"Aki grab that one and put it on me" Artemisia smiled as Aki grabbed the tiny creature, and placed the snail on her head. Artemisia giggled as she stood and spinned around showing off all the large and small snails on her skin and shell.

"Do I look cute?" Artemisia placed one of her hands on her hips and put the other behind her head and pushed her lips out trying to look attractive. Aki laughed and sat down in the mud completely bare letting all the mud soak in his fur.

"Yes, very very cute with or without the snails" Aki said as he placed another snail on her open snout. Artemisia giggled as she then placed one snail on Akis nose.

"Eeewww! Artemisia!" Aki laughed as he quickly slapped the snail off. Which went flying into the mud, upside down wiggling and moving it tried to turn on it's does so it could get up. Aki smiled and watched as the snail struggled then moved to help it up.

"You're so helpful" Artemisia said as she moved to sit right in front of him. Aki smiled and reach up to move one snail that was slowly making it's way to her eye.

"It's easy just see someone in need then go help them" Aki snickered as Artemisia rolled her eyes. Aki then moved the snail back to its original spot on top of Artemisia's forehead.

"Duh! I know that! it's just you help everyone and thing even if you don't know them" Artemisia shrugged her shoulders. Aki smirked.

"Well, what do you when someone needs your help?" Aki asked and Artemisia raised a finger and tapped it on her chin.

"$5" Artemisia smiled as Aki laughed hunched forward.

"Artemisia! wait, what?" Artemisia stood and smirked. As Aki finally got his laughing under control.

"Mikey says 'I gotta make a living'"

I just want to say sorry! the reason I havn't been able to update is because I MOVED! and i moved to a new area like new-new so they didn't have internet for a llloonnng while they told us we were to get wifi next year and well here we are!,and well, shoot i'm not even located on the map yet! but i got it back so please be expecting regularly update!

sincerely, Demm P.S. I also got netflix ^u^