I wrote this because I was bored and just wanted to reserve this story here.

Review if you want to see more.

Also, no, he cannot join her peerage due to the fact that he's technically a god with godly powers. He will be helping her though.

In this fic, Kaguya wants to destroy all life instead of using the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Hope you enjoy it. I wrote it in one sitting.

Rias Gremory was quietly sitting at the windowsill of her family's mansion in the world of the living, staring out at the moon in a contemplative fashion. She was troubled and sad, which was strange considering that ever since she was a little girl, the redhead had received everything she wanted, no questions asked.

Okay, some questions were asked by her parents when she ordered manga by the dozens. What? It wasn't her fault that they were good. 'Shokugeki no Souma' was the best!

Her trouble lay in the form of being lonely. It wasn't as if she was 'alone' per say. She had her family with her, consisting of her sis-con older brother, Grayfia-nee, her parents and their peerage members as well as the servants and maids, all of whom loved her dearly for her kindness and gentle heart.

The girl sighed, brushing her crimson red hair before gently placing it behind her shoulder.

But what she wanted, what she truly yearned for, was a friend –not a relative- who could understand her. She wanted one that would chat with her whenever they could, talking about random things under the sun. Definitely crack jokes in order to make her smile when she was sad, to make her laugh when she cried. She wanted someone to pick her up after she had fallen, but just after both of them shared a laugh together over the situation. Rias wanted to spend the nights huddled together with said friend, sleeping in each other's rooms and just playing or chatting until the sun came up.

Sona Sitri filled up on one of those many slots she had in her heart, but she just hit the bare minimum. The glasses wearing girl was a shut-in who preferred to stay in her own house to read large and musty tomes, choosing to expand her knowledge instead of hanging out with Rias.

Now that she thought about it, Sona was more of an acquaintance than a friend really. Whenever they were together, only Rias would speak and Sona would hum or grunt softly in response to her words before an awkward silence would lapse between them, usually ending in Sona picking up another book to bury herself in and Rias sighing in a disappointed fashion. Games of chess against the girl were fun but after playing the classic strategy board game with Sona hundreds of times, with them usually ending in ties, it was getting on her nerves just how repetitive every match was. Rias supposed that she had tried her best to form a friendship with the girl and would now leave their relationship to the future to decide.

The reasoning she had begun to have such thoughts?

Not too long ago, she had received a set of chess pieces from her older brother, courtesy of one of the Yondai Mao, Ajuka Beelzebub. The pieces were rare, in that only higher ranking Devils could get them. Named Evil Pieces, the intention was to use the pieces to increase the population of Devils by reincarnating those willing to turn to Devil-hood or those dead, and they apparently held the power to bring the (recently) deceased back to life and turn them into members of her peerage. It didn't really matter if they were deceased or not, but the point was that she wanted to use them to get the friends she so desperately wanted.

She had yet to use one, but was itching to reach over and grab one to make a new friend. That was her current problem. She couldn't just pick out to a random person and force them to become her friend, that was both socially and morally wrong.

Her bright turquoise eyes met the round and pale yellow moon, staring wistfully at the glowing circle that hung in the darkness. The night sky was clear of clouds and the glowing orb was surrounded endlessly by glittering stars, the sky glimmering dimly like black silk under light. It was irritating that her Devil vision took away the darkness, making everything look semi-bright as if it were daytime. At times like these, it kind of ruined the melancholic and reflective mood she had.

Curse her perfect eyesight!

Gazing down from the moon to the forests that were beyond the boundary, she realised that the night was awfully silent, with the animals that were in the nearby forest all asleep. The whole estate that belonged to the Gremory's on the human realm was shrouded in darkness; with none of the lights were on, meaning that everyone in the vicinity was asleep. And she was the only one who was still awake.

Glancing at the electronic clock at her tableside, she noticed that it was already twelve in the morning, if the blinking green lights were to be believed. But the little red head still wasn't tired, she still had energy to burn and could stay awake for a few more hours.

A pang of loneliness hit her heart and Rias turned back to the window.

"I wonder... if..."

She supposed she could play make-believe couldn't she? Befriend the one person, or thing, who always stayed up with her on such lonesome nights. She vaguely recalled reading books about how the moon was alive, or it held a rabbit… or a man… She was slightly certain it was a man or something along those lines.

It couldn't hurt to try, could it?

Desperation often led to interesting ideas and good things, she supposed.

Unless you were stuck on an island without anything of worth. Then desperation would probably have to be either starvation or self-mutilation and then cannibalism. Not a good thing.

Ignoring her thoughts about being stranded on a deserted island, she rushed to the closet and quickly yanked the doors open before kneeling down, using the moonlight to search for her chest she kept hidden. Upon finding said chest, which was covered in a pair of bear panties and a few casual t-shirts, Rias opened the top up and uncovered the box which held her Evil Pieces. Taking a random pawn before quickly returning to the windowsill and sat there, raising the glowing red chess piece up into the air and directly at the moon. The light coming from the moon cast a red shadow across her face, darkening her hair, but she didn't notice or care about it.

She thanked the leader of heaven, whose name she could not speak lest she wanted an irritating headache, that no one was awake to see her act like a complete idiot. Taking a deep breath to steel her excited heart, she closed her eyes but still held the chess piece up in the air, and quietly kneeled before the leering lone eye in the sky.

She hoped whatever entity in the moon could hear her pleas and would accept her sacrifice.

"Please… Will you-"

(384,400 km away from a hopeful little red-headed girl)

"-be my first friend, Man in the Moon? It's rather lonely being all alone. I, Rias Gremory, promise we'll be best friends and I'll talk to you every day… Well, not every day since… y'know, you're the moon and you only come out at night. But please! Hear me out!"

A pair of mismatched eyes slowly opened, the darkness that greeted his eyes doing nothing to hamper the glowing red and black alongside the luminescent ringed purple, the blood red and ebony one with multiple tomoes in them. Shaggy white hair that gleamed gold from a certain angles under light, reached down to the nape of his neck, and the rest of his hair was spiky, jutting out in multiple positions and his face was easily described as handsome. His clothes consisted of a large white cloak, a black collar that popped outwards, adorned with six magatama at the front of his collar.

A pair of small horns, around the length of an average person's wrist to the tip of their pinkie, sat on the corners of his forehead, directly above his temples, protected by his custom made village protector. A third eye sat on his forehead, hidden behind the metal plating, however this one was a mix between both of his eyes. A deep ringed red with nine tomoes.

The man, who looked to be around the age of eighteen, radiated a calming aura. Despite his rather fearsome look, the man was one of the kindest people, with a heart of gold to boot, to have ever existed throughout all of humanity.

He was Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto. Otherwise known as Uzumaki Naruto.

Hero. Myth. God.

The teen had faced off against the previous Rabbit Goddess of the Moon, Otsutsuki Kaguya, alongside his brother in all but blood, Uchiha Sasuke. However, mid-fight with Kaguya, Sasuke had fallen to one of her powerful skills, struck down and killed by a rapid barrage of her godly punches she used alongside her Byakugan to form the ultimate Jūken. Naruto had grieved briefly for the loss of his friend before returning to battle, Sasuke's death invigorating him against his battle with Kaguya. Eventually, the Goddess lost to Naruto's abilities and his sly tricks, defeated by his indomitable will and unwavering spirit.

As she lay dying, Kaguya had a conversation with Naruto, and found that his heart was the purest despite the hardships he faced in life. With that in mind, she requested him to carry on her son's will, to bring peace to the world, but for that to happen. It was something he agreed to do so, but she didn't mean it as a normal human. In order to bring true peace, Naruto had to sacrifice a large part of his life to do so. She wanted him to replace her, to become a God that would rule the lands with his heart and not his fists like she had. All he had to do was to consume the Shinju's fruit and seal the Juubi into himself in order to gain the powers she had also unlocked, alongside that of immortality, to live forever as the Juubi's Jinchuuriki.

It was the greatest sacrifice to a man with everything to live for, to watch as your friends died, consumed by the sands of time. He would be unable to start a family unless he wanted to watch them wither while he retained his youth, being in peak condition amongst a group of aging men and women. Naruto agreed, sacrificing his mortality to forever bring peace were evil to rise yet again. Kaguya smiled weakly before spending the rest of her strength on kissing Naruto on the forehead, her way of thanking him for stopping her from ending the world. Glad that she was released from her binds as an immortal goddess, she quietly passed on to the Pure Lands, where she would meet her two beloved sons.

After eating the Shinju's fruit and sealing the Juubi back into himself, Naruto quietly retreated to the outskirts of the Elemental Nations in the ocean, not wanting to alert anyone of his new found status, lest some of them get upset at the power he now wielded. Using his powers of flight, Naruto hovered above the corner of the Elemental Nations and forced the floor to rise up, creating a faux island. Using the abilities to him granted after consuming the Forbidden Fruit, he activated his Rinnegan and performed the 'Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)' on the island, creating another moon and sending it off to space with a Shinra Tensei. With his speed, he easily caught up to the ball he blasted upwards, entering the flying mass by using Kamui the Sharingan had granted him.

It was wise to note that Naruto solved the 'Double Moon' issue the way he knew how. Blowing up the first one and replacing it with his newer one.

And so, no one knew of what happened to Uzumaki Naruto. Many believed that he was the one involved with making the moon disappear briefly that fateful night, before another suddenly replaced it, while others believed he died stopping Kaguya, sacrificing himself for the world.

Despite being unable to find his body, his funeral was held in the Valley of the End, and every single able-bodied shinobi from every major and minor village came to attend his wake, to show their respects to the man who saved them from the Rabbit Goddess. The wake lasted for a full week before he was buried in his 'grave' beside his father and mother's coffins. Although heartbroken, Hinata never stopped loving Naruto, and for some reason, began staying up late at night to watch the moon, all the way until her death. She had never gotten married or consummated with anyone, wanting to show her love to Naruto by doing so. His face was carved onto the Hokage Monument despite not being one, and instead of the Konoha symbol, the kanji for 'Hero' was instead carved onto his headband. No one ever vandalised Naruto's face, their respect for him passing on from generation to generation until the Shinobi Era came to an end and the continents shifted, removing any trace of the Shinobi Civilisation.

Now however, he had awoken for the first time in millennia. Awoken to the first voice he had heard in aeons, to the voice of a little girl in need of a friend. That was strange, considering the last he checked, he was in space and had fallen into a unconscious meditative state in order to not die from boredom. Despite having the ability to rend the world in half, Naruto's old personality still retained in his godly form.

So far, throughout the years, there were only two major wars that involved the world. They had not hit the point where it actually needed him to return to earth as that was if someone managed to get a hold of powerful relics belonging to a time long gone, and threatened the world with it. Excitement churned in his stomach at the idea of returning to the planet, wanting to see just how much had changed.

Well, that was either excitement or the fact that he had been starving for ages. Immortality had its benefits he supposed. Though it had been a very long while since he had tasted ramen… Mmmm… Ramen…

Snapping his fingers, he decided. Naruto supposed that there was no harm in paying the girl a visit, perhaps even befriend her, though he couldn't bear the thought of seeing a friend grow old and wither, he supposed that he could make an exception for a lonely child in need of someone.

A smile cracked onto his stoic face. She did seem to remind him a lot like a boy who dressed up in an orange jumpsuit, proclaiming he would be the leader of his village. All she needed was a friend, just like the boy did.

He instantly found her location, her wish somehow travelling through space despite space being a vacuum. The Evil Piece she had used acted like an amplifier, sending a small amount of evil towards Naruto from her location, allowing him to pin point her location. He figured that the girl had no idea that she was in the possession of an artefact capable of emitting such a dreadful feeling and even if she knew, Naruto was still powerful. Just much more slower due to not moving for a long time.

Using an ability he had practised in his first few years of solitude, Naruto tested out his Yomotsu Hirasaka for the first time outside of the moon.

"Yomotsu Hirasaka." He croaked, his voice slightly raw from suddenly being used. A square doorway opened up before him and Naruto stood up, his joints feeling rather creaky and his muscles atrophied from decades of disuse. It was no matter; he could easily regain his former body by training. It wasn't as if he was lacking in time.

He grinned and walked towards the rectangular portal slowly, "Now, let's see this 'Rias Gremory' who's in need of a friend."

Rias stared at the moon hopefully, wishing that something would happen.

Suddenly, the moon seemed to glow brighter, only for a split second. But afterwards, nothing happened. She sat there, waiting for a minute, then two. Just sitting there, waiting for anything to happen.


Come on!


… Please…

Rias sighed dejectedly, and dropped her head downwards, her arm falling as well.

Great. She knew she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up, it would only bring more disappointment if she had. She shouldn't have trusted those musty old books that Sona loved to read, always filled with ridiculous stories about rabbits hiding in the moon.

"Huh… I never realise how bright that damn thing was." Rias blinked and slowly tilted her head, looking right out of her window.

There, sitting on the edge of the roof, legs hanging precariously off the side while he sat on red tiles next to her window was a dashing man, who was originally staring at the moon, now turned his head over to his right shoulder to look at her.

"Hello, Rias-chan." He grinned, "I'm the 'Man in the Moon' and I'm here to be your friend." Rias' jaw hung loosely as she tried to process the information. That someone had indeed come to befriend her, from the moon no less!

Naruto had masked his presence before arriving onto of the roof, where he saw a tiny hand sticking out of the window holding onto a crimson chess piece. It was probably for the best that he hid his power, no need to let the girl know that he was practically a god in the flesh. It would also be great that she wouldn't tell anyone that he could do all sorts of things; she'd probably end up in an asylum for spouting such crazy ideas.

"My, you've got beautiful red hair." He commented, admiring the way her hair glowed under the light of his home, the girl seemed to register his compliment and flushed slightly under his strange gaze. Stretching his hand out for Rias to shake, he smiled and introduced himself, "Uzumaki Naruto, at your service."

The girl sent her hand out for him to shake as well, shaking and stuttering violently, still in disbelief that a man had actually come from the moon to befriend her, "R-Ri-Rias Gremory… Pleased t-to meet you." Theirs hands made contact and Rias immediately began to calm down, his presence slowing her quick beating heart down to its normal pace.

"Call me Naruto…" He smiled and stared back at the moon, "After all, we're best friends are we?"

Chapter End.

So yeah, if you're interested, favourite and follow, review too.

If you'd like to see any other interesting fics, check my profile out. I have a couple of them that could possibly interest you.

Thanks and goodnight.

My fucking vertigo is killing me.
