Luffy was hungry.

So hungry.

Luffy was so hungry that he had made it a point to complain to Sabo constantly throughout the day. Ace had left earlier to get ready for their departure and hadn't returned since, leaving Luffy highly irritated. More than once Sabo had to stop him from chewing on his own flesh from hunger. Luffy didn't understand why Sabo tried to stop him though he was made of rubber so his blunt teeth could never hurt him and not only that, but what did he expect Luffy to do when Ace didn't feed him?

Luffy and Sabo were currently waiting outside the nobel's city High Town so that they could get some of the tasty ramen Ace had treated to them earlier. When Sabo had tried to enter High Town without Ace Luffy looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Luffy proceeded to shout loudly that they should wait for Ace before eating. Slightly angry Sabo yelled at Luffy seeing as he was the one who had been complaining about hunger. However, seeing that Luffy would not give up Sabo agreed to wait on Ace on the condition that if Ace didn't arrive in twenty minutes they would go into High Town. That set time was almost up and Luffy couldn't help but feel glad that he had accepted Sabo's condition seeing as he had only said they should wait for Ace to be nice to their older brother.

" Alright Luffy let's go." Luffy felt relief at those words, he could eat a hundred alligators right now; Ace could wait. When they approached the gate Luffy saw Sabo pull out a watch with a crest on it. Luffy didn't understand why but whenever Sabo showed people that they let him in without question and give him all kinds of free things. Maybe it was mystery watch and had special powers like the mystery tiger although the tiger wasn't much of mystery tiger anymore since he and his brothers had defeated it.

Luffy grunted when he ran into a pole. Sabo turned to look at him with a small smile on his face, " You need to pay more attention Lu or else I'm going to steal the ramen right out of your bowl when you look away."

" NO WAY!" Luffy shouted before running into the restaurant they had apparently arrived at while he was lost in thought. Luffy ran all the way to the top floor to the spot with the window that usually sat at when they came here Sabo sat down next to him shortly.

" Alright Lu it's your special day eat all the Ramen you want." Luffy grinned. A week ago Luffy had realized it would soon be his special day and had told his brothers that he wanted to go back to Dawn Island to eat ramen at the restaurant in high town. At first his brothers had looked at his as if he was crazy for wanting to go to place so far away for a little ramen, but the begging look Luffy had given him and the pranks he committed after they refused caused them to give in and sail back to the East Blue.

Luffy's mouth watered when he smelt the ramen being brought into the room and when the heaping bowl was placed in front of him he guarded it giving Sabo a look that dared him to try to steal his ramen like he had joked about earlier. Luffy sucked in the slipper noodles quickly never once taking a break for air, when the first bowl was finished he quickly grabbed another bowl. Typically, after Luffy had reached his second serving on anything, the dining tabel would turn into an all out brawl for the food but since today was his special day he did not have to worry about that. When Luffy reached his third bowl he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Where was Ace? He said this was his special day so why wasn't he here. Ace had explained to Luffy that the day they met was special day and that they should always celebrate it together so why wasn't he here?

When Luffy reached his third bowl he almost chocked when he heard the crashing of the glass window next to their Sabo. Luffy was about to yell at the person for almost making him chock until he realized who it was.


"Hey Lu." Ace said grinning at Luffy. Luffy rocketed himself into Ace's arms with a big smile,

" Ace what took you so long? I've been waiting for you forever. "

" Yeah and I had to here him complain." Sabo said chipping in to the conversation.

Ace gave everyone a sheepish grin. " Sorry about that but I was getting Luffy's present." Ace was holding a rather large wrapped gift box with what appeared to have a removable lid. Luffy shot a glance at the box.

" Ace let me open it right now!" Not waiting for a response, Luffy grabbed his present pulling of the lid. In the box Luffy found a small brown colored puppy with a golden tag with the name Sea King written on it. Luffy couldn't stop the spread on his face. Ace had said time and time again that they couldn't get a dog because they would never be able to take care of it. Luffy and Ace always had disagreements about that and it looked like Ace had finally given in and gotten him what he wanted.

"Shishishi! I knew you'd get me one Ace." Luffy pulled the puppy out the box waking it up, the puppy looked at Luffy with curious golden eyes and Luffy stared right back. Ace looked at the scene amused; Sabo however, looked like he might have a panic attack.

" Ace what are you thinking getting a puppy? We already have one baby; Luffy, another one of him would drive the crew crazy!"

" It should be fine Clover loves dogs."

" Just because he's half dog dose not mean he likes them." Sabo muttered annoyed leaning on his chair.

Luffy grinned; he finally had a dog! He could go on mystery adventures with the dog. Oh! They could even prank the crew together. Devious thoughts on how he could torture Torvald filled his mind until he heard the sound of feet stomping up the stairs. Sabo and Ace also turned towards the sound.

" I think It's time we left." Sabo said.

" What no way I haven't eaten yet." Luffy agreed with Ace, he wanted to eat more ramen! Why should they go and leave all this amazing food behind? Sabo gave Ace a look that said he wasn't going to put up with this.

" Now's not the time let's go. If you listen I'll through you into the ocean later Luffy." Luffy smiled it was always so much fun when his brothers threw him into the ocean. He loved watching the crew freak out like chickens with their heads cut off before his brothers stepped in and saved him. Mind made up Luffy picked up his puppy heading for the window.

" Sabo it's not fair to pit Luffy against me like that." Ace followed after his brothers grabbing a ramen bowl on his way out. Luffy jumped out the window, holding the terrified shuddering puppy to his chest, Luffy and his brothers ran out the city quickly. When they had first come to the city Sabo and Ace had explained that there would be a lot of strong in marines in town because of the nobles' festival. Luffy didn't really understand why marines in town meant that they had to be more careful but his brothers had agreed to give him more meat if he stayed out of trouble so it was ok with him. Luffy arrived at their ship a couple seconds behind his brothers, the ship was named Drifter old and wooden just like it. The paint was chipping in various places and the sails looked old and worn. Luffy did not care though, this ship was home and had been given to them by a funny old man they helped on Dawn island. Luffy stretched out his arms and grabbed the railing launching himself onto the ship. Luffy felt himself crashing into about two other people.

"Damn it Luffy can't you ever get on the ship the normal way?"

Luffy looked up, he had crashed into Torvald. The man was a curly haired blonde, lean and built like Luffy he had a scar on his right arm that went from his thumb to his elbow, not to mention he was also a first mate of the Spade Pirates

" ShiShiShi my bad Torvald."

" Don't my bad Torvald me you do this every time you get on the ship." Torvald muttered exasperated like this was a conversation he had every day.

" ShiShiShi! Doesn't matter. Anyway guess what Ace got me a puppy!" Torvald eyes snapped down to the puppy in Luffy's hands and look of irritation appeared on to his face.

"No way. Not going to happen. Do you even remember what happened to your last pet? And theres no way I'mm looking after that slobber monster when you get tired of it."

" That's what I said but Ace couldn't listen to reason" Sabo said coming up from below deck.

" Oh come on guys it's an awesome mystery pet, we have to keep it!" Luffy looked up at Torvald and Sabo with puppy eyes. Sabo and Torvald cursed loudly together it was practically impossible to deny Luffy when he brought out of those puppy eyes he could bend any man to his will " What should we name her Ace?" Luffy asked his brother. Ace looked at Luffy with tired expression.

" Luffy the dog is male."

" What? No way I couldn't tell! " Luffy blinked as the puppy bit his thumb before jumping out of out of his arms. A pout made it's way to Luffy's face. Why did the puppy go away? They were supposed to go on mystery adventures together. Sabo looked at Luffy with a defeated look on his face.

" What should we name the puppy? Spot?" Luffy bounced around waving his hands

" We should name him meat."

" No WAY."

Luffy pouted again why did his brothers never let him name things? He always picked great names; if he had his way everything on the ship would have such great names. Luffy was about to continue his argument when heard loud splashes in the sea and the voices from the ships look out shouting. The marines are here. Luffy pulled up his hood. Ace and Sabo always told him to put on his hood when the marines were coming so that Garp wouldn't find out where they were.

" Who ever beat the most marines gets extra meat at dinner"

Luffy grinned grabbing his pole. He was going to be getting more meat than anyone else! All he had to do was beat up the marines. Two medium built marines jumped on to the ship only to be hit in the face with Luffy's pole; two down. Brandishing his weapon he ran into the fray. Luffy punched kicked, and smacked left and right the promise of meat making him fight ferociously. However, Luffy temporarily halted his assault when he saw Ace on the ground

"Damn it Ace don't fall asleep in the middle of a fight."

"Oh, Ace just fell asleep? Sucks to be him now he would get all the meat.

" Yahoo the meat is mine!" Luffy cheered brining down his pole on the marines head. Soon the fight was over and they began to chuck the unconscious marines off the ship and into the ocean. The sooner they were gone the sooner Luffy could eat his meat.

Yes I know I haven't updated in forever. And after looking back at the story Iv'e decided I don't like how I've been writing it so I'm re-writing it.