Chapter Twelve:

Blinded Actions

A/N: Thanks for your patience.


Feeling another weight join him on the bed, Harry sleepily blinked his eyes open. One look at the window told him it was very early in the morning - probably not even 5 o'clock!

Leaning up on his elbow, Harry looked Hermione and noticed her getting comfortable, as if she was intent on falling back to sleep.

Harry sighed softly and gently stopped her by saying, "Herm, you know you can't sleep here." Her sad eyes fell on him and Harry immediately sat up, concerned. "What's wrong, Herm? Did you have a nightmare?"

Hermione gave a small shake of her head, leaning against him and getting comfortable. "Can we talk?"

Harry nodded, gently moving her head so he was looking in her eyes, "You can tell me anything. What's wrong?"

Hermione sighed softly. "We were really close to having. . ." Blushing darkly, Hermione huffed and looked away, "I mean. . . Well, you know."

Harry nodded, curious as to where this was going.

She starting growing more nervous as she looked into his eyes. "Well, I was thinking. . . I know I'm the one that started it earlier, and I completely understand if this makes you hate me and if you don't want to date me anymore, but I don't. . ." She huffed, holding her hand up to stop Harry from interrupting. "No, just wait. I don't want to have sex yet, Harry. I don't know what I was thinking and I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me - we're just too young."

Harry couldn't help but frown, "Herm, why would I hate you for that?" At her worried look, Harry gave a hard shake of his head, "I don't like you in hopes to achieve some sexual task with you, Hermione. I'm dating you because you mean more than that to me. I don't care how long we wait, Herm. Do you truly think I'm that kind of person?"

Hermione bit her lip, "It's really sweet of you - I'm just scared. I feel bad because I started it."

Harry offered her a gentle smile. "You know, Hermione, we're learning together. Just because you start something doesn't mean you don't have the right to take it back. I would never force you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable or make you do something you don't want to do."

Hermione smiled as she stared into Harry's emerald eyes. "You're honestly the best, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "I'm just saying what everyone should do."

Shrugging, she whispered, "Still makes you amazing."

Giving her a gentle smile, Harry pulled her in close and placed a tiny kiss to the top of her head.

Hermione smirked softly and leaned up to capture his lips. "I don't want to have sex, Harry, but we can still do other things."

Harry let out a quiet laugh, "Only if you want to." Glancing at the windows, he gave a small shake of his head. "But not now, Herm. the sun is rising and your mum will be waking soon. I don't particularly want to get caught with you in the bed with me."

Smiling, Hermione sat up and gave Harry one last kiss before climbing off the bed and quietly leaving.

Sighing contently, Harry laid back down and cuddled in close to the pillow.

When Harry woke in the morning it was to the smell of cooking bacon. He crawled out of bed and got dressed for the day. When he went downstairs and reached the kitchen, he noticed Poppy at the stove and Hermione reading a book at the table.

Poppy turned and gave Harry a smile. "Good morning, dear. Sleep well?"

Harry nodded, "I did, thank you. I need to run over to the house. I need to feed Godric and let him out to the loo real quick." At her nod, Harry hurried over to do just that. When he returned to his aunt's house fifteen minutes later he noticed the food almost completely finished.

At Harry's arrival Poppy turned back around to the stove and said, "I went to the infirmary about two hours ago to check on your parents. Your mother is no longer sick - the potion kicked in. I'm keeping her in the infirmary until both she and your father catch up on some sleep. After you eat would you like to visit them?"

Sitting down beside Hermione, Harry poured himself a cup of orange juice. "Yeah, I'll come with you."

Poppy gave a small nod as she carried the plate full of bacon to the table. She sat it beside the scrambled eggs. "I'm going to discharge her after she fills out some paperwork for me." Taking her seat, she quietly watched on as Hermione said her whispered prayer. Once Hermione was looking at her, Poppy started dishing out the food. "School will be starting on Monday - do you both have your homework completed?" At their nods, Poppy asked, "And are you both packed for tomorrow?"

Harry frowned, he had forgotten that tomorrow is the day they head to the island.

Seeing Harry's frown, Poppy tsked lightly. "Make sure you do so tonight, dear. We are leaving via portkey early in the morning."

Hermione couldn't help but frown. "Isn't it bad for the bride and groom to see each other?"

Poppy gave a small nod. "Nymphadora went to her sister's house for the day and will be staying the night there. She and her sister will be arriving via portkey tomorrow around lunchtime. The wedding starts at six. Uncle Remus and Nymphadora will have different buildings to get ready in. Have no fear, Hermione, they will not curse themselves with bad luck."

Harry stabbed at a chunk of egg and said, "I didn't know she has a sister."

Hermione nodded, "Yeah, she showed me pictures. She also had an older brother but he died in the first war. Her sister lives in Africa - she's a magical animal trainer. I think she told me that her name is Ivania."

Poppy nodded in confirmation, "They don't see each other often but they're still family."

Harry studied his eggs and thought, I just assumed her whole family was dead.

Tapping the table in front of Harry's plate, Poppy said, "Your food is growing cold - stop daydreaming, child."

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Harry followed her directions.

As Poppy cleared the table she asked Hermione, "Did you want to come spend time in the office with me? I need to finish up some paperwork for the upcoming school year before we leave."

Hermione gave her a disgusted look, "No, that's okay. I'll stay here and read a book."

Poppy sighed softly, trying to not take it personally. "Alright. I want you to do chores while I am gone then."

Hermione forced herself to not groan. "Fine."

Poppy leveled her with a stern look. "Watch your tone, Hermione Jean. When I return home I expect to see the dishes washed and put away, vacuum the house and start the wash."

Sighing, Hermione dropped her eyes. "Alright. . ."

Giving her an annoyed look, Poppy chose to let Hermione's tone go. Turning to Harry, she stood from the table and asked, "Are you ready to go see your parents?" At Harry's nod, she placed a loving kiss to Hermione's head and headed for the fireplace, knowing Harry would follow. Before throwing down the floo powder, Poppy called out to Hermione, "Come through if you need anything." With that, she took hold of Harry's shoulder and threw the powder down. They disappeared in green flames.

Pansy kept her eyes lowered to the stone floor as she felt his snake eyes devour her exposed body. She shivered but knew better than to wrap her arms around herself.

"Turn," was the only thing she heard the Dark Lord say.

Nibbling on her bottom lip to keep from shivering more, Pansy turned. Her eyes locked with her mother's steely ones.

"Do you see any flaws, my Lord? Is she perfect?" Her mother questioned as she nervously played with the hem of her robe.

Pansy forced herself to not flinch away as his bony hands caressed her flat tummy. He then traveled his fingers up until they landed on her neck.

As if afraid to break her, Voldemort carefully moved her face back and forth. "You are perfection, my lovely little flower."

Pansy dropped her eyes to her tiny bare feet. "M-may I get dressed, my Lord?"

Pansy flinched as her mom yelled at her. "How dare you ask such a question! This body is no longer yours!"

Voldemort watched as his future wife shivered from head-to-toe. Removing his outer robe, he gently laid it around her shoulders. Turning to Pansy's mother, he demanded, "Run a warm bath for her." Leaning in, he placed a wet kiss to Pansy's forehead. "Once you are bathed and dressed, meet me in the throne room - we must discuss the matter of your trip."

Still shivering, Pansy pulled the robe closer around her body and slowly followed her mother to the loo.

When they arrived in the Infirmary Poppy immediately strutted over to Minerva and started another diagnosis on her.

Harry slowly sat down in one of the empty seats around his mother's cot. He eyed her closely, afraid that the diagnostic results would come back saying she's sick again. "How are you feeling, mum?"

Minerva flashed him a loving smile. "I'm perfectly fine, dear. How are you? Did you sleep well last night? Did you take care of Godric?"

Harry couldn't help but leave out a tiny laugh because of all the questions. "Yeah, I slept fine and I already went over and took care of Godric. I'm okay." He glanced at his tired looking father, "Are you alright?"

Severus gave a tiny nod of his head, "I will be better once I get some coffee in my system."

Hearing that, Poppy flicked her wand and a cup of coffee appeared on the stand beside Severus. "Her results look clear. Once the paperwork is completed, she may leave." With that, Poppy walked into her office to start gathering up the paperwork.

Just as Harry was about to ask what their plans were for the day, Remus calmly entered the Infirmary and took the vacant seat beside Harry. "I'm glad to hear about your speedy recovery - just in time for the wedding too!" He beamed an excited smile at her, "I brought Nymph's new ultrasound pictures." As he handed the moving shots over to Minerva, he said, "I can't believe it's only two more months before we finally get to meet these two!"

Severus forced his face to look neutral. It's unsafe to bring children into this Hell. He didn't say that outloud though, instead he asked, "Are you ready to become a married man?"

Lupin flashed him a brilliant smile. "I can't wait! She left this morning to stay with her sister - she's a big believer in bad luck." He paused to glance at Harry and Minerva, "Are you ready for the trip? Draco is bringing Pansy with him - I've never seen him this excited before."

Harry forced himself to not groan at the thought of Pansy.

Severus nodded, glancing at Minerva. "Albus and I have one small thing we need to accomplish before joining on the island."

Remus frowned, "Surely it can wait?"

Minerva fumed, glaring daggers at Severus. "And when were you going to inform me of this?"

Severus forced himself to not shiver under her piercing stare. "He contacted me about a half an hour ago. He received a clue as to where a horcrux is located. He wants to track it down and destroy it before we leave England."

Minerva kept her glare firm. "How late do you think you will be?"

Just as Severus was about to answer her question, Albus came striding into the Infirmary. He flashed them all a brilliant smile and held his dying hand in the grip of his healthy one. "I believe we should be back by tonight - if not early tomorrow morning."

Harry nibbled on his bottom lip before gathering up the courage to ask, "May I come too?"

Severus forced himself to not roll his eyes. "I'm not having this conversation with you, Harry James."

Harry furrowed his brow and glared at him, "You should. I'm the Chosen One - you can't fight it. It's who I am."

Severus felt his patience wearing thin. "And who are you is going to be facing my hand if you do not drop this topic. I have told you many times now that you will not be aiding your grandfather and I unless we specifically ask you to join us - which probably will not ever happen."

Clenching his teeth, Harry crossed his arms over his chest and glared into the distance. "It's not fair."

Minerva jumped in to save Harry from Severus' growing impatience. "Let it go, Harry."

Turning his glare on her, Harry snapped in a dangerous tone, "No! Don't tell me to let it go! I'm never going to accept this until you finally let me do my job!"

Seeing Poppy returning with a stack of parchments to sign, Minerva sighed softly. "I want you to go home. Start packing for the trip and hang out with Godric. I do not want you leaving the house - I will be home in a bit and then we may continue this conversation."

Sensing she was done with this for now but also still highly agitated, Harry jumped from his seat and stomped from the Infirmary.

Voldemort watched his future bride brush out her wet hair. He waited patiently for her to finish before saying in a commanding tone, "Come sit beside me." He moved on the bed to give her more space to get comfortable.

Pansy shifted her weight between her feet as she eyed him wearily. She could see the hunger in his snake-like eyes and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. "Must I join you on the bed?" No sooner had the question escaped her mouth, Pansy wished she could suck the words back in.

With anger flashing through his eyes, Voldemort pounded on the mattress beside him. "When I tell you to do something you WILL do it!" He eyed her closely when she still didn't move to come sit beside him, "I will punish you if you do not join me in five seconds!" He paused, seeing her eyes flash with fear as she slowly made her way to his side.

With her heart pounding hard in her chest, Pansy slowly moved to sit on the bed beside him. She kept her eyes down and focused on keeping her breathing even.

Satisfied, Voldemort leaned back and roughly pulled her against him, holding her tight. "Must I worry about your trip?"

Pansy winced at the grip around her shoulders. She hurried to shake her head, "No my Lord. You have nothing to fear."

Voldemort gave one nod before gently releasing her shoulders.

She knew better than to move away from him though. Instead, Pansy tried to relax against him. She remained silent, knowing he would start talking again.

To her relief, she didn't have to wait long before he spoke up. "I do not want you to try any attacks while on this trip. You need to let the family get used to you - let them begin to trust and relax around you. If you try to poison the old bat or harm him in anyway, you will immediately be under a watchful eye." He paused, reaching his arm around her again and pulling her tighter against him. "Remember to convince young Malfoy that you are in love with him but do not try to pull anything. If he tries anything, you are to push him away and insist that you are waiting for marriage - I expect purity from you, little flower."

Pansy kept her eyes glued to the green blanket. What if he finds out about Draco and I?

Voldemort continued, oblivious to her concerns. "When do you need to be on Hogwarts grounds tomorrow?"

Pansy nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment before quietly answering him. "They want to leave around 8, my lord."

Voldemort nodded, "You shall sleep in my chambers with me tonight." Seeing her wide-eyed expression, he smirked, "After all, we will be married by the end of the year." He paused in his speaking to gently caress her goose-bump covered arms, "Your mother is starting to plan the wedding." He went silent for a long minute before adding, "As soon as we are wed, I will plant my seed in you. You will give me a male heir."

Pansy fidgeted, "W-what if I have a female?"

Voldemort shrugged, adjusting their positions so he's practically sitting on top of her pelvis. "Then we will keep having offspring. You are, after all, very young. We have many years to get it right."

She went to speak but as soon as she opened her mouth, he swooped down and put an end to anymore conversation. She tried not to pull away or cringe away from his slimy tongue.

Closing her eyes, Pansy mentally tried to leave her body. She forced herself not to think of Draco. It'll be okay. You can do this.

Infuriated about the injustice of the whole situation, Harry blinded stomped down the corridors as he headed for the castle exit.

"If you keep stomping your elephant feet like that you'll put a crack in the tile!"

Harry froze and spun around to look for the source of the mysterious voice. Taking note of an elderly woman in a portrait, Harry dipped his head in an apologetic way. "Sorry to disturb your peace, ma'am."

The white haired lady chuckled and waved away his apology. "Nonsense. There's only ever one reason for someone to stomp around like that. What is on your mind, dearie?"

Harry blushed softly at the name she called him. "I just feel like I'm always left out of important things - especially when these things directly concern me."

She studied his face for a moment before asking in a gentle voice, "What do you feel left out about?"

Harry clamped his mouth shut, not trusting the portrait with that kind of information.

After only a few moments of silence, she waved it off. "That's okay. Do talk to someone about these feeling though, okay?" She waved him off and Harry ran away - desperate for some fresh air.

When he finally reached the outside, Harry hurried toward the lake and perched on his rock. He sighed softly and pulled his knees up to his chest. I'm never going to accept being in the background and they're never going to accept me being in the forefront. He sighed deeply again and watched as the Great Squid peaked the top of the water before disappearing back into the murky depths of the Great Lake. He allowed his thoughts to drift away to Hermione; the last time he sat on this rock they discovered their animagus forms. He couldn't help but crack a small smile at that. He's been practicing meditation every night since. Maybe she'll want to try to transform tonight. I'll have to ask her about it. . .

Screaming abruptly interrupted his thoughts. Jumping off the rock, Harry wildly looked around himself in search for the emergency. Seeing Dean and Ginny, all his anger from earlier reignited and he balled his hands into fists.

As he rushed over to the scene he witnessed Dean haul back and slap Ginny to the ground. Turning his jog into a run, Harry reached Dean and roughly shoved him further away from where Ginny was trying to stand up. "Don't touch her!"

Dean's eyes glistened with pent-up fury. "I'll do as I please with her and there's nothing you can do about it, Pothead!" Dean smirked, he was purposefully trying to make Harry snap.

Harry stayed facing Dean, not bothering to look back at Ginny as he said, "Ginny, go home and get checked over."

"Ginny loves me - she knows she deserves whatever punishment I dule out for her. She knows the rules - It's not my fault she's too bloody stupid to follow them." He smiled as he watched Harry take a threatening step towards him. "Go ahead, Potter. Do your worst, I dare-" his sentence was cut off as Harry's fist slammed against his mouth. Seconds later Dean tasted the blood as it filled his mouth.

With flashing eyes, Dean unleashed his fury. He punched out twice but only landed his mark once. Dean ignored the pain in his fist as he repeatedly punched Harry in the stomach - watching as the Boy-Who-Lived tried his hardest to stay standing on two legs brought an unnatural pleasure to Dean. He reeled back again but before he could swing, he felt Harry tackle him to the ground. They rolled around in a heap, both trying to get the better of the other.

Just as Dean was about to flip Harry and gain an advantage, he felt Harry's fist slam against his nose. Crying out, Dean totally forgot about the fight and reached up to cover his broken nose.

Not noticing that his opponent had given up, Harry continued throwing punch after punch - releasing all his pent-up anger. In the background he could hear Ginny screaming at him to stop but if he was honest with himself he didn't want to stop. He didn't want to stop punching him until Dean stopped moving.

Remus and Minerva had been on their way back to the forest when they heard the screams from Ginny and cries from Dean. They burst into a sprint and halted at the bloody sight in front of them.

Forcing himself into action, Remus flicked his wand at Harry, stupefying him.

Minerva rushed in to check Dean's pulse. Finding one, she let out a relieved sigh before levitating the bloodied boy. She turned her attention to her son once Remus took off the spell. She could see the horror on his face as the reality started coming clear to him. She couldn't find it in her to say anything though so, instead, she rushed back to the Infirmary with Dean floating in front of her.

Harry watched on in shock as he saw his mother levitating Dean in the air. I can't believe I did that. . . I could have killed him - I wanted to kill him!

Remus gave a hard shake of his head as he flicked his wand at Harry, making Dean's blood disappear from his body. "I cannot believe your actions. You could have killed him! I. . . I don't even know what to say to you, Harry! I am so very disappointed in you! What would your parents say?"

Harry knew exactly which set of parents he was referring to and he couldn't help but feel his heart break.

Remus shook his head, ignoring Ginny as she yelled at Harry about how much she hated him. He sighed deeply, suddenly feeling like he hasn't slept in weeks. "Just. . . Just go to your bedroom - your parents can deal with you later."

Still feeling shell-shocked, Harry turned and blindly went home. What have I done?

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter,
