Musa POV:

I sighed as I walked through the gates of Alfea, I was on my way to magix to by Riven a birthday present. Its tomorrow and everyone else had already gotten him something.

Were throwing him a party at the frutti music bar, even though he's already told us not to.

But I have no clue what to get him! Like what the hell!

Maybe I should buy him some nice and happy pills. Well thats more of a present for the rest of us then for Riven.

"bahahahaha!" I laughed at loud, people looked at me like I was insane. I couldnt help it, I crack myself up sometimes.

I walked past the athletic store laughing, glancing but paying no mind to it. But when I seen something in the window, I skidded to a stop.

I walked into the store to see the new helmet that Riven was talking about. Wait, thats it! Ill buy him the helmet! He was always complaining about how he could never afford it, and how it has features on it that are to die for. Okay, not his actual words but thats it sounded to me.

I quickly ran up to the counter and the cashier looked at me like I was crazy.

"I need one of those new helmet thingys." I said quickly.

"Your lucky, you got the last one." The man said, and I sighed gratefully.

"That will be 1,000 dollars." He said and my jaw dropped.

"The things I do for this boy." I muttered.

"That must be one special boy." The cashier said, as I took my card out of my wallet.

"Eh, he's something." I said handing my card.

"Thank you." I smiled as I grabbed the bag with Riven's new helmet. I made a portal back to Alfea, and walked threw it.

"Hey Muse." Flora said as I walked through the portal into our dorm.

"Whats in the bag?" Layla asked.

"Awwwwwww is it a birthday present for Riven." Stella gushed.

"Stella would you leave Musa alone." Bloom sighed.

"Actually it is." I smirked.

"Really?" Layla asked.

"Aw, what'd you get him?" Flora said jumping up off the couch.

"Do you guys remember when the boys would start talking about sports and stuff?" I began and they nodded.

"Well when they get to the subject of their leva bikes, dont you remember how Riven is ALWAYS talking about this stupid helmet." I asked.

"Oh, the one with like all the high-tech thingys." Bloom said and I nodded.

"Well, I bought it for him." I said as they all gasped.

"But isnt it like a thousand dollars?" Tecna asked.

"Yes it was." I said.

"AW! MUSA THATS SO SWEET!" All the girls squealed.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I blushed.

"I think he will love it." Flora smiled and I used my magic to put the helmet in a big birthday bag with wrapping paper.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Riven, Happy birthday to you!" Everyone in the frutti music bar sang.

Riven had his famous smirk on his face, although I know he wanted to smile. Beings that Riven isnt a big cake guy, we just got straight to the presents.

"Guys I told you not to get me anything." Riven sighed, but a small smile was on his face. He knew that we cared about him. Flora, Helia, and I put all the presents on the table infront of him, mine being the last one.

Roxy and Andy got Riven a new pair of boots. Sky and Bloom got him a new specialists weapon. Stella and Brandon bought him a new leather jacket. Flora and Helia got him weird things he needed for his Leva bike. Tecna and Timmy got him a few shirts. And Layla and Nabu got him a few pairs of pants.

Last but not least my present came along.

"I got you two presents." I smiled.

"Oh really." He smirked. First I handed him a tiny little bag. He took out two bottles of pills and on the front it said Happy pills and the other one said Nice pills. Everyone stated laughing, even Riven.

"Very funny." Riven smiled. It was great! He hardly smiled!

He pulled the huge bag closer to him. I mean it was a big bag because there was a big something in the bag.

He pulled the object out of the bag to reveal the helmet he has been talking about. All the guys gasped.

"Musa." Riven said, his mouth wide open.

"Yes?" I smirked.

"Is this what I think it is?" Riven asked.

"Indeed." I said, still smirking.

"You paid a thousand dollars for this helmet to give to me!?" He asked. I didnt even have time to answer, Riven tackled me in a hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Thank you Musa. This is awesome." Riven smiled, causing me to blush.

"No problem." I said, all the boys smirking at me. I gave them the 'What!?' look and they simply shook their heads, still smirking.

"Now lets party!" Stella squealed and everyone went to dance, leaving me and Riven alone.

"Do you uh- want to uh... take a walk?" Riven asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure." I smiled as we walked out of the Frutti music bar, heading towards the park.

"So how has your birthday been?" I asked.

"The almost the best one yet." Riven smiled.

"Why almost?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Because its missing something." He simply stated, his famous smirk appearing his face which caused me to blush.

"Whats it missing?" I asked, more confused then ever.

"This." He said.

All of a sudden his lips were on mine. I felt my cheeks heat up, I was blushing. On instinct my arms went around Riven's neck and his snaked their way around my waist, deepening the kiss.

"Now its been the best birthday ever." He smirked, kissing me again.

A/N: AHA! bet you didnt see that one coming now did you !?

Sorry for the late update! I was busy writing the final chapter for Blank Space and starting my new story In Between which you should totally check out!

Any how thanks for reading my lovelys! As always, feel free to review! :)