A/N: Say hello to my Naruto Fanfiction... Said your hellos? Good, to the Prologue! ROLL THE SCRIPT! BTW I'm borrowing a few elements from other anime, maybe a few events/characters, I may throw in a bit of TV shows as well, such as Doctor Who, my favorite TV show. Also I'll be using a combination of Japanese names/titles and English names/titles.
Almost forgot this, DISCLAIMER: I own literally none of the anime or shows that are in anyone used and/or featured in this literary work. I'm also borrowing elements each from two other Authors: Tauren177 and Seldom Prodigy(Great writers). Apparently one of the elements I'm borrowing from Seldom Prodigy is from the movie Riddick(Cool movie that I'm currently watching). Although these elements will be a bit, different than what they were originally.
"Biju Speech"
Emphasis on a word
"Biju Thoughts"

Today was an average day for everyone in the village of Konoha, it was currently noon. Everything about today screamed average like a billboard, the heat was average, the weather was average, etc. All of this day was average for everybody, even the ANBU and Hokage, all except for one Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto had found a very ancient and weird archive. He found it when he was trying to escape some Chunin who were trying to punish him for some shenanigans, he was only 6, yet he out foxed them pretty easily. The truth is the Chunin didn't want to catch him, but had to make it believable, it's not like Naruto needed to know that though. He found the library when the ground gave way beneath him, seemingly at random.

"This place is so dusty, weird... And huge..." Naruto said aloud, not even questioning the fact that there was nothing emitting light. "Maybe I can find some ancient technique to become Hokage?!" Naruto exclaimed. So, with that thought in mind, he started looking through all of the scrolls and books, coming across one especially old book named: "Cosmic Energy".

Naruto being, well, Naruto, thought that sounded pretty cool, so he grabbed the book, plumped on the stone floor down in the aisle and started reading. Thankfully the book had a few pictures and had a vocabulary even someone with Naruto's poor education could comprehend.

After several hours of concentrating and focusing hard, Naruto finished the book, dropped the book and threw his arms up in victory, not even questioning his lack of thirst and hunger in this ancient library, abundant in weird vibes.

"I did it! Now I need a way to get out." Naruto congratulated himself "But first."

Naruto pulled the backpack he had from his shoulders and sat it on the ground and grabbed his ramen. After devouring his meal in seconds, he searched about the centuries old archive, finding no way out, since he fell out of the ceiling, he sat down and decided to meditate. Reading in the book that with enough meditation, one could find a solution to their problem, it was something called enlightenment.

After twelve hours give or take, Naruto was still meditating. He had lost himself in a pool of Cosmic Energy, combined with the library rid him of basic bodily needs(Hunger, thirst, pee, poop, etc.) and his own thoughts. Currently he was stuck on one thought process: "Didn't gramps tell me that meditating helped with something called spiritual energy? But the book said that Cosmic Energy and Spirit energy were too different things, but Cosmic Energy is a much more powerful substitute for Spirit Energy and Physical Energy..." And so, as Naruto gathered more and more Cosmic Energy, he couldn't control it and he 'drowned' in it, being rendered unconscious and forced out of the meditation and enveloped in a burst of Cosmic Energy, which looked like the continuous spectrum was exploding from his very core.

Within Naruto's Mindscape

"How'd I end in some sewer? Wasn't I a Library? Maybe this is a dream? Doesn't matter... I'll get out of here and impress everyone with my new awesome Cosmic Energy!" Naruto exclaimed, running straight forward, blindly.

"And when everyone asks how I did that, I'll be all like: "That's for me to know and you never to find out!" Naruto said in his excitement, still running, not at all caring about what he was fast approaching, Cosmic Energy did enlighten, but it didn't mature you... That's for sure.

After a few minutes of excited, blind, running, Naruto ran straight into a giant metal bar and fell backwards, dazed. After a few seconds Naruto got up and peered into that giant cage, his jaw dropped when he saw the giant fox staring back at him.

A/N: Like I mentioned before, this is a prologue. So, if I get a lot of positive responses, I'll continue on to chapter 1. Random question: Does anybody know what "predator eye" would be in Japanese? This question is essential to the story. Till the next time, I am JD Fanficing, see your review(Hopefully) in the next one.