Hey, guys! I've been sitting on this one for a while, because I wanted to do it right. This is probably the sixth draft of it, and it's the one I like. I have a few chapters written over the past few weeks already, which I wanted to do so I didn't have you guys waiting forever for the next chapter.

It's basically an alternate season 5, Senior Year and all. I hope you enjoy!


Lydia stood in the dark, deserted hallway, confused. Why was she at the high school in the middle of the night? Did she go into a fugue state? She thought that she was over that if she was being honest. It had been so long since that last one that she thought that her powers had evolved past that.

Apparently she was wrong.

A soft noise came from down the hall, causing her blood to run cold. It wasn't a sound that she was used to hearing. She could handle thuds, crashes, roars, and screams, but this was brand new. She didn't know how to handle a –

She heard it again, louder this time. There was a light pause, and then a wail pierced the otherwise silent building.

There was a baby down there.

Dread filled her and tears filled her eyes as she slowly made her way towards the sound. She was terrified at what she might find. The baby was obviously still alive, but what caused it to cry? What was in there with it?

Her chest tightened as she stopped short. Someone – or something – could be in there with that baby, and it could hurt it. A surge of protectiveness ran through her. She needed to get to that baby now.

She slipped off her heels, leaving them in the hall as she ran towards the crying. She would pause every few feet, trying to figure out which room it was coming from, peeking her head into rooms every now and then to make sure her ears weren't playing tricks on her.

Finally, it got to the point where the noise easily could have deafened her, and as she peeked into the classroom to her right, she saw a white bassinet next to the desk. Sighing in relief she started towards it, but right before she got to the threshold, the door was slammed in her face, causing her to jump back in surprise. She tried the door handle, but it wasn't budging. Panic grew in her chest as the seconds ticked by. She had to get to the baby.

She stood on her tiptoes, trying to look through the window in the door, cursing herself for leaving her heels so far away. She could just see into the room, the top of the bassinet in clear view. A figure was standing over it, but it was too dark to get a good look at it.

Odd. She could see the bassinet perfectly, but everything else was covered in shadows.

Banging on the door, she tried to get the attention of the figure as it stared at the wailing child. There was something ominous about it. She couldn't place why she felt that way. All she knew was that she had to get the baby out of there.

"Hey!" she yelled. "Leave it alone! Leave the baby alone!"

The figure paid her no mind, reaching into the bassinet, and Lydia swore she saw the glint of metal in its hands.

Panic filled her as she doubled her efforts to get the door open.


Her shoulder was sore from ramming into the door, and she leaned her forehead against it as she kept banging, screaming. She couldn't look through the window again, she was too afraid. The next words left her mouth before she could process it.



She woke up, gasping, almost hyperventilating. She was in her room. It was a dream. Wasn't it?

Heart pounding, she picked up her phone and found the number she needed.

"Lydia?" the voice on the other end said, worry mixing with grogginess. "What's wrong?"

"Scott, listen to me," she told him, struggling to get the words out as she tried to steady her breathing. "We need to get to the school. Now."

"Why? What's going on?"

She took a deep breath, knowing how crazy she was going to sound. "I think that there's a baby stuck there with some psycho."

"Are you sure?" he was definitely awake now.

"I don't know," she said honestly. "I just woke up from a dream about it, but God, Scott, it felt so real."

"Okay, okay," he soothed. "Stiles and I will meet you there in five minutes, okay?"

She nodded before realizing that he couldn't see her. "Okay."

She hung up, threw her slipper boots on, and was out the door in less than a minute.


"It has to be here somewhere," she said, exasperated.

"We've looked everywhere," Scott answered as they went into a classroom for the third time. "I don't know where else to look."

They had been there for two hours, searching the school top to bottom, but there was no sign of a baby or a psycho.

Lydia sunk into a chair, putting her head in her hands. "Maybe it was just a dream. I'm sorry I dragged you guys out of bed."

"Don't be sorry," Stiles told her, rubbing her back gently. "It's better to search and find nothing than to blow it off and find a dead baby the next morning."

The thought of a dead baby horrified her. She had seen dead bodies – more than most people do in their lifetime – but she couldn't handle the sight of a dead baby, not in the mess that she's seen some bodies.

"I wouldn't be able to handle that," she said, shaking her head.

"None of us would," Scott said. "So it's probably a good thing that it was just a dream."

"Yeah," she said, pulling out her phone and checking the time. "I need to go get ready for when school actually starts."

"Yeah, me too," Stiles said. "Let's go."

Lydia stood up and took Stiles' hand, squeezing it. "Thank you guys for coming, even if it was for nothing."

"Better safe than sorry, right?" Stiles said, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing it. "See you in a little bit?"

"Of course," she said.


Stiles and Lydia had been dating since right before prom of junior year. Stiles and Malia mutually decided that they would be better off as friends and pack-mates, and Lydia finally admitted her feelings to Stiles.

They were now a month into senior year, and she couldn't be happier.

Stiles walked beside her as they made their way to class, holding her hand and rubbing his thumb across hers.

"Do you want to come over and review for the Calculus test tomorrow?" she asked him as they stopped at his locker.

"Are we actually going to be reviewing things?" he replied, leaning in close to her. "Or are we going to be doing more…enjoyable things?"

She smirked, playing coy. "I don't see why we can't do both."

"I'm in." He opened his locker and pulled out the books he needed. "What time?"

"You could come over right after school. We could get a good review in, have dinner, and since my mom has a girls' night tonight, move on to more enjoyable activities." She waggled her eyebrow at him to emphasize the last part.

"Sounds good to me," he said, shutting his locker. "But…I kind of have detention."

"Detention?" she asked "Why?"

"For skipping track practice this morning," he told her, shrugging. "Not a big deal."

She bit her lip, guilt creeping into her stomach. "It was because of me, wasn't it? You overslept?"

"It's not your fault," he said, taking her hand. "How many times have we been out all hours of the night and I still made it to practice?"

"I still feel bad," she told him, squeezing his hand.

"Don't," he insisted. The bell rang. "Let's get to class. I don't want you to get detention, too."

"Well, atleast we would be together," she said, as they started walking again. "Maybe get some of that studying done."

Stiles laughed, shaking his head. "I doubt it. I have detention with Finstock, which will probably involve something with sports equipment."

"Okay, yeah. So not worth it."


"Do you hear that?" Malia asked at lunch.

"Hear what?" Kira replied.

"It's weird," she said. "It's like a really fast heartbeat."

"Maybe someone's nervous or excited?" Lydia suggested, picking at her salad with slight distaste. Her stomach was feeling weird today, and she didn't want to upset it any further.

Malia shook her head. "It doesn't sound like that."

"Than what does it sound like?" Kira asked.

"I don't know," Malia shrugged. "It's just…weird."

"What's weird?" Liam asked, sitting down next to Lydia.

"Do you hear that sound?" Malia asked. "Sounds kind of like a heartbeat."

Liam listened for a minute, his face scrunching up in confusion. "Yeah, I do. Where is it coming from?"

"I don't know," she told him. "It's weird, right?"

Liam nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"What's weird?" Scott asked as he and Stiles sat down.

"Oh my God!" Lydia exclaimed, annoyance flaring up as she dropped her fork into her salad. "Malia and Liam are hearing a weird noise and don't know what it is or where it's coming from."

"You don't have to snap," Malia said. "It's rude, right, Stiles?"

She still looked to him for social cues, seeing as he's the one who taught her most of them.

"Sorry," Lydia said. "It's just annoying when you've already heard the whole exchange twice."

"It's okay," Kira told her.

Stiles squeezed her hand under the lunch table as they kept talking. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," she replied, giving him a small smile. "Just…tired."

"I'll come over right after detention, okay?" he told her.

"Okay," she said.


Lydia sat in history, bored out of her mind. She already knew what the teacher was talking about, and didn't care to learn about it again.

She looked over at Scott, knowing he had to be just as bored – he hated history – but found him staring at her curiously.

"What?" she mouthed, feeling self-conscious under his stare. He looked completely perplexed, like he was trying to figure something out.

He shook his head, mouthing back, "later."

She narrowed her eyes at him, not satisfied with his answer. "This is not over."

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Lydia picked up her notebook, threw her bag over her shoulder, and grabbed Scott's arm. "It's later."

Scott nodded, leading her out into the hallway. They pushed through the crowd until Lydia pulled them into the janitor's closet. She spun around to face Scott in the darkness. "What's wrong?"

"The noise is coming from you," Scott said.


"The noise that we heard at lunch," he explained. "It's coming from you."

She took a step back. "What does that mean?"

"Well…It does sound like a really fast heartbeat," He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable. "Look, I know that this is probably way too personal, but…have you and Stiles...you know…been intimate?"

"You mean have we had sex?" she asked, panic starting to set in. "I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that!"

"I'm sorry," he said. "It's just –"

"You're sure that it's a heartbeat?" she asked, desperate. This couldn't be happening. She was still in high school. She just put in applications to all of the Ivy Leagues. She had just applied to Stanford. She couldn't do this.

"I'm sure," Scott told her. "It sounds like the sonograms I've heard at the hospital –"

"Don't tell Stiles," she snapped, looking him in the eyes. "You can't tell anybody."

"I wasn't planning on it," he said, taken aback. "Lydia, just calm down, okay –"

"I can't calm down!" she said. "I am a senior in high school! All of the Ivy League schools will probably accept me, and my biggest decision should be which one to choose! Not…not…God, Scott! What am I going to do?"

She buried her face in her hands, trying her best not to completely break down. It wasn't working very well.

"God, Scott," she sobbed as she leaned against a shelf. "How could this happen?"

"Hey, hey. It's alright, okay." Scott pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tight. "You just…you just need to take some time and think about this. And remember that you're not alone in this, whatever your decision is."

She nodded, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Scott was right. She did have options. It wasn't the end of the world. Even if she did decide to keep the baby, she could work it out. With Stiles. They could figure it out. They always did.


I'd love to hear what you think!