Sweat beaded along the edges of Kamui's face, threatening to momentarily blind her as small trickles began to head towards her red eyes.

With another sweep of her blade the princess tried to force herself to transform. Along the sides of the open garden all of the present siblings and guards defensively raised their weapons.

There was one crack. Sickening and loud enough to cause some of the soldiers to wince.

Next a strong ribbon of black and purple enclosed around Kamui's arm. Sizzling hotly and smoking against the princess's skin.

Sakura wanted nothing more than to rush over and immediately start healing her sister, but before anyone could tell her to stand down, Kamui's breath caught and she fell forward with a loud thud.

All traces of her transformation gone.

Joker and Flora immediately rushed to help their lady stand.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Please mistress, you have tried 9 times now. At least consider taking a break-"

"I'm fine Flora! Takumi AGAIN!"

Takumi, who had been frozen in his position of attack, lowered his bow and sighed.

Kamui frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"Your servants are right. You have done enough for the time being."

"But I was close that time!"

Camilla stepped forward, while Elise and Sakura jogged towards their sister to begin healing the lacerations crisscrossing along her burnt arm.

"All you did this time was injure yourself more than before. You will sit until properly healed and allow Joker to fetch you something for lunch, that you will eat without argument. End of discussion."

The princess frowned and withheld any further objection. It was pointless to argue with Camilla over anything and everyone knew it.

The rest of the royal family allowed the present guards to return to their duties, while Kamui relented to her youngest sisters' healing.

She had gotten farther this time around, and considering how poorly the past 3 days had been, it was a welcome pain.

It meant progress.

The sound of her bones breaking the first day had been enough to made Leon and Saukra ill. The second day had been the only other time she had been able to force the cracks of molten to force itself onto her skin and transform partly into it's other form.

The smoke had caused Marx to panic and call her off before she fainted from the pain.

Now here they all stood on day 3. No closer to their goal than they had ever been.

The only one not present was Aqua, who had been keeping Felicia company inside while actively avoiding anything related to the royal family's latest project.

Avoiding Kamui.

"Try not to look so angry sister. You are getting there, but too much taxation on your body will knock you out well before the actual transformation."

Elise spoke as kindly as possible, though Kamui could see the worry hidden deep in his eyes.

It was the same thing that reflected in all of their irises.

"I'm fine. I just need to try harder."

Leon, who had approached tomb in hand to assist the youngest girls, scoffed before patting Kamui's head affectionately.

"You are trying TOO hard. The first time you transformed was effortless according to Ry."

And more painful than anything Kamui had ever felt, but she was not about to say that to any one of her already overly concerned family.

The rest of the royals began to make their way over to Kamui just as Sakura healed the last of her burns.

"T-the scar in your shoulder will take more time to properly heal, b-but everything else should be gone now."

"Thank you. You both are a wonderful healer."

The red head and blonde both smiled before each wrapped their arms around their sister.

"We love you onee-chan."

"I love you both too."

Ryouma was careful to place his hand on the princess's uninjured shoulder, as the two youngest hurried inside to go help Joker and Flora bring out their lunches.

And possibly give a certain blue haired songstress an update on her insane girlfriend.

As though sensing where Kamui's worries laid, Ryouma sighed before sitting himself besides her.

"Aqua still refusing to talk?"

"She won't even look at me..."

"Want us to send Camilla after her?"

Kamui gave a huff of irritation, despite the quirk that had raised her lips into a small smile.

"Just because we are arguing doesn't mean I want her to die, brother."

Everyone had to laugh at that as Camilla made no move to defend the claim. She was known, more often than not, to get rid of people she saw as threats to her family's happiness. The fact that Aqua was an exception was only because of the purple knight's fondness of her relationship with Kamui.

The whole family laughed for a few moments before the severity of their situation came back down upon them all once again.

It was like a lead blanket weighing down on all of their shoulders.

Kamui stood to stretch out her weary body.

"She doesn't understand why I have to do this. She thinks it's selfish."

"Is she wrong?"

The princess peered over to see Silas, who had unintentionally been eavesdropping nearby. She rounded to question her childhood friend, but Hinoka beat her to it.

"What business have you in this matter?"

"Forgive me your majesties, but I am only going off what I know. Lady Aqua and I have bonded well over these last few months and while I know that it may sound biased of me to take her side here, I see why she may feel this way."

Kamui stepped forward with pleading eyes.

"By gods Silas please tell me. What is it that has her so mad about all this? I am helping my people!"

"No you have diminished you worth."

Everyone gave the silver haired boy a quizzical look though Leon eventually gave his own "ah" of realization.

"I see where you are going with this. It is because Kamui put other's well being over her own. How could I have missed that?"

Silas nodded his affirmation to Leon while everyone besides Kamui seemed to suddenly understand.

The princess frowned.

"Why should putting the needs of my people anger anyone?"

Silas smiled sadly as though hearing those words had physically pained him.

"My lady, you are selfless, loyal, true to your heart, and well beyond wise. Though in this case I must admit you are missing the point completely. Aqua is not mad at you for wanting to master this dangerous talent, but you brushed off her's and everyone else's worry like it was nothing. You said that hurting yourself was more important than the clear worry you were causing her."

The answer slowly registered within Kamui's mind as she moved to rub at her temples to ease the growing tension there. Aqua had been scared for her and she had said directly to her face that her life had no meaning. That if she were to hurt herself that no one would care.

She had acted as though Aqua's opinion meant nothing to her.

Before the princess could rush to go try and apologize to her girlfriend a sudden cry drew away everyone's attention.

One of the guards began to shout for help as all of the royal family drew their weapons.

Sakura and Elise ran out, both with noticeable cuts and dirt covering their clothing.


Hinoka and Marx reached the two first and began to question what had happened to them. Elise looked close to tears as she pointed at a large hooded figure who was walking into the courtyard with Aqua. They had a rather obvious knife pointed directly at the hysterical blue haired girl's neck.

Time itself seemed to slow.

"Lower your weapons. Now!"

The voice was distinctly female, though the distorted static ran through it almost as though they were speaking from far beyond the courtyard. It chilled the royal family to the bone, like nails scratching along a rusted sheet of metal.

Never the less all of them obeyed and dropped their weapons. Kamui's face was filled with more despair than any of them had ever seen.


Aqua appeared to be unharmed, but her eyes were filled with fear as the figure drew their blade closer to her neck.

"She's my chip to play here princess. I don't think you're in any position to argue."

Marx moved to push Elise and Sakura behind him.

From the corners of the courtyard Flora could be seen holding two ice daggers while Joker silently calculated the most subtle way of jumping in front of Kamui without startling the armed stranger.

Ryouma spoke first.

"What do you want?"

"...I want you all to kneel...I WANT justice!"

Marx narrowed his eyes and took a threatening step forward.

The hooded figure yanked Aqua closer as a nasty form as black magic began to filter out from beneath their robe.

"You all ruined everything! I will not leave this place until I am given retribution! A LIFE FOR A LIFE!"

Before anyone could say a word, Kamui's entire body suddenly sparked to life with purple and black smoke. Her bones did not creak, but rather effortlessly slid into place as a bright light caused all of the royal family to step away.

What once stood in Kamui's place was now the dragon of legends.

The Nohr siblings seemed to blanch at the beast's form, but the Hoshido half was immediately on the defensive. Having already met the beast's form, each was ready to rush for their weapons.

However the moment Kamui stepped forward, the hooded figure released Aqua and dropped their knife.

A guard moved to rush the assailant, but the second they were touched the cloak collapsed into nothing.

She were gone.

Aqua smiled at the confused looks being passed onto her by the royal family.

"I should thank you all for being so worried about my well being. Sakura, Elise, thank you both very much for your help."

The two gave Aqua knowing smiles in return. Finally the blue haired girl turned her gaze upwards towards Kamui, who now seemed to be retreating back.

She seemed somewhat aware of the sudden situation.

"Love, it's okay. See? I'm fine."

The dragon appeared frantic as it edged away from the waters beginning to dance slowly around Aqua's hands. Despite this the the dancer continued to move closer.

Her voice soft and filled with comfort. Just like when back in Hoshido.

"You are the ocean's gray waves. Destined to seek, life beyond the shore just out of reach. Yet the waters ever change. Flowing like time, that filters through the tide~.

The water, along with the soothing melody, began to ease the dragon retreat. Instead Kamui began to edge closer towards the outstretched hand being offered.

Her calm and timid attitude contrasted greatly against the raging ball of anger that had laid waste to Hoshido last year.

"It's okay. You're okay Kamui..."

The moment Aqua's hand touched the base of the dragon's head, a light once again blinded all of the courtyard's occupants.

When their eyes readjusted, Kamui, no longer in dragon form, was kneeling on the ground. Clutching Aqua in a tight embrace.

"Shhhh don't cry. It's alright."

"I t-thought I was going to l-lose you...I'm s-so sorry-"

"It's okay. See? I'm perfectly safe."

"Don't EVER s-scare me like that again. You stupid stupid stupid idiot! Don't ever do that again!"

Aqua gently leaned down to cup her girlfriend's tears stained face, before smiling and placing a loving kiss on her worried brow.

"Always the charmer. First you worry then find the time to call ME the idiot."

Elise suddenly burst forward and began to lightly punch Kamui in the arm. Her voice was full of chastisement.

"Sister! Be nice! It was Aqua's idea that got you to finally change without hurting yourself!"

Hinoka peered directly down at Aqua with wide eyes.

"You planned that?!"

"Of course I did. Seeing Kamui hurt herself every day wasn't exactly an ideal routine."

Takumi walked up next. A look of puzzling inquires clearly seen on his face.

"How though?"

"I asked Sakura, Elise, and Felicia to help me. Felicia allowed Elise to put a spell on her that would allow her to dissipate into black smoke once Kamui had successfully changed. Then we made it so that Kamui would think someone was attacking and had taken me hostage."

From across the yard Flora's shouting could be heard. It appeared that some time during the two lovers reunion Felicia had sneaked back out to watch the fruits of her fine showmanship.


"I- I was trying to help Lady Kamui!"

Flora was suddenly approaching her nervous looking sister with a frightening speed.

"By what?! Getting yourself killed?! What if someone had attacked! Joker and I were seconds away from castrating you?!"

Felicia had enough good sense to rush back inside as Flora began to whack at her head in punishment.

Camilla decided to let the two servants work out their own squabble while she and everyone else as she assisted to young couple back onto their feet. Kamui was reluctant to let go of Aqua's hand.

"My my how clever. How did you know dear Kamui wouldn't lose control at the sight of you in danger?"

A sheepish blush began to form on Aqua's face.

"I didn't honestly. I was hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. But now that she has enough of an idea over what she needs to think of in order to transform, perhaps it worked out for the best."

Leon nodded as he made a quick note of something in his tomb.

"Of course it's not just rage that can trigger the dragon's vein. Protectiveness or desperation can force a less aggressive reaction because of the mentality used when activating the change. When the attack had occurred in Hoshido, the emotion that was most focused on was revenge. Now though if Kamui were to channel in a sense of defensiveness her alteration would remain stable."

Aqua nodded with a smile.

"Exactly. I would have asked you all to help, but I assumed more natural reactions would be more believable."

Kamui used her free hand to wipe away the left over tears in her eyes.

"The thought of losing you without ever having said I'm sorry...Aqua I should have never upset you like I did, I promise it'll never happen again."

"Do not make promises neither of us can keep. We will both make mistakes, that's what love is. I shouldn't have reacted as harshly as I did or tricked you, so I too apologize. Now we know what to work on, okay?"


The two stared at each other for what felt like lifetimes until Ryouma finally cleared his throat.

"While I still think we should still practice more before the cultural festival...perhaps you both have earned the night off. Go on, we will clean up and make sure Felicia is still in one piece."

Kamui smiled graciously before tugging on Aqua's hand to lead her back inside.

They had a lot of lost time being ridiculously in love to make up for after all.