Hey TheHeartlessNukia here!

This is such a random fanfiction idea, I keep doing this all the time when I'm watching animes. So anyway, this is based on Attack on Titan: No Regrets. I've only seen it twice and I've started reading some of the manga's to it which has basically got me interested in writing my fanfiction idea down. I've been researching into the underground city and stuff, I'm not 100% if the information I have found is right. It will also have Farlan Church and Isabel Magnolia in it at some point, it doesn't have their names in the character story options on here. If anyone has anymore information to share then PM me, I'm all ears. The chapters are not going to be that long in this fanfiction, I plan to write about 10 chapters for it.

This will be the last chapter to this fanfiction, but fear not! I plan to write another part to this in the future, I'm not sure when though. So thank you for all of the reviews, favorites, alerts and I hope you will keep an eye out to my next part of this story.

I hope you enjoy the opening chapter, if not I'm sorry! I'm not the worlds greatest writer, I'm more of a storyteller lol

Chapter 16!

I had hurried down the secret passage until I got to the exit, it brought me to the back alleyway of the house. I had to crawl through a medium sized opening though into the alleyway, it wasn't the most pleasant of experiences because it was dirty and full of spiders. I looked both ways down the alleyway before I left it, I would have to be careful in case I was spotted by whoever was in the house.

I ran out of the alleyway and made my way through several streets until I got to the back entrance of local tavern Levi had instructed me to go to not long ago, I thought it was for the best if I took the long way round in case anyone was watching the house. I had to knock three times on the back door of the tavern before it was opened, I was greeted by the Richard and Kathleen, they were the owners of the tavern. I explained to them the reason why I was here, I also told them about what had just happened at Levi's house.

" I'm not sure what is going on though, Levi told me to come here and then before I knew it someone was kicking the door of it's hinges!" I said while I looked both ways down the alleyway. " Can you help me?"

" We know Lorna, it was the Military Police that kicked the door down at Levi's house... " Replied Richard while he crossed his arms. " We saw it all from our tavern, I'm not sure what he's got himself into this time and god forbidden it's nothing too serious. But you are most welcome here, I would advice you to stay low for the next few days though just in case they know your face..."

" I see, but are you planning to help me or turn me into the Military Police?" I asked while I tightened my grip around my rucksack's bag strap as I looked up at Richard. " My trust levels for people are low right now, it's all very frightening and confusing..."

" Of course we're planning to help you, don't you worry about a thing..." Replied Kathleen with a smile as she stepped through the doorway and then put her arm around me. " We can keep you safe, Levi arrange everything with us..."

" But how did he know what would happen?" I asked.

" We're not sure, but I believe that it's a matter we should discuss inside my home..." Replied Richard with a kind smile. " But come on in before you're seen young lass, we'll take good care of you here..."

" Thank you..." I said.

I was led through the doorway by Kathleen while she told me make myself at home, she then told me she would get me something to warm to drinking after I had unpacked my belonging in the room I would be staying in. I thanked them both for their kindness and told them I would help out around the tavern while I stayed with them. Richard then took me for a tour around his tavern and showed me where everything was kept, he ran a very organized tavern.

It was a lot like the old tavern I use to live in when I was child, it was quite nice with a homely feeling to it. Already knew the bar area well enough because I've been here a few times with Farlan and Levi, they had used the tavern many times over the years to arrange jobs with merchants. Levi and the Landlord were business associate, they kept each others business a float over the years.

After he had shown me around the tavern he took me to the room I would be staying in while I stayed with them, he then offered me a job has a barmaid in his tavern. He said he could do with the help since his last barmaid disappeared without a trance three days ago, I accepted his offer and told him I would start right away after I had unpack my belongings. But he told me to settle into my room first, he said I could start my shift in a few days time after all of this Military Police business had settled down. He went onto tell me that I would get a good wage and I had to join them at meal times, he said I would be part of their family from now on. I thanked him before he left my room, but he told me to come and join them later for dinner because he had many things he wanted to discuss with me.

I wrapped my arms around myself while I looked around my new bedroom, it was small and cosy which was a good thing I guess. It wasn't like my old bedroom back home though, there was a small bed in the corner of the room near the window and a wooden dresser on the other side of the room. I walked over the room's window and opened it's shutters, I could see Levi's house from my new room. The street was basically empty and quiet, I bet most of the thugs and merchants had decided to flee when the Military Police turned up in the street I thought to myself as I looked over at Levi's house.

I frowned to myself when I noticed that the front door was missing from the house, it wouldn't be long before someone made claim on Levi's house and all of his belongings. I lingered at the window for a moment before I walked over to the bed, I better check what Levi had packed in the rucksack. I opened up the bag and rummaged through it, he had remembered to pack my personal items that meant a lot to me. I didn't have many of my clothes in the bag though, but they could easily be replaced when I received my first wage.

I began taking my neatly folded up clothes out of the bag and then I noticed Levi's little wooden box at the bottom of the rucksack, I wonder if he had packed it by mistake I thought to myself while I took the box from the bag. I carefully opened it and to my surprise there was rolls of notes inside of it, this must be the money we were saving so we could get citizenship in the upper world. There must be a reason behind why it was in the rucksack, but I guess I will find out more when I talk to the Landlord this evening at dinner.

A month had past since I last saw Levi and the others, it felt strange without them. I missed them dearly and wanted them to come back home, but I had no clue where they were or if they were still alive. I did hear many rumors though from customers at the tavern, I didn't know which ones to believe though. I got told by some customers that they had been arrested by the Military Police and others said they had seem them in the upper world, but I also heard that they had been hung for their crimes.

I ignored most of what I had heard and carried on with my day to day life, I didn't what to think the worse even though I had no idea if they were safe. I just had to hope they were well and that someday I would find the again, but I knew the chances of that were slim. I sighed to myself and picked my wooden tray up from the tavern's bar, but for now I had a job to do. I waited while Richard poured ale into two wooden tankards, he placed them down on my tray and told me they were for the two gentlemen in the corner near the window.

I told him okay before I walked over to the two men, he then yell to me that their cheese and bread orders would be with them soon. The tavern was quiet for a change, but it was the afternoon still and that meant there was plenty of time before the evening crowd came in for their nightcaps. I stopped at the table and gave both of the men a smile, I then placed one of the tankards down on the table while I spoke to them in a cheery manner.

" Good afternoon, I will bring your cheese and bread over in a moment gentlemen..." I smiled while I placed the other tankard down on the table. " If you need anything else just ask for Lorna, please enjoy your time at The Muddy Cat..."

The older white haired man of the two said thank you with a smile, but the other man gave me a smutty look. He was biggish man with a brown beard and thinning hair on his head, he didn't smell pleasant either. I weakly smiled at him and turned away from them, but without warning I felt someone pinched my bottom. I quickly turned around and saw the bearded man with his hands reached out towards me, he then tired to pulled me onto his lap. I shooed his hand away from me with my tray, I them told him to back off with frown. But all he did was laugh at me and pick his tankard up from the table, he then said something about coming back later to see me after hours.

" Are you mad son, that's one of Levi's women..." Said the older man. " Do you have a death wish? You know it would not end well for you my lad if Levi was here, you'd be a dead man walking. Don't you remember that time when he beat that man to a bloody pulp over being double crossed about pay? I'm surprised he was able to walk out of here that day, he was never seen again though which was a bad omen if you ask me..."

" Levi?! No one as heard off him since he was arrested by the Military Police, he's either dead or rotting in a prison cell up on the surface somewhere with Farlan and that little runt girl..." Said the bearded man with cruel laugh. " His woman is going to waste down here, it would be a pity to let her live on without some thrills in her dull life..."

" Leave the girl alone son, she's not interested in you..." Said the order man.

" Shut up old man, I can do what I want in here!" He said.

My grip tightened on my tray, how dare he say things like that about Levi and Farlan. Also how dare he call Isabel a runt, she's better than all of these big disgusting bruits down here. I was very temped to hit this big oath really hard around his head with my tray, but I was a professorial barmaid and I will not stoop to his level. I hurried over to Richard and slammed my tray down on the bar, he then asked me if I was okay because he just witness me being groped by one of his customers.

" I'll be fine, it's not like I can't handle myself..." I said with sigh and sat at the bar on one of it's stools. " I sometimes forget what customers can be like in taverns when they've had too much to drink, you would think from my previous work experience in taverns from when I was young I would remember stuff like this..."

" I know lass, why don't you go and help Kathleen in the kitchen for a while until they leave..." He said with a smile. " I'll handle that pest and kick him out if he gets too randy, I can't have one of Levi's friends being harassed by a drunken idiot. I think he would have my guts for garters if he knew and we can't have that now, can we my dear?"

" You're right, he would have cut all of his fingers off by now..." I replied with small smile. " Thank you Richard, just call me if it gets busy in here..."

" I will lass..." He smiled.

Richard gave me a wink and told me to be off with myself before he changed his mind, I said fine with a laugh while I slid from the bar stool. I really liked Richard and Kathleen, they were such lovely people. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and helped Kathleen prepare the customer's meals, she said she would serve while I stayed in the kitchen. I told her okay as I began to slice some bread, she then told me another three food orders of cheese and bread with pickles before she left the kitchen.

I took three wooden plates from the side and laid them out on the table, I then began to plate up the food orders. I heard the kitchen's door creek open while I was spooning some pickles out of a jar, it must be Kathleen I thought to myself while I placed two pickles on each of the plates. I continued to prepare the orders, but something didn't feel right. It felt like someone was watching me which was unsettling, I heard the door open wide this time and voices coming from the bar area.

" What's the next order Kathleen?" I asked while I buttered some bread. " I'm nearly done with these three orders, so you can take them out in two minutes..."

I looked over my shoulder when I got not reply, but it wasn't Kathleen. It was a very tall man with neatly kept blond hair and icy blue eyes, he was also wearing a military uniform. I turned my gaze away from him and continued to prepare the meals for the customers, but I could feel his gaze on me still. He's not planning on leaving the kitchen I thought to myself as I placed some cheese on a plate, but I tried to ignore him and picked my bread knife up from the table again just in case I had to protect myself from him. Many thoughts ran through my head while sliced some more bread from it's loaf, he could be here to arrest me or he could be a customer who has somehow wandered into the kitchen. I listened to his footsteps while he walked into the kitchen, he then cleared his throat and began to speak to me.

" Forgive my intrusion, but your Landlord said I could find a Lorna Faith in the kitchen..." He said.

" That's me, what do you want?" I asked as I placed the bread knife down on the table and wiped my hands on my skirt while I turned around to face him. " More to the point, can I ask who you are before I speak with you?"

" Forgive me, I sometimes I forget my manners..." He replied while he walked over to me and then held an envelope towards me. " I'm Commander Erwin Smith, the 13th commander of the Survey Corps. I'm here on the behalf of Levi, he wanted me to deliver this to you in person. You have been granted citizenship in the Karanese District, I was told by Levi that your parents lived there before they fled to the Underground City..."

" Levi sent you?" I asked with a hint of surprise in my voice as I took the envelope from his hand and began to open it. " Tell me, is he well? What about Farlan and Isabel, are they well too? Please tell me if they're alive, I've heard so many rumors since they disappeared over a month ago!"

" I can't share that information with you right now, but their health is vigorous and calm if that cures your curiosity..." He replied. " But there is something else I need to share with you, this envelope comes with a message directly from Levi. He wants you not to try and contact him or even look for him when you move to the surface, he wants you to cut ties with him all together..."

" Oh I see..." I said with disappoint in my voice while I looked up from the envelope at him. " Did he say why he didn't want me to contact him? Surely there must be a reason why he would send me this message, does this message count for Farlan and Isabel to?"

" I can't share that information with you because it's confidential, I can tell it's not the news you desired by the look of disappointed on your face..." He replied while he crossed his arms. " But I will let you know if he changes his mind in the future, he's left you quite a large sum of money for your move to the surface which I have in my personal possession. You can choose a future of your own and do anything you please, all you've got to do is stay away from Levi... "

" I see..." I said.

" I will give you an hour for you to gather your thoughts and pack your belongings, it's my duty to escort you through the toll gate..." He said. " I will be waiting in the bar for you, please try and not to be too long. I have other duties I need to attend to before nightfall..."

" And what if I chose not to go to the surface?" I asked.

" Then I would bid you a good day and let you get on with your food preparation, it's your choice alone to make Miss Faith..." He replied.

I sighed to myself while I looked down at the envelope in my hand, I can't believe he wants to abandon me after all of these years. But now thinking back to the last day I saw him he was acting differently and he showed me some form of affection which was rare for him, it must have been his way of saying goodbye to me. Something must have happened for him to not want to see me again or maybe this was his plan all along, but I guess it won't stop me from trying to find him on the surface when I move there. This Erwin Smith can't tell me what to do or stand in my way when I'm citizen of the Karanese District, I guess I can play along with him until I'm free from his company.

I looked up from my envelope at Erwin and told him I would go with him, but I also mentioned I would like to say goodbye to the owners of the tavern before I left the Underground City. He gave me a nod of his head and left the kitchen, I then hurried to my room to gather my belongings. I grabbed my rucksack from underneath my bed, I quickly folded my clothes and put my personal belongings into my bag. I then took Levi's box from the dresser's bottom draw and put my cloak on before I fastened the buckles on my rucksack. I hung it over my shoulder and left my room, it was now time for me to say goodbyes to my friends.

I hurried down to the tavern's bar and meet with Erwin, he had been drinking a tankard of ale while I had been packing my belongings. I quickly explained to Richard and Kathleen why I was leaving with Erwin, they seemed to accept my news. They wished me luck while I hugged them both goodbye, they told me to send them a letter when I had settled down on the surface. I told them I would write to them immediately when I got an house address, I said goodbye to them again and left the tavern with Erwin.

The toll gate wasn't that far from the tavern, we were there before we knew it. We were met by two uniformed men at the toll gate, they saluted Erwin in the normal solider way and one of the men told him that the staircase was clear for him. Erwin sent the two men ahead of us, he then said that he would like a private word with me before we left the Underground City. I told him fine while I watched the two men run ahead of us, he then gently took hold of my arm and led me up the stone staircase.

" Miss Faith, I have arranged for you to carry on working has a barmaid on the surface..." He said while he let go of my arm and continued walking with me up the staircase. " This may come has a surprise to you, but I'm relocating you to the Shiganshina District without Levi's knowledge..."

" I thought you said I was going to be living in the Karanese District, why the change of mind?" I asked.

" I think it's for the best, I believe Levi has become something you wouldn't like since the incidence... He replied.

" What kind of incidence?" I asked with a slight frown. " I thought you said he was okay..."

Erwin went on to explain to me what had happened to Levi when he left the Underground City with Farlan and Isabel, he told me that they had encountered a titan on their first expedition outside of Wall Maria. I listened to every detail he told me about their mission, I couldn't believe that people went outside of the walls and that titans were real. I always thought titans were just make believe creatures written in history books or they were just made up by the government to stop people going outside of the walls, something tells me I've a lot to learn about the upper world. Erwin then went onto tell me that Levi had experienced something tragic outside of the walls that had changed him, he said it would be for the best that I avoid Levi at all costs in the future.

It was strange that Erwin kept discouraging me from seeing Levi, he told me in the tavern that Levi wanted me to cut ties with him and that I wasn't allowed to see him. But now he's telling me to avoid Levi, it was very confusing. I went onto ask him about Farlan and Isabel, he said they were fine and living in a secret location in one of the districts. I guess it's okay if they are well I thought to myself while I stopped at the bottom of the last staircase that led to the surface, it's nice knowing they were safe somewhere in one of the districts. I watched as Erwin began to walk up the last staircase to the surface's toll gate, I took a deep breath before I followed slowly behind him.

I always thought that Levi and the others would be walking up these staircases with me when we got enough money together to move up to the upper world, it felt scary going up there all alone. I don't really know what I'm going to do without them, but I know one thing that I will do when I settle up there. I'm going to find my friends and make sure we're all living together once again, you have my word that I will find them.

...To be continued...