Chapter 42

Tuesday, November 10, 1992-The hallway outside the second floor girls' lavatory, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Somewhere in Scotland

All of the students were escorted out of the castle without any casualties. The head count conducted when they reached the Quidditch pitch confirmed that no one had been left behind. Professor Dumbledore thought they'd lost Lockhart for a moment, but he was almost immediately found hiding beneath the bleachers.

Patricia: "That's not a maze, it's a labyrinth."

Adrian: "What's the difference?"

Patricia: "A labyrinth has a centre, a maze doesn't."

Cedric: "Doesn't matter what we call it, we just need to navigate it."

Patricia: "Cedric, you can't go inside it!"

Angelina: "Why not?"

Patricia: "The prophecy, 'If you enter the maze you will die', remember?"

Cedric: "I can't not compete in the last task. And you just said yourself that it's not a maze."

Harry: "He's got you there."

Patricia: *glares at Harry*

Deleted Scene:

Wednesday, September 2, 1992- Ravenclaw first-year girls' dormitory one (aka Blue Dorm), Ravenclaw Tower, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Somewhere in Scotland

"Dear Tom," Ginny wrote. She stopped and tapped her chin with the end of her quill. There was just so much that she wanted to write about and it was only her first day at Hogwarts. Her words disappeared into the page as she thought.

The dormitory door opened and Ginny looked up. Her roommate Elena Jones (cousin of Gwenog Jones, cue preteen girl squealing) came in with a scowl on her face that was explained when she was followed by two of the girls from the Bronze Dorm.

"Can't you see that it's only logical?" one of the Bronze Dorm girls demanded.

"Stop being so unreasonable," the other girl said.

Elena's scowl deepened. "For the last time, I'm not moving to your dorm. Now please get out of our room."

The Bronze Dorm girls finally noticed that Ginny was in the room.

A/n: No, this isn't a mistake. You probably know what's been going on with JK Rowling. If you don't, you should probably look it up because I'm only going to cover the bare bones here. She has been very vocally transphobic. She's been getting even more vocally transphobic. I am no longer comfortable writing anything set in the world that she created because it feels like I'm promoting her (logically I know I'm not, but that's what it feels like). That stuff up there? That's everything I have written for this story after last chapter. I'm not writing any more. That's it, I'm done.

I'm sorry if you were enjoying this story. I'm sorry I'm leaving it unfinished for you. But I've been thinking about this a lot and I've decided that I just can't keep writing it.

Best wishes,
