Just Us

SUMMARY: "No strings attached...Just Us." In which Natsu Dragneel acts like Casanova and Lucy Heartfilia is just a simple girl. That's until she becomes his next door neighbor. Would Lucy ever find peace living next to him? [Rated M for sexual themes.]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fairy Tail.

THEME SONG: Playboy. By: EXO.

First Meeting

The building that I recently moved in is an apartment complex. Everything, such as water and electricity, costed at around five hundred dollars a month. It was an amazing deal for me.

I work as an assistant for a good friend of mine, Loke. We've been friends since freshmen year of high school. Being able to work with your friend could be a nightmare or a dream. For me, it's a mixture of both. But, I love my job and I would never change it for the world.

My best friend, Levy, helped me by carrying boxes filled with my personal belongings into my room. I told her that I could do it alone, but she insisted.

When she placed the last box on the floor inside the living room, I smiled at her. "Thanks again, Levy."

She grinned. "Anytime, Luce! Call when something bad happens, alright?"

I nodded. "Of course."

We bit our goodbyes and she left the apartment. I got a sudden drop in my chest at her absence. I know this is going to be a big change in my life. I'm not living with my parents anymore. I'm moving onto adult living and adult responsibilities.

I decided to walk around the apartment to take in my environment. There was one bedroom and one bathroom - as it was fit for single-person living. The kitchen was connected with the living room by a wall.

I figured to go ahead and unpack my clothes and personal items before dinner time. Since I don't have any food, I'll have to pick up some take-out.

Once the sun was down, I have already unpacked all of my clothes inside the dresser that I use to have back when I still lived with my parents. I'll get my bed and couch tomorrow from the truck that helps people move. I guess I'll have to sleep on the floor with a blanket tonight.

My stomach growled and I grimaced from the unsettling sound. Time to get some food.

I took my phone and stuffed it in my pocket before making my way out the apartment. After closing and locking the door, I turn, and without knowing, I bumped into someone. I staggered back a few feet in surprise. The person's chest is strong for sure.

"Ah...I'm sorry," I say, my voice quiet and lazy.

I look up to see a man with salmon colored hair. He has some lady beside him and they're holding hands.


A couple.

He glanced at his girlfriend, supposedly, and looked back at me. "It's fine." And, he left with no more words or glances exchanged.

When he walked by, his scent lured itself into my nostrils. My brow furrows a bit at the husky smell, until I quickly get out of my reverie.

I just need to focus on getting some food.

When I arrived at my apartment, I had a brown bag and a plastic cup filled with brown soda in my hands. I closed the door behind me, ready to dig into this fantastic food.

"Oh, God! Please, please, please! Harder - I'm at my limit!"

I widened my eyes, confused and a little appalled. What in the actual hell is that?

I raced over to the wall, placing the side of my face on the wall to listen better. I didn't care if I was eavesdropping. I want to figure out what the shouting is all about.

"Natsu! I'm about to cum! Please, do it faster! Harder!" Suddenly, there was a loud squeal.

I gulped. I think I know what's going on now.

I slowly backed away from the wall. This is a bit awkward.

Then...is it that couple from earlier? It had to be. It would only make sense.

Whatever. If that happens again, I'll have to confront the people next door. It'll be a bit disturbing while I'm eating.

However, just when I thought they wouldn't do it, they did it. This time, it was louder and I could hear the bed squeak.

It was starting to annoy me. So, I slammed my cup on the polished wooden floor and stood up. I walked out of the apartment, and next door. I stood in front of my neighbor's house, and just as my hand reached for the door, I hesitated.

I'm going to burst into this person's apartment while they're having sex! That's a bit...ridiculous. And a weird situation I do not want to get myself into...

However, I quickly reminded myself the real reason why I'm doing this. I inhaled, expecting the worst. I made my hand into a clenched fist before knocking on the white, wooden door.

I could hear their conversation from the inside.

"Natsu...someone's knocking. What do we do...?" the lady asked, her voice squeaky and slightly irritating.

"Ignore them. They'll go away sooner or later," came his smug reply. Afterwards, I heard a giggle and another squeal.

I grimaced. This is disgusting. Maybe I should leave them alone. I know they'll stop once they get tired.

I thought about it.

No...if they haven't stopped now, they wouldn't any time soon.

I sighed, closing my eyes. I might as well get this over and done with.

I knocked louder this time. I could hear them groan from the inside. I heard shuffling and, finally, the door opened.

My suspicions were right. It is the guy from earlier that I bumped into.

He was shirtless and I could see his toned abdomen. My breath hitched in my throat as my face involuntarily became warm.

He wore a frustrated look on his face. "What do you want?" He leaned his arm on the door frame, his brow crinkled. Just the aura that surrounded him made me feel smaller. I almost started shaking.

I swallowed. I completely forgot what I was going to say. "I-I...uh…"

He rolled his dark eyes. "If you have nothing to say, go away. I don't have time for this," he hissed, his voice dark and lethal.

Fortunately, my mind was back on track of why I came here in the first place. "Well...you and your…," I looked over his shoulder to see the girl with a blanket covering her body, "...lady are making too much noise and it's a bit disturbing. Can you maybe keep it down, please?"

Suddenly, he smirked and chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at his already conceited response.

"Well, sorry for disturbing you, Miss." He bowed and it made my mouth twitch. The smug smirk that he had on earlier quickly came back. "I'm sure it won't happen again. Have a great night."

I narrowed my eyes. I can't tell from his unreadable expression if he's playing me or not. So, I pursed my lips together. "Thank you, sir," I mumbled, turning on my heel and walking to my apartment.

The next morning, I woke up from a loud knocking on my door. I groaned, sitting up from the wooden floor that I was sleeping on.

Great. My back is aching now. Smart move, Lucy.

I slowly stood up, ruffling my hair. The knocking resumed again. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted so they can stop that annoying pounding on my door.

I reached for my phone that laid on my pillow. I unlocked it open, and its bright screen automatically flashed on. I widened my eyes. Noon?! How come I slept in so late?!

I groaned again. Could my morning get anymore worse?

After finally going over to the door and opening it, I saw two big guys in grey uniforms. "Uhh...are you...Lucy Heartfilia?" they asked awkwardly, exchanging glances.

I probably looked like a wreck. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" I replied, leaning on my door frame.

"We have your bed and your couch ready," they said with wandering eyes.

I grinned brightly. "Excellent."

Once my furniture was placed in their right orders, I pounced on my bed that I missed so much. I breathed in the familiar scent of peaches and flowers. I'll just have to put on a comforter and a blanket and I'll be set for evening time.

I heard my stomach growl. I still next to get some food, too...

I don't get my next paycheck until Friday. And it's only Sunday. I need to find a way to get food by then.

I decided to go out to get an idea of how this neighborhood works. So, I went to my bathroom and washed up. After doing so, I walked out of my apartment and locked the door behind me.

When I walked forward, I found myself bumping into a hard chest. That scent invaded my nose.

I bowed my head lowly so he can't see my face. "Sorry..."

Suddenly, I felt his hand on my shoulder. I quickly looked up. I blushed when his intense eyes looked deep into mine. They nearly pierced me and I felt small all over again.

"You're the woman from yesterday who interrupted my fuck session," he hissed out, his voice a needle. "I didn't have the time to cum because of you." He glared at me.

I gulped. Such dirty words for an inexperienced girl like me. "A-ah...I-I'm s-sorry…I-I don't..." I averted my gaze to the side. I could feel a shiver go down my spine from his dangerous orbs.

"You'll definitely pay for that, woman," he huskily said.

I glanced at him.

Next thing I knew, his warm lips were connected with mine.

A/N: One thing I want to point out…

Me being a young teen, I have no idea what the "adult world" is like. So, this is all from prior knowledge. I hope I didn't screw up so bad, especially on my first chapter...

Please tell me if I did. I'll definitely fix it and improve whatever needs to be improved. Love you guys~!

RE-WRITTEN: 5/26/17