Jamie sat huddled in a corner. Freezing. Tired. Hungry. Sick. Hurt. Drugged. She had long given up hope that the team she once considered family would save her. She begun to realize that her makeshift father, Aaron Hotchner, along with the rest of the team had long since forgotten her. They had abandoned her…after all if they were going to find her in the last year, they would have done so already. The one thing Jamie knew was not true, or at least tried not to believe, was that her team, her family, were the ones behind all this. Were the ones that were causing her this pain, but she was slowly caving into the idea. She couldn't remember the last time she ate, the last time she slept longer then three hours, the last time she had any say over herself. She couldn't remember how it felt to smile or laugh, to act with out fear, to live…

Spencer Reid sat staring at the desk next to him, the one where his best friend use to sit at a year ago. In his mind he replayed the video of her being kidnaped, reviewed every piece of evidence they had, and replayed there last conversation together. In truth Jamie was more then his best friend, she was the love of his life, Jamie just didn't know it yet. Spencer was going to ask her out on a date that night; he was going to walk her to her car, like he did every night after work. Except that night. That night as they were on their way out, his desk phone had started ringing, he was off the clock and chose to ignore it but as he was getting in the elevator it started ringing again and he went to answer it after asking Jamie to wait for him downstairs.

Reid pulled out his phone going to the last message from his friend.

Txt: Fr: Jamie : will wait for you at my car, these files are heavy!

Cursing himself for answering the phone and not going with her, Reid had appointed himself the responsible party for Jamie going missing. Replaying the scene in his mind as clear as the day it happened, his stomach churning as he listened to the man on the other end of the phone who must have called the wrong number. He got off the phone and headed down; cleaning him self up as the elevator reached the ground floor. Reid was feeling sick remembering this part, in fact that night when he walked to her car seeing her door wide open, engine and lights on files and purse dropped on the ground, her gun in the passenger seat and drops of blood smeared against the white paint of her GMC Terrain, Reid had been sick.

He recalled it ever so clearly. It was times like this where he truly did hate that he had an eidetic memory. He remembered numbly pulling out his gun and looking around not seeing her anywhere. He remembered calling Hotch, who always worked the latest, to tell him that his daughter, for all intents and purposes, was missing.

Reid was so engulfed in his memory that he hadn't heard his phone, Morgan walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Reid" Morgan gave him a slight shake "Reid the phone"

Reid shook his head before looking at the phone. "the phone"

"yea man the phone, your about to miss the call" said Morgan feeling bad for spencer. He knew exactly where his mind was. It wasn't here in the BAU office, it was lost in a horrible memory that had taken place a year ago this very day. It was in the same place that everyone's mind was at. "Reid, the ph…"

"The Phone!" Reid quickly got up running to Penelope Garcia's office with Morgan close behind him. "Garcia! Do you have access to the phone records from last year?"

"I have access to everything Mr. Smarty-pants" quipped Penelope who was doing her best to pretend like she wasn't crying before the two men had barged into her office, trying to accept the fact that Jamie was still not home. She quickly typed in getting the records up. "What am I looking for?"

"go to my office phone, on June 28th and find the calls that came in at 8:37 and 8:40." Reid nervously twisted the watch on his wrist that he always kept off his skin, clasping it above his sleeve.

"Reid?" Morgan asked as Penelope pulled up the record "what's going on?"

"That call, it was the kidnappers I'm sure of it! Who ever called me that night had to have been working with the people that too Jamie!" Reid said almost panicked. "god I'm so stupid I should have seen that!"

Penelope looked up at Reid, then to Morgan, frowning "Reid, you cant know that for sure…" reaching out taking his hand "we all want her back Reid, but…"

"No. Don't you dare finish that!" Reid's voice cracked "But nothing! We all want her back AND we will get her back!"

"Okay Reid, okay…" taking a deep breath Morgan nodded to Garcia to find out everything she could on the number before pulling Reid out of her office. "take a breath Reid, take a breath and lets go tell Hotch…" Morgan wasn't sure who was having a harder time accepting that Jamie was gone, he wasn't willing to give up looking himself and neither was the rest of the team, but they all knew the statistics, they also knew Reid and Hotch were in denial.