Well Hi guys! Its been SUPER long since I've last updated. Yeah. I've been going through a lot. I'm still going through a lot but I wanted to let you all know I'm still alive lol... Uhm So I have 2 different Fanfiction's. There is this one, WolfetteKurenai, and the other one is Ratchetsgirl1. That ones my Transformers obsession one. But I havn't written on that one either. So here's the thing. I'm rewriting all my fics on Naruto and some for my Ratchetsgirl1. I've grown as a writer and my stories make me cringe lol... Well the Transformers ones are more recent then THESE Naruto fics but still. I've had loads of ideas for my fics, but It will be a slow process! You see, I miss writing a TON but My landlord died and Right now I don't know if we're losing our house and will be homeless, or if we will be able to keep the house. I just don't know. There's this huge legal battle between the landlords daughter and his son in law. The daughter is supposedly not 'all there' in the head and is incapable of making her own decisions. She's being pushed to go into a home but she REFUSES and is fighting for the rights over the house. She knew her father wanted my family and I to STAY in the house. Currently ownership is to the Son in law who wants Money money money and so he wants to kick us out. So far he is selling the house but its not concrete, because shes fighting him for it and fighting to let us stay. So there's a small chance we can stay but right now, its a very small chance. I'm telling you this because, well, while I am planning on writing again updates will be slow as I'm under immense pressure. I just miss writing to much. I will post chapters when I write them, so be on the look out! Just warning you, updates may be fast or slow as home situations right now is horrible.