Illicit Love

a/n: Thank you so much DevilsDoCry and Lilly-Sama for reading over and critiquing my fighting scene.

I do NOT own Dragonball/Z/GT. All rights go to Akira Toriyama.

The sun glistened on her forehead that was drenched in sweat. Using her left hand she raised it to wipe it away. A smirk then twisted the corner of her lips once she glanced down at the shattered clay doll on the ground. Chichi folded her arms almost triumphantly as she turned to and Kami to say, "Is that all you got? I was expecting something more than that. It was barely a challenge."

"Chichi, the point of this exercise was to clear your mind and see the weaknesses in your technique. Simply destroying the clay doll that is a replica of you in the first 15 seconds, defeats the purpose," Kami admonished.

"There is nothing wrong with my technique. I just need to work on my strength and build upon what I already know. And you keep giving me the same exercises, teaching me the same things as if I haven't mastered it already!" Chichi retorted.

"Why do you train?" Kami asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked you why do you train," Kami repeated himself.

Chichi glanced down, clenching her fists as she wondered. Why did she train? At first she just wanted to focus her anger and energy that she had after hearing that girls didn't belong in fighting and after being rejected. And now, all she knew was that she had to defeat Goku. She needed to defeat Goku so he could understand that he missed out on the best thing he could've had and that everyone could see she belonged in the fighting world after beating up the strongest on Earth. To do that….. "I need to be stronger." Chichi stated, looking up to meet Kami's stare.

"Why?" Kami asked.

"Just cause." Chichi knew that he wouldn't be receptive of her thinking.

"You know if you keep chasing after someone, you'll always be trying to fit in their shadow. They'll always have power over you. And you'll never be able to succeed and grow like you're supposed to. If you do, it'll always be within that person's limited shadow, never beyond," Kami said.

Chichi rolled her eyes in response. "Whatever Kami," she dismissed. Kami greatly signed before nodding his head at Mr. Popo. He could read her mind, and knew her intentions and thoughts every day. He knew for sure, her heart wasn't in it for the right reasons. Due to such, it was making Chichi's heart bitter and frigid. If it got to a certain point, it may even make her evil.

"Come out," Mr. Popo called. Walking out the doors at Kami's hideout, a man with that same spiky hair and familiar orange Gi suit entered. Everything about him looked exactly like the last time she saw him. The only difference was the mask. She knew this wasn't Goku, just a replica. Regardless of such, her animosity towards him or it was the same. It was so great that her hands began to itch in anticipation as she craved a battle with him. Her face contorted to that of a scowl whereas the sweat on her forehead began to evaporate due to her hiking her ki up. She was ready. Chichi was ready to destroy him.

"This is a clay doll of Goku. He has the same power of the Goku from the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. You say you've perfected everything, let's test that theory then," Kami proposed. He turned his head towards the clay Goku and nodded. "You may begin."

Automatically, Chichi crouched down and positioned her open palms in its appropriate place whereas he was just standing there, motionless. He hadn't moved an inch to guard himself. This would be the perfect time to—

She blinked for not even half a second and he had disappeared. And then she sensed it. Chichi snapped around, using her left wrist to stop Goku from chopping the back of her neck. Instantly, the pain pulsed throughout her arm. Blocking that hit alone, felt like she had been smacked across her arm with a transfer truck. She didn't even have time to wince or dwell on the unpleasant sensations that made her arm go numb. Immediately after blocking, she tried to focus the ki to her free hand before delivering a punch to his face. However, Goku merely grabbed it and with one little squeeze…


He broke her fist. Chichi screamed in deep anguish. Before she could retaliate, Goku yanked her towards him and struck her in her stomach with his right fist. He allowed her to drop to his feet, clenching her lower torso.

The intense impact knocked the breath out of her, she couldn't even scream. When she finally could gasp for air, her body quivered. The air acted as sharp daggers that forcibly stabbed and mutilated every inch of her stomach. It caused the vomit residing in it to violently spurt up and through her esophagus, burning that and her tongue as it made its way out. Thus, Chichi heaved and threw up on the concrete beneath her.

"That's enough," Kami called to the clay Goku who was already preparing himself to make another attack just in case.

"NO!" Chichi dismissed. She wouldn't allow herself to be defeated this easily, especially when this wasn't the real Goku! Chichi used her arm with the broken fist to hold her stomach as if that would assuage anything. Her legs began to tremble, as she attempted to stand up. When she finally got her feet set on the ground, she began to sway. She was also starting to see two or was it three Gokus.

"You're in no condition to continue!"

"I don't care! I said I will fight!" Chichi yelled. She firmly planted her feet on the ground to prevent herself from swaying anymore. She shook her head to somewhat focus her vision and concentration on the clay model of Goku in front of her.

Seeing her determination, Kami motioned for the clay replica to continue. Immediately, Chichi tried to take the offense. Gathering a majority of her ki into her legs, she sprinted over towards Goku moving as fast as the wind. But she didn't make an attack just yet; instead she produced a plethora of after images in an attempt to confuse him. One appeared over his head, at both his sides and in front of him delivering kicks that Goku would've blocked if they had been real. Using the small chance she saw as Goku struck at the 3rd afterimage, she attacked from behind. Goku blocked with his forearm before quickly countering with a kick of his own.

Chichi lifted her knee to block. The impact of his leg wasn't as great as it was when he had struck her arm earlier. This made Chichi smirk for a second, but once her focus was lost in that small moment it was over for her. Goku quickly took the offense position from her, delivering kicks after kicks, with palm strikes in between each of which connected to Chichi's head and abdomen. Chichi was being driven back and she began to panic. She was disregarding the pace she should be breathing and forgetting to use her strong point, her legs, to counter and focus her ki. Hell, she couldn't focus her ki anywhere! The force banging against her that sent the most painful impulses throughout her body, made it impossible. Her vision was damn near gone, as she could feel one of her eye had swollen-shut, and the other was almost halfway there. Even if they weren't, dizziness was starting to settle in from the many hits she was taking. She would swear four Goku's were attacking her with the force of 100,000 tons of bricks. And she tasted blood on her tongue that was spilling from the cut in her mouth.

But then it all stopped. The clay model of Goku, may not have any emotions but he still behaved as Goku would've in this situation. This had to end; this pathetic fight, if anyone could call it that. It was much more like an assassination. Kami didn't even need to say anything as the clay model of Goku returned behind the doors of Kami's lookout.

Chichi collapsed, falling on her back and temporarily allowing herself to go unconscious. Kami walked over to her, bending down to grab the small pouch full of senzu beans that was attached to her gi belt. He took one out and placed it into her mouth before standing straight up to watch over her. Instinctively, she swallowed the bean. Not too long after, she opened her eyes to see Kami hovering over her.

He extended his hand out to the fallen Chichi. He said, "You couldn't get a direct hit that caused any significant damage and this isn't even the real Goku. The current Goku is much stronger and more tactical in fighting. I tried to tell you."

Anger, it whirled inside her before it consumed the very depths of her heart.

"What do you know Kami?!" Chichi screeched. Chichi staggered up from the ground, narrowing her eyes to glare greatly upon him. These men always think they knew everything. "You act like I haven't been working my ass off since I got here, doing above and beyond with little to no complaints. The moment I gloat, it's a problem! I'm not good enough to. I need to be beaten senseless! I'll never be good enough because I'm not a man! That's what you mean to say! Because I'm not Goku, your golden pupil! Who wants to be him, I hate him! And I will beat him one day! He will pay! You'll see! You all will see!" Chichi screamed before taking off into the sky.

"What you did was best sire. Otherwise, she would've stayed here and made no progress," Mr. Popo commented.

"Yeah. What she needs to work on is her motives and figure out her place in life. I doubt it's chasing behind the idea of defeating Goku," Kami said.

A sweet breeze that was being created by the moving sweeper car, caressed her skin ever so softly. Despite the sweeper bumping up on down every now and then, it was relaxing to ride along. She even allowed her eyes to remain closed as she pondered on that dream she had of the past. Hmph. To think that she used to be so immature, she had definitely come a long way. Reflecting back, after she left from Kami's lookout so mentally broken and frustrated, she had went on an adventure to take a shortcut in life. It was adventure that involved her looking for the dragonballs to make a wish that she was a man that was always stronger than Goku. However, that didn't work out. She actually had to end up stopping some guy named Colonel Silver of the Red Ribbon Army that Goku had destroyed a long time ago. He was seeking the dragonballs to resurrect his prior Red Ribbon Army and assume control. Nevertheless, in that journey she was able to let go that hatred in her heart as she discovered herself and learned her purpose in life. More importantly, she found out her true love was Martial Arts.

Chichi sighed. Now that she think about it….. Goku had passed her in their race about 2 days ago. When she finally had caught up to him, it was because he was sleeping on the sweeper that was going less than 50 miles per hour. Annoyed by his easygoing self, she carefully lifted him up from the sleeper and placed him on Snake way. Chichi then proceeded to lay onto of the sweeper herself to get some shut eye…So honestly, maybe she hadn't been the nicest to Goku. Well, she wasn't that nice to guys to begin with; not even her fiancé, but she'll admit that she is especially mean to Goku. She don't mean to be rude to Goku all the time, it's just... She don't know how to act now. She used to loathe the very idea of him, and was ecstatic at the thought of defeating him one day. But now, could she say that she hated him? Someone so admirable and bright, especially when he smiled. She'd even say that he was –


Chichi's eyes bolted open as she was tossed off the top of the sweeper. Her hand shot out to catch herself on the rim of snake way. However, as quick as she placed her hand down she picked it right back up. A jolting pain had shot through her hand as the spike on the edge penetrated her hand; causing her to automatically wince.

'Oh my Kami! I'm gonna fall. Wait Fly Chichi! Fly!' She screamed to herself. But before she could take off, she had fallen into something firm yet comforting. Chichi slowly opened her eyes to be confronted by a dark pair of eyes that held a trace of concern in them. And he smiled at her.

THUMP…. Just what was that? Was that her heart? It was probably because she had escaped a dreadful experience.

"Good thing I came here in time. Otherwise, you'd fallen off of Snakeway," Goku said, his voice with a bit of humor in them. He placed her down onto the walkway.

She blushed furiously and quickly exclaimed, "I could've saved myself! I didn't need your help!"

"I'm not too good at these things, but I'm sure the words you should be saying are 'Thank you." Goku stated, matter-of-factly. He had been slightly irritated by her behavior.

Chichi turned her back from him, mumbling incoherent words before crossing her arms. As soon as she tried to, she flinched and looked down to see that her hand was bleeding profusely. "Aw, man! Just my luck," She furiously whispered.

"What?" Goku asked. Chichi was thinking about ignoring him, until he appeared and snatched her hand away.

"OWW!" Chichi shouted.

"Oh don't worry! I know what to do! Suno taught me how to handle these things," Goku stated. He proceeded to untuck his shirt.

"W-What are you doing?!" Chichi jumped back, her eyes wide in alarm.

"Taking a piece of my shirt," Goku replied as he ripped off the hem of his shirt before tucking it back in. He approached an apprehensive Chichi and took her hand without her permission again.

She watched him intently, unable to stop him from removing her glove. His behavior had her stunned. And when his hand touched her bare hand, it felt like electricity had shot up her forearm and travelled to her heart.

THUMP… It did it again. Why was this happening? She could feel her face getting hot, thank Kami she still had her mask on.

Goku carefully examined the bruise, slowly rubbing his thumbs on the inside of her palm. "Your hands are soft. They're almost like a girl's."

"No they're not! I have manly hands!" Chichi scowled and tried to rip her hand away, but to no avail. His subtle grip kept them there.

He looked up, his eyes meeting hers. He stared, locking onto them as if he was trying to read something. While he stared, he began firmly tied a knot around her hand with the tattered strap. What was he looking at? Why didn't he stop? What's wrong with him?! She looked away, unable to bare his stare any longer.

"There," Goku said before releasing her hand.

"Thanks," Chichi mumbled, glancing down to her hand that she instinctively grasped.

There was awkward silence. Until Goku said, "I win!"

"Wait what you mean?" Chichi exclaimed.

"I was beating you. Even now since I'm in front of you, I won." Goku said, sticking his tongue out.

"LIES! We got about another 10,000 miles to go before we get to 100,000! Stop trying to cheat!" Chichi said.

"CHEAT?! Chihiro you pulled me from the sweeper and placed me on the side just to ride it yourself. You're the cheater!" Goku replied.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"You're such a child!"

"At least I don't have to cheat to win."

"You didn't win!" Chichi clamied.

"Well let's settle this now. In 10,000 miles, the winner will be decided!" Goku adamantly declared.

"You're on!" Chichi said taking off running like the speed of light before Goku could say go. He frowned but eventually smiled and took off after her. Within two minutes, Goku was able to catch up to Chichi.

"Hey you know next time, let's carry each other if we're sleepy. That way we won't ever have to stop or get on that sleeper again," Goku said, running alongside her.

"That does seem like a good option. Plus carrying you will help be build strength. You look fat," Chichi chuckled.

"I'm not fat! That's muscle!" Goku angrily pouted.

"Whatever piggy pig!" Chichi teased as she put more ki into her legs to sprint faster and ahead of Goku. Eventually, in the distance where Snakeway had a sharp curve, an old-fashioned three-tiered Japanese palace appeared. With a vivid red roof and bright white paint, it was apparent how astonishing and grand it was even from a distance. When the two finally reached the palace, they came to an abrupt halt in their race.

"Wow this place must be king Kai's. It looks like it's built for a king," Goku claimed as he gazed at the building. He was about to make a step towards the entrance, but Chichi suddenly reached out to grab him.

"Wait we shouldn't go in there!" Chichi said, released her grip on his arm.


"I don't know. My wo-... Wonderful gut is telling me." Chichi corrected. Oh kami that was close again. Chichi thought

"Stop being so scared. King Kai is probably in here. Let's go-" Before Goku could finish his statement, the entrance of the palace had sucked them inside. They soon found themselves, sitting on the shiny purple floor of what looked like a dining area. Goku and Chichi both stood up. Chichi dusted herself off and scanned the room, taking in the elaborate and ostentatious decorations as such as the red podiums and gold furnishings. Chichi also noticed a red symbol painted on a few of the walls. She would've sworn she seen it somewhere in her samurai or ninja studies.

Suddenly, a girl came forward with a miniature golden gong. She had black hair that was positioned in an elegant updo. It wasn't too elegant to take away from her stunning red eyes or unique teal colored skin. Even the scaly purple kimono and matching white gloves couldn't overshadow those qualities. The girl rang the golden dong and said, "Her highness has arrived!"

Not a minute later, a four more girls entered the dining room. They too shared a similar appearance to the first girl except each had a different hair color and green scaly kimonos. They were guiding, almost in a protective manner, one woman who stood in the middle.

She had the same teal colored skin as the others. However, her eyes were more so a red-orange tint. Her hairstyle complimented her eyes, since it was a huge orange puff full of big curls. Even her big ears couldn't diminish her graceful look. Furthermore, the green lipstick and oversized purple pearls added to her dazzling appearance. The navy blue scaly kimono, extravagant white fur, and polished pair of white gloves this woman wore, simply completed her look.

"Woah King Kai's a woman. And cute too!" Goku commented, as soon as she approached them.

"Oh my how cute and bold," the elegant woman blushed, innocently clasping her hands together. Chichi's eyebrows scrunched up. All of a sudden she didn't like this thing in front of her and she was almost positive it wasn't King Kai.

"Oh, sorry your highness. We came here to study, if you don't mind," Goku apologized with his signature grin.

'I mind,' Chichi thought, rolling her eyes.

"Look at your highness. I haven't seen her so excited since King Yemma dropped by a long time ago," one of the attendants commented.

"Oh what a hunk of a man! I can't believe a thousand years have gone by since he was here last," the superior woman happily sighed

'She sounds like a floosy. She's really irritating me by talking.' Chichi thought.

Goku perked up excited upon hearing that confession and eagerly replied to them, "wow really?"

They quickly covered their mouths. 'Yep. They're suspicious alright. I'm just gonna let Goku stand right here and do all the talking as I watch them.' Chichi thought.

"The real reason we came is to receive your training. We need to help our friends on earth," Goku stated.

The elegant woman blushed again, pulling her fur closer up on her shoulders. Looking at Goku ever so coyly she said, "I'm flattered."

'I REALLY don't like her. She's getting on my DAMN nerves.' Chichi thought.

That same woman sashayed closer to Goku, gazing upon him with sly flirtatious eyes. "Alright then," she said. She promptly grabbed Goku and proceeded to dance with him what looked like the knockoff version of the tango.

"You can't be serious!" Chichi exclaimed out loud. 'If Goku don't get his arse and come on! This is not what they have come for! They should be leaving.'

"Oh you've finally spoken. You sound jealous. There's only one of her, I'll dance with you until it's your turn with her," said the black haired attendant from earlier. Immediately, she grabbed Chichi's hand, not giving Chichi the opportunity to say no.

"We didn't know if you were a man or not but you sound like one to me. And you have pretty eyes. I wish I could take off your mask to see what you really look like. I bet you're more handsome than that other guy," the attendant fluttered her eyelashes, prompting Chichi to almost vomit.

Suddenly, their attention was drawn to a crash on the floor. Goku had thrown that elegant woman to the ground. The attendant quickly released Chichi to sprint over to that same woman. Seeing her on her back, Chichi covered her mouth over the mask to stifle her laughter.

"Wow I didn't know King Kai was so weak." Goku said, disappointment occupying in his tone.

That same attendant got in Goku's face to furiously shout, "She's not King Kai! She's Princess Snake! She won the world beauty contest and she's known for her beauty all over the land and you just apologize to her right now!"

Goku looked so helpless and confused. Chichi had to turn around to regain her composure before she busted out laughing.

"Gosh. I'm sorry. I thought you were King Kai. See you later," Goku waved before turning towards the exit.

'Finally!' Chichi screamed in her mind as she walked over to Goku, ready to leave with him.

"Oh don't go!" Princess Snake called out to them. Goku stopped, making Chichi halt as well. "Please stay a while."

Goku's eyebrows scrunched up in slight annoyance. He said, "I'm kind of in a hurry."

"Please, just stay for dinner," Princess Snake begged.

'No-' Chichi didn't have a chance to answer as Goku almost immediately accepted her offer. Princess Snake smiled and then ordered her girls to prepare a banquet. The attendants brought out a massive table and a few chairs before going in the kitchen, with Princess Snake following close behind. With them alone for a moment, Chichi felt the need to speak.

"Uh, Goku can I talk to you for a second over here," Chichi said. Goku nodded and followed her to a nearby corner.

She whispered, "I don't trust this Goku. These women are suspicious. Something is wrong here."

"What do you mean Chihiro?" Goku questioned, obviously perplexed by her statement.

"I can't explain it. You just have to trust me. You shouldn't even eat their food."

"But I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in over a month. We can leave after we eat," Goku pleaded.

"Fine then! You stay, I'm leaving. I'm not about to stay around and get killed before I reach my destination!" Chichi furiously whispered.

"You won't get killed. They're friendly. They want to feed us. Stop being mean and assuming things," Goku said, irritation in his tone.

"Mean?!" Chichi exclaimed, her voice getting higher than usually.

"Is there a problem? The food is ready," Princess Snake said as the attendants placed the food on the round table with a light blue tablecloth.

"No, beautiful. There's nothing wrong. We just missed your presence," Chichi replied in her manliest voice possible. It did its trick as Princess Snake immediately became flushed.

"I thought you were just saying how ..." Goku started but Chichi stomped on his foot with all her might. He yanked his foot up automatically, grabbing it to soothe the aching pain coursing through it. Goku then turned his head to pout and glare at Chichi.

"Ow! What you do that for! You really are mean!" Goku huffed, putting his foot down. He then pushed Chichi, causing her to stumble. Chichi came back ready to fight but Princess Snake shouted, "don't fight over me men! There's enough of me to go around! Let's eat first though!"

They both reluctantly put their fists down like a couple of stubborn children and went to go sit down at the table.

Goku had ruined her only chance of escape! She should've left when the princess wasn't in here with them. She glanced at Goku to see him scoffing down the food without a care in the world.

And then a familiar scent hit Chichi's nose. It smelled like...enchanted kampo. Chichi smirked. These damn amateurs. The herb should've been finely grounded up and brewed like tea, before mixing it in the sauce they used to coat the roasted chicken they had on the table. And to poison someone like Goku, they'd needed a lot more of the herb. As for Chichi, a current ninja well Kunoichi to be correct, she needed the most potent sleeping herbs to knock her out. This enchanted kampo wouldn't faze her. Chichi quickly grabbed the alligator head before her and consumed it in that second. She didn't draw that much attention because Princess Snake and her attendants were all focused on Goku and his outrageous borderline-repulsive eating habits. At this moment, Chichi saw her opportunity to "sneak" away.

Carefully, she moved away from the table and headed towards the doors. Slowly but surely, she opened the exit and crept out. She was finally out of that wretched dining room and now she ventured the long grandiose and extravagant hallway. It actually seemed never-ending until she came to a two way split. She turned down the right one and was soon met by another two way split. Therefore, Chichi turned the left corner and later another corner and then another. It was like Chichi was caught in some sort of puzzle, going around in circle after circle. She never came across any other exit or room. Occasionally, she would only see the entrance to the dining hall.

Frustrated to her wits ends, Chichi sat down to meditate in the hallway. She had furtively sneaked in and out numerous places in her life. This place shouldn't be any different once she had calmed down. Closing her eyes, she began to deeply inhale and exhale, becoming one with herself and her surroundings. Focusing her ki to her core, Chichi sensed her environment. Maybe she could find an exit this way.

Her eyes shot open! Oh no! She glimpsed around and bolted up from the ground. She couldn't believe it! The ground was a mushy tender muscle, excreting a mysterious liquid. In fact, it wasn't only the ground but the ceiling or roof of this place was the same as well. But how?

Snake Princess… That name rang in Chichi's mind at that very moment. It was like everything had clicked inside Chichi's brain and she knew for certain, that they were in the inside of a snake! She had to tell Goku as soon as possible! Chichi quickly focused her ki to swiftly soar back, deeper into this overgrown Snake's throat. Soon she discovered a sleeping Goku, lying on the plushy intestines. Green juices were oozing out and around him, about to envelop his entire body. Panicking now, Chichi was about to scream his name. However, since she lost her composure upon seeing the juices surround Goku, everything returned back to normal the second she had blinked. Chichi was right back in the "palace." Princess Snake and the attendants were also glaring at her ready to pounce.

"Goku! Please wake up!" Chichi screamed with all her night, ignoring the nearby group. He snapped up, wondering what was going on.

"I don't remember falling asleep," Goku yawned, rubbing his sluggish eyes.

Chichi ran over to him, grabbing his arm to pull him up. She replied, "I didn't think you'd fall asleep either! Goku we need to leave now! This place isn't what it seems!"

The level of alarm in her voice didn't make Goku question her any further. Plus, he was ready to go himself. The two went towards the exit, but Princess Snake and her attendants stood before it.

"Don't leave you two. I'm sure-"

"Shut up! I know what this place is so move out our way before I blast a hole in your stomach!" Chichi demanded.

"What she said," Goku added, pointing to Chichi with his thumb.

At first Princess Snake had a hurt expression, but once Goku had also been set on leaving, an evil smirk emerged across her face. She snapped her fingers and the palace was back to the disgusting and pulsating pink muscles that oozed green slime. Goku's eyes widen as he was confused.

"Goku, let's go! We're inside-"Chichi was say but she was interrupted by a voice.

"A snake. You're in the belly of a snake! My belly that is," The Snake Princess voice echoed. Goku felt the green juice singe his boot, making him hike his foot up at once. "Watch out for my juices. They're strong enough to melt any warrior," Princess Snake laughed maliciously.

The juice then fell from the roof and onto Chichi, forcing her to toss a specific article of clothing aside. Goku immediately took off towards one end, soaring in the air and grabbing a distracted Chichi's hand so she could start flying at that moment as well. Once she did, he let her hand go so they could effectively maneuver through the snake's stomach avoiding the corrosive acid. And then they saw the light ahead, increasing their levels of ki to effectively exit the snake in that split second. Princess Snake wouldn't stop there; she began to chase them through the sky in her enormous snake form, even scorching them with the fire she breathed. She was about as thick as the snake way road, but only a few kilometers long.

"That's it!" Goku stated. They both came to an abrupt halt as Goku began to chant "Kameha... Wait I can't hurt her. She gave me food."

"I can," Chichi said before she used her special technique and shot the beam into Princess Snake's open mouth. She screamed and writhed before passing out and falling through the clouds.

Chichi landed on the Snakeway, bent over and panting. That always took a long of energy to do.

"What you do that for!" Goku stated as he landed beside her on the snake way. His tone sounded upset.

"Hey, at least she's not dead!" Chichi defended as she stood up straight and turned to face Goku.

"That's not-" he paused. For a second there, she would've sworn she saw a faint pink come across Goku's cheeks. Well at quick as it came, it left. She even wondered if she may have imagined it.

"What?" Chichi asked, confused by his expression

"You're beautiful Chihiro. I knew you were a girl," Goku said.

And at that moment, Chichi had realized the piece of clothing that she had tossed away was her mask.

To Be Continued

a/n: Dun dun dunnnn. I know I'm evil for this cliffhanger. . I still love you all though! I'll answer my reviewers next chapter. :D