Crystal: Okay it appears some of my lovely readers have misunderstood my author's note last chapter. The previous chapter WAS NOT the ending. I just rewrote the 3rd chapter because I felt the story was going way too fast and I asked the readers to re-read it. The story close to ending but not now and I apologize if I scared anyone!


"Lucy, I don't think Natsu deserves this. It's been three days now", Mira sighed as she hugged the blonde who sobbed on the bed. "No, this is the right thing to do if I want to keep him safe", she began to say and paused for a few seconds. "Even if he ends up hating me", she muttered solemnly. It would kill her if the boy of her affection hated her, but at least he would be safer away from her. After a long silence Mira stood and eased the blonde to stand.

"Alright, you're going to get dressed and you're going to come to school with me", the white haired teen deadpanned as Lucy tried to protest. "No and's if's or buts. Come on!" Mira huffed as she pulled her towards the closet. Mira was not going to allow her to continue to hide behind baggy clothes and made sure she looked cute despite the fact that she was so upset. She made her wear a pair of dark skinny jeans and a blue blouse with matching flats before arranging her hair in a high ponytail and helping her with her makeup.

"Mira, is this really necessary?" Lucy questioned her as Mira finished applying mascara to her eyelashes. "Lucy, you're about to go back into hell. You have too many problems already and dealing with a bunch of jerks over your appearance shouldn't be one of them anymore", the white haired girl said as she pulled the blonde to grab onto her bag with school supplies. Lucy looked down glancing at her appearance in the mirror slightly before she was pulled out of the room. All she could think was that if she'd never revealed her true self, none of this would have happened and her and Natsu would have still been friends.


Upon entering the school, she went to her locker already being the center of attention of many. She noticed her locker had yet again been bashed in, but this time the words 'liar' and 'bitch' were written across from it. She sighed heavily feeling she was about to snap, but she only took a long breath to calm herself. A girl came up to her and smiled. "Why do you even do this for Heartfilia? Does she pay you? I bet I could pay you even more than that poor nerd", the girl chuckled trying too hard to get Lucy to laugh.

"Funny. I don't think you'd ever have as much money as me even if you tried. Again, I'm Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia so now could you move one with your life?" Lucy questioned before moving past the stunned girl. Even if she was angry her expression only turned to one of sadness as she headed towards her pre-cal class. Before she even got a chance to enter, she was pushed against a wall. She sighed expecting a bully or something, but she felt an eerily familiar hand at her waist. She looked straight into the acidic purple irises of Cobra.

"What do you want?" she hissed under her breath not wanting to make a scene especially with his stupid gang snickering around them looking her up and down like Cobra had just the other day. "Feisty. I like them like that", he chuckled seductively as he tried to pull her flush against him, but her hands on his chest stopped him. "Let go. I have class", she demanded as she tried pushing him back, but he had a firm hold on her as he pushed her back against the wall. His hand tapped at her waist before he dared to even raise her shirt just a bit to slide his hand on the smooth skin of her waist.

"I told you already. To everyone, you're already mine. No one will approach you. When I have my eyes on something, it always ends up being mine", he whispered. Lucy wanted to scream, and she cursed to the fact that it was insane that no teacher was even in sight to see what was going on.

"I'm not an object that can be owned, jerk", she hissed trying to push him off once more and to no avail. He chuckled obviously amused as his hand started to slide higher up her shirt. The blonde wanted to cry, but screaming now could only end up in everyone hearing about what he was doing to her. Cobra was suddenly shoved away and Lucy sighed in relief. "Get out of the way. Class is about to start", the person who'd shoved Cobra snarled angrily. Lucy bit her lip upon seeing that the person was Natsu. He only glanced at her slightly before looking away and tapped his foot impatiently.

She realized, he wanted her to go inside and she took her bag, but was stopped by the purple eyed teen grabbing her wrist. "Meet me after school in the teacher's parking lot at the back of the school. And if you don't I'll make sure pinky here gets it. Oh, and make sure you're alone and no one is to find out about this", he whispered threateningly. The blonde trembled slightly. The teacher's parking lot at the back of the school was practically always deserted after classes, but she had to risk it for Natsu's sake. She slowly nodded to him as she got into class at her seat. Soon after, Natsu entered to sit next to her.

Not once did her glance her way. It had been going on for three days with this same routine. He didn't even look her in the eyes when he would ask her about an equation to one of the problems. She would give him a brief explanation, but even as she tried to continue a conversation he'd give her short cold answers and would get back to scribbling away. Just as class ended, he stood up with his stuff and left the room before she could even stop him. Michelle and Evergreen stood right in front of her. "Ah, so has Natsu finally lost interest in you?" Ever giggled as Michelle joined her.

"Look, I don't have time for this", the blonde sighed. "But we do, cousin. After the embarrassment we went through because of you. I think this is a fitting end for you. You'll understand how we felt. To always get so much attention, but in the end you'll only ever desire Natsu's attention. You had it, deary, and now it's gone", Ever explained. That seem to strike a chord in Lucy as she looked down reflecting over Ever's words and hearing them echo in her head, she finally pushed her way past them. The whole day she felt like she would break down. She felt empty and what hurt the most is Natsu wasn't there anymore to comfort her like he usually would.

If only she'd remain the loser everyone knew none of this would have happened. She would be plain, but she'd always have Natsu regardless. She placed her face in her hands trying to remove any regrets she had. There wasn't any room for regrets now. She went through her classes as normal and dreaded the moment she heard the bell ring in her last class. She picked up her stuff slowly and headed out. For everyone it was just another time where you got to go home, but she'd go right into the wolf's den.

As she neared the teacher's parking lot, the halls seemed to get more secluded. Less people seemed to walk down those hallways and soon they were completely empty. She opened the exit door, walking onto the concrete area until she saw him. Cobra stood there smugly and Lucy was not surprised to be surrounded by his lackeys right upon arrival. "Good girl. This should be the way you should always be. Obedient and loyal", Cobra chuckled. His name wasn't really Cobra, it was Eric, but he'd earned that reputation the moment he started his gang.

"Just tell me what you want so I can go home already", the blonde demanded being very cautious of the snickering guys around her. Cobra simply gave her a sly smile as he neared her. He wrapped his arm around her as he neared her face to whisper. "You", he muttered in a soft breath before he grabbed her wrist harshly. She tried pushing him back, but he tightened his hold on her dragging her towards the wall of the school. "Hey, let go!" she yelled, but his lips were soon upon her neck greedily. She whimpered trying to kick him, but to no avail.

However, she managed to shake one of her arms free elbowing him on the face. He retracted slightly in pain as she tried to run, but she had forgotten the guys there who grabbed her by the arms. "Stupid bitch. I'll teach you exactly what happens to those who defy me", he hissed. "Yo Cobra, let us get a turn with the babe", one of his lackeys snickered. "I was gonna keep you all to myself, but given the fact that you want to be difficult I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson three times. So sure guys, I'll let you have some fun", he smirked as Lucy's eyes widen in fear.

"Help!" she began to scream as the other two guys tried keeping her still. Cobra chuckled at her helplessness as he stalked towards her his lips trailing down her cheek and neck before he was dangerously above her cleavage. "P-Please…s-stop", she pleaded as tears poured down her face. "Not so brave now, huh? But I told you you'd be mine", he muttered as his breath ghosted her skin. She shivered as she only hoped that someone would save her. "Plus, you've been a good girl keeping Natsu away. If you become mine willingly. I'll spare pinky".

"N-Natsu", she whispered pleadingly. That's when she gave up all struggle and looked down. Cobra was pleased and gently caressed her cheek as he reached to pull at her shirt before a fist fell straight to his face. "You bastards!" a voice yelled angrily. Lucy's vision was a blur as the other two guy were dropped by two more figures showing up. The blonde felt her knees give up from the scare. Someone kneeled before her and when she looked up her eyes watered. "Natsu", she cried as he nodded to her with guilt ridden eyes. She jumped into his arms and sobbed. "Fuck, Lucy, why didn't you ever tell me", he muttered hugging her back.

"We took care of the rest of these idiots. You okay, Lucy?" the blonde noticed Gray say as he walked towards them. Gajeel held the other of Cobra's men by the collar spilling a threat to him as he whimpered and ran away. Natsu helped Lucy up as she wiped at her tears. "How did you guys know I was here?" she questioned them. Gray smirked as she noticed Natsu look away. "This flame for brains here couldn't take ignoring you and so he followed you here", he chuckled as Natsu glared at him.

"Look, Lucy, I know you didn't want me to get involved and I'm not in my right, but I couldn't help it", the pink haired teen confessed. Gajeel took this as a sign that they should leave as he dragged Gray with him. "Natsu…I never meant those words. Said it to protect you. Cobra threatened to hurt you because I care about you", she muttered as he remained silent. She refrained from blushing not knowing how'd he react to her feelings for him. "Well I've dealt with Cobra now. So you don't have to protect me anymore", he smiled as he began to turn away from her. "Best friends forever, right", he whispered with a gentle tone.

No. Don't walk away, she thought to herself. Lucy, you have to tell him. No more running away. All these thoughts came to mind as he suddenly turned to smile at her and continued to walk. She had to tell him. After so long, she had to confess. It was now or never. "Natsu wait!" the blonde yelled as she pulled at his wrist. He looked to her confusion in his expression. She bit her lip, the nervousness getting the better of her. She just smiled sadly letting her arms fall limp at her sides. She gave a shaky breath as she stood straight. "Yeah, best friends", she managed to say, but her voice was cracking. She felt like such a coward as she realized he hadn't said a word.

"Fuck this!" he suddenly yelled making her flinch at his sudden enraged tone. Her eyes widened as he suddenly held her face in between his hands and placed his lips upon hers. His lips moved slightly if only to brush against her own. She was shocked speechless that her best friend was kissing her. Her mind was in a turmoil as he suddenly detached his lips and looked firmly into her eyes. "I'm sorry I just can't see you like my best friend anymore. I like you a lot…Luce", he whispered as he let her face go. When she said nothing he took it as a sign of rejection as he chuckled shakily.

"I figured you wouldn't feel the same. Let's just forget about this", he said feigning his usual happy-go-lucky voice. He waved as he ran from the scene most likely heart broken. The blonde remained there still trying to process what she had been told. "I like you a lot…Luce". The words she had yearned for years since they had become friends. Having always wished for something she thought she would never get.

He had finally called her 'Luce' after all this time and he had poured his feelings to her. But HE like her! All this time that she felt her feelings were one sided, he had also felt the same for her. He had disappeared from sight when she realized she had not given him a response. "Stupid Lucy", she groaned as she ran down the hallways to find him. She couldn't just let him leave. She had yet to tell him the way she felt about him. She remembered he had his own car and she ran into the student parking lot as he was opening the door to his car. "Natsu!" she called out as she ran towards him. He looked up surprised as she ran faster towards him.

"Luce, I'm sorry about ear-" he began to say before she literally jumped him. He was caught offguard, but thankfully had very good reflexes as he held onto her waist as her legs wrapped around his waist. She crashed her lips against his this time as she moved them slowly awaiting his response. Natsu was shocked, but as if on instinct his lips moved against hers. He moved his hands to get a better grip of her weight as he held onto her legs and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

It was magical, at least to both of them. The first kiss of the blonde was awkward and sudden since Natsu had kissed her out of random, but now it was completely different. It was more than like anything Lucy had expected. His lips were warm and sweet and gentle. He hesitantly probed at her lips and she opened her mouth as to give him access to her mouth. He was such a good kisser and she was glad he held her legs because she felt like she would have melted from his skill. Soon they both detached their mouths to breathe. They were both panting as Natsu realized what he had done. He set her down as she smiled with a furious blush on her face.

"I like you a lot too, Natsu. I have for a long time", she finally confessed as her face reddened more if possible. Natsu's face was priceless with so much shock and excitement that she felt he would explode. "Me too!" he laughed with that dazzling smile of his. Lucy felt a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "I've like you since the moment I met you", he whispered suddenly serious as she looked up at him with surprise. "What?" she questioned him.

"Yeah, I wanted to become your friend so badly because I always thought you were really pretty. The reason I worked out once we got to middle school a lot is that I would always see you talking with other guys who were a little more built than I was. Even then you never even glanced twice at me when you were talking to the boys who had a total crush on you. I gave up and just resigned with having you as my best friend and being near you. I thought it would be enough", he explained sheepishly and she felt she wanted to cry.

All this time, he had feelings for her just like she did for him, but his feelings had started way before hers. "Then when I realized you came to the same high school, I got really excited and I continued to work out and become the best at basketball so that you would notice me. I guess I couldn't take you still looking at me like your best friend. Every time I looked at you, all I thought of was kissing you and holding your hand", he blushed.

She suddenly laughed making him pout cutely. "You are really dense. Ever since we were in middle school I thought I was the one failing at getting our attention. I would flirt with guys to get you jealous, but you would always just smile when I looked your way. I thought you had no interest in me", she confessed with a nervous laugh. Natsu grinned "Guess we're both dense as fuck", he shrugged. "I guess so", she smiled up at him and she had never felt they were more equal then now.

"Well then… Now that I know you feel the same, Luce, would you like to be my girlfriend?" he finally asked her. She hugged him tightly. "Of course, idiot. Wasn't this whole ordeal a good indication", she muttered as she rested her face against his chest. "I figured", he chuckled as she slapped his shoulder. They gave each other one more glance before they leaned for another chaste kiss. "FINALLY!" they heard a chorus of voices yell in delight. Both the blonde and the pink haired teen detached from each other as they noticed all their friends there.

Levy, Mira, Erza, and Cana had smug grins on their faces as the ran to them. Natsu felt his soul had left his body as he realized his teammates had also heard the whole ordeal as Jella, Gajeel, Gray, and even Lucy's chauffer, Loke, had come along with the girls. "About time flame for brains", Gray snickered. "Who knew you were such a hopeless romantic", Gajeel laughed loudly, but Natsu simply said nothing as he felt like he could die of embarrassment.

"I hate all of you", Lucy squeaked embarrassed, but in reality she had never been happier that Natsu and her were finally together. "Anways, we should all just head home. Tomorrow we all have to get read for the game!" Levy cheered as they all nodded excitedly.

Crystal: Alright! I got this chapter in! This is not the ending either. I expect to make this story about 10-12 chapters long! Review, this please lovelies!