She's in Italy taking a break from what seemed like a non stop partying spree. She's in the mood for something relaxing and doesn't want to deal with people, something rare because Caroline is definitely a people person. Exploring the ruins of an abandoned town in the mountains is definitely what she needs at the moment though.

Caroline bends down to examine the foundations of a long destroyed building. The village is quiet, which is something to be expected from a supposedly haunted village and isn't it strange how in an effort to run from her own ghosts she's in search of new ones?

She picks up an old spoon in the rubble and brings it closer to the light when she hears it. Two heart beats,unusually loud and clear in the otherwise dead silence .Weird, she usually had to be close enough to see them to be able to hear their hearts. Maybe the extremely uneasy silence makes it easier for her vamp senses to…well sense things. Thank God she wasn't hungry.

Strange considering the mountain wasn't exactly accessible. Two wannabe ghost hunters perhaps? She vamps speeds as quietly as she can to the noise.

She stops at what might have been the center of the town. Peeking from behind a nearly dilapidated wall she sees a woman.

She's no more than a girl really,probably no older than her. blonde like Caroline's own hair. She's dressed in a militaristic looking T shirt and pants combo. She seems to be looking for something.

She starts when she realizes both heart beats are coming from the girl.

"What the hell." She can't help but blurt it out and that might have been a mistake because the girl faces towards her in military precision with both fists raised.

Caroline is pretty confident she can take this girl down with her vampire strength. She won't though because this trip was about distracting herself from the temptation of turning her humanity off and you know, not hurting anyone.

Also she has two frickin hearts. Either the girl had an unfortunate heart defect or this was some supernatural mumbo jumbo. Considering where they were it was probably the latter.

"Who's there?" The girl's tone is friendly enough, contradicting her fighting stance. Caroline steps out of her hiding place with her arms raised because she really doesn't want to have to fight.

"Woah there soldier," She says, trying to match her friendly tone. "Just another tourist taking in the sights."

The other girl doesn't change her stance but she is smiling. Huh.

"How did you manage to get all the way here on you're own?" The other blond asks and oh she has an accent and not just accent. It was the same accent the bane of her existence but also cute original hybrid had.

"How did you?" Caroline retorts because hey she's the vampire in the conversation thank you very much. "Also you can drop the fighting stance because I'm not gonna beat you up or anything. "

"Sorry, its an instinct." The mystery girl relaxes and smiles apologetically at her. " I walked. I also climbed. Well I walked from where my ship crashed, climbed the side of the mountain and walked to this village. It was all very excited really. I do love the exercise. "

Caroline blinks. The girl is smiling at her and she didn't even look a little out of breath.

"Your…ship?" She didn't mean ship as in a boat did she? There weren't any nearby bodies of water. Maybe she was talking about shipping as in fan speak? Maybe her favorite couple broke up?

The girl must sees the confusion on Caroline's face because she decides to clarify.

"Say that again?" Caroline asks because what even is her life.

"My space ship." The girl doesn't even snicker.

"What, like an alien ship?" She asks dubiously . " Are you and alien then?"

"Not an alien ship, my ship. But its all ruined now. I came here to look for something to fix it with but then the singing started and I've been trying to find out where it's coming from." The girl frowns at her. "Well I suppose I am. I'm a clone really. A clone bred to be a soldier. There was a war and everything."

The girl stops, listening to something before she makes a mad dash towards the larger ruins.

Caroline easily runs after her while her brain filters through the information. Supernatural she can handle no problem but aliens? Really?

"You don't look like an alien." She can't believe she just said. " I can hear your two heart beats but besides that you look pretty human to me, and what's with this singing you're talking about. I don't hear anything. "

" I have it in good authority that Gallifreyans came before humans so really you look like us." The girl doesn't even pant. " and It's not the kind of singing you hear with your ears. Its kind of a 'just in your head' thing. " she taps her temple for emphasis.

What the heck was a Gallifawhatsit .That settles it then. This girl was crazy and delusional. There was no way any of the things she said were true. Caroline should just leave to do whatever she needed to do.

But what if she gets hurt? They're in the middle of nowhere and she's not about to let an innocent person get hurt no matter how crazy. Ugh. Why did she have to be so nice.

Well, she's dealt with crazier things she supposes. She's always been a sucker for strays.

They approach one of the larger buildings that remain intact. A mansion that was probably beautiful before the village was left for good. The girl stared at it curiously. If she was going to get this girl home she might as well introduce herself. She didn't want to keep calling her 'the girl' in her head either.

"I'm Caroline by the way." She says and how is it that Miss Mystic Falls took this long to introduce herself. Going on the run changes you.

"I'm Jenny. Does that mean you'll help me look for the singing?"

Jenny looks at her wide eyed and she changed her mind this girl was probably younger than her, she had the innocent yet mischievous look of a toddler.

"I'm gonna make sure you stay out of trouble." She smiles at her, lucky Jenny just got herself a vampire slash babysitter for today.

Jenny smirks " Good luck with that, trouble finds me an awful lot. It must have a thing for me really."

Caroline tries not to think of handsome original hybrids, she really does. Instead she opens the mansion's door. Its a beautiful thing despite the deterioration. Old and hand carved. Lighter than it looks too because she manages to lift it in the air with minimal vamp effort.

Jenny let's out a whistle. "You're pretty strong."

Caroline shrugs. " I work out a lot."

The inside of the building is in the same state. Old but beautiful. Also dark. There's barely any light and all the windows are covered with planks of wood. She could take her daylight ring off and walk around just fine.

"Watch your step." She says when she sees all the broken glass and other indiscernible sharp objects on the floor.

"I can see just fine." Jenny says and she peers down at the objects on the floor. " The singing is much stronger here though."

Right. Alien vision.

Jenny lifts something up and Caroline doesn't even have the time to question her statement because it her hand is a pitch black scale. A pitch black scale that was as big as her hand.

"What the hell."

Caroline peers at the floor again and under a layer of dust she can discern a number of scales on the floor and today was just getting weirder and weirder wasn't it.

"That's gotta be one big lizard." She hopes it's a lizard.

"What's a lizard?" Jenny asks in confusion and Caroline thinks she's joking until she sees the genuine confusion on her face.

"It's an animal. Smallish reptiles that climb on walls that eat bugs?" She didn't pay much attention during biology but really how else was she supposed to describe them. "There's probably hundreds of them here I'll point them out when I see one."

"This scale doesn't look smallish at all." Jenny says dubiously.

"Maybe it's a dragon?" Jenny looks at her with an eyebrow raised, and Caroline shrugs "Bigger lizard. With wings and breathes fire. Has an unfortunate habit of stealing princesses."

Jenny scrunches her face and opens her mouth to protest but she doesn't manage to get a word out. A scream, and it's definitely human, echoes throughout the walls.

"That's probably the princess." Caroline sighs.

"Does that make us the Knights then?" Jenny says as she gets up. " I went to a planet once that was filled with books. They had some folklore books from earth."

" Yet they couldn't be bothered to have anything about lizards?" Caroline snorts as both of them run towards the sound of the scream, and yeah it felt a little badass to think of herself as a knight.