Crystal: So I was given permission by one of my favorite fairy tail artist to use their NALU drawing as the inspiration of my fanfiction! If you guys know rboz, you'll know their art is amazing, and if you don't you should check out the artwork on Tumblr! Anyways here's my new idea.

Story Name: Notice me already
Main Pairing: NALU(NatsuxLucy)
Side Pairings: GAJEEVY (GajeelxLevy), JERZA (JellalxErza), GRUVIA (GrayxJuvia), and other minor ones
Rating: 'M' for future mishap (lemons/smut), cursing, high school teenage drama, etc.
Summary: Lucy has always had feelings for Natsu, her childhood friend. It pained her more than anything to see him being fawned over by girls. What can she do when her best friend is the star basketball player and hottest guy at school? She's only one of the 'losers', sadly, making her the target of jealous girls' pranks. "What did I do to deserve this? Notice me already!" NALU (Natsuxlucy)


NOTE: If you want to see the picture that inspired this story, you can either check it out on the desktop mode of fanfiction to see the story cover or check out my Instagram fairy tail account: lucy. celestial .goddess (remove spaces, but dont erase periods they should be there)

My dilemma

You know, I used to think that middle school was hard. Elementary school was almost a stroll in the park, well at least for me. You start of by sitting on carpets with a carton of milk and cookies and taking naps the first day of elementary school, and you 'graduate' by the end knowing the basics of how to write a few sentences, do a little bit of math; for the sake of your future. Blah! Whatever…It was easy enough that I could do it in my sleep. I feared middle school, however. New school. New people. New cliques.

But naively did I ignore that true fear and suffering was in high school. That was the hell I should have actually worried about. I was 'cutie Lucy' that everyone loved in middle school because I tried hard to fit in, but I used up my whole supply of charm there. In Fairy Tail High, I was basically 'loser Heartfilia'. And it was all because of my idiotic childhood best friend, Natsu Dragneel. He's gone to every school I've gone to since elementary, and now three years into high school, he's still here.

Now you might be thinking, isn't it great to have a best friend for that long? Well no…no,no,no. In fact, I say it's more of a fucking curse than a blessing. It's not that he bothers me. The problem is he doesn't bother me in the way I want him too. You see, I, Lucy Heartfilia, have fallen in love with idiot Dragneel. The only thing separating us is friendship and the fucking fact that he's…TOO FUCKING HOT FOR HIS DAMN OWN GOOD, HAS GIRLS FAWNING ALL OVER HIM LIKE DOGS IN HEAT, HE'S AN IDIOT, HE'S THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN SCHOOL AND THE BASKETBALL STAR OF THE TEAM… and to tie the elegant not of my misery is: HE'S DENSE AS FUCK!

I'm rambling again. Why am I talking to myself again? Ah yes, to keep me sane from this idiot who at the moment has his arm draped around my shoulders in class, while he's damn oblivious to the deadly aura all the girls in class are giving me while I pretend not to see or notice his hand that is brushing some tufts of my ash blonde hair. I casually glance to look at him. He's staring at our Pre-Calculus assignment with a pout and eyes narrowed in concentration. He's obviously not really thinking of math. He must be thinking of strategy for their upcoming basketball game this afternoon.

He slight passes his other free slightly tan arm trough his pink locks as his emerald eyes stare almost blankly at the paper. The teacher continues to sit at her desk lazily while finishing giving us the instructions to our assignment and the class finally begins the chatter. When teacher tell you it's time for group work, it actually means their taking a break from teaching us assholes, and for students to talk about the latest gossip. I sigh as Natsu moves his hand to pull at my ear repeatedly. I finally take the courage to slap his arm away.

"Natsu! You know how much I hate when you touch my ears!" I growl picking up my pencil to begin work. "Ahh, come on, Luce! They're too cute for me not to", Natsu teased me as I tried hiding my blush. "Idiot, don't say such stupid things like ears being cute", I mumbled. I saw he was wearing his basketball uniform. They always allowed him and his teammates to wear them on game days to school; a reddish jersey with a bright red stripe at the shoulders. The fairy tail insignia was plastered at the right side with the name 'FairyTail' in black letters and a big number 7 at the front.

His shorts were matching with his shirt and he completed his look with his white unbuttoned white jersey jacket also with a red stripe at the shoulders and his black wrist bands. Dang, stop staring Lucy! I was too busy eyeing him that I didn't even react fast enough when he pushed me so I fell with my back on top of his lap. I pulled at his jersey in shock as I was scared of falling. "Natsu! Pick me up!" I yelled, but he held me down with a smirk. He pulled my braid from where it had fallen right on the glasses covering my eyes. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you there other reason I was such a loser was for my choice of clothing.

You see I was usually approached at my middle school for my 'blessed voluptuous body' as boys whispered and for my 'money' as the popular girls whispered. So I figure if I hid both of those things I'd truly see who were sincerely searching for my friendship. But I like blaming Natsu better. Any ways, I wore these really baggy clothes that consisted of an oversized sweater reaching my knees and jeans with a pair of flats. Apparently that was enough to make girls constantly bully me. "Natsu, I swear I'll kill you if you drop me!" I hissed as he finally gave me a boyish grin and helped me up.

I hit the back of his head as he hugged me and apologized. Oh boy! He had no idea the mess he'd just gotten me into.


A few classes had gone by, and Lucy so far hadn't gotten involved in any 'accidents' as the teachers always believed the bullying was. She peaked outside of her class and sighed in relief. All she had to do was make it through PE and then it would be lunch time. PE was her favorite class. After all, Natsu was in the Team Sports class, a class designed for training and practicing of the different sport teams at school. Lucy got to run laps and still get a glimpse of Natsu practicing. She had to stop herself from staring too much or else she'd trip and scrape her knees.

So Lucy ran to her locker, early, pulling out her gym bag and was going to cross over to the other side of the street where the gym was when she was suddenly pulled by two guys. "What the hell?!" she squeaked as the two chuckled pulling her to the grass area soaked from the rain of the day before. She was honestly not surprised when her confusion was cleared with the presence of three girls. "Lisanna…" Lucy growled at the sight of the silver headed and tried to lunge forward at her, but was pulled back by the two boys. "Oh, Loser Lucy, I'm so honored that you remember my name. Anyways, I heard from my besties here that you were pawing like a little slut over Natsu. Right Ever?" Lisanna spat venomously.

Evergreen, one of Lisanna's best friends. 'I feel like I'm in Mean Girls', Lucy thought hopelessly waiting for another punishment. "You got that right, Lis. She even let Natsu place her on his lap", she whispered as she glared at Lucy. Lisanna mocked Lucy with a fake indignant laugh. "I think someone has become quite 'easy' if you catch my drift." Lucy frowned. "Anyways, Lisanna, we don't have time for this loser just get on with it already", Michelle, the last of their group of idiots smiled. Michelle was Lucy's cousin and more than anything envied Lucy for what she had. Especially with the fact that she wanted to catch Natsu's attention with her innocent, she always pretended to be sweet.

"You're right. Alright boys, kick her in the mud", Lisanna announced as the three girls strolled away satisfied. And as ordered the two stooges threw Lucy in the biggest pile of mud and kicked at it so it splattered all over her body until she was covered in the brown substance from head to toe. They laughed loudly giving each other high fives, and running away, but not before making sure one of the lenses on Lucy's glasses were cracked. She felt humiliated as the bell rang. Lucy had just remembered that she'd gotten out of class early to avoid getting bullied, but she'd fallen for their trap, and now everyone would see her head to gym all muddy. Even Natsu.

Lucy finally let the tears come out as people pointed at her and laughed. Some pitied her, but otherwise, she was an entertainment. She ran to gym as fast as she could slamming the door open and bumping straight into someone only for her to fall on her bottom. Lucy looked up and her eyes widened to see she had bumped into Natsu and gotten his practice vest dirty with mud. Natsu looked down at Lucy in surprise. Lucy shuffled to her feet slightly slipping, and almost made a run towards the girls' locker room if Natsu hadn't pulled her by the wrist.

"Hey! Lucy what happened? Who did this? Are you crying? Shit don't cry!" Natsu rambled placing his hands on her shoulders and not caring if his hands were getting muddy. Lucy sobbed even louder and pushed him back. "Just let me go! The longer you keep me here, the more everyone will see!" she yelled running away. "Lucy…" Natsu muttered worry etched onto his voice. Lucy had reached the showers and turned on the faucet not caring the temperature of the water as she slid to the floor sobbing. At the back of her mind something told her that her clothes were getting soaked, but she remembered her clothes were drowned in mud so it didn't matter.

She heard footsteps approach and heard a gasp. "Lucy!" a familiar voice gasped in shock. Lucy slowly rose her head from where she's rested it on her knees to find the worried expression of her other only best friend, Levy Mcgarden. She was a cute blunnette with hair pulled back by a headband. She was currently wearing the gym uniform which consisted of a white t-shirt and red shirt reaching mid-thigh. Levy's eyes were full of worry as she closed the faucet to the shower and got on her knees not hesitating to pull Lucy into a tight hug.

"L-Levy-chan…"Lucy only managed to muttered before she grabbed onto Levy and poured out her troubles to her friend. "Lisanna? I'm going to freaking kill her", Levy clenched her fist trying to stand as she furrowed her eyebrows displeased. Lucy shook her head pulling her back down. "Just forget about it, Levy. I'm gonna get into my PE uniform and I'll catch you up, okay?" Lucy said pleadingly. Levy wanted to protest, but seeing how shattered Lucy was, she finally consented going to the restroom to dry her damp clothing. Lucy felt in a trance as she stood and placed on her gym clothes with a sweater on top to cover herself. She sighed looking sadly at the glasses.

Well at least, they'd failed at something. Lucy wasn't even blind and the glasses had no prescription. Lucy decide to still put them as she re-did her braid. When she exited, she was startled to find Natsu just across the entrance of the girls' locker room and he was leaning on the wall one leg propped against it with his arms crossed. "Lucy Heartfilia", Natsu said sternly. Lucy slightly flinched. Beside her father, Natsu only ever said her full name when something was bothering him or had him angry. And to say Natsu was angry was an understatement. Natsu Dragneel was never angry and when he was, he was dangerous and ruthless.

Lucy tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm forcibly. "Lucy…who did it?" he said obviously trying to restrain using a hurtful tone, but the anger was evident from the grip on her arm. "I don't know what you're talking about. Natsu, you're hurting me", Lucy muttered under her breath, trembling slightly. "Don't pretend I didn't see you. Who got you all muddy and upset", he said using his other hand to pull her chin up so she would look at him. Lucy's eyes tried to look away from his intense gaze, and she only grew angry. How could he ask her that? He always hanged out with Lisanna when not with her. She only pushed him back. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you", Lucy huffed and ran towards the court area.


Lucy finished her laps faster than anyone as usual and sat down trying to catch her breath on the side. She dared to steal a glance at just the right moment when Natsu had the ball in his hands and jumped at such a great height and scored into the hoop. Lucy was breathless. Unlike his usual teasing, bubbly, and idiotic behavior, Natsu was always breathtakingly hot when he was concentrated and playing basketball. She loved watching this side of him take place, but she liked more the side he showed her when they hanged out after school or at either of their home. He wasn't his usual teasing self either. He did make slight remarks now and then, but he was more of a free spirit.

He'd treat Lucy like a precious jewel when he'd talk to her or they went out. It was unexplainable how careful he was about her feeling comfortable, but of course he didn't mind getting both of them in trouble with his crazy ideas of 'fun'. Either way, Lucy had been spacing out that she didn't notice Natsu looking right at her until he smiled at her. Lucy smiled back and waved. He seemed relieved. It made Lucy's heart flutter as he smiled at her with an even wider and bright grin. 'Maybe today won't be such a bad day?' she thought to herself. Class had finally ended and Lucy explained her situation to the teacher who agreed to let her wear her gym uniform only if she attended the basketball game.

She was taken aback by his request. "Lucy, you know these boys don't have enough encouragement. We don't have a football team so there's no cheerleaders either. And I want you to start off the first cheerleading team of our school, moshi moshi", Mr. Sagittarius told her. Lucy gaped at him her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Not even a squeak escaped her lips. "Now its okay if you don't want to", Mr. Sagittarius smiled and Lucy almost sighed in relief until he finished, "but you'll have detention for a whole week." Lucy's eyes widened. She'd gotten detention, but not for this long. "But why?!" she yelled.

"For all the violations you would be making with using the PE uniform the rest of the day. One, you may not wear sports or gym related clothing all day unless you are permitted via being part of a sports team and game days for that sports team. Second, you'll be revealing too much skin with the uniform, and it is also a distraction in class. Those are enough reasons", he chuckled. Lucy let her shoulders slump in resignation. "Fine! I'll do it! I'll…start the cheerleading team", Lucy sighed sadly. "Look on the bright side, Lucy. You'll get to get out early from class on our visitor games and ride with the teams to their games", he smiled.

Lucy tried holding her blush. Then this way she'd be even closer to Natsu and show even more support to him. She nodded to her teacher as he handed her a pass to allow her to wear her gym clothes. She ran out finding Natsu waiting for her. "Yo Luce!" he laughed loudly. She smiled running to him before Lisanna grabbed onto his arm. "Natsu, come one silly", she giggled pulling the pink haired teen along with her. "Wait, Lisanna, I'm going with Luce", Natsu told her pulling out of her grip. "Oh, I see. That's fine", Lisanna smiled as Natsu turned back to Lucy. Lisanna fumed and made a signal to Lucy like a knife slitting her throat.

That's how she knew Natsu had dug a deeper hole for her. Lucy smiled even so with the fact that he'd stayed with her this time. But not for long as another group of fan girls smothered him. Lucy sighed smiling sadly. She'd never get time alone with Natsu unless they were hanging out after school. He searched the crowd for her not seeing that she'd walked the way too lunch by herself. As she got inside a group of people waved her over. "Lucy, come on!" Erza Scarlet yelled from her seat. Erza was actually the student council president of the school. With her long scarlet hair and brown eyes, she was actually a real beauty.

But she was also intimidating which strangely made her more alluring to boys, but she only had eyes for her boyfriend Jellal Fernandes, a blunette sitting next to her with also gorgeous looks. He, unlike Erza's scary and fierce personality, was calm and kind and also part of the basketball team. Next to them sat Levy and a girl known as Cana. She was Mr. Gildart's daughter, the Geography teacher. She had wavy like brown hair and wore a crop top and jeans shorts. Cana was always buzzed since she constantly sneaked in alcohol in whatever drinks she could find.

Lucy gave a long sigh as she grabbed her lunch and sat down. "Lucy, you're sighing a lot lately", Cana mention downing a sip of cognac from her bottle. "You know guys…I have a….um favor to ask", Lucy chuckled nervously. The three girls and the one boy tilted their head in confusion. "Yeah, what is it?" Erza blinked obviously perplexed that Lucy was asking for a favor. "Okay, but promise that no matter what you'll do it because you're my friends, alright?" Lucy tried to lock them into approval. The three girls looked at each other hesitantly before nodding.

Lucy sucked in a breath and quickly blurted out her proposal. "Join the cheerleading team with me!" Levy smiled and nodded before her eyes widened and she spat out her milk. "What?! Lucy, I don't think we're in any position to be cheerleader in exception of Cana and Erza", Levy said sputtering. "Come on! You said you'd do it, and couch Sagittarius warned that if I didn't do it, I'd spend a whole week in detention for letting me use my gym uniform! Come on, you already agreed", Lucy begged them.

Erza suddenly slammed her hand on the table startling them. "Babe, please calm down. Hey I have to go with the guys now so please try not to get too excited Erza", Jellal smiled apologetically at the others. "It's so touching! We'll do it for your sake, Lucy!" Erza grinned determined. Lucy lightened up as Cana and Levy sighed, but finally agreed. "You guys are the best!" Lucy grinned clapping her hands. "But…" Mira popped in to their conversation. "Mira, you'll help too?" Lucy asked the silver head that was now at their table. She was Lisanna's older sister, but she was the sweetest person ever and Lucy's close friend. Mira nodded towards Lucy and looked at the girls with a knowing glint and smirk. "But my little Lucy, in exchange for our help, and I'm serious when I say 'our'. You'll have to allow us to help you confess your feelings to Natsu.

"WHAT?!" Lucy blushed furiously. "Unless you want to do this cheerleading on your own for your bad boy Natsu", Levy giggled maliciously. Lucy paled and couldn't find the words to say. She finally nodded and slumped into her chair. "You guys suck", Lucy mumbled. "You know ya love us, glasses", Cana laughed sobered up from the news. "So plan get-the-dragon-to-get-the-princess is in play", Mira clapped in excitement as the others nodded in approval. Lucy felt lucky Jellal hadn't been present. 'I spoke to soon. This day has to be the worst of my whole life', Lucy thought wildly as she groaned.

Crystal: Well that's the first chapter. Please review and tell me what you'd like to see more of