Sorry my updates are so infrequent.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did it wouldn't be any good. Same applies to Doctor Who. Credit is also due to fairy tail dragon slayer. Check them out, they are rad.

Naruto was leaning on the console of the TARDIS supporting his head with his hands as he was very obviously in pain. From the incredibly pained look on his face and the sweat pouring down his skin. The shadow clones had dispelled due to Naruto's current state. There was just too much energy and information pulsating in his head. His brain wasn't designed to hold all of the information that came along with being a time lord and having permanent knowledge of being able to fly a TARDIS. This was the first time he had ever used anything from this universe combined with this being his first time using Cosmic Sage Mode.

Sure he would've been able to learn how to hold it all in if he had been meditating immediately after gaining it all. Something he did not do. Inexplicably, Naruto remembered something. A scenario vaguely similar to this had played out before and a cause could be his solution. "Yes!.." Some doubt crept into his mind. "No…" Another idea struck and gave the doubt a solid rebuttal. "Yes!"

Now having a game plan and fighting through his rather strong headache. Naruto used his own bare left hand and cut off his right hand at the wrist. His right hand fell to the floor of the Tardis. After that he readied himself, he stabbed his remaining hand through his stomach. He also made sure to suppress all of his healing abilities, except for one that is. The hand going straight through, missing his spine. Something the teen was immensely grateful for.

"And that should trigger my regeneration." He managed to speak out before coughing up some blood. Golden energy with flecks of iridescent began flowing off of his left hand, stump arm and head. And soon the energy went from a small light to a violent explosion out of his arms and head. About a few seconds into the energy explosion, which was causing some damage to his Tardis, Naruto directed the energy into his severed hand. Ignoring that for a second, purple and blue sparks arced from the damage done by Naruto's regeneration. Back to the boy. After a single minute of the energy going into his stump hand, the energy halted and Naruto collapsed to the floor. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, using both of his hands. He allowed himself to sit there to relax and catch his breath.

His relaxation only lasted a few seconds when multiple alarms started going off before the Tardis crashed. Feeling kind of an like an elevator coming to a stop, but if the elevator was a space shuttle. "Okay... I… kinda remember how to fly this thing." He spoke to himself as he got up and began to push buttons and pull levers.

"It won't dematerialize!" Naruto shouted in frustration as his eyes scanned around the control room before coming across his dimly glowing stump hand. Naruto picked it up, walked over to the door. He opened the door with a yank and threw the hand out. "AND stay out!" Naruto said before just about slamming the door. After discarding of his glowing time lord hand, Naruto walked back to the console. Disregarding his outburst, he flew the Tardis back to his home. The "vehicle" now cooperating with him.

The hand flew through the air of a land that contrasted with Naruto's; dead trees, a vaguely "scary" academy in the distance and a red water mass to the side. The hand flew through a flock of crows, through the shade of the trees and slid on the ground. The sliding dimly glowing hand was stopped by an armored foot. The person connected to said foot picked up Naruto's discarded hand. The person looked exactly like Naruto, except much smaller, younger, had silver hair and armor.

This other Naruto examined the discarded hand, as if looking for something. It was almost as if this Naruto was getting some sort of message from the hand, that only he could perceive. A scythe appeared in his open hand and with but a simple wave the hand disappeared. He simply shook his head in the direction where the original Naruto's Tardis once was, before slicing his scythe through the air, which ripped open a portal. This silver Naruto stepped through the portal, which closed as soon as he was completely through.

The original Naruto in his Tardis materialized in the correct place and time when the doors flew open on their own and Naruto was seemingly ejected out with an invisible haste. Naruto sat there on the ground a bit dazed, he whipped his head around back at the Tardis.
"What the fu-" Naruto's outraged inquiry was interrupted by a black shadow energy beaming out of the Tardis. After which the Tardis doors closed and the sentient machine promptly dematerialized. The shadow energy from earlier flowed into itself around one spot seeming to form something. What went unseen and Naruto did not know about(despite his claims) where the Tardis used to be, there appeared something in the shape of the Tardis, except without any of its colors and transparent. Like a ghost of it.

Doing nothing for only a few seconds, the 'Ghost' Tardis dematerialized to who knows where. But during it's dematerialization cosmic energy sparked off of it like lightning. So that couldn't be any kind of good. However, the Naruto in the here and now had more pressing matters to deal with. Like this mass of pure shadow that had formed into a humanoid shape. As time passed this shadow person gained more and more detail upon itself until it's eyes opened. Eyes with normal sclera, but ruby colored irises and slits for pupils. At that moment the rest of the shadow on it exploded off, revealing an exact duplicate of Naruto, except for the eyes.

"And who the fuck are you? Copying my style? Ever heard of originality, asshole?" Naruto questioned it, with never ending amounts of sass. This Shadow Naruto just stared at him. Before very quickly and suddenly running forward and punching him the face. The original went flying from the punch, crashing into one of the trees in his backyard. The real Naruto recovered from the dazing strike and removed himself from the tree.

"You may be a copy of me, but DAMN can you throw a punch." Naruto spoke as he rubbed the mark on his face, which quickly faded away. Naruto was actually just stalling while he thought up a plan. He was fresh out of cosmic energy, thanks to timey wimey bullshit. And meditating to get some more was a definite nope.

Instead of just sitting on his as, Naruto activated his curse mark. Which just glowed red, spun fast, ate ass and spread over his arm. It didn't actually eat ass. But that's not the point. The point is that Naruto was now in Sage Mode thanks to his dead snake teacher. Sage Naruto walked up to this Shadow Naruto. They both stood, not moving at all, having a staring contest. And without warning Sage Naruto decked Dark Naruto in the face, much like what happened to himself(Sage Naruto). Shadow Naruto or Dark Naruto? I don't know, ask Sage Naruto. This Shadow Naruto took that hit without even flinching as a shockwave exploded from the blow, bending trees and scattering leaves.

Naruto had been in a mindset of dealing with issues, and not enjoying himself. But, with this copy of him, there seemed to be potential for a challenge. So, instead of just trying to end this quickly(what he was just doing), Sage Naruto decided to play a different game. Wood shot out of Sage Naruto's arm and covered Darkuto(Dark/Shadow Naruto), the wood disconnecting from the Sage's arm. This wood turning into an extremely thick and dense tree with Darkuto in the center. While he was trapped in there, Sage Naruto merged with one of the preexisting trees in his backyard and traveled deep into the forest that was Namikaze land. And there, deep in the forest, Sage Naruto entered a giant underground wooden pyramid that was connected to the trees above ground.

Through his studies Naruto had found out that pyramids passively channelled cosmic energy, much like he could. When within this pyramid, made of, and decorated with increasingly smaller pyramids, you couldn't breath without obtaining cosmic energy. It might have been overkill when it was being made, but currently; It was more than useful.

In the center of the pyramid, Naruto meditated, tapping into the endless energy of the Cosmos. It flew into him at such insane speeds, he couldn't mix it into his nature chakra fast enough. In no time at all, Naruto had entered Cosmic Sage Mode once again. But, instead of rushing into things, Naruto continued to meditate. Naruto wanted to be able to fully grasp what he could do. Only now was he taking notice of how he could feel the raw potential and power this form granted him. He was able to feel probability, possibility and plausibility. And if he focused ever so slightly, he slipped back into reality. But, if he focused on not focusing, a weird concept, time seemed to slow down and he could see the potential future. And with just one glance through his cosmic eye, he saw another world where a race, based off of minerals, had this ability naturally. In that world, they called this Future Vision.

And with this nearly all-seeing eye, he saw his friend Darkuto breaking out of the tree. In Cosmuto's(Naruto when he's focusing on not focusing) eyes everything was moving far slower than normal, about a tenth of normal speed. Cosmuto decided to take advantage of this time, redirected the Cosmic Eye, and continued to meditate.

Cosmuto's Cosmic Eye transcended the cosmos themselves as he looked through a massive amount of realities. He saw buff men breathing weird and summoning spirits within themselves to fight other spirits. He saw children fighting, learning from, killing and befriending men and monsters. He saw a kid get smacked with some strange, round, metal, noisy object by a pink haired woman. He'd never considered the effectiveness of a musical instrument as a weapon. He saw people with red eyes fight other people with red eyes and people without red eyes, apparently the red eyes ate the non-red eyes and sometimes the red eyes too? He saw everything. And it was a lot to take in. So he just continued to accumulate Cosmic Energy. Cosmuto was practically fermenting himself in Cosmic Energy. But, with a singular glance into the future, Naruto stood up from the meditation. The third eye on his forehead, with an iris constantly changing every color, closed. He looked down at his hands. And somehow, he could see an image of exactly what he was capable of like this. He could see his own power. It was biblically awesome.

Naruto headed out of the Ulti-Pyramid, towards Darkuto. Naruto arrived on the scene shortly after his counterpart broke free.

"You can't defeat me. My powers have transcended mortality. Even if you were to be physically stronger than me, you would never be able to kill me. Ever." Naruto stated with the most factual and bored tone he's ever taken. And it was true, Dark could feel the power radiating out of Naruto, but it wasn't in Dark's nature to back off. It was flight or fight and he was a fighter.

Dark rushed Naruto with a punch going so fast that, while Naruto's eyes could keep up, the rest of his body could not. That's just how fast Dark was. And Naruto's even faster thought process realized that he had made a fatal error, he hadn't taken the time to ingratiate Cosmic Sage Mode's effects into his body all of the way. He focused so much on his cosmic eye, he forgot about the rest of him. He simply cultivated the cosmic energy without fully utilizing it. What a dumbass. And that one mistake would be Naruto's demise. That would be the case, if it wasn't for the natural defense mechanism that came with Cosmic Sage Mode.

Dark's fist stopped inches from Naruto's face, the fist quivering and shaking with effort. As a purple man with long flowing hair was there holding Dark's fist.

"Star Platinum…" Was all that Naruto uttered before Dark shot off another punch, this 'Star Platinum' catching that one too. Dark backed off, not being able to see what was catching his fists. But, he decided that didn't matter and just unleashed a flurry of punches at Naruto, thinking that at least one would get him. But none of them did, furthering Dark's frustration. Every punch stopped just short of connecting with his target, Naruto's face.

Dark was absolutely livid. He couldn't hit his opponent and he couldn't see what was preventing him from hitting his enemy. Dark's eyes glowed, showing his fury. But, those same eyes conveyed his confusion. Naruto knew that was something he could use to his advantage.

Naruto decides he must end this with haste, before his copy pulls a him. Naruto knowingly looks over at Star Platinum. And he just looks as Dark is about to rush at him again. But, Naruto points at him and this weird noise is heard as a ripple throughout everything shoots out from Star Platinum, and instantly comes back to the Stand and Dark is stuck in place.

"I can stop time…" Naruto speaks in wonder as he walks over to Dark, Star Platinum floating close behind. "I know full well it shouldn't be this easy for me to do this, it's unfair… These powers aren't my own, I shouldn't be using them! I should fight my clone with my own power, fairly… But, then there's my other option, which I like much more. So… Fuck it. Let's give you a test drive. My Stand against My Clone." Naruto says towards Dark and and the swole purple man. His stand, Star Platinum, floated in front of Naruto, readied his fists and released the speediest barrage of blows Naruto has ever seen. Each strike against Dark giving off a shockwave.

And as the Stand throws these mighty punches, it bellows out, "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!" To the beat of each punch, something Naruto found outstanding.

The barrage continues for a total of 4 seconds and after time resumes, Dark is propelled backwards. A few of Dark's limbs explode, the punches left gaping holes throughout his body. But, where would be the blood of Darkuto, there's a dark ooze piling on the ground beneath Dark. He almost stumbles, but steadies himself and stands there. He stares at Naruto once more, as the darkness that is his blood and exploded body parts starts to flow into him. Darkuto is healing himself, by just recollecting what he lost.

Seeing this happen, Naruto uses Star Platinum to knock Dark's head, right arm and left leg off all in different directions. The large purple man proceeds to beat the rest of Dark's body into messy bits on the ground. Seeing his current adversary demolished, Naruto pops a squat on the ground and starts meditating. Cosmic Energy radiating out of him(looking like an aurora borealis emanating all around him, violently) as his third eye opens once more. The eye's iris being very iridescent. And to buy him even more time, Naruto used Star Platinum to stop time again.

"I don't have this Stand's full power. I've gotta get the real deal if I want to beat this Shadow fake." Naruto says aloud before Cosmic Energy completely obscures his body. The shroud of cosmic energy left Naruto's person, putting him in perfect view as time continued to be stopped. Naruto rose from his meditative position, and examines the new powers he just acquired.
"Good grief, that's so much more than what I expected… Cosmic Clones really are my greatest invention. Soul Reapers, Spirit Energy, Spiritual Pressure, Zanpakuto… Weird to experience it first hand." Naruto says aloud as his spiritual pressure flows from him. Time resumes, and immediately Dark begins reforming. However, Naruto lets him this time.

Darkuto has fully reformed, anger painted on his face and murder in his eyes as he readies to resume combat. Before he can lunge for Naruto's jugular, a force like a tidal wave forces him to the ground. His face in the dirt, he struggles to look up at Naruto, the source of this crushing weight. Naruto looks down at him.

"You're just an imitation. Our powers don't stem from the same roots. The versatility and sheer power of Cosmic Energy, crushes all opponents…You're less than a parasite. There are parasites that give people power. You just try copy mine." Naruto lectures Dark as iridescence gathers in Naruto's hand. He walks up to Dark. "You shall be reborn, and sent somewhere else. Find a good fight, for the both of us. I'll stay here and keep these people safe." After those words of wisdom, Naruto puts his palm full of Cosmic Energy on Dark's forehead, and the creature disappears in a large flash of light.

"That sure was weird, time to test out these new abilities." Not long after Naruto's declaration of ability testing, a large fire erupted from where his location and began to burn down his forest. It's soon put out. Where Naruto went after almost burning down his forest, is unknown. This can only be good. What did he mean by keep these people safe? Safe from what? From who? Who will be the next to fall at Naruto's hand?

Find out, Next Time!