Krei Tech. This had been in the works for almost a year now- Joy remembered seeing it on the news when it was confirmed to be built. It was supposed to open today- which made sense why Callaghan would attack it then. Although, up until that point, no one had really known what Callaghan was planning to do- probably ruin the opening. But how? And with what- Hiro's microbots? Or something bigger that would cause more damage?

As the team neared the building, it became clear. Callaghan had Hiro's microbots- but also the portal they had seen in the video. Using the microbots, Callaghan had placed the pieces of the portal together. With the gravitation pull and force, it was ripping apart the building. Callaghan, who's mask wasn't covering his face, seemed to be threatening Krei, who was being held captive in a bundle of microbots.

"Oh well this is great!" Anger muttered.

Baymax stopped close to Callaghan and all members of the team slid off his back, Hiro jumping off last. "Professor Callaghan!" He turned towards them. Hiro pulled off his helmet- despite Fear's protesting. "Let him go." Krei looked terrified. Callaghan just looked mad. "Is this what Abigail would have wanted?" There was note of Fear in Hiro's voice- probably because Fear was trying to take control from Joy.

"Abigail is gone!" Callaghan snapped, making Hiro freeze for a second. With all that had just happened, how could it not? Joy sighed, thinking for a moment before making Hiro answer.

"This won't change anything. Trust me. I know." Silence. Callaghan's expression changed slightly- turning a little softer.

"Are we actually getting through to him?" Disgust muttered after a second, a note of confusion in her voice.

"Listen to the kid, Callaghan!" Krei's panicky voice cut through the silence. "Just let me go- I'll give you anything you want!"

It was like slow motion- watching Callaghan's expression go from unreadable to angry within a second. "I want my daughter back!" He screamed, his mask snapping back onto his face. With one push of Callaghan's arm, microbots shot towards the group.

Fear shrieked, slamming a hand down on one of the buttons. Hiro leapt out of the way- going into a front-roll before jumping back up and getting onto Baymax's back. How, Joy had no idea. "Go for the mask!" Within a couple more seconds, Hiro had shoved the helmet back on his head and Baymax took off.

"Wow- that was awesome!" Joy laughed a little, glancing around at everyone else, who was ignoring him. He smiled a little, turning back towards the screen when Fear shrieked a second time, blowing everyone's eardrums. "LOOK OUT!"

Microbots shot upwards, snapping onto Baymax's feet. Anger yelled the swear word again as the microbots swung Baymax around in a circle- around and around and around...

And then Hiro was thrown off.

"OH GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Fear yelled, pressing as many buttons as possible- trying to find something. "Uhhhh where's the redo button?!" Hiro fell through a window, rolling to stop in the middle of one of the offices. "Are we alive?!" Fear asked, pressing another button. Hiro pushed himself up, groaning.

"Guys." Disgust's eyes were wide. "The portal-"

The gravitational pull took action, pulling Hiro to the top of the room- pinning him against the ceiling. He couldn't move- nothing that Joy or Fear or Anger could do would bring him off the ceiling. "We can't move." Fear reached down, trying to grab the paper-bag that he had placed near him in case of times like these. "We're going to die- oh god."

The second Fear tried to make Hiro move, the roof around Hiro broke. Fear shrieked, slamming on button after button again, making Hiro scream as he was pulling upwards- going through floor after floor until the portal was almost directly above him. "No-" Fear was in the middle of screaming again when he saw the pipe above him. Desperately pulling on a lever, Fear ended up saving their life. Hiro's hands locked on the pipe, keeping him tethered to the real world- and keeping him inches from the portal. "That could have gone a lot worse..." Fear took a deep breath, letting the paper bag drop from his hands. He'd somehow managed to do all of that and keep the bag in his hands at the same time. Joy would have thought it would have broken by now, but shoved it out of his mind. There were more pressing matters.

From where they were suspended, Hiro had a view of everything that was happening down below. Honey was the only part of the team that wasn't captured or stuck in some way or form, but seconds after seeing her, she threw a chem ball. A spike of microbots shot down through it, breaking it, and she covered herself in a chemical dome, saving her- for the time being.

Wasabi was in between two pieces of wall, which were being pushed towards him by microbots, making it impossible for him to move. He'd had to deactivate his plasma hand-things, so he wouldn't accidentally cut himself in half. He was calling for help- he wanted Hiro to help him.

There were four sets of microbots, each grabbing one of Fred's suit-limbs. They were pulling each away from each other, stretching Fredzilla. Joy winced slightly. "That can't be comfortable..." He muttered. Fred was also calling for Hiro's help.

At first, no one could see Gogo- only hear her yelling for help too. "Where is she?!" Anger demanded, groaning. "We can't help her if we don't know where she is!"

"Is she there? In that giant ball of microbots?" Disgust asked, rolling his eyes. "I mean, she's not there. Or there. Or anywhere else. I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you were that dumb."

Joy sighed. Even in the midst of a crisis, the other emotions would still argue.

Also, the other members of the team- everyone now minus Baymax, seeing as Honey had just joined in- was yelling, "Hiro!" over and over again through the com. It was the only thing that Hiro could hear.

"You know..." Anger hissed through gritted teeth. "We're kind of in the middle of our own problems!"

Microbots flew upwards, hitting the glass around Hiro's helmet. Fear sighed, relieved. "Glad we have that... Otherwise those could be poking our eyes out!"

"Then we'd be blind..." Sadness's eyes found the ground. "That's really sad..."

Joy, however, was thinking. Hiro had turned up, watching the microbots get sucked into the portal. "If the microbots aren't attached to anything- the ground of the other microbots..." His eyes widened. "Then they're useless!"

"Yeah, they would be..." Sadness wailed, collapsing forwards.

For a second, Joy was confused, then he pushed a button. "That's it! I know how to beat him!" Hiro turned, looking back down at where his friends and Callaghan were. "Listen up. Use those big brains of yours to think your way around the problem. Look for a new angle!"

No one said anything- but everyone was thinking the same thing.


Almost seconds later, Wasabi reached down, slicing through the ground with one of his plasma-hands. He slid through the hole, the pieces of wall crashing together. He activated the other one, smiling as he laughed joyously. Honey was the next one to take Hiro/Tadashi's advice. She appeared through a hole one of the microbot-spikes had created. The microbot spike was covered with chemical substance. A moment later, Fred realized that he wasn't being stretched- only the suit was. His hand stuck out of the mouth of his suits mouth, grabbing a piece of sign-shaped metal. He spun it, cutting the microbots that were holding the arms and legs of his suit until he was completely free. The top of the microbot ball sliced open and Gogo jumped out of it. Joy smiled a little. Now all that was left was Baymax. And himself.

"Now maybe they can help us." Disgust rolled his eyes. "Because we can't really get out of this without being sucked into the portal-"

The pipe Hiro was holding broke.

Fear yelped, slamming down on the console again. A brief thought that it might break flashed through Joy's mind, but when Hiro grabbed onto a rope, the thought was gone. If it broke, they could always get a new one. If Fear kept Hiro alive long enough too...

"We should stop now." Fear nodded his head. "We should go home... We're going to die if we keep like this-"

"There's Baymax!" Joy cut him off, pointing at where Baymax was being covered by microbots. He couldn't move. "Baymax!"

Something sharp slammed against Hiro's shoulder- something no one had seen. Fear's eyes widened, but he didn't yell- maybe because the dangerous, pointy object was gone and all that was left was a throbbing pain in Hiro's left shoulder. Hiro groaned. "Ow..." Fear tried to see how much damage the sharp object had caused, but couldn't through the layers of sweatshirt and t-shirts. Something else caught his attention- an explosion of microbots. A red fist was flying up towards Hiro, joined by the rest of Baymax moments later. A smile spread across Joy's face. As soon as Baymax got close enough, Hiro let go of the rope and, for a scary second, just flew upwards. But Baymax was there- he caught him. Hiro clicked his magnets into place and smiled.

They were getting there- but it wasn't over yet.

"Wow- guys we're awesome!" Joy laughed, drumming his clenched fists on the side of the console.

Baymax flew over to where his friends were regrouping, spinning backwards before falling and landing with a giant, dramatic THUD on the ground. "Okay!" Hiro called. "New plan- forget the mask. Take out the bots; they'll get sucked into the portal!"

"Now that is a plan!" Wasabi smiled confidently activating his plasma blades.

"Fred! Honey!" They glanced over. "Can you give us some cover?"

"Like you have to ask!" Joy could only assume he was laughing behind his mask.

Honey pressed buttons on her chem-ball-producing-purse. "Let's do this, Freddie!" Honey smiled happily, throwing 3 chem balls into the air.

Fred jumped and blasted fire at them, shouting, "Smoke screen!" The chem balls exploded, producing a bluish gas that quickly covered the entire battleground.

"We need to be above the smoke..." Fred nodded enthusiastically, forcing Hiro to take Baymax above the cloud. "We could die if we run into Callaghan's microbot supports... Or the walls of Krei Tech... Or one of our friends..." He tapped his foot impatiently on the ground. "We're being so dangerous right now..."

Everyone ignored him, watching as Callaghan controlled the microbots- forcing them to fly out of the smoke. Baymax shot upwards, avoiding them easily. They were getting closer and closer to the portal... "Ready... And- DIVE!" Hiro shouted. Baymax dove downwards, his fist outstretched. His fist collided with the microbots, shattering them. A glance backwards confirmed that they were flying upwards, into the portal.

Wasabi's voice came through the com. "Whoa- gravity's getting a little weird here, guys... Wait." He paused. Joy wondered briefly if he was thinking about Tada- Hiro's advice. "Let's use this!" He gave what Joy assumed was a war cry. Down through the smoke, there was a faint green glow coming from Wasabi's plasma swords. Microbots were floating up by it, getting sucked towards the portal.

There was a much more terrifying battle cry from Gogo. It sounded like she said, "WOMAN UP!" but no one was really sure, seeing as Baymax was avoiding getting hit again. Microbots flew up near Callaghan, so Joy assumed that Gogo was breaking his stabilizers.

Joy's focus was suddenly back onto Hiro- as soon as Fear yelled something about more microbots. Callaghan was shooting more microbots towards Hiro and Baymax. Baymax was easily avoiding and destroying the microbots, so Joy let his focus return back to Hiro's friends.

Fred's voice came through the com next- it was more of a yell. "Double sign spin." A bright orangey-red light lit up underneath the smoke. Fire, Joy realized in a second. His eyes widened slightly, but he prayed Fear wouldn't notice. It wouldn't do Hiro any good to have an anxiety attack in the middle of the fight. "NOW MY SIGNS ARE ON FIRE!"

Lucky for Hiro, there was a really loud explosion that drew everyone's attention- including Fear, who look like he was about to freak out or scream again. Honey's laughter sounded through the com next, yelling, "Now THAT'S a chemical reaction!"

Callaghan was sending more and more microbots at Hiro and Baymax, but none of them did any damage. Baymax was destroying all of them- and even saying the karate names when he did them. "Side kick! Knife hand! Roundhouse! Hammer fist!"

Callaghan stuck out both hands, obviously extremely angry now. The microbots acted like hands- both sets of them grabbing either side of Baymax, so he couldn't move. "Oh god." Fear grabbed the paper bag again. "This is it- we're dead now. He's going to send us up into the portal and- and we're going to-"

"THIS ENDS NOW!" Callaghan shouted before throwing both his hands up again. Joy shut his eyes, praying their plan had worked.

Nothing happened.

Callaghan threw his hands up again.

Nothing happened.

A smile spread over Joy's face and he pressed a button. "Looks like you're out of microbots."

"What…" Callaghan looked down at the ground, which was visible now, as the bluish smoke was disappearing.

"Baymax." Hiro said. Baymax burst through the microbots, then flew down at Callaghan at full speed. His fist was oustretched, ready to end Callaghan once and for all.

"What are you doing?!" Disgust yelped. "We just went over this- we are not killing-"

Baymax stopped, his fist still oustretched an inch in front of Callaghan's face.

He looked up, obviously surprised- even if his expressions here hidden by the mask. "Our programming prevents us from injuring another human being." Hiro added.

"Wow, that was the best thing you could come up with?" Disgust rolled his eyes. "Wow Joy. Just wow."

"But we'll take that." Baymax reached down, grabbing the mask of Callaghan's face and crunching it in his fist. Almost immediately, the microbots holding up Callaghan and the portal deactivated, breaking apart and started to fall, letting Callaghan and the portal fall with them. Baymax grabbed Callaghan and flew out of the way of the falling portal, landing on the ground next to the rest of the team. Hiro jumped off Baymax, smiling as the portal fell onto the ground. Immediately, the gravity felt off.

"The portals not off!" Joy's eyes widened with realization. Hiro spun around, seeing the still-active portal. "It's still on! We have to shut it down!" Hiro turned to face Krei, Callaghan- who was in Fred's grip, and the team.

"We can't! The containment field is failing- the portal is going to tear itself apart!" Krei shouted in response.

"So basically we need to get out of here?" Fear asked hopefully. "We should listen to him- he made the portal!"

"We need to get out of here! Now!" Hiro yelled, running away from the portal with his friends following.

Fear sighed with relief. "For the first time in our entire life, you're actually listening to me! Hold on, I need a camera-"

"Baymax!" Hiro shouted, turning around. Baymax wasn't following them- he was staring at the portal still.

"Why are we not moving?" Fear said, laughing in a scared way. "Come on, we need to go so we don't die!"

"My sensors are detecting signs of life." Baymax stated.


"From there." Baymax pointed at the portal. "The signs are female. She appears to be in hyper sleep."

Joy's eyes widened with sudden realization. "Callaghan's daughter! She's still alive!" Hiro exclaimed.

Joy turned to face everyone else. "We need to go get her."

"Abigail..." Callaghan turned to face the portal too, a look of terror and astonishment on his face.

"Why should we?" Anger asked. "What has Callaghan ever done to make us want to go and get his daughter?"

"She's alive in a portal." Joy urged. "Who knows, maybe she and her dad are completely different! We need to go get her!"

Hiro climbed onto Baymax's back again. "Let's go get her."

"What?!" Fear's eyes widened.

"The portal is destabilizing- you'll never make it!" Krei added, obviously trying to call Hiro off.

"She's alive in here." Hiro answered determinedly. "Someone has to help." Everyone looked to Joy in surprise again- he'd just quoted Tadashi again- but Joy barely seemed to notice. Hiro looked to Baymax. "What do you say, buddy?"

"Flying makes me a better healthcare companion." Baymax answered. Hiro smiled as Baymax flew upwards. Hiro pulled him down and he flew straight forwards- into the portal.

"Whoa..." It was like seeing color for the first time. The inside of the portal mostly consisted of purple, blue, and pink- but they were so beautiful and blended together, making it breathtaking. The only problem was the time limit- and the mass amount of Krei Tech debri everywhere. They would be lucky not to crash- but they wouldn't crash.

As long as Fear didn't accidentally make them.

"Watch out- there's Krei Tech debri everywhere!" Hiro warned Baymax, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

Dodging microbots and dodging Krei Tech debri wasn't that different- they were both coming at Baymax and both would kill Hiro and Baymax if they hit them hard enough. The only difference was that Krei Tech debri was a lot harder to destroy- the gravity was weird. Plus they were really pressed for time.

"If we get stuck in here," Disgust added, "I'm going to kill someone."

Hiro almost got hit with a big piece of Krei Tech a few seconds later. Fear, luckily, noticed it and shoved a lever forwards. Hiro yelled, "Look out!" and jumped off Baymax's back, front-rolling onto the piece before getting up and running forwards. Baymax had turned around so Hiro could see his face. Up ahead, there was a broken window- big enough for Hiro to jump out.

"Okay, we need to do this right or else we're going to fall and die..." Fear took a shaky breath. "Okay... One... Two-" He miscalculated slightly. Disgust punched down on a button, making Hiro jump through the window. Fear took another shaky breath, shaking his head as Hiro fell into Baymax's arms. Into safety.

"I have located the patient." Baymax added, looking up. There was a pod- the same pod that had been in the video.

"Hurry!" Hiro urged, moving so he was back onto Baymax's back. As soon as the magnets were in place again, Baymax shot forwards, avoiding all Krei Tech debri and getting to the pod within seconds. Hiro wiped away some of the frost that was covering the glass, showing Abigail Callaghan.

"Okay... She's alive..." Joy nodded, sighing deeply. "And we still have time..."

"Come on buddy, let's get her home." Hiro said, glancing at Baymax. Hiro got off of Baymax's back, getting onto the pod instead. He grabbed the top of it as Baymax moved so he was behind it, able to propel it forwards with his rocket boots. "I'll guide you out of here. Let's go!" Baymax activated his boots, sending the pod forwards.

Hiro shouted directions, guiding Baymax over obstacles, around them, and under them until they were in the clear. "Nice flying!" He glanced out at the portal- which was growing closer and closer. "Almost there!"

Joy smiled. "Guys- we're going to do it! We're not going to loose anyone-"

Baymax started to move. Hiro turned to look behind him and immediately, Baymax covered Hiro. There was a crushing sound and Hiro opened his eyes again, Baymax wasn't covering him anymore. He was floating out near him. Half of his armor was gone, in little pieces around him. Baymax had saved them- The debri had struck him instead of Hiro. "BAYMAX!" He looked up, his broken armor surrounding him. Hiro stood up, reaching out. "Baymax!"

"No..." Joy shook his head. "No, we're still going to get out of here." He swallowed, knowing- which Baymax's broken armor- it was going to be hard. And the portal was getting closer and closer to exploding...

Baymax looked down at his rocket-boosters, which sparked and went out. He looked back up. "My thrusters are inoperable."

"Just grab hold!" Hiro stretched his hand out further. Baymax reached out, grabbing Hiro's hand. For a scary moment, nothing happened. And then Hiro pulled Baymax in. He looked back at the portal. It had seemed to close before- they had been so close.

"There is still a way I can get you both to safety." Baymax said. Hiro looked back over at him, then down at what he was doing. His remaining rocket-fist was pressed up against the capsule. "I can not deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care."

It all came over Joy at once. Baymax was going to sacrifice himself to save Hiro and Abigail- he was going to shoot his rocket fist, sending them out of the portal. But he was going to shoot backwards and be lost inside the portal.


"No no no no- wait. What about you?!" Hiro protested. Joy had stepped back, letting Fear and Sadness take over. His hand covered his mouth in disbelief. This isn't happening. He tried to tell himself, but he knew it was. It was happening- and it was the only way.

"You are my patient." Baymax said

"B-Baymax, no!" Hiro was almost crying. Headquarters was dead silent.

"Your health is my only concern." He continued.

"Stop!" Hiro protested. "I'm going to figure-"

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax asked.

"No!" Hiro snapped. "There's gotta be another way- I'm not going to leave you here! I'll think of something!" Hiro's voice broke. Joy knew they were only putting it off. It was the only way under such a time limit. Baymax was going to have to sacrifice himself. He was going to stay here.

Hiro was going to loose the next-best thing to Tadashi.

He was going to loose his best friend.

"There is no time." Baymax answered. "Are you satisfied with your care?"

"Please…" Hiro was begging now. "I can't lose you too."

"Hiro. I will always be with you."

Joy shook his head, wiping at the tears that were coming from the corners of his eyes. He wouldn't cry- he had to stay positive. It was his job- always to look at the bright side of things and to be happy all the time. But... Looking at Baymax, how willing he was to sacrifice himself for Hiro and for this person neither or us have met, how much he is like Tadashi... It hurt. It hurt. Hiro reached out, hugging Baymax. A silent moment passed, then Baymax hugged him back.

Hiro blinked back more tears as he pulled away. Keeping one hand on his shoulder, Hiro took a shaky breath, then said the 5 words Joy never wanted to hear again. "I'm satisfied with my care."

Baymax blinked once, then looked down at his fist.

Hiro grabbed onto the capsule and looked back. It seemed to happen in slow motion. Baymax fired his fist, the capsule shot forwards, he shot backwards. He didn't look scared. He didn't hesitate. It was almost like he was willing to do anything for Hiro's safety.


The portal exploded seconds after Hiro, Abigail, and the pod shot out of it. A sad, dead silence fell over Headquarters. Joy bit his lip, trying to find positive words...

...but they wouldn't come.

Despite knowing Baymax for only a month- if even that-, it was like loosing Tadashi again. Baymax had been a better friend than anyone Hiro had ever met before- unless you counted Tadashi. Baymax had filled the hole that was missing in Hiro's life- if only for a few weeks.

Now it was empty again.

But... more healed.

The pod landed bumpily, rocking slightly as Baymax's rocket-fist started to deactivate. Sadness was still in control- but what did you expect? Joy didn't feel like he wanted to take control, as if his own yellow light would be tinted with the blue of Sadness. He knew he had to get back to being positive- but not yet.

After all, Hiro did need time to grief.

But... maybe not as long as it had taken with Tadashi.

They wouldn't have wanted for Hiro to sit around his room and mourn them- not for a long time, anyways. They would want Hiro to get out there- to go to SFIT and change the world.

And that was what Joy planned to make Hiro do- when he was ready, of course.

"Hiro!" Wasabi sounded relieved.

"He doesn't know." Were the only words out of Fear's mouth. They sounded sad and worried.

"Yeah, they made it!" Fred was bouncing, jumping happily. No one said anything- they knew if they did, then everything would just.. collapse. Hiro's composition would shatter and he would start sobbing. Sadness would start to slam every button on the panel and everything would just... be wrecked- wrecked even worse than it already was.

"Baymax?" Wasabi had stopped, along with everyone else.

Hiro hung his head, not wanting to answer.

Everyone seemed to understand, because no one said anything. It was silent- a moment of silence for Baymax.

Hiro looked over at the woman in the capsule. She was still breathing.

A faint ghost of a smile appeared on Joy's face. "He wasn't gone for nothing."

"We are so late!" Disgust groaned. "They've probably already left us! School is almost starting-"

"Relax, we still have like 15 minutes!" Joy laughed as Hiro made his way down the stairs, his blue SFIT hoodie on instead of his trademark, dark blue one. "Besides, I don't think they'd leave us..."

"That would be sad..." Sadness lowered his head. "Maybe I should drive-"

"No!" Joy shook his head, smiling widely. "No, we have nothing to be sad about! Come on, think positively! The day's just started- everything's gonna be awesome!"

"Hi!" Hiro stopped by the table his friends were at. None of them had really changed since the battle- they were the same old friends that Hiro had met that day Tadashi brought him to SFIT for the first time.

The battle against Yokai/Callaghan had been all over the news- but no one knew who had stopped him.

"This is so exciting!" Honey exclaimed, standing up with everyone else. They were going to SFIT for the first time with Hiro- Hiro's first day of college, however days it may be overdue. Everything was exciting- despite the fact that Fear had listened so many ways that this day could go wrong while they were getting ready.

Aunt Cass walked over, holding a paper-bag and smiling. Hiro took it, smiling. Joy bit his lip, pressed another button. "Last hug." Everyone in headquarters nodded, smiling a little- even Anger, who was still fuming from last night, when he and Joy had had an arguement about whether the world should know about him, Hiro Hamada, being a part of the team that had saved the city. "Bye!" Hiro pulled away, running up to join his friends.

Going to San Fransokyo- at first- had seemed like a challenge, but now it just seemed natural. Walking around the amazing campus with his fellow superhero friends just added to the effect.

Hiro ended up getting Tadashi's lab. Everything, for the most part, stayed where it was. Hiro just brought in a lot of his own personal items he didn't want to keep at home.

Including Baymax's rocket fist.

"Okay, and that should go there." Fear said to Joy, making him put the fist on a top shelf. "It's the safest there, I think."

Joy nodded, smiling. "Alright..." Hiro went to walk away, but Joy made him stay. He patted the fist, smiling before fist bumping it. "Bada-lada-lada-la." He really went to walk away, when something green caught Joy's eyes. "Wait."

"What, can we announce to the world now-" Anger started.

Joy made Hiro walk back and open the fingers of the rocket fist. Inside, on his palm, lay a single, green heath care chip.

One memory flashed through Joy's head- one with Tadashi. "Programmed him with over 10,000 medical procedures. This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax."

It didn't take Hiro 84 tries. It took him a few- he wasn't keep track, but it was less than 10.


The robot inflated in front of me. "I am Baymax."

"Hello Hiro."

"We didn't set out to be superheros.

But sometimes before doesn't go as you plan.

The thing was, my brother wanted to help a lot of people.

And that's what we're going to do.

Who are we?"

After all, Joy thought as Hiro and Baymax sped through San Fransokyo, Hiro was the lead superhero, saving people and the city multiple times. Plus he was now a college student at 14. His birthday was only a few months away. What could happen?

The End.

A/N: And that's it.

Thank you guys so so so so much for all the follows, favorites, and reviews- I mean, 100 follows, over 10,000 views(whaaaaat?!) and over 50 reviews? I'm in shock. It means so much to me that you could would read Inside Hiro and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you.

This will be marked complete, but there will be one or two more updates- but they won't be in any sort of order. They may not be soon- but I won't forget. The extra chapters will be- well, extras. Other people's emotions, mostly ;)

I hope you guys all had amazing holidays and again- thank you thank you thank you!
