Disclaimer: I do not own Pitch Perfect or any of their characters. And if somehow this is realistic, I apologize in advance. This is purely a work of fiction.
Trigger Warning: Serious Illness, Cancer.
Chapter 1: The Breakdown
Chloe was facing the bathroom mirror and as she puts on her hoodie. She actually tries to look decent before finally giving up and realizes she constantly looks like shit these days. The sound of someone at the door startled her, and she goes to answer it. Standing in front of her with her signature smirk, Beca Mitchell. She doesn't realize she's been staring until Beca comes in and instinctively settles herself on the couch. Suddenly, Chloe seems like the world had stop turning.
Chloe has repeated this conversation (along with Beca's million responses) in her head too many times. She's convinced herself that she's ready to tell Beca, and in no way fail at telling her what's been going on these few days. But as much as she's ready, and as much as she's hoping that nothing will go wrong. There's a pretty high chance that Beca won't react how she wants her to. And Chloe really doesn't want that, because it's Beca freaking Mitchell. Her best friend for almost 5 years now. And as much she likes to think that she's an independent person, she really needs Beca's help for this.
Chloe has been researching on advice online on how to deal with this circumstance, for the past week. And most of them just says the cliche 'stay strong', 'there will be people supporting you', and Chloe can't help but think that's bullshit because she's somehow worried that people -mostly Beca- won't be able to handle the pressure and remove themselves from your life. It fucking scares Chloe to death that Beca will react like that, and she's not really sure if she can handle this ordeal without her.
Beca interrupted her train of thought by finally saying, "Hey, what's up?" And Chloe smiles, because maybe this will be the last moment in Beca's life that feels worry-free and simple as ever. Because Beca seems so happy and radiating life and Chloe is trying her hardest to just not break down in front of her, as she responds,
"I just wanted you to come over, I need to speak to you about something." Beca sits back on the couch motioning Chloe to continue. As much as Chloe wants to say, 'I just miss you and want to go hang out', she knows that it's not fair to Beca not knowing about it.
"Are you okay? You've been spacing a lot and your voice sounds a little weird, do you have a fever?" Beca reaches for Chloe, and Chloe pulls away. And Beca sat there confused because, when has Chloe ever move away from physical affection. And Chloe just stares at her coffee table, silently laughing on how she wishes it was a fever.
"Beca…" 'Just tell her Chloe. God damn it, why is this so hard?' Chloe thought as she unknowingly moves further from Beca, but doesn't go unnoticed by Beca at all. And Beca begins to worry.
"I have to tell you something, it's something pretty big actually… And I repeated this conversation so many times in my head and now it's here I don't know how to say it at all, and I just really need you to keep an open-mind about this okay?" Chloe meets Beca's eyes and pure look of concern filled Beca's face as she nodded. Chloe's hand is gripping the side of her hoodie as if her life depended on it and her jaw was shaking too much. And she feels dizzy all of the sudden, like if she stood up right now she would fall.
"Woah chill Chlo, you're not telling me you like me right? Because I'm too emotionally unprepared for that confession," Beca jokes and smirks lightly, knowing that this is something Chloe is stressing about.
And Chloe backtracks a little bit because now she feels like she's going to faint. She feels light-headed as ever and her grip on her hoodie starts to loosen. Here is Beca trying to make her feel better, and she's here looking like she's having a fucking panic attack. And honestly who wouldn't? Who wouldn't have a panic attack when you're trying to tell your best friend that they have a secret that is actually eating them alive.
So she takes a deep breath and tries to focus her vision on anything other than the coffee table. And with all the courage she could muster up, Chloe says, "Beca. I have cancer."
Chloe thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her but just like that all the colour from Beca's face drains and Beca looks as pale as ever. Beca stares at her for what seems like forever until with the smallest of voices Beca blurts,
"What?" Chloe looks away from Beca, trying desperately to not cry.
"Chloe please tell me this is a late April fools joke, I'm sorry I replaced the salt in your salt shaker with sugar, but please tell me this isn't real." Chloe's mouth curves a little remembering Beca's prank from a week ago. A week ago. She tries to respond to Beca but there's this huge lump in her throat that makes it incapable of her to speak. And little by little Beca falls apart, because here she is, in her best friend's apartment, in LA, staring wide eyed at her friend, who just told her the biggest statement ever. Her eyes begins to sting, her brain suddenly can't form the right words, and the deafening silence around her starts to become unbearable.
Chloe can only return her gaze and shake her head ever so slightly trying to convey the message that, 'I wish this was a joke Beca, but no this is real'.
Beca gets up from where she's been sitting and plops right beside Chloe taking her hand, that is now white from gripping her hoodie too hard. She stares right into Chloe, stormy blue clashes with ocean blue. And Beca can't say anything because she's still trying to convince herself that this isn't real.
Chloe finally breaks the gaze and says, "Damn it Beca. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."
Beca shakes her head and forces Chloe to look back at her. Beca opens her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Once Beca wraps her head a little bit around the situation, there's so many questions she wants to ask her but stops because she doesn't want Chloe to feel more upset than she already is. Not that she can anyway.
Beca is grateful that it's Chloe who asks the question, "Do you just want me to tell you what happened? And when you think it's too much I'll stop. Because God Beca you don't deserve this." And Beca just nods lightly as if she's trying to say, 'but I'm still here Chlo'.
"Okay so… Argh. I've been feeling like crap for a while and each passing day I felt more and more weak. And I assume it's just PMS but then I started to worry when bruises starts appearing around my body," Chloe explains. She slowly lifts her sleeves and hoodie to show Beca several bruises that were now painting Chloe's pale body. Beca takes in a bit of air and takes all her willpower to not just wrap Chloe in her arms and waits for this to go away.
"So uhm I finally went to the clinic a few days ago and it turns out that it's leukemia. The one I got it this big science word called acute lymphocytic leukemia." Chloe stares at Beca and to the now very interesting coffee table. And this is the part of the speech she's been trying to say.
"So umm… They did a few tests and called me back the next day, I got referred to a doctor that's a specialist in these stuff. That's why I have been MIA these few days because I was back and forth from the hospital. She umm she wanted to do a biopsy of me, which hurt like hell. And I didn't want to worry you… yet." Chloe stops for a moment realizing that Beca's freaking out a little, biting her lip, and shaking her leg.
Beca now joins in the staring of the coffee table and Chloe just wants to finish this soon. "So yea uhm now I have a treatment thing for about 3 months. And chemo sessions, once a week, with the previous doctor. And I start all of that in… two days."
Beca tries so hard to take in all of the information, she knows she did, but can't help that it's just one jumbled mess in her brain right now. She stops biting her lip and starts to say something, but cuts off because she doesn't want to say this is the wrong way. "What's the uhmm… Fuck… You know the survival rate… thing…?" Beca asks, sounding more like a statement than a question.
"Well the doctor says around 30-ish percent. Which is less than average, and I suppose that's not good? But I'm just trying to keep strong right now and follow the treatment and see where I'll go from there…" Chloe replies sheepishly. Chloe totally forgot about their hands being intertwined but quickly remembers when Beca drops their hands to stand up and run it through her hair muttering vulgar words.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. This can't be happening. Fuck! Why did this happen to you? You're fucking healthy, you exercise more than me. You're like young and happy, and fuck." Beca begins to have a strain in her voice and tries to keep her sobs away for now. She grasps her shirt tightly and tries to go into denial. "They've got to be wrong about this Chloe, you can't have cancer. You just can't. I can't lose you Chlo. And… Fuuuuuuccckk."
Chloe can't bring herself to stop Beca and looks guiltily at her. Chloe justs begins to pull her hoodie tighter into her, almost knowing what's going to happen next.
"Becs please, don't stress yourself about this." Chloe says in barely a whisper, but Beca hears it nonetheless.
"Not stress out? Not stress OUT? Chlo. I came in to your apartment with the only bad thought that you were going to force me to watch reruns of movies in HBO or something. Now you tell me that I can't stress out that my best friend has a 70% chance of not making it to next year!?" Beca huffs out angrily. "My best friend has cancer… My. Best. Friend. Has. Fucking. Cancer. I, I need to get out of here Chlo. I'm sorry. I… I need time." Beca chokes out in between sobs. Beca grabs her keys from the coffee table and goes out of the apartment in one swift motion.
Chloe didn't even get a chance to say anything, and she wraps herself in a small ball on her couch just staring at her coffee table. Not able to move. Because honestly, this was the reaction she really hoped Beca wouldn't have.
A/N: Thoughts? Feelings? Just leave a review below. :)