The next few weeks went by slowly for Meredith. Her work at University was piling up by the day. She had three assignments, readings for every class and mid-semester exams to study for. It didn't help that her best friend, roommate and study buddy, Cristina, still wasn't talking to her. After their argument at the party, Cristina had been spending more nights at Owen's house than at home. Sometimes she would come home at three in the morning and sometimes she wouldn't even be home for days at a time. A part of Meredith was worried that they would never be friends again and wanted to fix it, but another part of her was too stubborn and didn't want to be the first one to apologise.

Meredith turned her head and looked at the clock beside her bed. It was Saturday morning and the time was 8:00AM. Derek was asleep next to her, snoring quietly. The two of them had gotten home late last night after going to the bar on campus. Addison and Mark had been there too. The four of them spent the night drinking and talking. Meredith still felt uncomfortable around them, but she was starting to come around to the idea of them all being friends. She didn't necessarily like it, but she wanted to make Derek happy.

As she lay there, staring at the ceiling with her thoughts running wild, there was a knock at the door. The whole house was silent except from the occasional creak from the floors. Meredith waited for someone's door to open, but it didn't happen. She must be the only one awake.

"Ugh," Meredith groaned quietly, pushing the blankets off of her body. She climbed out of bed trying her best not to make too much noise. Derek lay still in bed, his snoring getting a little louder. Meredith smiled at him before tiptoeing out of her bedroom to the front door.

"I'm coming!" She announced loudly, when there was a second knock at the door. Meredith was still wearing her pyjamas, which were just a bra and her favourite Wonder Woman booty shorts. She figured anyone coming over this early had to be someone that they knew. No stranger would intrude at this time in the morning, would they? Sighing loudly, Meredith wrapped her hand around the door knob and opened it.

"Oh my," An unfamiliar woman stood on the doorstep, smirking to herself. She had beautiful chocolate brown hair that fell just below her shoulders. She wore a neat, red blouse over a pair of denim jeans. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue that Meredith recognised all too well. Behind this woman was another one, which much shorter hair with a slight red tint. Her hair fell only slightly below her ears and Meredith noticed she wasn't smirking like the other woman was. She looked serious, exhausted and… disappointed?

"Nice booty shorts!" The first woman exclaimed happily, sticking her hand out. "I'm Liz."

Meredith stared at the hand in confusion. When she didn't take it, Liz quickly retraced her hand and placed it back by her side. She didn't look phased at all. Without missing a beat, she turned to the lady behind her and smiled encouragingly. When she too did nothing, Liz spoke again.

"And this is my sister Nancy," Liz said, turning to face Meredith. "She's a bit… shy."

Nancy scoffed and took an intimidating step towards Meredith. "I'm not shy, Liz." She said. Her voice was hard. "I'm just confused as to why this grown woman is opening her door in a bra and… Wonder Woman booty shorts."

Meredith awkwardly shifted her weight between her two legs. She still had no idea who these two girls were, let alone what they were doing at her house. And why was one of them criticising her favourite booty shorts? Before Meredith had the chance to stand up for herself, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The footsteps were followed closely by someone cursing loudly. When she turned around, she was faced with her lovely boyfriend Derek… wearing only his tight, black underwear.

"For God's sake!" Nancy sighed loudly and crossed her arms against her chest, "Does anyone wear clothes in this house?"

Liz let out a loud laugh before covering her eyes, feeling second-hand embarrassment for her brother. She continued laughing for a good five minutes while Nancy stomped around outside continuing to sigh angrily.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on here?" Meredith asked, turning to face Derek expectantly. He was standing behind her, but now he had a pillow covering his underwear. If Meredith weren't feeling so confused and frustrated, she would've been laughing along with Liz.

"Oh!" Liz wiped a laughing tear from the corner of her eye, and smiled warmly at Meredith. "I am so sorry. We're Derek's older sisters." She gestured towards Nancy who rolled her eyes and gave Meredith a sarcastic wave.

Meredith raised an eyebrow at Derek, who nodded slowly to confirm what Liz had just said was true. Feeling more embarrassed than ever, Meredith quickly excused herself and ran straight up the stairs to Izzie's room. If she weren't already feeling embarrassed, Meredith had just walked in on Izzie and Alex having sex.

"Meredith!" Izzie screamed, quickly pushing Alex off of her and covering her naked body with the blanket.

"No… I'm Alex." Alex said sarcastically, jumping out of bed and putting his pants on. "Thanks for ruining the moment, Mer." He shot her an annoyed look as he searched the room for his shirt. As he continued his search, Izzie quickly got dressed under the blanket before looking up at Meredith with a raised eyebrow. During the time that Izzie had been living here, Meredith had discovered that she was good at reading people. Even people like Meredith and Cristina, who never really broadcast their emotions in their facial expressions.

"What's wrong, Mer?" Izzie asked, her voice soft. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Alex finally found his shirt and put it on before turning to face Meredith. His eyebrow was raised now too. Meredith must've been looking much paler than usual.

"Even worse," Meredith responded, falling onto Izzie's bed. She didn't even care that Izzie and Alex had just been having sex in it, "I just met Derek's older sisters… and I was practically half naked."

Alex and Izzie exchanged amused glances before breaking out into laughter. Meredith groaned and crawled under Izzie's blanket to hide. She had hoped her friends would make her feel better, but they just made her feel more embarrassed. After a few minutes of laughing at Meredith, Alex and Izzie joined her under the covers.

"So where are his McSisters now?" Izzie asked, propping her elbow up underneath her head.

Meredith sighed. "Downstairs…" She covered her ears with her hands and shut her eyes. She wanted today to be over already and it wasn't even nine o'clock yet.

Izzie gently removed Meredith's hands and pushed the blanket off the bed. "Then we've got to get you dressed and ready to make a good impression!"

"But one of them is called… Nancy," Meredith pouted, which only made Alex laugh. Izzie rolled her eyes. "And she's a McBitch."

Ignoring all of Meredith's protests, Izzie somehow managed to get her dressed in less than ten minutes. With Alex curled up in bed, being of no help at all, Izzie braided Meredith's hair and applied some subtle make up on her eyes and lips. She dabbed some concealer under her eyes to make her look more awake and alert. Feeling quite proud of herself, Izzie pushed Meredith towards the door.

"Go and show that McBitch what a McAwesome girlfriend you are!"

Meredith groaned slightly before turning the doorknob slightly and creeping out of the room. She heard Izzie and Alex giggling as they continued where they left off before Meredith had interrupted them. The two of them were no more help to her now. George was asleep. Cristina was at Owen's and Derek was already downstairs, making his sister's coffee. There was nowhere for Meredith to go now except downstairs, where she would have to socialise with Liz and Nancy. She didn't even know how or want to socialise with Lexie, her own sister, let alone Derek's. Meredith let out a small breath as she made her way down the stairs, as slowly as possible. When she reached the bottom, she was greeted by Nancy, who had a scowl on her face. Liz and Derek were talking loudly in the kitchen. It was just Nancy and Meredith in the lounge room.

"I'm McAwesome…" Meredith said under her breath. She didn't sound particularly convinced.