Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Music filled the concert hall as a Purple haired woman sang to the heavens, her beautiful voice echoing throughout the theater the audience listened in awe at the display. High up in one of the Private booths sat a young man. he was in his late teens about six feet tall with shoulder length golden blond hair that loosely framed his whiskered cheeks and Sapphire blue eyes he wore a black button down with the top few buttons open,and in his left hand he held a long cane made of a dark metal and black leather cross wrapped along the handle, a large red jewel was at its head with "Azoth" carved into it. this was Naruto Namikaze he was currently leaning on the guard rail listening intently to the to the beautiful woman on the stage as she sung in Italian. Her curvaceous chests pressed outwards as her voice echoed through the theater enchanting its inhabitants. He was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening behind him but he made no move to answer it

"Please sit down, there is about to be an intermission we'll talk then" Naruto said without looking up from the performance. "Trimmau" he called towards a maid that stood behind his chair she stood at about 5 and a half feet tall with long curly brown hair and slightly tanned skin. "Please get us something to drink" he asked

"Right away master" she said in a emotionless tone of voice as she left the room leaving her master and his guest to there enjoyment. Naruto sat there Enjoying the the purple haired woman's song till the end before the curtain closed and an announcer signaled for the intermission. It wasn't till the man stopped speaking did Naruto turn around to see his unexpected guests. He knew who and what they were of course he could feel them as soon as they entered the building.

"Know what does one of the current Satan's what with little old me" he said as he turned around to see the two devils. The Satan had long red hair that framed his handsome face and had on a three piece suit. A white button down with a green tie, then a dark brown vest that was all covered by a black dinner jacket.

"Sirzechs Lucifer i presume" naruto said as his eyes drifted towards his companion who was a silver haired maid with an impressive bust "And you must be his wife Grayfia Lucifuge i've heard a lot about you two"

"All good things i hope"smiled the satan

"Some, but to the point why would the leader of one of the biblical factions want with a human like me" Naruto asked he wasn't in the mood for pleasantries he never did like dealing with the biblical factions perhaps it had something to do with his parentage but nevertheless here he was.

"Sorry for the interruption but I approached you employer on a matter that she said you would handle" Sirzechs said with a smile on his face

"I'm sorry to tell you but i prefer not to involve myself with matters of the biblical factions" Naruto said as Trimmau walked back into the room holding a silver tray with three cups of tea. Closing the door behind her she proceeded to give each occupant of the booth a cup of tea

"Madame Aozaki mentioned something like that which is why she gave me this, Grayfia if you would please" Sirzechs said as his wife handing him a brown sealed accordion folder and a envelope with a red wax seal which he then handed to Naruto

"I see" Naruto said already not liking the direction this was going 'dammit Aoko' he thought as he took the folder and the letter opening the latter first and started to read to himself.

'Dear Naruto Namikaze

Brat if you're reading this letter than my hunch about your location panned out and you're currently standing in front of the current Lucifer and his maid/Wife speaking of which gives me some great ideas to try out with Alice. Shit wasn't supposed to say that, oh well whatever back to the point he's going to ask you to do something but i'll let him tell you the details. I know you don't like involving yourself in their war but one of our usual customers the Yggdmillennia Family, Darnic has asked that you look up on one of his missing family members a man by the name of Hyouma Sagara apparently he has gone dark somewhere in Kuoh town and Darnic asked for you specifically. And also i want you to go to the funeral of Claudia Hortensia she has something to do with your unique affliction and i suggest you look into her death something seems fishy. But anyway all the information i could get on the subjects is in the folder i suggest you look at it

PS. don't call Alice or i were going on a little trip to the Italian renaissance we will be back next month here's hopping i get some. ;)

Love. Aoko Aozaki'

"Dammit" he said he couldn't refuse Aoko she would blow him to high heaven that woman was violent "ok looks like i'm going to be helping you"

"Just like that" Sirzechs asked

"Well when the Fifth magician asks you something it's in your best interest to do it" Naruto says forebodingly

"Fifth Magician, is that a title of some sort" asked Sirzechs interested

"Perhaps i'll tell you on a later date, but don't you have something to ask me" said Naruto getting to the point. He really didn't want to have to explain the intricacies of the Magic society.

"Ah yes to the point, well i need you to take up residence in the city of Kuoh and protect one of its inhabitants" said Sirzechs

"who am i protecting" asked Naruto

"My sister, you see until now Kuoh was pretty safe there was the usual story devil that tend to pop up but that was it until" he said before stopping reluctantly

"Until what Mr Lucifer, if you want me to do my job correctly you need to tell me what i'm going to be up against" pressured Naruto to which Sirzechs noded

"In a year the three factions have agreed to host our future peace talks in the Kuoh" he said

"I see so anybody looking to agitate that peace will want to cause trouble i the city" Naruto surmised

"Precisely, and while i trust my sister this may draw some higher level enemies. Enemies that i am told you could deal with." Sirzechs continued

"And why not send another devil" asked Naruto

"You see that would be seen by the other factions as use laying a trap. While my sister and her friends are still considered minors in the eyes of the other two factions thus no real threat" summarized Sirzechs

"I see so you need someone who has no allegiance to yours or any other faction" realized Naruto

"Yes you will be provided with a house and and a scholarship to Kuoh academy as well as anything you need the Gremory family will pay you handsomely to for your work" added Sirzechs

"I see how genorise" thanked Naruto

"Yes well this is a delicate situation the other factions also have been made aware that we are hiring you" said Sirzechs and Naruto nodded his head in satisfaction

"Thank you i will leave to Kuoh once the opera is over" said Naruto

"Of course and one more thing as a favor" mentioned the satan

"Yes" answered Naruto

"The younger generation does not yet know of the peace treaty so" asked Sirzechs

"Of course i will be discretion itself" said Naruto reassuringly

"Thank you and good day Mr Namikaze" thanked the lucifer as he and his wife got up and left

"And you to Mr lucifer" replied Naruto as he turned around and waited for the rest of the show to begin

"Things are going to get complicated Trimmau" naruto said aloud

"Should i contact you parents lord Naruto" asked the maid

"No i don't want them knowing about this, not yet at least" he said as the show started again. And the purple haired woman came out dressed in a long white greek robe and a crown made of snakes casted in gold as she got on stage she started to sing her heart out once again enchanting the audience.

"Beautiful" he commented as he stared out onto the stage thinking about the days to come "well at least thing will be interesting"