
It's the first thing it knows. The warmth permeates everything, bathing in the liquid quiet and comfort it feels that it hasn't ever gotten.

Silence softens the edges of a memory the creature isn't suppose to have and the conscious of the animal fades.

Fading in and out of awareness, at first, it doesn't notice any change. The creature notices nothing but the Warmth and Quiet.

This time, there is noise outside the Quiet and Warmth. At first it curls in on itself, afraid of—

Afraid of what?

The creature can't recall, but knows instinctually that outside the Quiet and Warmth there lies something to be afraid of. Knowing this, it's conscious retreats.

The next time it awakes, the noise is there again. Yet softer, comforting, the noise sounds familiar and totally alien in the same instant. But what is it?


Mother? But mother is dead, or so the creature thinks. It is very confused as awareness fades again.


As the animal's awareness begins to last longer than a flash, it experiences the emotion: boredom. Somehow the fledging is well acquainted with it. Even when it knows that should not be possible.

Searching for something to destroy the lingering presence of boredom it begins to move.

First a twitch, then a tap,

It—he, for the creature is male, slowly becomes attuned to a body that it has always known, and yet, has never known before. The sense of duality is slightly unsettling until acceptance prevails and the sensation is forgotten in favour of control.

A wiggle of a limb,

A shimmy of the torso,

Muscles retract and release,

Organs shift with movement,

Sensation is created,

The rush of—of—something along his veins, igniting his blood

Basic knowledge and instincts are picked up from the noise outside his Warmth and Quiet. Strangely, another set of instincts ignites from within, melding the fledgling's raw creature instinct with something…. Other

Of the same and yet, somehow… not

The duality is common now and is given no further notice. He has worn himself out and is swept away from awareness.

As the male wakes again with excitement, something important is coming. He tries to wiggle, but succeeds with difficulty. The feeling of being in a too small a place is setting in again—


And he knows it's time to leave his Warmth and Quiet. Slowly, as if to test its stability the fledgling flexes against the lining of his Place.

The walls are solid and unyielding against his tender flesh. Determination and a stubborn streak born from his many trials in a life long gone, the creature continues to press, shove and bully against the walls of his Place.

In what takes seemingly days at a time, he manages to move the walls of his Place. Renewed with hope the fledging struggles harder, knowing instinctually that Mother is waiting for him.

With his last burst of strength and an almighty crack! His Warmth and Quiet disappeared as he leapt full tilt into a burning light.

Few moments were spent in exhausted silence before the light becomes bearable and the fledging is aware of the shadow above him. Craning his heavy skull, he sees his Flesh-Mother. Her skin was a dazzling pearl blue and deep fern green, eyes piercing and protective golden.

Slowly, the tiny male notices others, more cracks sound,


The young male is excited. He's never had siblings before!

Gripped by a sudden and childish glee, the youngling inhales deeply, lifts his head and lets out a shrill and loud shriek of delight.

Flesh-Mother swings her head about, concentrating on him. He quickly turns around to one of his already freed siblings—a female—and bunches himself before launching himself at her, barrelling the both of them into another sibling.

It had been many seasons since his Beginning.

The young Flier, known by the Land-Kin as Ikran, has grown strong and healthy.

Softly he tilts his head, cooing to his siblings and dips below the tree line of the gigantic forest that covers most of the Flock's territory.

Out of sight, he swiftly navigates through the trees, an agility honed by a Life Long Gone and learned through a new body. Nearing the site of Land-Kin's Nest, the male Flier under goes an extra-ordinary change.

Harnessing the power in his blood, a Flier's body twists, cracks and shapes itself into another form.

None of his Flock knows of this ability – not even his siblings or Flesh-Mother – they can never know. Only one knows, Spirit-Mother - Mother of All. She is the beating of the planet, a voice known to all animals, presence welcomed and revered.


Now standing in his other form, one of The People. Blue and two-legged, he recalls the ability to walk on two from another Life.

The life of another male, who lived on another planet – A life riddled with misery and betrayal so extreme that his Spirit-Mother, their Gaia, sent his soul in sorrowful plea into the ever silence of space.

Eywa answered her Call.

Breathed Life again into the weary soul, gave him form. In tribute to his first home, She left the power unique to his first kind. Buried in his blood, twisted to suit his new home; the soul once known as Harry Potter started life anew.