Basically a bit of Jaspidot medieval fantasy!AU, inspired by Dragon age (Fantasy rpg game) Slight Ooc for the plot. I don't own shit, please review and enjoy.

"We are born in one moment. We die in one moment. We can change in one moment. And we can fall in love in one moment. Anything can happen in just one moment."

- Khalid Masood

"This is Peridot, she will be our new adviser."

Peridot tries her hardest not to break eye contact, but it seems to only make her more nervous. Piercing yellow eyes stare back at her in a neutral manner, plump lips slowly curled into a smile, revealing a set of perfect pearly whites. Her beefy build that only years of training, endurance, and willpuower would certainly explain why their was a sudden decrease in bodyguards being hired over the years. And that hair, it was clear as day that the royal stylist had given up trying to tame the wild and unkempt blond locks of hers, dare to say her hair was nearly- if not, bigger then her... and she was a large gem, a large gem sitting in a throne and ruling a kingdom.

"It's an honour to serve you, your majesty." Peridot managed to say, more then relieved she didn't stutter.

"The pleasure is all mine." Jasper rested her chin on the top of her fist. The way she gazed at Peridot, it was like she was scanning every detail of the gem. Which was understandable, considering royalty could never be too careful. But there was a certain boldness to the way Jasper did it, there was no sign of caution in her gaze now, just interest. "Welcome aboard, I trust Pearl had shown you the advisor quarters?"

"Yes, she had been most helpful getting me settled." she replied, giving a quick thankful look to the other advisor, known as Pearl. Although grateful for the help, as soon as she brought in what little of the luggage she owned, Pearl was insisted on doing all of her unpacking. Leaving no sock unmatched, no undergarment unfolded, and arranging all her books in alphabetical order.

"It is no problem, I do quite enjoy organization." Pearl replied gleefully, a cheerful smile on her face. She seemed far too casual for working with royalty, and not to mention the ruler of their kingdom was right in front of them. "It helps calm the nerves after a long day."

"Pearl, take you're leave." Jasper ordered, eyes still fixated on Peridot.

"As you wish." Pearl bowed before her and then fled the room, leaving the two alone.

She gulped nervously, not daring to shift her glance on anything else that wasn't Jasper. Her eyes were so fierce, like a blazing fire, no wonder she was a respected ruler. If looks could kill Jasper would had murdered her already, No doubt lingered in Peridot's mind that Jasper's muscular build wasn't just for show.

"So, you been studying politics for how long?" Jasper asked.

"T-Three centuries, your majesty." she silently cursed herself for stuttering.

"Their is no need for formalities, simply 'Jasper' will suffice. Though, I think Pearl will pester for my title in formal events." Jasper got up from her throne. "Three centuries studying politics?" Jasper whistled, clearly impressed. "You're a dedicated one, I like that."

Peridot felt her body tense as Jasper stood before her, towering over her with her massive height.

"It's always been a passion of mine." she replied, toes curling into the shoes she wore. Hopefully within a few days the whole first day on the job jitters would wear off.

"So you get to make a living off of doing what you love?" Jasper questioned.

"I suppose that's one way to put it." Peridot replied. Jasper chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you." she mused. "Are you alright? You seem nervous?"

Did she? Peridot had suspected she may come off as anxious, but wasn't that normal? Jasper was royalty, she could had her head served to her on a platter if she wished it. Wild eyes, made of muscle, hair that not even the most skilled stylist could tame. Royalty was one thing, but a gem with such a striking appearance who could easily break her in half like a twig, that was another thing.

"I-I'm perfectly fine!" she blurted out, far to fast to be believable, even to the most dim witted of clods.

"Are you sure you studied politics? You are one terrible liar." she teased. "Oh, I'm going to have fun with you."

What exactly was Jasper's definition of fun?