Disclaimer: C. S. Lewis owns Narnia and the inspiration for this poem.


Just an archer on the hillside,

Nothing greater, nothing less;

Insignificant, I'm often

Disappointed, I confess.


Though I love my home, my Narnia—

Loyal I will be, and true—

Yet I wonder at my calling

In the wars that oft ensue.


How much difference can I fashion:

Save one ally, kill one foe,

Many former quickly falling

While the latter's numbers grow?


Yet I know this is my duty,

And my duty I will keep.

Simple nod my captain gives me

Brings forth what I know so deep.


And the day my king did seek me,

Not his warriors and knights,

Smiled at me in commendation,

Comforts me in sleepless nights.


Aye, my work does not turn battles:

Insignificant, I know;

But an archer on the hillside

Saves his king and slays his foe.


A/N: Just a quick idea, from the perspective of any archer at any time in Narnia's history. I was a little lazier on the rhymes than usual (only two instead of all four lines of each stanza) but I liked how it turned out. Tell me what you think!

Oh, and maybe next I will get around to the projected prose one-shot (it frightens me a little, honestly, but I will try, I promise!).