Apologies for this little note. I just wanted to update you all!

CHAPTER 5 IS IN THE WORKS! Until I am able to devote some more time to write it, however, TMA is going to be on a bit of a Hiatus. Sorry!

I am trying to make the chapters longer, but trying to balance it with grad school and work and getting ready for my sister's wedding, which will be soon, is not happening. :(

In response to the reviews that I have gotten since my last chapter:

To SnowKi: I am glad you like it enough to want more. Keep on reading!

To UnseenAngel17: Glad you liked it! Sorry for not making this chapter longer! :( Hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

To SethadoreVGC: Hahaha! Thanks for letting me know. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story whenever I get more up!

Just a side note that I recently thought of:

I am not going to have Lois Lane and Clark/Superman together in this story. While I am not sure where I really want to go with the plot at this point, I do know that Lois may only appear a couple of times just as a friend and co-worker. Apologies if you don't like that. :)

Reviews and criticism are more than welcome.

Until next time!