.

"Because I don't desire to simply survive. I want revenge. Revenge on these pathetic people and revenge on whoever it was who trapped you here."

The fox was silent for a moment, before he went to speak again.

"Revenge against who trapped me? You can blame that on that pathetic man, the fourth hoka-"

"No. not him, who was it that sent you after the leaf to begin with? No tailed beast would attack the village for no reason." Naruto shot back with unexpected fervour.

'This boy…' The fox mused quietly. "The one who sent me to this village was a sharingan wielder, with similar ocular power of Madara Uchiha." Surprising Naruto.

"Wasn't he the one who helped found the village with the first hokageto begin with?"

"So you DO listen on those classes you have!"

Naruto's expression took on a comical expression as he shot back, "Sh-shut up you stupid fox! Of course I listen!"


With that they both started to laugh, at Naruto's expense. Soon the fox stop laughing at looked at Naruto seriously, something which sobered the young Uzumaki up as well.

"You wanted to survive yes? Then do one simple thing and rip off the paper seal from the cage, gather chakra to your hands and twist the seal off from your stomach. If you do that, my body will be free, and I can heal you instantaneously should I get this freedom."

Naruto smiled one of his true smiles at the fox, "so you will help me and join me?"

"Yes. We will speak more outside your body."

And after that, Naruto's eyes glowed red as the water rose him to the seal as his hand grabbed the paper and- before he could do anything else his arm was grabbed, quickly, but before he could get pulled down he used his remaining free hand to quickly grab the paper and rip it.

As he fell to the ground the gates opened up and the fox had bashed the gates open, and quickly swept up the person who was had grabbed Naruto and crushed him. "That man, he was your father."

Naruto looked up in surprise, his dad was the one who sealed the nine tails into him. His anger at the village fueled even more that they would spit on his parents' legacy by not honoring their last wish for their son to be seen as a hero. 'those ungrateful…' but before he could ask any more questions he felta tug on his very existence was thrust out of the mindscape only seeing a sea of red around him.


The air was saturated with chakra, the Nine Tails' chakra to be specific, and it formed a cocoon around Naruto's body before a large rope of it pierced through each civilians body who had touched Naruto or even supported the proceedings at the mob, soon forming into a demonic fox, then shrinking to the size of a human, with red hair reaching his mid-back, a dark kimono with red strips along the ends of it and narrow, blood red eyes.

"Naruto… you did this… you kept your word…" but when he turned to Naruto, he saw his body, plagued with weapons, and riddled with bruises and cuts all over, as well as a chopped off arm. At this point the hooded individual made their presence known.

"Hey, demon. Move and let me assist this human." The nine tails however, jumped in front of him, effectively stopping their path. "Who are you, and how will you save him." He practically snarled at him, yet he was unfazed.

"I'll give him something even better than his current body. Trust me on this."

He replied looking into his eyes. He felt as though he could trust him, and slowly moved aside, letting him go to Naruto and soon draped himself over his body that didn't disrupt the weapons. "Hey, human, I know you're still alive and I know you can hear me." And just to prove his statement, two blue orbs opened up, weakly, but still looking at him.

"I am a vampire, the first, the beginning... and now it's time for you to give up on humanity."

And there you have it, my first chapter in this, I hope you guys review, as the next chapter will be the last in the leaf and the last in the Narutoverse in general actually. Hope you all enjoyed and ill be working on a second chapter soon, maybe sooner than you think, but for now, peace.