I'm reeeeaaalllyyy sorry it took me so long to update. I've been fucused on my new story and I wasn't thinking about this one. I don't ow Fairy Tail or Ouran High School Host Club. Uhm, I love reviews! I can't promise scueduled updates. But I hope you guys have liked it so far, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry again.

Back at the guild, (General P.O.V.)

In the corner of the guild sat some of Lucy's only freinds. Levy with Gajeel holding her close, both of them trying to draw comfort from the embrace. Pantherlily was sitting in Levy's lap. Wendy was holding Carla, hugging her close to her stomach. And Juvia was petting Happy, taking comfort from the small blue cat who refused to talk to anyone besides her since Lucy left, he and the water woman became closer and he had been staying at her house for the past few days. Mira had joined them since the day had been slow. (A/N: I know I didn't put in Lucy saying goodbye to Mira but for the story's purpose just pretned that she did. Thanks, back to the story!) All of them were quiet and had a depressing aura around them.

The rest of the guild were lively as usual, they hadn't even noticed an certain absense in the hall. Then the guild doors opened, revealing Laxus and his Thunder Legion. They walked into the guild, getting a few hellos but many just went on with their conversations. As they made their way to the back of the guild they noticed someone missing.

As they got to their usual table, the Thunder Legion took in the solemn looks on everyones' faces.

Freed was the first of them to speak, although no one looked up to the sound of his voice, "Where is Lucy?"

Happy's voice was barely audible but it surprised the whole group because he had not been speaking for the past few days, "Nastu pushed her too far... she left."

All of the Thunder Legion's eyes went wide as they gasped in surprise. It was then that Laxus felt something well up in his chest. It was an unbeleiveably painfull feeling that he had never felt before and he wasn't sure what it was. But it only got worse as they sat down and Gajeel explained what had happened a few days before.

Then as the guild doors flew open they looked up to see a head full of obnoxiously pink hair. Behind him was the center of their troubles, an overconfident smirk on her face. Natsu and Lissana walked right over to the table that they were sitting at. While Nastu took in the scene he spoke with more confidence than Lissana was wearing, "So is she finnaly gone? What a relief!"

Laxus jumped up in his seat. "You bastard!" He gave Natsu a look that would make any normal person cower in fear, but Natsu was no normal person. He gave the lightning dragon slayer a taunting smirk.

"What are ya' mad about? It's not like she was of any use to the guild, the only reason I brought her to us was to try to replace Lissana. But she was too weak. We had no choice but to kick her off the team."

Lissana joined in at that point,"Did you actually think she was a real part of the guild? No matter how hard you tried, that slut was never going to replace me

Then a voice that belonged to niether dragon slayer spoke up in a menacing tone. "Excuse me?"

Nastu and Lissana jumped and quickly turned around to see a an angry looking Erza with Gray standing behind her. "E-erza, Gray. I didn't see you there." Lissana squeaked.

gray came face to face with Natsu. "What do you mean 'we'? Erza and I never agreed to kick Lucy off the team. This is the first we are hearing of this."

Natsu and Gray botted heads, "Why do you even care? She was too weak anyway."

"Natsu's right!" Lissana chimed in.

Mira stood of from her seat, "I am very dissapointed in you Lissana. to think that my sister would call one of her guild mates weak."

"B-but Mira! It's true, you should know that by now." Lissana tried to reason with her older sister. But to no avail because that seemed to make the she-devil even angrier.

"Lissana! We are going home." Mira grabbed Lissana's arm and dragged her out of the guild, "Elfman!" Mira called on her way out.

"I'm coming." A confused Elfman followed them out.

Then the attention of the small group was directed at Natsu. Laxus roughly grabbed Natsu's collar and dangerously growled, "I can't believe you, of all people drove Lucy out of the have no idea how much you hurt her. She would have trusted you with her life, and you ruined that trust. Now she is gone and it's all your fault."

Natsu was starting to get angry, "Why do you care so much? I did us all a favor!"

Gajeel came up next to Laxus, "You did us all a favor? what's wrong with you? Bunny girl was just as much a part of this guild as the rest of us!"

Natsu growled at him, "This coming from the guy that beat her up at your first encounter. Ans you attacked the entire guild and destroyed the guild hall. I'm not even sure why Gramps dicided to make you a member of this guild anyway."

"I've changed! I'm a different person now. But that doesn't have anything to do with you driving Bunny Girl out of the guild." Gajeel countered.

Laxus dropped Natsu to the ground and Natsu got into a defensive stance. "I'm tired of you guys's crap." He then threw a punch at Gajeel and the brawl had started. More people joining in without even knowing the reason for the fight in the first place.

At Ouran, (Lucy P.O.V.)

I heard the loud bell ring, signaling the end of Tamaki's last class. A few seconds later I saw him walk out and come right over to me. "Hey Lucy! Sorry that you had to wait all day through my classes. But now you get to meet the host club."

"Okay! Let's go."

"Wait! Remember when we were little we would always race eachother when you would come to visit?" He gave me a hopeful smile.

"What? You wanna race to the clubroom?" I said in an overconfident voice.

"We passed it earlier, do you remember where it is?" I nodded in anticipation with a gleeful smile on my face. "Okay, one... two... three... GO!" We took of and I instantly dashed in front of him, we weaved through the people who looked at us in curiostity. After about two minutes of running I reached the club room and waited for at least a half of a minute for Tamaki to get there. I calmly stood there and smiled in greeting while he looked like he ewas about to pass out. "*huff huff* you... are alot *huff* faster then... I *huff* remember."

"Hahaha, Yeah I've trained quite a bit?"I gave gim a taunting look, "Or maybe you've gotten slower?" I teased.

He shot me a small grin, "haha, maybe you're right!" After a few seconds of silence he clapped his hands together and smiled, "Okay let's go in."

He pushed the doors open and a swarm of... rose petals? greeted us, we heard a gruop of people chatting but stopped once Tamaki had walked in. "Hey guys. I want you all to meet my cou-"

"Lucy?!" They all said in unison.

"Wait! How do you guys know Lucy?!" Tamaki yelled.

To my surprise, it was all of the people I have met so far. Hikaru, Kauru, the guy who gave me directions, Mori, Hunny, and Haruhi.

I looked at Tamaki and raised an eyebrow, "I've met them all already." I pointed to each person as I said their name, "I met Hikaru and Kauru on the train a couple days ago. Then I met Mori and Hunny right after you wen into your class. And Haruhi rigth after they left. And I met him," I pointed to the guy with the black hair, "right when I got into the school he gave me directions but he never told me his name."

The guy I pointed to adjusted his glasses, "I am Kyoya." Then he started scribbling something in a black journal.

Tamaki pouted, "Wow, and I made such a big deal about it."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Tamaki, it's not your fault I met eveyone already."

He gave me a small smile, "Yeah I guess so."

After a few seconds I looked at Haruhi, "Hey Haruhi? I meant to ask you earlier, why are you wearing a guys uniform?"

Everyone in the room looked astonished, Hikaru and Kauru were the first to speak up, "What are you talking about?"

"Haruhi is a guy so of course she would be wearing a guys uniform!" Kauru finished

I raised my eyebrows. "You just said that Haruhi was a girl. And how could I not tell that she is a girl?"

Tamaki put his arm around me, "Well you see, Haruhi here is in quite a predicament after she fell into dept with the host she decided to work off the debt as a host."

"I decided?" Haruhi chimed in. "First you forced me to be the host club's 'dog', then you made me become a host."

I was astonished at this, "Tamaki! Did you really force her to work for your club!?"

The next thing I knew Tamaki was in a shady corner of the room, "But Haruhi, I thought you liked working at the host club."

I raised an eyebrow at Haruhi who just sighed, "I mean I guess I so't hate working here."

Then Tamaki jumped up in joy, "Daddy knew you loved it here!"

"Daddy?" I questioningly looked at my cousin but decided not to think too much about it. "Neverming."

Then Mitskuni came up to me looking at my keys and whip. "Lu-chan? Why do you have keys and a whip on your belt?" He looked me in the eyes.

Crap! How am I going to explain this?

Okay, I am so so so so so so so so sorry that it took me so long to update. But I hope you guys liked it anyway. If anyone thinks any of the character (besides Natsu and Lissana) seem like really OC then tell me. I also like constructive criticism