October 13, 1992- Rapid City, South Dakota

John Winchester looked down at the little girl before him. Her wounds were mostly superficial, but there were going to be scars; both mental and physical. Blood was streaked across her face; her dark hair completely matted down. John was surprised she was still breathing. The only way he was sure she was, was due to the faint pulse he felt on her wrist. Her dark blue eyes stared up at him, but they were completely void of emotion. In every child he ever came across he always saw his boys. What if this was Sam or Dean? His chest tightened at the thought.

John glanced at the bodies of her parents lying across the room. They had been possessed, the only demonic possession he had heard about for nearly seven years. Usually they were rare. He hadn't wanted to kill them in front of her, in fact he wasn't sure when she had even entered the room. Had she seen?

He knelt down to be at eye level with her. He was unsure of what he should say and had no idea what he was going to do with her. A child complicates things and he knew from following her parents around for three weeks now that there was no family around. He also was not sure how long her parents were possessed or what conditions she had really been living in.

"What's your name sweetheart?" John asked, even though he already knows. Her name was Grace. She was six years old and attended the elementary school up the street. She spent a lot of time alone and hid outside when her 'parents' argue.

Her eyes flickered behind him and then she looked square into his eyes, "Grace." Her voice was soft like he imagined it would be.

"How old are you?" He was asking to make sure she is at least aware and not too traumatized by what happened. Most children wouldn't even be speaking at this point.


John shook his head. She as too young but that's how it always seemed to go.

"Okay Grace, I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Can I do that?" He asked the girl.

She nodded. Without hesitation she took his hand and waited for his guidance. She felt safe with the man and she was not sure why. John looked down at her tiny hand in his. Blood tinged her pale skin, the contrast against his hand obvious. John stood up slowly and pulled out his cell phone. It rang once before he got an answer.

"Bobby? It's John. I'm cashing in on that favor." John hoped for Graces sake that this was going to work.

February 3, 1993- Sioux Falls, North Dakota

Bobby knew seven years old was too young to be learning how to shoot a gun, but he didn't know anything else aside from hunting. When John showed up on his front porch with a bloody child, he had wanted to say no but something inside of him advised against it. He doesn't know how to raise a child, let alone a girl. He wished Karen were still there to help him.

Grace had landed on his front porch a little over five months ago. She had been quiet and slightly withdrawn at first, but now she was more attached to him. She let him hold her when she woke up screaming from her nightmares and he tended to her wounds, hoping to heal her scars.

"Alright move your feet apart a little bit more and keep steady." Bobby added more instructions to his already long list.

Grace followed what she is told to do.

"You ready? Aim, stay steady and pull the trigger slowly." Bobby stood behind her, just in case the kick back was too much. It's a small revolver, but he can't help but worry.

He heard the 'pop' of the gun and felt Grace slightly stumble back. He saw the tin can being knocked over and pride flared in his chest. Her first shot, a direct hit.

"I'll be damned, you're a natural." He looked down at Grace.

It's one of those rare moments when she is grinning unabashedly. Her hands are shaking from the vibrations and the adrenaline. She was quiet, but on the inside she was giddy. Her life was not going in the normal direction, but this felt normal for her.

"Can you do it again?" Bobby asked just to see if she could.

Grace nodded, "Yes."

And she proved that she could.

May 3, 1993 – Sioux Falls, North Dakota

John stepped out of the Impala and was welcomed by Grace running to him. He noticed that she had gotten taller in the last two years. He laughed as she snuggled into him. John called frequently to make sure that she was okay, that she was as happy as she could possibly be. He hadn't seen her for a few months, but he kept contact no matter what. Bobby stood and watched from the porch, his arms crossed.

"How are you kid?" John asked as he set her back on the ground.

"Good. Uncle Bobby taught me how to shoot and now he's teaching me how to make silver bullets." Grace smiled up at John.

John glanced at Bobby and they both greet each other with nod. "I'm impressed. You're missing a tooth? How'd that happen?" John asked her as they walk towards the front of the house.

"I pulled it." Grace tells him.

John laughed again.

Bobby opened the front door and they all walked in. He wondered why John had chosen this afternoon to show up and where his boys were. Bobby glanced down and noticed that Grace is holding his hand. He doesn't allow his thoughts to linger on that.

"How are Sam and Dean?" Bobby asked while Grace sat down. She had never met either of John's sons, but was always curious about them.

John replied, "Getting into trouble. They're good though. Sammy likes school and Dean…well he's not much of the school type," he paused, "Grace, you go to school?"

Bobby ignored that John didn't ask him instead.

Grace flushed and looked away, her cheeks starting to redden.

John raised his eyebrow, "What?"

Bobby cleared his throat and replied, "Schooling ain't for Grace."

John was surprised at how angry the comment made him. In his mind Grace is like a daughter he never had. He wanted the best provided for her. The thought flashed in his mind that maybe Bobby's is not the best place for her.

"What happened?"

"I got in a fight. And my pocket knife got me in trouble." Grace feebly responded.

John was in disbelief, "You have a pocket knife?"

"I keep it in my shoe. They found it." Grace sighed almost dramatically.

"Who found it?" John keeps the interrogation going.

"My teacher."


"My shoe fell off." Grace seemed so innocent, her cheeks bright red. John stared at her. Her hair is in a messy ponytail; she is dressed in clothes too big and boyish. There is a scrape on her chin. She already looks like a hunter in the making. But John doesn't like it.

John chuckled, "Grace, why don't you run upstairs? I have to talk to Bobby really fast."

Grace knows an order when she hears one. She smiled a toothless grin and left off to her bedroom. John waited until he heard her run up the stairs. Bobby let out a sigh he had not realized he was retaining and took his hat off.

"Bobby, she's a little girl." John tried not to sound frustrated.

"You think I don't know that? You show up here with a bloody little kid what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to be a father, I'm doing what I can." Bobby kept his voice low.

"She could have a normal life." John muttered.

"Oh really? How?"

John shook his head, "Maybe this was a bad idea after all."

"She's the happiest she's been since she got here. She's a natural shot and she likes learning. I'm not saying she's going to be a hunter, but this is what I can offer her and there's no forgetting about what she's seen. Normal left the moment her parents became demons." Bobby couldn't control his anger and he felt fear flare in his chest at the thought of Grace not being around. He was already protective of her.

John took a breath, "Get her new clothes, get her in school, and take care of her."

"Don't tell me how to parent when your boys are who knows where." Bobby gritted out.

John clenched his jaw. Fatherhood was a sore spot for him. He knew it would have been different if Mary had still been alive. If he had never been a hunter, Sam and Dean could have had a normal life. But that wasn't in the cards.

"Alright Bobby."

Bobby put his hat back on, "I think it's best you don't come around anymore."

John stared at him, anger slowly building inside of him.

"Call, write letters, what have you, but that's it." Bobby drew the lines. He would not deal with this every time John Winchester decided to stroll into town, not when he was the one taking care of her on his own.

Just then Grace came back into the room. "Can I come in now?" She asked, her voice seeming so small.

John nodded.

Grace came to stand beside him, "Why do you look mad?" She asked both men. They shook their heads in perfect unison. Bobby glanced away and allowed for John to say goodbye.

John knelt down and pulled his wallet out of his pocket. He opened it carefully and took a picture of him, Sam, and Dean out. He pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and swiftly wrote three two phone numbers on it. He put a tiny star beside the top number.

"This is my number, with the star next to it. If you need me and I can't be there, call this bottom one. It's Dean and he will help you. Do you understand?" John explained.

Grace nodded, but was more focused on John, "Are you leaving?"

"I have to go and we might not get to see each other for awhile. But, this picture will help if you get sad. There's me, and my boys. This one's Sam and that's Dean." John showed her. They're sitting on the back of his Impala in the photo and they look happy. Grace wished she had a picture with her family. Sadness swept over her.

John quickly hugged her and Grace returned it eagerly. She was not sure why she felt so drawn to this man who had saved her, but she loved him like he was her own father.

"Bye Gracie." John murmured.

"Bye." She gave him one last smile as John walked from the house. Bobby let out a breath, frustrated.

Grace ran to the front door to watch the Impala speed off. She stood there until the dust has settled back onto the gravel road. She does not notice Bobby standing behind her watching the same spot, but she felt his hand slip onto her shoulder.

"It'll be alright." He whispered.

Grace hoped it would be.

July 17, 1998- Sioux Falls, North Dakota

"Be nice Grace." Bobby awkwardly patted her forward towards the duo before them. All morning he had said that "his ole pal" Brad was visiting with his niece, Nora. Grace hadn't thought much of it. She was used to hunters stopping by occasionally, mostly to see Bobby. But now that she was a little older she usually sat in and listened on the conversations, learning what she could.

This was different however. Brad was a tall man, over six feet tall with a scruffy beard and messy hair. Grace thought he looked like a lumberjack. A girl who looked a little older than her, only because of her height, stood beside him. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore overalls that were ripped.

"Come on, I'll show you the blueprints." Bobby shook his head and chuckled. Brad tousled Grace's hair and she grimaced. She huffed as soon as he was out of the room.

"He always does that to me." Nora glared past her at her uncle.

"Bobby too." Grace murmured shyly.

"Does he let you hunt yet?" Nora asked, her voice full of curiosity.

"Not yet, but he lets me shoot. What about you?" Grace asked.

Nora shook her head, "Soon though."

"Your parents don't care?" Grace was in awe.

Nora shrugged, "They're dead."

"Mine too." Grace kicked at the ground. It was an odd exchange from an outside point of view but to them it felt comfortable. Their similarities seemed to be growing by the minute and it was actually nice to have another girl around. Grace and Nora smiled at each other.

"It's Grace, right?" Nora asked.

"Yeah. Nora?"

Nora nodded sincerely.

Grace bit her lip, "Want to go see my room?"


Present Day: October 25, 2005- Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The sunlight slipped past the curtains and surrounded the room. Grace Bradley rolled over and flinched in pain. She slowly opened her eyes to her childhood bedroom. She hadn't been to Bobby's in almost a year, until now. With a groan she got out of bed and walked over to the mirror in the corner of the room. A picture hung by sticky tack of her and Nora hangs off the mirror. A smaller picture of her and Bobby stands on the dresser beside of the mirror.

She cautiously lifted her t-shirt and winces. A dark blue bruise ran across her side. She had been hunting a ghoul and it had gotten a leg up on her. She had been hunting on her own since she turned fifteen. Five years of hunting on her own had it's perks, but whenever she got too lonely or injured; she always made her way back to Bobby's.

She quickly braided her hair and slipped on a dark flannel shirt and blue jeans. Grace glanced at her phone as she goes to brush her teeth. She told herself Nora might have texted her, but in reality she was waiting for John to call her; they hadn't talked in almost two weeks. But nothing. In the whole time she had known John she had never been worried, but for some reason she was now. She kept that to herself.

"Morning." Bobby greeted her.

Grace smiled as she began to pour a cough of coffee, "How are you old man?"

Bobby laughed, "Doing better than you. How are you feelin'?"

Grace shrugged, "Ok. A little sore, nothing I couldn't handle."

Bobby stayed silent to avoid an argument that has been had dozens of times before. When Grace decided she wanted to be a full-fledged hunter, Bobby was fully against it. When he had taught her all of the basic skills of a hunter, it was only a means of protection. Bobby took Grace on minor hunts initially, after the fighting between them had ceased. But, then John and Grace began to hunt together as well. She had never hunted with Sam and Dean, which she always thought was strange, but John had wanted to keep them separated. Grace never commented on it.

"How long are you staying?" Bobby asked, changing the subject.

Grace bit her lip, "Well, I think I'm heading out soon."

"Another hunt?" Bobby continued his inquiries.

Grace shrugged, "Something like that. I'm going to see John." Grace didn't want to tell him that she's not even sure where John is. Last she heard John was in Jericho, California. As Grace had grown up she had realized how obsessed John truly was with finding whatever had killed his wife, Mary. And she knew that the majority of John's hunts were geared toward finding whatever had done it. She wondered if he is getting closer.

"Where at?" Bobby tried.

"California." Grace grins. She was only nineteen and she had seen more than most thirty year olds had. She truly enjoyed the hunt and the lifestyle that came with it. Her fake IDs, the outfits, every aspect of it drew her in. Bobby, and admittedly John, hated that she hunted alone, but she liked the solidarity.

"What's he doing there?" Bobby made his way to the kitchen to cook himself some breakfast.

"Guess I'll find out." Grace responds.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" Bobby knew the answer already.

Grace shook her head and grabbed her duffel bag by the front door. Rumsfeld lay beside the old bag full of weapons and a few changes of clothes. She glanced out the window at her red and white striped Chevy pickup. She and Bobby had repaired it together.

"I'm sorry Bobby, I'll be back before you know it." She assured him.

Bobby grunted as Grace quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Then she left.

November 1st, 2005- Jericho California

Grace had been in Jericho for three days. She knew that John was gone, but there was a hunt. A woman in white, Constance Whelch. She had left John a voicemail letting her know that she was there and she was going to hunt and then come find him. She had half a mind to call Dean, but she had never spoken to him before and she wasn't sure that this would be the best time.

Grace got out of her car and headed for John's hotel room. She had been staying there the past few days. Her stomach clenched when she noticed that the door to the room was unlocked. She slowly reached for her 9mm, but someone came up behind her.

"Don't move." A man whispered in her ear. She stiffened at how close he was to her and the feel of his breath on her neck. He reached for the door and opened, pushing them forward and inside. She instantly saw the back of another man, he's taller, his hair is longer.

"We got company." The man who brought her in announced.

When the guy turns around, Grace gasped. "Sam?" Grace chanced turning around, "Dean?" She only knew what they look like because John had an updated picture in his wallet. He never stopped talking about them and she never stopped being curious about them.

Sam looked at Dean clearly confused. Dean still hadn't let her go. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice gruff and deep.

"I'm a friend of Johns. I'm here to find him." Grace hated that her voice was shaking. But she was thrown off her game and she cannot believe she if actually meeting John's boys and he isn't even here for it.

Sam looks skeptical.

"John isn't here and he doesn't have friends." Dean tightened his grip on her.

She clenched her jaw, "Obviously. I've been here for three days. I put that picture of you guys on the mirror, the phone numbers on the back might be familiar to you." Her nerves begin to slip away.

Sam knew what she was talking about. "Let her go Dean."

Dean hesitated, but ultimately listened to his younger brother. She yanked her arm away from him and stepped forward. When she looked at him she is taken aback by how handsome he is. He is taller than her, his green eyes intensely focused on her.

"Who are you?" Dean asked again.

"I'm Grace. I've known your father a very long time." Grace was slightly hurt that they didn't know who she was, but she couldn't say that she was surprised. She wasn't going to reveal much more than that and she certainly wasn't going to mention Bobby quite yet. Sam and Dean shook their heads in unison.

"We've never heard him say anything about you before." Sam said almost apologetically.

"I'm sure there's a lot of things you've never heard about before." Grace retorted defensively.

Dean raised his eyebrows, surprised by her tone. "When's the last time you heard from him?" Dean asked.

"A little over two weeks ago. What about you?" She made it a point to ask Dean because she knew that John and Sam weren't exactly on the best of terms.

"About the same." Dean answered.

"Any idea where he is?" Sam tried, hopeful.

"Not yet." Grace whispered.

"Well we can take it from here." Dean said cockily.

Grace laughed outright and shook her head, "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere."

Dean crossed his arms and allowed himself to really look at her. She looked young, but her demeanor made her appear older. Her dark hair was in waves, she was dressed in casual clothes and she looked tired. Her skin was perfectly clear and pale and her dark cerulean eyes were intensely focused.

"How old are you anyway?" Dean asked.

"Nineteen." Grace felt no need to lie. She was a perfectly capable hunter.

Dean clucked his tongue, "A little young don't you think?"

"I've been hunting since I was twelve, including with your father. So I think I'm okay."

Sam chimed in, "Alright, it looks like we all want the same thing. So why don't we finish this hunt and hopefully that'll get us closer to finding dad."

"I agree." Grace smiled brilliantly at Sam.

Dean groaned, "Alright well I'm starving. I'll be back soon." Dean was overwhelmed. He hadn't seen Sam in so long and now this girl just showed up. Not to mention his worry for his father was increasing.

As Dean walked out Sam and Grace glanced at each other. "You've really been hunting that long?"


"How long have you known my dad?"

"Since I was six years old." Grace muttered as she sat on the bed. Sam was about to ask another question when his cell phone rang. Grace grabbed an old newspaper that was beside her and began to read over it.

"What?" Sam sounded alarmed as he moved over to the window. He pushed the curtains out of the way so he could look out the window. Grace looked past Sam and saw two deputies approaching Dean.

"Shit." Grace cursed under her breath. She began to pile her belongings into her bag.

"Well what about you?" Sam couldn't mask the concern for his brother. Grace stood in the doorway of the bathroom waiting for Sam to get off the phone. He snapped it closed and turned to face Grace. He looked panicked.

"There's a window in the bathroom, let's go." Grace lived for this rush.

Sam thought she wasn't so bad after all.


"What do we do now?" Sam asked, his eyes focused on the road.

Grace and Sam were driving down a back road in the Impala. This day was too surreal. Grace glanced down at her cell phone, then back to Sam.

"We need to talk to Constance Welch's husband." Grace said.

"What about Dean?" Sam asked again.

"I'll take care of that, you talk to her husband." Grace grinned.


Grace felt guilty for leaving so soon, but she knew Dean and Sam were going to be okay. She shot a few rounds off to distract the police and hoped Dean would escape. Her intentions were not to leave them behind, but while she had been packing her bag she had grabbed some of John's papers and found coordinates 35-111, with her name next to them. Knowing John, he did the same thing for Sam and Dean.

Now she was headed for Lost Creek, Colorado. Her mind was racing; she just wanted this feeling to go away that John was in trouble. She took a glance at the photo of John, Dean and Sam. She flipped it over and stared at Dean's number. Part of her wanted to call and explain why she left. Instead her phone rang, shaking her out of her thoughts.

She answered and waited for whoever was on the other end to speak first.


She stiffened and pulled off to the side of the road. "John? Where are you?" Grace felt relief wash over her.

"Don't worry about that. Where are you?" He avoided her question

"Headed to Colorado. Sound familiar?"

"I'm not there," he paused, "Listen, I need you to do me a favor."

Grace responded with silence.

"I need you to go back to Sioux Falls. I'll let you know when we can meet up."

"There's a hunt in Colorado, just like there was in Jericho? Why don't you want me there?" Grace was beginning to feel the exhaustion of the last few days.

John remained silent.

"Is this about Sam and Dean. I met them you know." Grace decided now was the best time to tell him.

"Did you?"


"How'd they look?"

"Really good. Sam seemed happy, Dean is worried about you." Grace told him.

John let out a breath, "I just got a voicemail from Dean…Sam's girlfriend was killed this morning. It's connected to Mary, I know it. Sam and Dean need to hunt and I need you away from this. Just for now."

Grace couldn't believe what she was hearing. She shouldn't have left them and now John was asking her to go back to Bobby's. Even though she had only just met Sam, she felt sadness at the loss. His normal life had been completely shattered. She didn't want to listen to John, she wanted to keep hunting.


"Alright, but John. Stay in touch."

"I'll try Gracie."

Grace closed her phone and turned the car around and headed back towards arguably the only home she knew.


March 27, 2006- Sioux Falls, North Dakota

Grace sat on Bobby's front porch, Rumsfeld lying lazily beside her. It had been almost four months since she heard from John and she wondered where he was. Guilt still gnawed at her about leaving Sam and Dean without a word, but she knew they would be okay hunting. She never disobeyed John and she was not ready to start now. Grace did some small hunts, but she kept ending back at Bobby's.

Rumsfeld ears perked up at the sound of tires on the gravel driveway. Grace had been looking at a reality website. While she had not been hunting she researched, spoke with other hunters.

An army green Jeep Wrangler came to a stop. Grace couldn't help but smile. She couldn't believe her eyes. Out of the car stepped the best friend Grace had ever had. Nora Reid was twenty-one and hunted occasionally. She had blonde hair that was almost always in a ponytail, her eyes were a deep green, but her best trait was her smile. She had a smile that made anyone feel welcome and warm.

Grace and Nora had become fast friends almost instantly. Nora had been learning how to hunt with her uncle after a nest of vampires had killed her parents. They bonded quickly but only got to see each other when Nora's uncle was passing through. Once they both reached an age old enough to hunt alone they sometimes paired up. No matter what, they always kept in touch.

"Surprise!" Nora smiled at Grace.

Grace shook her head in disbelief as she ran down the front steps to give her a hug. The last time she had seen Nora was a little over a year ago when they hunted in Nevada.

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked.

Nora pulled back a look of feign upset on her face. Grace took a step back and laughed. "No, I'm glad you are here! I'm just surprised. Last I heard from you, you were engaged to Rob? Bob?" Grace pretended not to know. Where Grace was more reserved when it came to boys, Nora was the exact opposite. Nora craved being with someone, she hated feeling alone.

"David. And I was engaged." Nora raised her hand, no ring on her finger.

"What happened?" Grace was not that surprised.

They moved over to sit on the front steps. Nora squealed with excitement when she saw Rumsfeld. Nora went to pet him immediately. For a supposed guard dog he was not that vicious.

"Well what happened?" Grace asked again.

"David was a loser." Nora said casually.

"Yeah but you knew that before you wanted to marry him."

"Very funny. He also preferred brunettes." Nora said with a little bit more disdain. Nora's flings lasted only four or five months at a time, always with another hunter. But they never lasted. Sometimes it was cheating, sometimes she got bored, and there were a multitude of other reasons.

"I'm sorry Nora." Grace murmured gently.

"Oh what does it matter? On to the next," Nora paused, "What about you?"

Grace sighed, "Well I haven't talked to John in months. I met Sam and Dean finally."

"What! When? How were they?" Nora knew all about Grace's father-daughter relationship with John.

"About three months ago in California. Sam was nice, Dean was not a fan of mine." Grace chuckled softly. It had been a lot different from what she was expecting. She had had this picture perfect image of things and now she was not so sure why.

"Really? Did you hunt with them?"

"Kind of. It's complicated Nora. I just want to hear from John." Grace felt her frustration bubbling to the surface.

"He'll call," Nora paused, "Were the boys as hot as dad is?" Nora laughed as Grace scoffed with disgust and shook her head.

"It's a legitimate question!" Nora couldn't stop smiling.

"Yes, they're

"Grace?" Bobby walked out onto the front steps. He faltered when he saw Nora, but quickly chuckled when he saw her.

"Hey ya Bobby." Nora stood up and hugged Bobby.

"When did you get here? Where's Brad?" Bobby looked at the jeep hoping to see his friend.

"Uncle Brad is on his honeymoon currently. In Vegas." Nora explained. Grace nodded; she hadn't known that her uncle was even seeing someone. Based on the look on Bobby's face, he had no idea either.

"That bastard got married?" Bobby laughed.

"Yessir." Nora put her hands on her hips. She was wearing skinny jeans and boots with a red and black flannel. She looked so much younger than she actually was.

"Well weren't you engaged?" Bobby asked.

"Don't ask." Grace interjected.

Bobby nodded, "Sorry kid."

Nora just shrugged, "Oh well."

Bobby cleared his throat and glanced down at Grace's laptop. "What're you looking at there?" Grace flushed when she realized she had left the laptop open. She stood up and closed her laptop.

"Busted." Nora sang.

"John's old house sold, that's all."

Bobby took his hat off and crossed his arms. He had noticed a shift in her ever since she came back from Jericho. All she said was that she wanted to take a break from hunting, which was the only explanation he had gotten.

"Is that good?" Nora asked.

Grace shrugged, "I'm not sure. Some of the old house is still part of it. It just makes me nervous."

"Why don't you go check it out?" Bobby pressed. He laughed to himself. Usually he was pushing Grace to stay; now he wanted her to leave. She wasn't the same when she wasn't out on the road.

Grace shrugged.

"You know, ever since you landed on my front steps you were wanting to learn about hunting, the supernatural. The second you were old enough to; you were out on the road. And these last few months you suddenly just stop?" Bobby watched the emotion flash across her face.

Grace remained quiet.

"Hunting is in your blood Grace."

Grace ran her hands through her hair, "I told John I would lay low until he told me otherwise."

Bobby clenched his jaw, "Go to Lawrence kid. Or you'll regret it."

With that he stood up and made his way out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Grace shouted after him.

"I need a beer."

Nora glanced at Grace and put her arm around her shoulder.

"Come on, I'll help you pack."

First off, thanks for reading! This chapter was just an introduction to the story as a whole. There will be a mixture of my original content and content from the show. The rating will change as the series goes on!

Thanks for reading, any reviews/comments are appreciated :)