"Okay, I'm gonna ask, Wally, what the hell are you doing?" Robin said after a few minutes of him and the rest of the team exchanging looks mentally debating who should ask Wally what he is doing.

"I'm making our logo" Wally answered.

"Our what?" Megan asked.

"Our Superhero Team Logo, you know, EVERY team has a logo" Wally said.

"Well what do you got so far?" Batgirl asked.

"A pile of trash" Wally answered.

"Well, we could help" Artemis said and Wally shot her a confused glance as he raised an eyebrow.

"What's your game, blondie? You don't do nice" Wally asked.

"No I don't, not to you anyways, but if we are gonna have a logo then I don't really trust you sense of judgment.. I mean look at your hair" Artemis said.

"Yup that's the she devil in green I know" Wally said "And what's wrong with my hair?"

Artemis just rolled her eyes, took some pencils and papers and handed them down to the rest.

"Okay so I was thinking maybe we would need a name, how about Young Justice?" Wally tried.

"No, what? That's stupid, totally lame" they all said.

"Okay okay, sheesh, forget I said anything" Wally said in annoyance.

After a few hours..

"Okay so maybe we can put all the pieces of our drawings together on one big poster" Zee suggested.

"No that won't work, it will be.. too much" Artemis said.

"Actually, I believe she may have a point, we will never settle on one master piece so we should try to combine them all" Kaldur said.

"Then let's do it" Wally said "I'll go get a poster".

Wally speeded and with mere seconds he was back with a huge poster.

"OK, so this is how it goes, everyone draw with a pencil a larger version of what you drew on the paper and then if we like it we'll use a marker" Wally said.

"Aye aye, captain obvious" Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Okay so I am gonna take the middle" Wally said ignoring Artemis's comment and started drawing.

Wally started writing Young Justice on the poster in the middle, despite everyone's protests and insults.

Everyone started drawing their logo on different sides, arrow head, S symbol, X symbol (Miss M), R symbol (Rob), Bat (Batgirl), lightening and so on.

After they finished drawing with pencils, they all stood and looked.

"I don't know, something is missing" Artemis said.

"What? The sponsored by the JL line?" Wally joked and she just rolled her eyes.

"No" Artemis said.

"Colors?" Robin tried.

"No" Artemis said.

"I think I know what you're thinking about" Batgirl said with a grin. She took a pencil and with a smirk wrote under the Young Justice logo with a smaller line yet visible from a far Goudy Stout font Don't Call Them Sidekicks.

"Better" Artemis said with a grin at Batgirl's way.

"OK now painting?" Robin asks.

"Let's use glitter glue" Megan suggests.

"YASS" Zatanna says.

"Yeah sure why not?" Batgirl said as she nodded and Artemis shrugged her shoulders.

"Uuuhh no" Wally said.

"What? Why not?" Zatanna asked.

"Because it's stupid and girly" Wally said and Zatanna and Megan roll their eyes while Artemis and Batgirl glared at him and all the guys face palm.

"Oh shit" the three guys backed away from Wally.

"You shouldn't have said that" Robin whispered as if it is obvious.

"You officially lost this fight" Conner said.

"Wait what? You're not backing me up?" Wally whispered back.

"Sorry buddy" Robin said.

"OK you have three seconds to run" Batgirl said.

"I run fast" Wally said.

"You can run, but you can't hide" Artemis declared "And I rather have my revenge when you are tired and panting".

Wally is actually terrified.. even though he wouldn't be tired from running but Artemis scared him.

"Now run" Batgirl said and Wally did, but she opened her wrest computer and locked down the cave before he had a chance to leave or zeta anywhere.

"Girls, get the glitter glue ready" Batgirl said "We're hunting speedsters".

The guys couldn't help but laugh at the girls following Wally around the cave and trapping him every now and then spilling glitter glue all over him.

After a few hours of chasing glittering Wally gave in "OK, OK, I'm sorry I didn't mean it.. god how much energy do you girls have?"

"A lot" Megan answered.

"Okay, sorry, truce?" Wally suggested, the girls gave each other looks and then nodded.

Wally was covered with glitter glue so he thought, and he thought fast he wants one thing revenge, and he is gonna get it on a glittery plate.

"OK let's finish our logo" Wally said with a smirk.

"Glitter glue?" Megan said excited.

"Yes, glitter glue" Wally sighed.

"Gave up so fast?" Robin asked.

"Don't start" Wally said.

"OK let's do this" Artemis said but before anyone can do anything Wally speeded and got two glue bottles and put one in each hand and then squeezed them both at the gang.

No one could escape Wally's rain of terror and here goes the glitter.

Batgirl was the first to retaliate, she got a glue bottle and aimed it at Wally, oh he is going down.

"Artemis" Batgirl the girl hiding behind the couch, when she looked at her, Batgirl threw the glitter glue bottle to her and Artemis fired it at Wally, handling the bottle as if it was an AK-47.

Wally's bottle was empty so he ran towards Megan and disarmed her of any glue bottles and started putting the others down.

Soon it was just him, Artemis, Robin and Batgirl. Aqualad was stuck to the couch, Conner ended up stuck to the roof, Megan stuck to Zatanna in the kitchen and Robin switched sides and was backing Wally up.

"Switch" Robin said and then Wally leaned down as Robin flipped over him and landed in front of Batgirl (Who was fighting Wally) and Wally was in Artemis's face (Who was fighting Robin).

"Miss me?" Wally said.

"Not one bit" Artemis answered.

"Let's do this, blondie" Wally said.

"Your move, Kid Mouth" Artemis said.

Recognized Batman 02, Black Canary 13

"What is going on?" Black Canary said anger rising in her voice as she put her hands to her hips.

"We can explain" Batgirl said.

"You can explain why you are glued to fridge, Megan and Zatanna stuck together, Kaldur can't get off the couch that is upside down, Conner is stuck to the roof, Robin is stuck to the Chandelier and Wally and Artemis are stuck to.. a sign that says Young Justice? What kind of a dumb name is that anyways?" Batman said.

"Told you" Artemis whispered to Wally.

"And since when do we have a chandelier?" BC asked "What happened while we were gone?"

"Wally did it" Almost everyone yelled.

"Is this glitter glue?" BC asked.

"Wally didn't know how to use it" Robin said.

"How can you not know how to use glue? What, did you skip preschool?" BC asked furious.

"Only cause I was dating this second grader.. total babe" Wally said.. he was having trouble talking since some of his face was glued to the poster, with his front body glued to the poster, and so was Artemis but her head was facing in an opposite direction so the two were facing each other.

"Ass" Artemis said as she went to hit him on the back of his head, but her hand got stuck.

"That's it! NEW RULE" Batman said and everyone sighed.. even Canary.

"No Giving Wally Glitter Glue" Batman wrote on the rule board.

"Clean yourselves up, you have training" Canary said.

"A little help?" Conner asked.

"You will get yourself down without our help" Batman said "Will make you learn how to NOT get yourselves in messes you can't handle".

After the two Leaguers left to give them time to get cleaned up.

"Batman's a dick" Conner said mostly to Robin and Batgirl as if to make sure they are aware of the fact.

"We know" the two said.

Hey guys I know it's been forever and more since I last updated this story but... ... ... Uuuummm sorry?

Anyways hope you enjoyed, follow, fav and Review your suggestions as usual and if I forgot one of your suggestion or skipped it.. it's was an accident and I will work on getting all your suggestions.