This is basically the Rave Master ending, with a bit of pre-story, except with a nalu twist to it.
I own nothing.
Without Him
I did not really anticipate many of the things that had happened to me. Some were bad, some were good, and some, really did not matter. I did not expect to be able to escape from the tyranny of my father, only for that same father to later turn over a new leaf. I did not expect to join the guild of my dreams in such a wacky fashion, and I certainly did not foresee the pink-haired demon that had brought me there without a second glance, trusting me only after just meeting me.
I had been much surprised when he had so casually offered to take me to Fairy Tail, with a big grin on his face, "COME ON!" he had yelled in glee while dragging my wrist with his. Sure, I thought that he and his quirky cat were a bit weird when I first met them. Natsu was basically bipolar, acting callow one second, but then twice his years in another; it all depended on the situation. I initially was a bit miffed at his sometimes sudden mood changes, like my first day at the guild when he was looking for a job.
My new friend had casually replied to a guild-member's question on where he was headed, "I need to find a job, 'cuz I got no money", I was laughing on the inside because he had said that so crassly, it was inexplicable why I was laughing, something about him was just different. But, when little Romeo had come up to the master and pleaded, begged for whereabouts of his father, Natsu's whole demeanor had changed. The serious look in his eyes was different than I seen them so far, usually being filled with laid-back happiness. Needless to say, I followed him that day, not one of my more intelligent ideas, seeing as how I was kidnapped by an ape, but it turned out well in the end. It was worth it to see that more mature version of him, all playfulness gone as one of his friend's life hung in the balance. I didn't show it, but I came away impressed from that, and gained a little more respect for Natsu after that day. Of course most of that was eroded from his constant antics, but I definitely knew what he was capable of when serious.
Asking me to be a part of his and Happy's team had caught me by surprise. The idiot just blurted it out, right after breaking into my band-new apartment for the first of what was to be many times. While I was busy hyperventilating, he just smiled as he looked like he got an idea. He asked me to be his partner. His simple reason of "Because you're a nice person" sounded so vague, so banal, but it had nevertheless managed to move me to action. Me and Natsu started to go on jobs, though the first one ever, the one at the Duke of Everlue's mansion, was one I would always remember. Natsu had done something then that had shocked me. He had refused payment for the completion of the job. Sure, the clients hadn't actually been rich, but I was sure they would have paid something. Instead he had cheerfully smiled and said that since we had not destroyed the book, it did not technically merit a job completion. I had stood there in utter shock, but decided not to question it. That sweet and thoughtful side of him was only truly ever seen by me; he was too busy brawling at the guild or anytime he was with other people. In fact the only person it seemed he wasn't in a fighting relationship was me back then. I also met his other so called "frenemies" Gray and Erza. The two had their many little idiosyncrasies, but they were both very good people at heart. Our first unofficial mission together with those two allowed me witness their power, and us four developed a lasting bond after that job.
While my first mission with "Team Natsu", as we were later dubbed, was a rousing success, it came with some doubts; I had to witness first hand the devastating power of the "strongest team in Fairy Tail". Their impressive and awesome display of power had left me feeling a bit overwhelmed however. Actually, after that mission, when I was relaxing in my tub, the idiot came barging in, demanding a pair of sunglasses. After kicking him in the face I hesitantly asked him if he wanted me to leave his new team, seeing as I wasn't on par with the rest of the members (Gray and Erza). He had given me a look that said "Are you retarded?", which was incredibly insulting coming from him by the way, and just called me a weirdo. Before I could kick him again, he went on to explain that he had chosen me as his first ever partner, and he wouldn't just throw all that away without a second thought. He told me that I was very useful in the whole Lullaby mess and that I was the only one he could actually stand to be around all the time between me, Gray, and Erza. His words had had me blushing, but I quickly subdued it and went on my merry way.
Thus, we started to inconsistently do jobs with those two, one of the first being to save the demons at Galuna island. Being an S-class mission, it was dangerous, but we ended up being able to defeat Gray's brother, Lyon, in the end. Me and Natsu were allowed no rest though, as the brief but bloody war with Phantom Lord occurred almost immediately after. I was captured and locked away in a tower like some princess awaiting rescue, which I absolutely loathed. When I learned that my dreaded father had been behind all this, I cracked, deciding that death was better than a life of oppression. I jumped, reveling in my ephemeral time at Fairy Tail. For some reason, I had screamed "NATSUUU!" at the top of my lungs, it just felt natural at the time. There he had come, catching me just in time. My breasts had been in his face and we were in a compromising situation, but I really couldn't have cared less in that moment; he had actually come for me. When the whole of Fairy Tail had been occupied with a bloody guild war, he had put my safety as his number one priority. I still didn't know why then, but it had warmed my heart.
Having to see him being brutally beaten by Gajeel later that day was heart wrenching, but luckily Sagittarius was able to help out. Natsu had been almost frightening during that battle, very devilish. In the end Gajeel had simply been overpowered by Natsu's pure fighting energy. While recovering from the battle at the guild infirmary, Natsu had escaped to my apartment and slept the night in my bed, without me knowing of course. He was gone before I woke up, but I later figured it out as I was feeling a little warmer for the rest of that day. I was still a little touched that he had caught me when I jumped, but that didn't last as he burned my favorite dress a week later. Still, I started to enjoy every job we went on together, no matter how dangerous, loving the feel of adventuring with him.
Our next adventure was short yet painful. Discovering Erza's horrid past had been bad enough, but I was also really worried that neither Natsu nor her would make it while they were fighting a furiously driven Jellal. I had had my hands tied dealing with a possessed Juvia and did not get to see Natsu fight Jellal. Erza later told me what he did, going into Dragon Force for the first time to beat the dark mage.
The only problem was, Natsu was now too sick after eating Aetherion, and of course his get-well bed happened to be mine. I didn't bother me too much that time, as he had been hurt pretty bad in that battle. I actually was very worried, because he seemed very dazed and loopy. Because of his health, he had been too sick to enjoy the start of the Fantasia festival. Not that it was very convivial anyway. Being turned into stone was not a good feeling, especially when I didn't know it was coming.
In the end, Laxus's attempted coup of Fairy Tail failed; I was told that deep down he had really cared for the guild, and thus was unable to defeat Natsu and Gajeel, even though at that time he was stronger than the both of them. I heard myself sighing in the aftermath of that battle, as Natsu was badly hurt again. Around that time I had been complaining about my problems with paying rent since Natsu was too sick to go on jobs, but really I was worried about his health too. The fight with Laxus had been a tough one on him, he had had it worse off than Gajeel, his body being wrapped in a cast. I actually offered him the chance to sleep in my apartment that night, to which he gleefully responded by shaking his head, still gagged.
I tended to him that night, cleaning up his bruises, telling him how he had to take better care of himself, not noticing then how attached I had already become to him. He had been giving my lecture a bored look, but stopped when I mentioned something about my turning into stone. "About that, I'm really sorry I didn't protect you that time, I don't know what I would've done if you had died." he had said after removing his gag, his dark eyes shining with regret. They looked almost remorseful, something I had never seen in them before. His words then did not effect me as much they would in later years, as there was too much going on at that point for me to sort out my convoluted brain. I assured him that I was fine and that it would take more than stone to kill me. He had simply nodded after that and dozed off. I would have gone to sleep on the couch, but my hand was stuck under his body and I couldn't pry it away. I had had to spend the night sleeping next to him, and woke up to find him snuggling tightly to my side, surprised to find that he was a cuddler.
I again saw a never-before-seen look in his eyes closely after that, during the incident with the Oracion Seis Dark Guild. When I had saved him at the waterfall, he had thanked me with the most sincere smile I had ever seen on a face. It was not forced, it was not out of formality, it was not shy, and it was not fake; it was real and truly thankful, and at that time my cheeks had heated up, but I really couldn't fathom why. My feelings were still in a state of disarray, and I had simply blushed and tried to play it off as trivial. My heart had been racing and it made me nervous, thankfully we were attacked yet again so I didn't have to linger on those confusing thoughts.
Besides giving me a headache, the event gave us an adorable new member for our guild, Wendy. It was too bad that her initial start at Fairy Tail was so rudely interrupted by that deranged king of Edolas, Faust. Getting transported to an alternate dimension was not fun at all, and neither was discovering that in a parallel universe I was a sadist and Natsu was an out of character crybaby, the only thing the two boys seemed to have in common was that both had multiple personalities. Nevetheless, we as a guild were able to dethrone the tyrannical monarchy of Edolas, restoring peace to the kingdom as Mystogan, or should I say Edo-Jellal, became the new king, and one that wasn't bloody crazy to boot.
Speaking of crazy people, that was exactly what I thought Natsu was when he picked Happy to be his partner for the S-class trials. Though I was confused as to why he didn't pick someone with a little more firepower, I was also a little disappointed that he hadn't picked me. For all I knew, the idiot probably wasn't even thinking when he made the decision. I knew that Natsu was my partner, and I really wanted to help him become S-class. For some reason my heart wrenched when he chose Happy, but I was too busy consoling a despondent Cana to pay much attention.
Luckily for me, I had still gotten to participate in the trials via being Cana's partner. Everything had been going great until Grimoire Heart had shown up. From there things went to hell. After getting brutally beaten and battered we finally managed to figure out the source behind Master Hades' immense magical power. Once we had disabled his "heart" Natsu was able to use his newfound lightning powers to defeat the occult mage once and for all. I had had to hold him after the fight, as he was too exhausted to even stand. I had pressed my hand to his chest that time, in a silent thank you. I was thinking about something Lisanna had told me that day while I did it. She had grabbed my hand during the war with Grimoire and told me to stay close to Natsu, saying the care he had for me made him stronger. I was a little shocked that it was her of all people who had told me that.
Honestly I had expected things to turn out differently than they had when she miraculously returned from the dead. I assumed now that since Natsu's close friend had come back, he would spend less time with me. The thought had made me sad for some reason, but I couldn't figure out why. I had lots of friends besides him at the guild, but I realized that he was probably my closest one. Not Levy, not Erza, not Mira, not Cana; no, it was definitely him. Of course, I soon realized that maybe I was also that to him, besides Happy of course, as Natsu still tried to spend every waking hour with me. Though he could get annoying, I always felt at peace when I was with him, my irritation at his antics the necessary chaos that must always exist in a state of balance; it was just a fact of life. I could act however I wanted when I was with him, he would never judge me, and it was the same with him to me, I would never ridicule him. Get angry, yes, but never judge.
Of course, pondering on all that, I was a little surprised when my life did not really change after Lisanna came back. Natsu partied like crazy the night she came back, but after that things returned to normal. We would still spend most of our time with each other, Lisanna seemingly more than content to spend every waking second with her siblings, trying to make up for lost time. Actually the two barely talked to each other at all. This warmed me inside, but I did feel a little bad about it. I had asked Natsu why he didn't spend much time with his childhood friend anymore. He had told me that while they had been friends, he had spent the last two years without her, and he just wasn't used to her now; it was like when a child grew out of their favorite toy, they just could not go back to it once they broke the cycle once and for all. He had said that he much preferred to hang around me, because my bed was just so soft he had added as a joke. While I had kicked him in the stomach for that comment, I was really happy on the inside, still not knowing why but loving the feeling I got whenever I was around him, as if I was yin and he was yang; together it was almost like we were those last two pieces in the puzzle, fitting perfectly into the molds of both of our lives.
The happy feeling did not last when the black dragon had come and seemingly killed us all on Tenrou. The one thing I remembered before seeing nothing was Natsu clasping my hand telling me it was going to be alright. He was donning his serious personality then, one he was rarely in outside of battle. When we all awoke, the shock of going through 7 years unchanged was too much, but it was nothing versus the events that followed. Fairy Tail needed to get its reputation back after wallowing in the dumps for seven straight years, and there was only one way to do it. We needed to announce our return to the whole country, and we needed a way to get everyone's attention.
Fairy Tail having entered into the Grand Magic Games, fielded two teams into the tournament. Though I enjoyed the competitive ambience, all throughout I had a sense of dark foreboding, which of course culminated in a near Draconic apocalypse. Luckily Natsu was able to defeat the evil Rogue from the future. Of course, the idiot had grabbed hold of my breasts before he did defeat him, to apparently "not see them". Where he gets his logic I don't know, but I had been really embarrassed. He had seemed unfazed though and went on to pummel Future Rogue.
But throughout the whole ordeal, I saw something near the end that I saw I would never see; Natsu crying. He was doing so after seeing the future version of me getting killed, pierced through the chest. He had called her, or me too I guess, something precious to him and looked devastated when the future me had died. I was certainly shocked, not realizing that beneath all the teasing and the joking and the annoying that Natsu really cared a lot about me, much more than I had initially thought. I could only return the favor by showing him the affection he deserved when I hugged him after he won his final battle. There was nothing romantic about it, or so I thought at the time; it was just supposed to a simple hug. A non-platonic way of showing him how grateful I was to him, but he had just looked down at me with a soft smile, one that melted the bastion of my heart to its very core, opening up a whole new section that I did not even know a human was capable of having. That moment under the moonlight had felt, for lack of a better term, apodictic, just so right, I had never felt more placidity than I did then. I realized at that moment that I may have been in love with my partner. Sure, he was crazy half the time, childish at some other moments, and a downright stupid at others. But, through all that, I realized that all those things are what made me fall in love with him. He wasn't childish because he was a child, he just felt like it sometimes. I had seen enough to know that he was definitely not a boy trapped in a man's body. He was crazy when he wanted to be, not because he was. He was brash and headstrong, but only when the situation was harmless. He was never like that when the situation required it. He may have teased me a lot, but, when I needed him, he was the most gentlest of all, guiding me through pain and joy for a long time. The only downside to my epiphany was when I realized that he probably reserved no feelings like that for anyone, it was like he wasn't human. It hurt that he might never reciprocate my feelings.
The despair unfortunately did not end there, as Tartarus attacked us, having this crazy plan to get rid of all magic on the continent by activating a special magical device called Face. They were desperate to revive their master, END, so they could kill Zeref; it was all way over the top if you ask me. Though we did finally beat the last of the Balm Alliance, we all received wounds. Natsu lost his father right before his eyes and I lost my key to Aquarius. I had wanted to comfort him, as I saw him crying for only the second time, but I was too weak at that moment. The look of hurt on his face broke my heart, when I realized with some pain that maybe Igneel was the only one that Natsu really loved, no one else but him and that the feeling of devastation in him might have been slowly adulterating him. I vowed then and there to make sure he never cried again.
His next course of action rocked my world.
After reading his farewell letter, I had raced desperately after him and Happy, hoping to catch up with them, becoming aware of what a big part of my life they really were. Sadly, I was unable to do so and spent the whole year in partial depression, picking up details here and there about the others at the guild, as it had been abandoned for unknown reasons. I still did not fully admit to myself that I had fallen in love with him, not then, when the pain was too much; it was suffocating.
My heart had leaped out of my throat when Natsu returned, and I knew why, but I quickly pushed those thoughts into the back of my mind. I stayed a bit guarded around him for a bit, and he noticed right away, no one understands me better than him after all. I told him that the year had been hard on me and that what he had done hurt. He had looked sincerely apologetic, his eyes shone with a brightness that I had not seen for a long time. He told me that he never planned to stay away forever and that it was impossible for him to leave me anyway. He had taken my hand and whistled a bucolic tune through my fingers, calming me. Even though he had immediately grabbed my wrist after that to take me to lunch, I still felt touched. I did forgive him, part of my reason was that he was quite stupid sometimes, and he obviously did not factor in how everybody would feel about him leaving. That was no time to be introspective however. We had to gather the guild back first, and then deal with the butterflies in our stomachs. After dealing with a dark cult called Avatar, we were able to reunite with most of the members of the guild, and we got straight to work on it. Erza was made the new master, but she was told earth-shattering news by Mest, who had recently re-joined Fairy Tail, back from his mission. The master was in trouble and we decided to head to the Arbaless Empire to save him. It was just supposed to be an infiltration mission, never did I think it would end in bloodshed.
Eventually it all went to Pandemonium as it escalated into a full-blown war between Ishgar and Arbaless. Guilds from both continents clashed violently, trying to vie for the Lumen Histoire, yet barely any knew what they were actually fighting for, they were simple swept up in the flood of emotion that one feels when representing their land. Much death occurred as Fairy Tail faced off against the Spriggan 12 Shield. Elfman died while trying to protect Evergreen from a kill shot. Mest was knocked a hundred miles onto the sea, no one knowing whether he survived or not. Macau had died in the hands of a sobbing Romeo, cut up by blades. Laxus had been crippled for life, against a deperate member of the shield. His legs had been contorted in a way that had been painful to just look at. Even Gildartz was felled, distracted by a purposeful attack aimed at Cana, his chest was exploded and I could actually see inside of it, his heart hanging by a single sinew, about to give up pumping forever. That had eraged both Natsu and Cana. Fortunately Natsu was able to defeat the strongest of the Spriggan 12, God Serena, by discovering his innate ability to transform into a dragon. I had been about to die and he had swooped and saved me, as I was too exhausted from fighting and defeating another shield member myself. I had watched his fight with Serena from Natsu's scaly back, transfixed by the pure destruction the fight caused, a nearby mountain range being levelled.
Natsu finally defeated God Serena when he shot out of his mouth, not normal fire, but hellfire. I thought that that was extremely odd, seeing as that was something only demons could use. He had carried me down and let my cry on his shoulder as I noticed many more of our guildmates dead on the floor. I could see Wakaba off to the right and Jet about 50 feet behind me. The only thing left of poor Pantherlily was his head, his body having been blasted apart. In front of me lay Gray and Juvia, their last breaths having already been breathed, next to each other. They had been holding hands when they died, ironic that in the face of demise their love finally occurred. Natsu gently tilted my head up and looked he wanted to say something.
Before he could, Fairy Tail was immediately confronted by Zeref, who said that the time had come for destiny to play its cards. He opened his book of END and uttered what sounded like an ancient incantation, the magic that swirled around him then shot at Natsu. What was left of us gasped as Natsu transformed once more, horns growing out of his skull and a tail out of his tailbone. Leathery wings sprouted out of his back and his canines became a little longer. His pupils were now blood-red. The battle between him and Zeref that ensued was one of epic proportions, one that attracted even Acnologia, who was intent to finish what he started 8 years ago. Zeref and Natsu actually worked together to beat the black dragon. Natsu was then informed the story of his creation and in turn refused to kill his own brother, angering Zeref greatly.
All Zeref wanted was to die. He claimed that there had always been another way for him to kill himself, but he had dared not to do it at least until END had awoken. However, when Natsu refused to kill his own brother (I know right!), Zeref stated he had no choice but to end it once and for all.
He started muttering a chant as death magic swirled above his head, condensing into a huge orb of energy that looked bigger than the moon. He said that this would not only kill him but everyone in the western continent as well. After releasing the detonation, he died instantly, a smile on his face as he finally got his 400 year old wish. Natsu had a look of conflict written on his face. He gave me a look and I couldn't help but sob, knowing what he was thinking; he was going to absorb the blast. He told me that he had to do it, and that he was the only one who could do it now. He smiled at me, not a drop of fear on his face.
The dark light of the blast orb was now coming closer, about to envelop and destroy thousands of miles of land around it. He stepped into it, back into his human form, the one I loved most. "Lucy" he said with a bright grin; how could he even be smiling right now I wondered through tear, "I want you to know something before I go, something important. Before I met you I always figured I would die while fighting or on the battlefield, like it was my destiny or something you know, in fact I sort of wanted it. If I couldn't find Igneel, what was the point of living a peaceful and safe life anyway? And then, I met you, the weird, blonde girl I saw in Hargeon. There was something off about you, something different, you made me feel comfort just by being next to me. Through time, I began to understand these feelings better, and, I realized that was attached to you in a way that I had never been to anyone before, even Igneel. It made me want to live for once, to go on forever bathed in the glow of your aura; made me feel scared to die for the first time, because if I did, I wouldn't get to see you ever again. I've been keeping these feelings locked up for a while now, but I can't leave without telling you. I may be a demon that's supposed to be incapable of emotion, but you were able to awaken something in me which I had never felt before...true love. I know I'm not a romantic and that I'm not very good with stuff like this in general, but Mira once explained love to me in simple terms. She said it was when you felt truly comfortable around a person, knowing that you can trust your life with them and vice versa, someone who makes you happy just by being themselves, someone who cries with you and laughs with you, and that person is you to me Lucy. I can proudly say that I love you with all my heart and that it has been an adventure falling in love with you, one that I hoped would never end, because it's always more fun when we're together. I don't want you to be sad because of this, I want you to live life to the fullest for me ok? Even if you never loved me, know that there was someone out there who loved you more than anything else in this world, someone who could stare at your face and never get bored of it, someone who never thought he would fall in love." he finished with a sad smile. Before I could mutter a word, he wordlessly stripped off his scarf and wrapped it around my neck, his usual gentleness bathing me with comfort, as he did this he leaned down next to my face and whispered in my ear, "There are some things that deserve to dwell." This action caused me to raise my hands to touch it in shock, as if it was ethereal and intangible.
I was still speechless; he loved me? All my memories with him came up, every single one of them, and I realized that there was no one more precious or important to me in the world than him. I shouted to him as the light began to envelop his body, "NATSU I LOVE YOU TOO... so, so much. I'm sorry it took me so long to say it. We could have had time with each other, but it's impossible now." I was bawling again, reaching out for his hand, but I already couldn't touch it; it was intangible. He was already half dead I realized with a sob, already gone from this world, from me. The rest of Fairy Tail had been watching the whole scene behind us, tears in every one of their eyes, not knowing what to say. He simply closed his eyes, tears streaming down his grinning face, already accepting his cruel fate.
The orb picked up power and shot down into the love of my life, destroying his body right before my eyes. With a flash Natsu fully absorbed the blast, and he was gone... forever.
It's been a year since then. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of his smiling face, wondering what I ever did to deserve this. I cried at least three times a day when I saw things that reminded me of him, most notably the color pink. I found myself sniffling anytime I glanced at my guild-mark. In addition, I had never parted with his final gist to me, keeping it wrapped around my neck constantly. I feel... nothing, absolutely nothing, as if I'm in some sort of perpetual abyss of darkness, void of everything but my sorrowful memories of my beloved. Fate was so cruel, we had just confessed to each other, after all we had been through, each time surviving by the last straw. The one time where we both finally woke up to our blindness, was the time that he was finally taken away from me. Luck doesn't last forever after all. I had nightmares almost every night about his death, the way he had disappeared right before my eyes in such a painstaking way, torturing me. I was deeply depressed, and quit the guild for the time being, too sad knowing that he would never walk the hall again. Fairy Tail itself was not the same after that battle, it was as if there was a permanent raincloud over the whole building, the death toll weighing the place down like an anchor. With Acnologia and Zeref gone, the number of jobs became lower, allowing many others to retire form the guild as well, all going through survivor's guilt. I knew what I had to do to end this misery once and for all.
I decided to visit his grave, it's actually at the battlefield where he was taken from me in Arbaless. I paid a ferry to sail me over and made my way to where he was buried. It said Etherious Natsu Dragneel on it, with a description that said "Savior of our world and our future" on it. What was the point of all that honor if he couldn't even enjoy it I wondered? Tears welled up in my eyes as I dropped to my knees in front of his grave, crying my eyes out. I thought that with time, I would be able to get over the grief, I knew for sure I would never love again, but I thought I would at least feel some pacification, but we must have really been soul-mates, because I could never get him out of my head for more than a few hours. Rain had started on my journey over to the west continent and it still hadn't let up, as if mocking my despondence, while also annoying me as it wet my beloved token.
I took out a vial that had a skull and crossbones on it. It was tonic of death; I had bought it right after Natsu died. I had been delirious, wishing desperately to join him in the after-life. I redacted my thinking when I realized that he would not want me to ever give up, and so I had held out. His last wish keeping me going like a medicine.
But no more, visiting his grave just hardened my resolve even more. I popped open the cork and slowly lifted it up to my mouth. In my crying, I had not noticed that the raining had stopped. The heavens had opened up a shining arch of light, bathing the grave in a heavenly aura. My hand was about to dip the contents of the vial in, so I could finally go and be with my other half. Here it was... the moment of truth... I was about to join my lover and my greatest friend.
I tipped it up, while pinching my nose, not noticing the dying rain. 3, 2, 1, I dipped it... but something happened.
A tanned hand grabbed it and drew it down. I started with a jolt and looked up into a face shining brighter than ever, his hair damp from the rain. His shirt was almost ripped into nonexistence and he was bleeding all over, fresh wounds from a battle fought over a year ago. He had mild surprise on his countenance as he stared at the symbol of the bottle in my hand. He willed it to fall to the ground by prying open my fist around it, shattering the vial into pieces, its contents spilling everywhere.
Then he said one sentence that saved me from that insurmountable fall, and he was smiling brighter than ever, "Yo... you didn't actually think I'd leave you a second time did you? After all.. you're wearing my scarf." he said softly, smirking as my hand flew to my open mouth in shock as tears started yet again in my eyes, my other hand was being whistled a tune to its fingers as he held it to his mouth. And, I knew right then and there that there was no price on love. As I fainted from the sheer shock of it all, I realized that love was a curse as much as a blessing and that I was just a broken shell without him.
"The course of true love never did run smooth"- William Shakepseare
I just wrote this because I thought it was weird this hadn't been done yet, you know, a nalu version of the Rave ending. To anyone reading Ancient Outlook, I have already started on the chapter, it should be out in the next couple of days. Also be sure to check out my new story whenever I decide to post it. Also I recently wrote another story that I already published, feel free to view it as well, it's not very long. Thanks for viewing in advance!