This is my 2nd fanfic to write my last one was rated R. This one is also rated R so ya know! I don't know what kind of writer I am or how good my stories are but maybe you can tell me. Please review it I would really like that! And now for the disclaimer!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own sailor moon or any of the characters associated with sailor moon.
There I did the little disclaimer now on with the story!
Darien stood on his balcony looking up at the midnight sky, filled with stars. He was a well-known police officer of his time. During his time as a rookie he got the award for the best rookie of the year. He wasn't one now. As far as anyone knew he was the best police officer on the force. He had it all, money, his good looks, women flying at him left and right, a big mansion, and the best ranking any police officer could get next to chief. But there was something missing, something he couldn't figure out. His balcony was his way to think of things in peace. But this time it didn't help. His thoughts shifted to what his chief had said to him earlier that morning. "Tomorrow Sheilds, you have an important job to do. No, it's not anything like a raid or anything of that sort. You have a prodigy obviously following behind your footsteps. She has potential to come up to your level Sheilds. I want you to take her around the city tomorrow. See if she is good enough to be your deputy." The chief had said. Darien stood confused. "But sir, I am your deputy. As far as I know I not a chief" The chief just smiled. "Well you will be someday. I'm old I have to retire some day and you're the best bet I have to becoming a great chief like I was" He stood up and paced. "So you, yourself will need a deputy and she's one of the 2nd best we have" Darien just nodded accepting he would have to lead his future deputy, a GIRL deputy he didn't even know around for a day. With this in mind, he went back into his room and decided to get some sleep for the next morning. His bed was big but it was empty and cold.
The next morning Darien ate breakfast hastily. He had slept in late. He was having a good dream about a girl with long blond hair calling out to him, wanting him to come to her. He had no time to think of who the girl was in his dream. All he had time for now was to grab a quick shower, and quick bite to eat and throw on his police uniform. All that was left was his unruly hair. He would just comb it the best he could with his fingers. He sped to the police station in his sleek black car. He got out of the car and ran into the police station to the chief's office. "Shit, Shit, Shit! I can't believe I overslept like that I have never done it before. Oh well it's gonna be one those days I guess" He kept running to the office. He ran into the doorway, grateful the door was open. When he ran in it took him a few seconds to realize that he had knocked someone over. She was flat on her back. "Oh god, I'm sorry miss I was in a hurry and I...I...." He helped her up and looked at her she had long blond hair tied up in ondagoes. She had the body of a goddess. She was just as beautiful as the girl in his dreams. 'I gotta get your phone number' he thought. She was dressed in the same uniform as he was. It took Darien a few seconds to remember why he was here. He got one last look at her and turned to the chief. "So where is this future deputy of mine?" Darien asked boldly. The chief pointed to the girl Darien had nearly trampled. "You just met her a few minuets ago or should I say, ran over?" Darien blushed slightly. "Um I'm sorry I did that earlier to you. I was in a hurry and I ran in not expecting anyone to be in the doorway and well here I am. Oh and by the way I'm...." She cut him off. "Darien Sheilds, one of the best officers of our time am I right? The chief already told me. I am to be your deputy if I pass your test. Oh yes, and by the way, I'm officer Serena Tsukino." She extended her hand out to him. He shook it lightly. Then she looked up into his eyes. Her eyes were a baby blue. They were like to seas of blue he felt like could look into forever. Serena obviously felt the same way because she was staring at him the same way. It took the chief the say "Well aren't you going to get going?" he asked. They both blushed a little. Darien just looked at the chief for a moment then turned around to leave. "Aren't you coming? Your test begins now" He smirked at her charmingly and led her to his police car. Serena followed close behind admiring his strong back muscles. 'Maybe we can become more than just future chief and future deputy' she thought as he got into the police car with her.
Well hope this is getting good please leave me lots of reviews!