It's a Saturday morning when Wally asks Artemis to be his girlfriend. It's hours after they kissed for the first time at the changing of the year and they're both coming out of a nap they involuntarily took after way too much kissing and goofing around at the mountain. It doesn't seem like Wally has to ask, but it still seems weird that he hadn't asked yet. So instead of good morning, she's met out of her slumber with a "so, are we a couple now?"
She never really officially answers, but Wally's pretty confident her kiss means yes.
It's a Saturday morning when Artemis first meets his family. They'd been dating for a few months and he had insisted that she joined one day for breakfast – and no, Wally didn't seem to think it was weird at all to invite someone over for breakfast – so she had to give up and say yes. She's so nervous her skin feels like it's going to come off, and even though Wally is reassuring all the way over, she knows better. Her family is not good and neither is her past and his parents are going to see it right away – you're not good enough for him.
His mother hugs her really tight, though, when she's leaving, and says lowly on her ear that she's glad her son has her.
Maybe she was wrong after all.
It's a Saturday morning when Wally first meets her mom. She remembers him saying that he wanted her to go over for breakfast because it's the best meal, so it seemed only fair that she invited him over for breakfast as well. He accepts right away, apparently really eager to meet her mom, and she can't shake the feeling of happiness that sets in her stomach at that. He brings her mom her favorite flowers and tells her all the right jokes and compliments the perfect amount of things.
As she kisses him goodbye on the door, she can feel her mother beaming. It's a nice feeling, for once.
It's a Saturday morning when Artemis realizes she's in love with him. They've been together for a lot of months by then and the night before she'd been hurt during a mission. Nothing major, but it granted her a night in the med bay with some meds to knock her off. She wakes up to the early sounds of morning and it doesn't take her long to notice the full head of red hair that is resting alongside her arm on the bed, his hand holding hers. Her smile is involuntary and she just feels so much love for him that it's impossible to keep it inside. Trusting the fact that he's sleeping, she lightly murmurs "I love you".
His face is turned to the other side, so she can't see it, but he soundlessly says is back.
It's a Saturday morning but Artemis is not expecting anything big to happen. She'd come to notice a pattern in their first year together on how they seemed to always take important steps during Saturdays, specifically mornings, but they've been together for almost three years now and all the steps that were to be taken by then had been rightfully taken, most of them a while ago.
They're at his room having breakfast, enjoying the fact that the dorm will be free the entire weekend, talking mostly about the upcoming midterms when during a change of subject Wally casually asks her if she'd like to move into a place with him.
Her heart skips a beat as her brain comprehends his words and for a moment she wonders if that's how Wally feels, because it's like everything is moving around super slowly in front of her, or maybe it's just her thoughts that are too fast.
She composes herself quiakly, not wanting to overreact or giveaway how important this feels for her, and nonchalantly replies "sure".
For a moment it's like he's confused about what she just said, but he soon recomposes himself too and pulls her in for a kiss.
It all escalates quickly and the last thing she thinks before losing herself in him is that she really loves Saturday mornings.
She makes sure they schedule their move on a Saturday. None of the helpers seems happy about it, but she couldn't care less.
This is another step for her and Wally and the only important thing is that they take it together.
And they do. And it's a Saturday morning.