A/N: I hope this goes well as this is my first story I have published. I apologize in advance if my grammars in English are wrong, however, you are free to correct me, but please do not criticize me too much, just point out and help me with the things I did wrong. I also apologize if I am not very good at describing or writing the character's personalities right, so expect them to be a… bit? OOC?.

I do not own Harry Potter or Hellsing because if I did I would already made Harry a vampire butler to some rich and emotionless but cool kid :)


Harry Potter's timeline is still the same, but I adjust the Hellsing's timeline a little bit so it would fit for the story I'm going to make.

First, Integra is not born in October 27, 1977 but rather in 1970.

Second, Integra didn't awaken Alucard in 1989 but in 1982

Third, the start of the series in Hellsing is 1992 instead of 1999

Fourth, Seras is born in 1973 instead of 1980

Other than that… nothing has change

EDITED: 17/09/18

A Human No More

Summary: Alucard, the first and the most powerful vampire who walked on earth. What nobody didn't know was that he had another life, a life before he was even known as Vlad III Dracula, he was once go by the name of Harry Potter, a child who disappeared after the lies and manipulation came to light. It may be many years had passed for the No life King but unfortunately, it was the time for the past to haunt.

Chapter One: Future Past

Inside of a dark dungeon, a man sat on a red throne while twirling around the blood filled glass slowly on his hand. Red eyes behind the orange eyeglasses gleamed with amusement.

"1995" the man said suddenly out of nowhere as he leaned back on his chair "Ah…. so it is finally that time. It's been so long and not for the first time that I wonder what they are doing, after all", he chuckled without a humor, "their precious saviour is gone", then he sneered, "pathetic wizard dogs, can't win their own war without someone being their own weapon, a puppet to control. It's so pathetic really that it is so depressing"

He stopped twirling his glass and looked straight towards it. The lack of his reflection just indicated that he was anything but a human.

"It's been ages since I last saw my appearance although I am sure that it is still similar to my past self. Older of course but still the same. I'm surprised that they didn't find me after I disappeared, but then again… they were looking for a young boy, that and I was gone for quite a long time. Even then, it's not like I have a habit of showing myself around or anything that is connected towards them."

Then he took a glance at the newspaper that was on the table beside him. To any normal human, if one took a look at it, it was like any other newspaper but for someone who was special like him, he could see that the pictures move. Above the newspaper, 'Daily Prophet' was written on it.

Looking down, he couldn't help but to laugh darkly when he saw the current headline of the news: 'Harry Potter, Still Missing, is He Dead or Alive?' by Rita Skeeter. Even without reading it, there was no doubt what will the article about. With how the past articles was written pertaining about Harry Potter's disappearance, he was sure that it was the usual slander towards the said boy. Of how the boy cowardly run in guilt for causing the death of his classmate, or how he couldn't face the people after he lied towards them, saying about that the Dark Lord was alive, and in shame of doing so, he ran away

But what really amused him was how Harry Potter's close friends and family told everyone how the boy was so arrogant and was dragging them into trouble. Even more so when they tried to guilt trip Harry Potter to come back for forgiveness, hoping that the boy was reading it wherever he was.

Of course, it was not written so obviously like that but with how long he was alive, he could read the meaning behind the attractive words. If there was anything to praise towards those... wizards, it was their ability to lie and twist their words.

"Humans" the man said "Sometimes they can be a monster beneath the human flesh. No wonder why there are only few people who can defeat me as humans can only kill a monster"

Then his eyes trailed off towards the tiny little corner where the current date was printed at. Seeing it, he glowered.

July 31, 1995, the end of July, the date where everything begun, where he unknowingly entered to the world full of lies and manipulations. He hated it so much just as he hated the October 31, the date where everything changed in full of pain and misery.

"I wonder… will I still be the same way I am now? If my parents are still alive or when I never found out the truth surrounding in my life?" and he suddenly scoffed, "Who am I kidding of course it wouldn't, if that happens then I will not send far back in the past and I will not become who am I. Everything that happened, all of those things, they will never happen, everything will drastically change…" and he trailed off as he continue to walked down on a memory lane until it came towards the past of almost a forgotten one… the past of the dead boy... the past of Harry Potter.


Privet Drive is a suburban street in Little Whinging, which is located in the county of Surrey, near London in the southeast of England. The neighborhood consists of a number of boring, boxy houses. It is known that the Dursleys lived on this street, in Number Four.

And in the same house where the Dursleys lived, there is an extraordinary boy, a magic user that goes by the name of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived of the Wizarding World.

But despite of his famous status in that magical world, his life was nothing but full of hate and contempt especially when he was living with his relatives, the Dursleys as they believed that he was nothing but a mere freak who would destroy their so called normal lives.

At the young age, Harry believed that no one would want him as the Dursleys continued to remind him every chance they had that he was a freak, someone who cannot be like by normal beings. He grew alone and friendless, courtesy of his cousin Dudley who scared off his potential friends, and thus he didn't know the experience of being loved.

Sure, there was a strange man in red appeared from time to time to help him but since they didn't had any long conversation, the man remained as a mysterious stranger to him.

So when he found out that he was a wizard and was introduced to the Wizarding World, he was happy. He finally had a place to belong and Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry became his home. More so when he finally created some friends and treasured their bonds to the point that he did his best for the sake of their friendship. When the summer came, he couldn't wait to come back to feel the warm and welcomed feeling that seeped through his heart. Even if there was a trouble every time he came back to Hogwarts, he didn't care because Hogwarts was his home.

It was the closest thing that his dream came true but he should had known... happiness doesn't last long.

It was his fourth year at Hogwarts when a Tri-Wizarding Tournament took place and a Death Eater, in the name of Barty Crouch Jr., under the disguise as Alastor Moody put his name to the cup. He was chosen as the fourth champion and that so-called participation in the game cost him almost everything.

Everyone in the Hogwarts turned their backs from him, including his own best friend Ron as he believed that he cheated in order to participate the tournament. As for Hermione, she was torn from believing or not believing him. She tried to hide it but the damage was done, he knew that a part of her do not trust him.

He couldn't help but to wonder if their times together do mean anything for them but he keep it quiet, hoping that everything will be alright in the end despite of how he was feeling lonely once again.

Unfortunately, at the end of the tournament, Cedric died and Voldemort was revived. With Wizarding World in danger, he told them what happened and what the people did?

They accused him as Cedric's murderer and a liar for declaring Voldemort's return.

At almost the end of his fourth year, hoping that he would get some advice and assurance for the future that was to come, he tried to talked to the Headmaster.

And from there, that was where everything changed. Lies and manipulations had come to light, showing how it was entangled around in his whole life.

He overheard Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school and the one he looked up for was in a middle of a conversation with his two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

While it may seemed that nothing was wrong, it was the topic of their conversation that hurted him the most.

"How long are we going to keep this charade up Professor Dumbledore?" he heard Ron ask "He is becoming more and more arrogant everyday and if this keeps up, I don't know what I will do to him!"

"Now, now Mr. Weasley, patience. Don't forget that you and your family was given the importance of keeping an eye towards the boy and in response for the trouble, you are being paid. Also please do remember that this arrangement was also created to help your family's financial issue." comes the grandfatherly tone of Dumbledore.

"Um… not that I'm really questioning you Professor but the things we are doing... is this right? I mean isn't it a bit cruel that we became friends with him because of... this?" Hermione ask nervously, indicating on the kind of arrangement they had created.

"Bloody Hell!" Ron cried, exasperated "Hermione, are you still going on about that? It's been what? 3 or 4 years? We didn't do anything sort of illegal as we are just doing this for the sake of the whole Wizarding World. By being his so-called friends we can keep an eye on him without being suspicious as we are always with him. By doing this, we are making sure that the arrogant and cheating git will never fall to the Dark Side and even if he will, which I'm sure that he was already on his way to be one, we will be there to stop him. Besides the money and... the books we received was also a nice payment for the dangerous things we experienced because of him"

"Mr. Weasely is right Ms. Granger." Dumbledore gave his assurance "There is nothing to worry about as we are just doing this for the greater good"

There was a silence before Hermione hesistantly agreed, "If you say so Headmaster"

"So what's the next we should do?" Ron asked "I'm quite worried that if I continue to be friends with him, my family's name will be slandered than already it was. It will look like that the Weasley is still supporting him despite of him being an obviously a guilty bastard."

"I'm afraid that you need to, my dear boy." Dumbledore said apologetically "but don't worry, I have already a plan for that. Your family's name may be slandered, but after the war and the preparations finally finished, not only your family's name will become known as one of the heroes of the Wizarding World but also one of the wealthiest family."

"What do you mean Headmaster?"

"Since Harry was the last in his line, continuing the Potter line is a must. As his magical guardian, I decided that Harry will be marrying young Ginny Weasley as it was stated to the marriage contract that was recently created between me and your mother, Mrs. Weasley. At the next school year, I will create some preperation between Harry and your sister in order for them to be together. Don't worry, there will be no doubt that everything will as it should be at the end of the war just as I promised. I'm sure that Ms. Weasley will very much appreciate that her dream of marrying Mr. Potter will come true."

"That's…" Hermione's voice trailed off

Ron laughed at that "Brilliant! It's bloody brilliant! We will never be the laughing stock of the Wizarding World ever again! It's great Hermione, right?"

"I suppose…"


"Oh! Nothing Ron it's just…"

"Just what?" Ron groaned "Hermione for the last time! We did this because we need to do it! Like Professor Dumbledore said 'All is for the Greater Good'. If you're thinking of backing down, leave it! We have gone to many troubles to back down! You can't just abandon after everything we have done!"

"Oh! I'm not backing down!... Really!"

"Oh yeah! Then what's troubling you?"

"Umm… i-i... Ah! It's about... uh how Professor Dumbledore is so sure that Harry will survive the war."

Dumbledore 'hmm'ed for a second before speaking, "Like I had said, I've already prepared some plans, plans that I already laid since the beginning and never once it gone wrong. An example of that was how Mr. Potter faced in the troubles brewing in Hogwarts and coming out alive. I planned that to happen in order to make sure that he was ready for the incoming war. That and he has something that I'm sure will save him from Voldemort."

"And that is…"

"Now, now even you young children are still not ready to hear what it is but the point is that I've been preparing him against Voldemort."

"Oh, I see. Well, at least the git has some use. I thought he was useless, especially with how he is always whining about his relatives, Merlin it's irritating-"

Harry didn't heard what the rest Ron would say as he stopped listening after that. The message was clear, they were just using him for their own desires. The bond that he thought were created because of the challenges they faced together was actually made up of lies and deceit. Everything they had done together was not real, they are someone who he couldn't trust anymore.

Feeling betrayed and on the verge of breaking down, he ran and ran through the hallway. The once warm and welcomed feeling that he always felt whenever he was in this place was slowing being replaced by dark and devoid of feeling, slowly consuming him like a shadow of darkness.

Hogwarts, once the place of where his home at was now the place of lies.

As the end of the year was nearing, he avoided everyone, even when it was the time to go back home or in his case, back to the place of torment. Nobody noticed his strange behavior in the past few days. Sure Neville, a weird girl named Luna, Ginny and surprisingly Malfoy does but they were different.

Neville noticed, but he don't have the courage to come and ask what was wrong, just taking some glances towards him. He didn't blame him, they were barely even friends and Neville didn't have any self –confidence to begin with. While it was nice to know someone cared, it was still not enough.

For Luna, there was no doubt that she was one weird girl. He met her when he accidentally bumped into her when he decided to isolate himself in the library. In there he found out that her name was Luna but she started to talk weirdly about strange magical creatures that he didn't even know if it existed in the first place. Suddenly she pointed out that there were some strange creatures surrounding him -Nargles, if he remembered it correctly- but for some reason he had a feeling that she meant was that he had some problems.

Before they parted ways, Luna said something like 'Goodbye King of Bats and the Death's Master' which he couldn't help but to look at her oddly.

And Ginny, well based from what he heard from eavesdropping then the only reason she noticed is because of her obsession which didn't really help as he knows that she didn't actually cared for him, not as Harry Potter but as The-Boy-Who-Lived.

And as for Malfoy, he knew that the reason why the Slytherin noticed was because he wanted to fight with him. Trying to find him to cause trouble only to noticed that he was acting strange. His confused expression just said everything.

Other than that, nobody really noticed because how could they? They didn't cared about him, he was nothing to them. He was just the Boy-Who-Lived, or more recently the Boy-Who-Cried-Voldemort.

3 days has passed since he came back to the Dursley and the betrayal was still fresh in his heart. Inside his room, he debated on whether he should go back to Hogwarts as he sat on his bed. He didn't find the place as magnificent as it was before but as a place that continued to stab his heart.

With a sigh, he lay down on his bed with his left arm covering his eyes and feet touching barely to the ground.

A peaceful silence paused for a long time and as usual, all things came to an end.

With loud multiple cracks in the air, the crashing of fragile things and the terrified screams of his relatives, it didn't take him too long before he realized what happened.

Death Eaters, a group of dark wizards and witches that served only to Voldemort himself…

And they had found him.

From there everything became a blur as everything happened so fast. All he just remembered was the adrenaline pumping through his veins, blood pounding on his ear, wand being clutched tightly on his hand. Never minding the consequences it may cause from the Ministry, spells were cast after spells. Random things were being thrown around and panic settled on his mind, blocking him from remembering the details of what really happened.

Sometime during the fight, he found himself outside of the house of his now dead relatives. He didn't care if the muggles saw them as he tried to fight against the Death Eaters, mostly dodging or ducking most of their spells.

He was somewhat surprised that he managed to stand against them in such a long time. With all of the years of running or dodging against the physical bullying of his cousin, his body was used from running, dodging and to ducking from things by instincts alone. Bitterly, he admitted that in some ways, Dumbledore really molded him to be used in this type of situation.

Unfortunately, busy in defending for himself and attacking, he didn't notice that someone managed to sneak behind him and was hit by an unknown spell.

Not accepting that this will be the end especially with the resentment that lit inside his heart against for those who wronged him, his magic reacted unconsciously in a form of an accidental magic.

The last thing he saw was a flash of white and he knew no more

-Flashback Ends-

The Wizarding World thought that Harry Potter just disappeared with the Death Eaters managing to cover their attack at the Privet Drive. What nobody didn't know was that Harry Potter was sent back in the 1400's, making a place in the history as the time went by, doing something that only a few people did or how many people wished to do so.

But… in his case, it was something he was or will never be proud of. It was just a reminder that what happened to him next are the products of the lies and manipulations he received even though it was not directly and unexpected.

"Oh how I thought that my life will probably changed for the better, how naïve I was back then." The man sneered to his past self "Mircea found me when I was lost and confused, bringing me to his family and making his parents to adopt me even going as far from changing my name in which I was really thankful for. They truly loved me back despite of not being from their bloods and because of it, they started to teach me everything that I needed to know… including in believing towards God, which I did in hopes that God may help me to keep the peace I was feeling at that time, my faith never wavered even when I was used as political hostage by the Turks with Radu or when I was…" he gritted his teeth as he remembered one of his worst memories, his eyes flashed brilliantly in anger while shadows seemed to extend everywhere and becoming alive, twisting in the air like tentacles.

Even with hundreds of years has passed, he still couldn't quite get over with it just like how the resentment from their betrayals still lingered within his unbeating heart.

"When the Turks leader used me, my faith never wavered still believing in that God, believing that perhaps my faith was still not enough, especially with how I was ignorant of his power and presence when I was Harry Potter" his voice is slowly rising in contained anger as he spoke.

"And that continue when the war come, I did everything what I did just to show my faith for God. I was so desperate, impatient why God never heed my wish especially when my adopted family died." By now he didn't realize that he was almost shouting and when he finally did his voice lowered in a hiss

"I did what I think I could do and when I lost and was about to beheaded that's when I realize that everything was just for nothing. My life has been fated ever since I was born, to live in full of pain and misery where in the end I will die with a meaningless death. God had already abandoned me so I abandoned God by embracing the darkness, " he was shaking in anger that he gripped the forgotten glass in his hand and shattering it into pieces, the blood falling down towards the ground.

Snapping out while blinking and reigning his anger and hatred successfully he couldn't help but to chuckle empty while running his left hand through his hair while using his power to absorb the blood that was on the ground.

"And look what happened, I became a monster and regretted it. Not only that I was defeated, I became a servant to the family of the man who defeated me. I should realized that I should be careful around the people carrying the name of Hellsing especially if my name is Dracula. That was supposed to be my first clue in the first place" This time he chuckled with a humor on it.

"But then again, who would have thought that the story was real?" he looked up to his ceiling "I never expected to live this long… never thought that I even managed to catch up the time where I-my past self lived at or the time where I supposed to be if I didn't travelled back in time" he smiled bitterly "Who would have thought that the man in red that sometimes help me was in fact my future self which is now me. I understand now why I never got any information about him… or is it me?" he then shook his head "It's so confusing with timelines and such" he scoffed.

Though he finally understands what was his future self once told him randomly before he go towards Hogwarts, 'You know about roses? They were beautiful but once you hold it, you will get hurt because the roses have thorns. It was just waiting to hurt you'. At that time he thought it was about the temptations like from the Mirror of Erised and Voldemort's promise about his parents but when he experienced the betrayal from the ones that brought him happiness and love, he now knew that it was really referring into it. He understand the meaning even more so when he decided to said the same words to his past self.

When he visited his past self like his future self did to preserve the timelines and not to cause some sort of paradox he couldn't help but to grimaced with how pathetic he look back then.

And when he remembered the reason of that, he couldn't help but to grip his chair tightly. His anger roaring once more. For the first time he wondered how he never gotten tired of being angry whenever July 31 or October 31 came in this past hundreds of years.

He really didn't moved on, but then again he gave all of his heart, mind and soul to them. He trusts them so much only for it to be thrown back in shattered pieces like the glass that was beneath his feet.

He wondered when he will move on but before he could continue to think, his master called him. With anger still fogging some part of his mind, he couldn't help but to scowl.

While wanting to stay in the dungeons longer, he knew that an order was an order and decided to finish it quickly whatever it was in order return back as soon as possible.

And with that he was off.