I know it's been months since I've added on to this story. But the reason being is because my time has been extremely limited due to back to back training and travel. I hope you enjoy this.

With Love ~Dresner

Claudia stands on the rear loading ramp of the large cargo aircraft, a Black and Red AN-124 'Condor' with a Large red star with black hammer and sickle within it, with a long black fur lined trench coat and black ushanka fur hat. A blizzard was coming and she could feel it in the air as the snow began to gray out the sky around them.

"Quickly now!" She barks to the armed men in body armor and the works in thick coats as they loaded gear, Vehicles, and materials into the aircraft. "The blizzard won't slow down because of you."

Konev's, or rather Her, men were tough and hard working. But even they needed some encouragement from their leader. She knew them all by first name, something that leaders never took the time to learn about their men. Konev didn't care who they were, where they were from, or even to learn their last names stitched on their name tapes. They were numbers to him. But to Claudia, they were her Sons and Daughters. They moved quickly as the Blizzard began to take over loading up the last BTR-80 Armored Personal Carrier and some of the remaining cloning chambers. But something caught her eye as the BTR rolls up the ramp beside her.

A stretcher team rushes through the snow as the white out began to take effect. "Madam Marlin!" A Georgian, Able, shouts as his medical team arrives last.

"Able!" Claudia shouts. "What happen down there? It shouldn't have taken you long to retrieve a dead man."

"He is alive." Able replies her as they enter the aircraft.

Claudia growls with discontent as the team bring the breathing corpse of her former solider. The door begins to close as she moves deeper into the gigantic aircraft as the white out completely consumed the sky around them. "Should have used an iron bullet." She curses as they take him to the medical station on the second floor. The Condor was custom ordered from Antonov Design Bureau with added rooms in the front half of the aircraft. A make shift hospital, living quarters, dining hall, Science lab, and Brig. Claudia removes her coat and hat as she makes her way to the front portion of the aircraft to take her seat for take off. A beautiful window seat to see the next phase of her plan.

The aircraft screams to life as the gargantuan beast speeds down the runway and lifts into the air as a fiery explosions thunder out of the large concrete entrances and out the air vents.

"Seventh Wave is no more." Claudia remarks as the complex disappears in the white out. A female Dominican mercenary in grey turtle neck, cargo pants, black boots, and black beret baring the Leviathan Cross in red.

"Care for a drink, Madam Marlin." She asks Claudia offering her a glass of strong red wine.

"No Thank you Renee." She replies as gets out of her seat. "I require something... Stronger. I never drink wine."

"What would you prefer then? Scotch? Whisky? Everclear?"

Claudia laughs and waves her hand dismissively as she walks away from the cabin. "I'm not a cheap date, Montoya. Nor am I into women."

Montoya blushes as she watches Claudia walk away. She's dreamed of the day when she would lay with the Blood Countess as she was known. The name sent shivers down her spine. The name drew the image of the real blood countess, Elizabeth Bathory, a serial killer and countess who would bath in the blood of virgins to stay young, But the title didn't come from some kind of Vampiric acts of murder. Its said she earned the title after the purges she ordered during the rough years after Karl was given grace to leave the Brimstone Society so of which she lead herself. She was fearless and oozed with power. It drove Montoya wild and Claudia knew it. Montoya was invited into The Order because of her skills as a detective and her position in GCPD during the Arkham Knight Insurrection. Montoya proved to be a valuable asset in Gotham as it was her intel on troop movements and hacking into Oracles computer systems. She officially left the GCPD after being outed as a Lesbian and fully committed herself to the Order holding the rank of Captain.

"Madam I-" She tries to protest as Claudia chuckles.

"As you were Captain."

Montoya smirks and turns back to the cabin to enjoy the glass of red wine she brought out.

Claudia thinks nothing of it, it was just mindless flirting after all. Montoya's mind was else where but her own was fixated on Karl Dael laying in a special room in the medical bay. She passes by two guards near Bruce and Harley's quarters. Whatever they were up to was none of her business, but she could careless about matter of the flesh between those two. A sly smirk appears only brief on her ghostly white face as the scent of harsh tobacco fills the air.

She rolls her eyes and makes her way to Karl's personal infirmary. The large black door swings open and smoke oozes slowly from the doorway revealing a half naked Karl in only trousers. His body was covered in bandages, gauze, stitches, and burns. A normal man would have been hooked up to several machines to keep him alive, but Karl was not the average man. He was a warrior and something as small, to him at least, like a few bullet wounds and burns weren't going to stop him from smoking at the edge of his bed.

"Ah yes, the attendant, would you care to bring me a drink? Make it a stiff one." Karl replies without looking over as he exhales smoke out of his nose.

"This is a non-smoking flight sir." She replies playfully as she walks inside shutting the door behind her.

Karl chuckles as he takes another hit, "I thought you were dead, But I guess the rumors of you being a Demigod were more than just small talk."

"Demigod? No." Claudia replies. "I'm just as hard to kill as you."

"There's a difference between taking a bullet and falling 200 feet into water." Karl interjects as he takes a stiff drag off his cigarette. "Supernatural Powers aside, I believe your something more. After Louisianan ten years ago I've noticed several things about you."

Claudia giggles, "Is that so?" She asks with intrigue.

"Records have never had a clear age for you and your ability to alter your age leads me leads me to believe that your much older than any of us could believe." He explains. "Many of us assumed you to be a succubus, or the Boo Hag, but even that seems rather to much even for what I've seen... Not to mention your to... To."

"To what?" Claudia asks with more intrigue as she moves closer to him.

"To Human to be a monster." He says as he turns his face to her. His left eye was pure white with burn marks around the socket. "Your to Motherly to be Heartless. To sane to be apart of the Arkham Crew. To forgiving to be vengeful and to kind..."

Her hand touches his thigh and strokes it softly, "Maybe I'm just that way to the people I care for."

Karl smirks, "Maybe. Or maybe your just as Human as we all are."

She chuckles, "No honey, not at all. I'm something special just like you." Claudia moves closer to him and her hand moves closer to his man hood. Her emerald eyes saw passed the scares and looked into the depths of Karl's soul. It was a blazing fire of strong emotions of Anger, Loyalty, and Love. He was a warrior and his soul burned with the passion of one.

"Your just like your Father and all those before." Claudia says as she begins to stroke his thick black hair.

"You knew my old man and the older man?" Karl asks her with little surprise.

She gives a sleepily little smile, "I've known your whole family, Karl. Ever since they first came to this America..."

He pushes her away, "I knew you were more than appeared. What are you? Immortal?"

"Yes and No." Claudia replies as she casts a small spell with her free hand. "I'm almost vampiric in a way, but instead of blood I take the energy of humanity and nature."

Karl found it rather amazing and it rather shocked him. He could only reply with a question, "How old are you?"

She looks up toward the ceiling as if it was giving her some form of guidance. Her free hand takes the cigarette out of his hand and she takes a long drag. The tobacco fills her lungs giving her a sweet release and a little easy to calm her nerves. She never thought that she had to tell him this after all it was her best kept secret. But now seems she had to tell the truth. She couldn't hide it any longer.

"Very. The exact number is rather fuzzy to me. I lost count after 1870, during the Franco-Prussian War, or was it 1918 after the Somme? I don't remember. It was long ago and many a young man has died between those years. Maybe three, four, or seven hundred years old? I'm not sure, but I do remember all the blood shed in between those years." She says ghostly as she pauses briefly to remember.

Karl says nothing. There was nothing to say. He couldn't believe it at all.

"Vandal." She continues as she takes another drag. "Vandal Savage made me who I am. Gave me a gift from the Homeland and said "This is meant for you and all those from our Race." That was 1692 during the Salem trials when I was caught for practicing dark magic, almost burned at the stake. But I managed to send those fools to the very fire they feared..."


"Thule..." She says dropping the cigarette on the floor. "Home... Our home..."

"Home? What are you?-" Karl tries to reply before Claudia started sobbing. "Are you ok?"

His arms were strong yet tender as they rapped around her petite frame. "Claudia..." He whispers in her ear. "Listen to me."

"We aren't for this world Karl..." She sobs. "We aren't for this world... We aren't for this world..."

He didn't understand what she meant, but her distraught cries seemed to confirm a age old deep seated question that he would he would ask himself late at night over a bottle of scotch and a game of Russian Roulette. Was he really for this world?

"What are you saying Claudia?" Karl asks as he holds her tightly. "Please Claudia tell me... Tell me... Please."

She breaks his hold and turns to face him with tears running down her face. "I can't! You won't believe me. I know you won't!"

He throws his arms around her and presses her against his chest. "I will believe you. I will." Karl wipes her tears with his hands and gazes deep with in her eyes.

They stare into one another eyes for what seemed to be a millennium... They locked lips passionately and soon the Witch and the Hunter began another battle, The battle of the heart.

"Say again?" Selena asks Konev as he pours a glass of wine for himself.

"About what?" He replies as he takes a sip of wine.

"The reason why your here, well I mean, in America. A Russian agent has no reason working with Americans." Selena replies as she helps herself to her own glass.

"I do not work for Russia. Maybe few years ago in FSB, but no more." The Russian says with a heavy heart. "But I find new purpose with the Order."

"This Order... Is it like that of that freak Azazel or a cult?" Selena asks.

Konev roles his eyes, "The Order is none of your business. What I can tell you is this, We are the lesser of many evils and it is in your best interest to keep us on the best of terms."

"Oooh. A threat? How cute." Selena taunts him.

"Insolent girl." Konev hisses, but lets his reason take over rather than his anger and begins to remember her question. "The Order brought us here for a Police action, if you will, to eliminate the spread of Artificial DNA Reproduction."

"Police action?"

"Yes, Police action." Konev explains. "This is to 'even the playing field', as you Americans say, for the meta-humans. The time is not right, the world is to engulfed in its own affairs for the desired effect we, or should I say the groups, demand."

"What are you talking about?" Selena asks as her words began to slur and the room began to spin. "Wha-What the?..."

She hits the floor and everything goes black. Konev sips the wine with a smirk, "What? Can't handle your drink?"

"That is low, even for you Konev." Montoya replies as she enters the room.

"And flirting with our elder is perfectly fine? I think not." He says with disgust. "Be grateful that Madam Marlin doesn't judge someone for their degeneracy. If it were up to me I would have had you shot."

"Keep your comments to yourself, why don't you?" Montoya replies as two men take Selena away to the medical bay.

"Then keep your conduct professional and I will do the same." He replied sharply.

Montoya growls and puts her hand on her side arm. She wants to shoot him for his comments against her sexuality. Montoya was a lesbian and many in the Order knew this, but she tried to keep it under raps as much as possible, especially with someone like Konev who would love to have her expelled or shot out right. The Order was strict on the conduct of its members to remain professional at all time. Konev has it in for her due to her sexuality and is strongly Anti-Homosexual and Montoya hates him for it.

Suddenly she feels his hand on hers and another on the back of her neck. She's pinned against the cabinet by the Russian and disarmed with in second. "Do it again and I'll show you what kind of powers I have. Understand?" He says as he throws her to the floor. "Selena Kyle was a little to sarcastic for my tastes so I simply put a little memory loss additive in her drink so she forgets that all of this Operation had to offer. Now I need you to do the same for Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn, and Jason Todd. Amanda Waller is going to be a subject to a more 'Forceful' variation of this treatment. Now go."

Konev gives her back her dissembled 9mm back to her and brushes her away. Montoya grudgingly does what she is told for fear of what he would do to her. The sadist was known for torture and saw it as the ultimate form of human expression. She knew what he was going to do to Waller and it churned her stomach just thinking about it.

They lay in the bed together their naked sweat drenched bodies rapped intertwine together into a picture perfect example of love. Her long blond hair was free and scattered over the pillow and on her lovers chest. Bruce's arms were rapped around her like a blanket of strong muscle against her soft hour glass figure. The musky smell after passionate love filled the air around them. It was beauty in the purest of sense.

"Bruce." Harley whispers to him.

"Harley." He replies, locking lips with her once more.

"Never leave me." She whispers as she breaks away from the kiss. But Bruce simply stops and turns his head away.

"Bruce?" She asks him, raising from underneath the covers revealing her perky breasts.

"I can't promise anything to you Harley." Bruce said. "It's not that I want to leave, its that I have to. I can't hide anymore. The Truth is out about Batman and no one is afraid anymore. Criminals will never respect anyone other than their selves and only understand fear."

"You sound just like Crane." She replies.

"Never compare me to him or any other of those scum." Bruce replies with venom in his breath. "Crane is right about one thing. It's fear that motivates us and anything we do. But he used his knowledge to commit murder."

"And you used it against him and now you got some guy playing Batman in Gotham for you." Harley responds. "You know how to put these pricks in line, yet you don't do it yourself. Why?"

"Gotham needs something better than me." Bruce replies defeated. "Another must take my place."

Harley throws the covers and begins throwing on a robe and underwear. "No one can fill your place."

"Where are you going?" Bruce demands.

"Away till you figure out who you are again." Harley says spitefully as she slams the door behind her. Bruce doesn't chase her. She just doesn't understand, just like Selena, and she won't understand.

"You just can't put the city behind you eh?" A deep accented voice replies from the shadows.

"So she didn't kill you." Bruce replies to the voice. "Good. That just means I will have to bring you in."

"Yes and No." Karl replies as he steps out from the shadows in his long black trench coat and black uniform. "Waller's illegal cloning experiment was my target along with the destruction of her Seventh Wave fleet. You can thank myself and the Order for leveling the playing field for your comrades at the tower."

"I don't know what you mean." Bruce says coolly as he puts on a pair of grey combat pants.

"Don't bullshit me Bruce." Karl says as he lights a cigarette. "Waller's intelligence is good and that says a lot especially regarding the poor quality of American intelligence services. But it didn't take a genius to figure out that Wayne Enterprises hand in NASA isn't just a simple business venture. The billions spend on 'Satellite communications' and 'Lunar craft' wasn't just to aid the crippling American Space program. No No Mr. Wayne, you have some very powerful friends and they need a place that is secure and gives them a birds eye view of the world they swore to protect. The League, Mr. Wayne, is not a secret to the Americans anymore. Or at least not anymore."

"Wiping their servers was unnecessary." Bruce says as he puts on a grey turtle neck. "My contacts would have taken care of that in time."

"But they didn't. Think of it as a favor." Karl said as he blew a cloud of smoke around them. "Besides, I could careless about your comrades. This might be the last time we meet Bruce and I want to bid my farewell. You've fought well Bruce as my advisory and maybe one day we'll meet again."

"Your leaving this plane." Bruce warns him.

"Your right, But for different reasons." Karl explains. "Claudia and I have business to attend to with her new Order. I'm their new field commander and as their field commander I will not leave this plane until we land at my set destination. Currently we are returning to the United States and there is where we will part ways for good."

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"No." Konev replies as he drives a needle into Bruce's back. Bruce begins to black out and falls to the ground before the two coated figures. "Next."

She's alone. Good. My chance is now.

Harley looks around as the cigarette smoke fads away in the cargo bay. The bay was massive and contained almost a literal Army group of heavy APC's and even two small American 'Little Bird' choppers and enough weapons and supplies to over throw a small country. These guys weren't the average mercenaries and she knew that by the way they fought their way out of the complex. They were of the same breed as Karl and that scared her terribly to the point she began chain smoking.

"Their can't be any more of him..." She shivered. "This world would be better with out him."

"Same could be said about you, Quinn." The voice of Jason says as he moves out of the darkness with a Large Desert Eagle aimed at her.

"Jason? What are you-" He throws her against a near by container and shoves the barrel under her chin.

"What Quinn?" Jason responds with venom in his words. "You think I forgot what you did to me? IN ARKHAM? You think I forgot? No, No, No, NO! Bruce may have let the Joker die. But I'm not so kind. No, Your going to pay for what you did to me."

Harley chuckles, "Your a joke, bub. A bad one too. What? Did you decide to remember now?"

He strikes her with his weapon and punches her in the stomach, but she still laughs. "Fucking softy! You punch like a girl!"

Jason goes mad and starts hitting her over and over and over again. But she doesn't stop even as blood began to pour from her mouth. "Having a tantrum little Robin? What did it this time? Bad dream, secret plan, or are you just trying to hit on me? Well It ain't gonna work! I'm with the big bat and I

A sharp kick to her side brings her to the ground and a strong arm raps around her neck, "You took my life with the Joker and now your taking him?! NO! I'm not letting that clowns whore to take the only man who cared about me! I'M NOT LETTING HIM GO!" His grip grows tighter and tighter taking away every breath she had as everything began to fad into black. "I'm not letting another clown take my life away!"

"I've been chocked harder in bed kiddy!" She says as she begins to suffocate.

The harsh thunderous sound of a high caliber handgun echos through the cargo bay. "What are you doing?!" Jason shouts to sound behind him. Harley can't make out who it was, but she had her own idea of who it might be. Jason is ripped off of her by a large figure in black, "Bruce..." She says as she fights to stay conscience but the sounds of a beating sounds like a lullaby to her.

The dark figure approaches her and begins to wipe the blood from her chin with a rag. "Always looking for a fight eh?" The voices says with a slight German accent.

"What the?" She says as he picks her up into his arms cradling her like a beautiful maiden.

"Save your words." He replies as he begins to take her out of the Cargo bay. It couldn't be him... But it was once she heard him speaking in a Russian to the ominous figure of Konev as he injects Jason with some kind of syringe. From what she could make out Konev wanted to inject her with it, but Karl refused. For whatever reason she didn't know as everything went black. "No one will ever believe her comrade. Don't worry."

It had to be a bad dream...

Thrusting forward in bed Harley awakes to the sun shining into her room. The soft silk sheets gracing her perfect skin and the sight of Alfred bringing her a small cup of herbal tea shocked her. She was breathing heavily as if she had ran a marathon, "Where? Where am I? Alfred? Bruce?"

"Ms. Quinzel are you alright?" Alfred asks in his usual proper English accent as he enters the room with a plate with a cup of herbal tea. "You must have had a dreadful nightmare."

She removes the covers to see her body was spotless, no bruises, no cuts, nothing. Just nothing. "What... What the hell? No No No, what happen? What day is it? Bruce! Where is..."

Alfred smiles and points out the window where Bruce is preparing two horses for a long ride on a trail. "Master Bruce has returned." He says with a tear in his eye.

"But... How did I?... How did I get here? Where are we?" She asks him, confused as how she got here.

"Argentina, Ms. Quinzel. A rather estrange German brought you here." Alfred explains as he pulls envelope out of his pocket. "He says he was returning a favor. He never gave his name, but Master Bruce said he was a old enemy."

"Karl..." She hisses with venom in her breath. "He brought me here... Why?"

Alfred sets the note beside the cup of herbal tea and hands her the plate. "The note is from the man. I made sure it wasn't anything toxic before giving it to you Ms. Quinzel. You can never be to careful in this day and age."

"Thank you Al. Please tell Bruce I will be ready in a hour or so. I have to get my head straight." She replies kindly to the loyal butler. He smiles and returns to his usual days chores.

"Argentina?" She says with astonishment. "Your a long way from Home Harley. Wow..." The once proud Clown Princesses of Crime gazes out of her large pan window to see Alp like mountains that she recognized as the Andes mountains. Funny how Bruce would commission a home here in the middle of the mountains of South America. She figured he would be more of Swiss Alps kind of man, but I guess you have to think outside of the box when you fake your death. Maybe their was another Batcave under this one burred deep with in the mountains or underground. Maybe their was a lake near by where he had a underwater fortress complete with another Batmobile, Batwing, and maybe a Batsub? She snickers, "Ha Batsub."
Taking a small sip of her tea she gets up and throws on a black and red robe to gaze out into the beauty outside of the window. But before she could take in the beauty she grabs the Envelope. It was just a simple tan envelope with the letters 'K.D' written in black ink with her name written in red below it. Breaking its seal to find a coffee stained and scorched note with a picture attached to it of what appeared to be a young Karl Dael and a short blonde haired goth girl in green. It was strange to see him smiling and even though this picture was obviously from a time when he wasn't the brutal killer she knew and reviled it still unnerved her to see that wide tooth smile and those green eyes of his with the gleam in his eye. As she began to read the note she sipped her tea... Every word disturbed and confused her and she thought to herself how he survived...

Dear Harley,
If you are reading this then it is because I let you. The reason being is that It was never my intent to kill you, but to make you kill me. Well look how that turned out and look what I brought about on this world. You don't understand what I did and I never believe you ever will until the time comes. I will say this: One day you will understand. But I didn't write this to simply mock you and tell you that you will never understand me. No. I want to say that you were Right and I was Wrong. I really wish I took your offer and talked to you about what I did... It would have changed everything... I betray you because I wanted to return to the past, to a happier time, but I ended up unleashing something that will end us if I do not stop it. I want to say that I'm sorry and I know you will never take it. I just want to let you know that I am still Human... Before we dropped you and Bruce in Argentina we put you both through a special treatment that repairs the body at alarming rate, thanks to the use of TITAN induced cells, to repair the damage done to you. It has no known side effects and has been tested countless times on live subjects. But we had to do one thing that would seal the secret of the Order and bury Seventh Wave for good. We wiped the memories of Slade, Waller, Jason, Selena, and Bruce to protect it. What happen in the Mountain will stay in the Mountain. Humanity should never have the ability to play god and in order to protect Humanity we had to destroy it. That was my mission since the beginning. My intent was never to drag you or Bruce into this, but it seems a rather unknown factor came into play: You reminded me of my late wife and I wanted to protect you. But I saw you as a threat to the mission and fought a bloody war within to decide your fate. The will of the Heart beat the demands of the mind in this case, but It seems I had no choice in the matter and fate gave you safe passage to return to the land of the living. You've earned it. I have to congratulate you on a well fought battle. You bested me and rightfully so. Maybe we'll meet again and we'll see who will best who? I wish you a long and joyful life, Harleen, and I hope our paths cross again but on more friendly terms.

Sincerely, Karl Dael.

P.S, I wiped your records. Your free. If you wish to return to your former profession, then you can without any skeletons in the closet. Call it a gesture of good will from me. You've put your past behind you and its fare that your past let go of you as well. It's fare that your story, just like the Joker, is put to rest.

She crushes the note in her hand as she finished her tea. "Bastard has the nerve to beg for my forgiveness. I don't forgive snitches and two faced bastards who try to kill me or my family. Thanks for giving me a second chance, but you won't live long when I find you Karl Dael. I'll make you regret letting me remember your story."