Major Danny Phantom AU

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

It was now a week after Rose was stabilized and she had been permitted to return to the school now… where she found that her sister was no longer the only overprotective one. She didn't mind Principal Ishiyama, the woman was kind, understanding, and had always looked out for her. She didn't mind Ms. Spectra either, the woman may make her classmates miserable but she had always been rather motherly to Rose ever since she met the woman.

What she did mind was how most of the geeks and outcasts that never gave her the time of day before were now following her around and treating her like a queen. She also was a bit unsettled by the now protective Star and Kwan but never had a problem with them, they had sometimes helped her when they could.

She was annoyed at Sam and Valerie fretting over her as if they were her best friends. She was pissed when the school board let Lancer and Dash return to the school until the investigation was over and they wouldn't leave her the hell alone.

Right now she was torn between annoyed and murderous as Dash and Lancer tried cornering her by herself while Sam, Valerie, and the geeks never left Rose alone for two seconds!

"Can I stay in here for lunch? No one will leave me alone." Rose asked looking at Ishiyama pleadingly as she ducked into the woman's office to avoid Dash, Lancer, and the geeks. Ishiyama quickly got up and began to help the girl, who she could see was feeling weaker than was good for her, towards the couch in the room.

"Of course. Get comfortable and if they come in here looking for you I'll set them straight." Ishiyama said giving Rose a smile and a conspiring wink as the girl smiled in relief.

"Thank you." Rose said thankfully, giving the woman a hug before she was forced to sit down, her packed lunch on her lap now.

"Anytime little Rose." Ishiyama said smiling fondly at the girl who blushed at her 'nickname' from the kind principal.

"Principal Ishiyama have you see-oh there you are sweetie." Spectra said letting out a sigh of relief when she poked her head into the office only to spot Rose on the couch eating her lunch happily, only for a shocking gasp of white mist to leave Rose's mouth.

"Wanted to make sure you were okay and didn't get cornered by idiots one and two." Spectra said smiling at Rose who gave her a thankful smile in return before the red headed woman ducked back out of the office.

"Are you cold Rose?" Ishiyama asked getting out of her chair immediately and heading for a blanket, having noticed the white mist.

"No I'm fine. Don't worry, the mist was for something else." Rose said shaking her head with a smile before another burst of now green mist escaped her lips.

"Blanket. Now." Ishiyama said glaring sternly at the girl as she grabbed the blanket and walked over to cover the teen who sighed but smiled. She knew Ishiyama was just looking out for her.

"It's not necessary…but thank you." Rose said smiling up at the principal who smiled back and patted her head.

"Anytime Rose." Ishiyama said smiling fondly down at the girl who blushed slightly at the pat on the head. Ishiyama moved as if to go back to her desk when there was an eerie glow in the office and a genie like woman appeared although it was obvious that she was a ghost.

"There you are child." Desiree said smiling as she looked at Rose, although she froze when Ishiyama pulled two guns out from under her business suit and aimed them at her. Ishiyama's face was carefully blank as she stood protectively in front of Rose with one ecto-gun and one normal Glock in her hands and pointing straight at Desiree without wavering a centimeter.

"Lady, I don't know what you're here for but don't you come one inch closer to Rose unless you want me to blow you apart. I won't let anyone hurt her again if I can help it." Ishiyama said her eyes blazing with protectiveness in them while Rose blinked for a moment before reaching forward and grabbing Ishiyama's suit jacket to tug it a bit.

"It's alright Ms. Ishiyama. Desiree isn't here to hurt me." Rose said smiling up at the woman who glanced back at her before eyeing the ghost a bit longer.

"She makes one wrong move and I blast her." Ishiyama said holstering her guns finally but sitting beside Rose instead of going back to her desk. Her eyes never left Desiree as the ghost stared at her for a moment or two before smiling slightly at the woman.

"It's good to see some humans as protective of Rose as us ghosts are. Despite being assured by Spectra that you were alright after your' most recent attack I had to come and see it for myself." Desiree said smiling warmly at Rose who blinked at her and smiled back.

"I'm fine Desiree I promise. The most annoying thing is Idiots one and two trying to corner me so that I forgive them and the charges get dropped against them. Well that and the rest of the school trying to put me on a pedestal…" Rose trailed off thoughtfully at that as she internally debated which one was more annoying.

"Say the words child and they won't bother you again." Desiree said smirking as she prepared to use her wish magic.

"I'm not going to abuse your curse like that! Besides I can handle the idiots and mindless sheep no problem. They're only a minor annoyance…like the Box Ghost. They aren't even Skulker level annoying." Rose said making Desiree snort slightly as she snickered while Ishiyama looked between the two and eyed her small student protective and worriedly. Her question making the two freeze for a second.

"So how do you know the ghosts cause I doubt your parents took the time to learn their names?"