A/N: Well thanks to a few friends, I rewatched all of Fairy Tail! And so I decided to make a fic about one of my two Fairy Tail pairings, NaLu! So I hope you enjoy my first Fairy Tail fic dears!

As for my Vocaloid fics, I will update those eventually, but, I had to write this idea before I lose it. I could write it down, but then I'd probably forget that too!

Summary: Gray and Lucy have been dating for two years, and their best friend, Natsu, is always there to support them. But after a huge fight, Gray and Lucy are on very thin ice with each other, and Lucy turns to Natsu for comfort, growing closer to him and even falls in love with him. AU NaLu, with some GraLu!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is too awesome for me to own… so ya know.. lol

Monday Morning

Fiore Academy of Magic

~Lucy's POV~

Today was just another Monday here at the Fiore Academy of Magic, where if we pass, we get placed in any guild of our choice. My friend Natsu, my boyfriend Gray and I were all testing to try to get into the guild of Fairy Tail, one of the most esteemed of wizard guilds in Fiore.

"Hey babe," Gray's voice slowly echoed into my thoughts, and I turned to see the adorable ice mage walking towards me with our good friend, Natsu Dragneel.

I smile, while a slight shade of blush appears on my cheeks as he called me "babe", "Hey!" I call out, walking towards the two boys. I greet Gray with a chaste kiss to his lips while I embrace Natsu, so happy to see them both.

I turn to Natsu, a smile plastered on my face, "So, Natsu, how was your weekend?" I ask, knowing that he had been busy, so he wasn't able to spend time with Gray and me.

He returns my smile, his pink hair blowing slightly in the spring air, "It was great, just spent time with Happy and studied for the big exam in a few months," he says.

Gray nods, his eyes glancing at Natsu, "That's right, I meant to ask, can I borrow your notes from I was gone?" he asks Natsu, his head tilted slightly to the side.

Natsu smiles, reaching into his backpack, grabbing out a stack of notes, "Here you go, man," he says, handing the stack of notes to Gray.

"Thanks," says Gray, placing the notes in his backpack.

I yawn, resting my head on Gray's shoulder, "So what should we do? We have about twenty minutes before class," I say, waiting for the two boys to come up with an idea.

Gray points his palm at the ground, and twirls his finger, a faint trace of ice magic wavering at the tip. I look at the ground as little flurries of snow swirl together and once complete, it forms a rose made of ice.

He picks it up and hands it to me, "For you, I love you," he says, giving me a small kiss to the lips. I smile into the kiss, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Thank you, I love you too," I say, smiling at the ice mage.

"Hey guys, I'm ravenous, want to grab some breakfast?" asks Natsu, interrupting our little moment. As soon as he mentioned food, I could feel the beginning of a hunger pang in my stomach.

I rub my stomach, my mouth watering at the thought of food, "Sure thing, I could use something to eat," I say, intertwining my hand with Gray's as we made our way to the cafeteria.

Monday Afternoon

Fiore Academy of Magic

~Lucy's POV~

Class was finally over! Sadly, since I was training to be a celestial mage, I couldn't be in the same class as Gray or Natsu, since they were training in slayer magic. But, now that class was over, I could see them both!

"Hey Lucy!" Natsu's voice finds its way to my ears and I turn to see the pink haired boy running towards me, a bright smile on his face. It always made me happy to see how excited it made Natsu when he saw me, I guess that's the pleasure of being best friends right?

I smile, giving him a wave,"Hey Natsu, I was just looking for Gray, have you seen him?" I ask, as Natsu approaches me.

Natsu gestures to the hallway around the corner, "He just went that way," says Natsu, smiling. I pat his shoulder and say a quick thanks as I walk down the hallway to find Gray… let's see… where did he go? Hmm… I look around the crowd of kids for the black-haired boy, and then, that's when I spot him, standing there with this girl I know, Juvia, and they're flirting!

I march over to the two idiots and stomp on Juvia's foot, making her scramble away in pain, and then I turn to Gray, a visible vein popping on my forehead.

I point my finger at him, an angry frown on my face, "Gray Fullbuster, what the hell do you think you're doing, flirting with her!" I shout, more veins popping in my forehead.

Gray shrugs, "We were just talking, no big deal," he says, nonchalantly.

I gasp, another vein popping in my forehead, "Seriously? I heard what you were saying, you said she looked really cute and all this nonsense and she was blushing. I'm not an idiot, Gray," I say, trying to control my temper.

Gray rolls his eyes, "What's the big deal, babe, it's not like I kissed her or anything," he says, shrugging again. THAT DENSE IDIOT!

I punch him in the arm, "Idiot, the point is that I am YOUR girlfriend, NOT her, or do you just not want to be with me? Cause this is the third time I've caught you flirting. Don't make me start thinking I've wasted these past two years on you," I say, letting the words flow from my mouth.

Gray looks at me, a bit shocked, and tries to kiss me, but I pull away.

"I'm sorry Gray; I just need some time alone. I'll call you later," I say, turning and walking away before he has a chance to say something. I walk down the hallway, feeling a bit depressed until I bump into Natsu, who turns to me with a smile.

"Hey Lucy, I was just looking for you… did you find Gray?" he asks, smiling.

I nod, trying to hold back my tears so I wouldn't worry him, "Unfortunately, yes, but I'll explain later. Do you want to come over? Mom won't be home tonight so I could use a friend," I say, hoping he will say yes.

He smiles, his eyes shining at my invitation, "Sure thing, Lucy, I'd love to come," he says, taking my arm and leading me out of the building. I was so thankful for Natsu, among all the dark things in my life, he has been the one thing to keep shining, I guess you could say he's the light in my darkness. I'm so glad I can call him my best friend. We walk in silence for a few minutes until Natsu begins to speak.

"So what did you mean you 'unfortunately found Gray'," he asks, turning to me.

I look at him, not bothering to keep the depressed gaze on my face, "Well, I was going to find him so we could walk home together like we do every day, but today, I found him flirting with Juvia. So I walked over, politely stepped on her foot and chewed him out, but he acted like it's no big deal," I say, feeling a tear run down my cheek. Natsu stops and turns to me, and with a delicate touch, he wipes the tear away and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry Lucy," he says. I smile a small smile and give in to his embrace and his warmth. Natsu was always here for me… I hope he stays in my life forever.

"And the worst part is," I continue, "is that this is the third time I've caught him flirting with another girl,"

I feel Natsu let go of me and he looks at me, his eyes connected with mine, an intense look on his face, "Then, Lucy, I think you need to break up with him. Don't get me wrong, I think you guys are a cute couple, you both are my best friends, but if he's hurting you, you need to let him go," he says, his eyes filled with deep emotion.

I look at him, and shake my hand, "It's not that easy, Natsu… I'm..in love with him. I realized that this morning when he gave me that rose. I just told him to give me my space for a little bit so I could cool off," I say, continuing to walk towards my house with Natsu in trail.

"Well I'm glad you're in love with him. Forget what I said, it's your relationship, don't make a decision you may regret later," he says, smiling. I return his smile and we continue to walk towards my house… I'm so glad I have Natsu.

A/N: Well that's it for now darlings! I will try to update this story every other day! Now can I get maybe 3+ reviews! Thanks for reading!
