A/N: I don't own anything. Blaine and Kurt are properties of Glee. Ian and Mickey are properties of Shameless. Why not combine the two best things in that show and make hearts explode? Yeah, I figured. Here we go, kids.

Chapter 1


Fiona Gallagher yelled from the kitchen. She knew it was fruitless, because her brother Lip and his girlfriend Mandy had been reconnecting, and Lip was spending more time at the Milkovich house with Ian, who had very recently began dating Mandy's brother, Mickey. Debbie was four months pregnant and Carl was on house arrest following his conditional release from juvie. Sean was still upstairs sleeping, and Liam was in the living room watching god knows what on that television. Fiona was surprised to see Lip and Ian walking down the stairs and shook her head softly.

"Wait, I thought you two were spending the night at the Milkovich's. At least, that's what the garbled message sounded like."

"Nah." Lip said, grabbing plates and setting them around the table. Ian blushed and smiled, shaking his head. He knew what the garbled message was from, and that wasn't what he'd wanted to relive. But apparently Lip did. "Mickey bet Ian a hundred bucks that he wouldn't call you while Ian sucked his dick. Congratulations, dude. You are now the king. I bow to you."

Fiona looked at Lip and Ian and just shook her head before Debbie and Carl made their way down the stairs. Liam joined them in the kitchen a few minutes later, and that's when Fiona started smiling. She put the French toast on the table and stood there with her hands on her hips.

"Here's the deal guys. You know that Uncle Burt and Aunt Carole very recently passed. Their last request was that Kurt, their son, come stay here with us. Now as we all know, Kurt is eighteen and legally able to do whatever the fuck he wants. But he decided to come to work at the bar with Kev. He's also bringing with him a shit ton of money that Carole and Burt left to him."

Lip looked at Fiona and smiled. He knew what this would do for them financially, and so he nodded, turning to Debbie and Carl.

"You two. There will be no crazy schemes. No scams. Nothing. Got it? We make sure Kurt has a place to live that is safe enough for him to finish out his senior year. He's behind because of that attack last year."

Ian's head snapped up at that. He and Kurt had always been close because of their obvious differences in sexuality, but that's not why Ian looked irritated. Fiona called it an attack. Ian called it what it was. A hate crime.

"Fi, he was assaulted and left for dead by two people who didn't like who he was. It was a hate crime. No matter which way you paint it. Not a mugging, or a random jump. No, this was a hate crime. And the fact that Kurt has to run, is a joke."

Ian said, before getting up from the table and running away. Lip looked at Fiona and shook his head. Fiona just looked exasperated before seeing Ian flying back down the back staircase before looking distraught and walked out the door. Fiona knew where he was going, she just hoped it was safe.


Mickey Milkovich saw the burst of red hair before he heard it. He knew Ian was going through something at home, just from the look on his face. He could tell that Ian had been crying, and that scared him. He met Ian halfway down the stairs and looked at him.

"You look like shit."

"Yeah, well I feel like shit, Mick. Fiona just said that my cousin was coming to live with us."

Mickey's eyes widened. He'd met Kurt Hummel once since he and Ian had started seeing each other, and that boy gave him chills. Him! Mickey Milkovich! He never got scared of anyone. Except his boyfriend's seemingly charming cousin.

"Kurt's coming?"

"Yeah. What's with that look, Mick? What. No. Wait. Are you afraid of him?"

Ian asked, a playful tone in his voice. He watched as Mickey looked away bashfully, then caught it for a split second before the look was gone, and in it's place was the Mickey he knew and loved. That hard, asshole, jerk look that he wore so well.

"I'm Mickey Milkovich, Ian. Do you honestly think I'm afraid of anyone?"

"You were afraid of me, once."

"I'm afraid of you everyday, Ian. Come on. I know you haven't eaten yet. I think Mandy made some toast. Have you taken your meds yet?"

"No. I ran out of the house before Fiona could give them to me."

Mickey led Ian inside and closed the door. But before Mickey could answer him, he felt the insistent lips of Ian's against his. And he knew he couldn't fight it. Because home was in Ian's kisses. But he knew that if anyone heard him say that, he'd be a goner. Mickey pulled away a few minutes later and shook his head.

"Good distraction, though. Your meds are in the medicine cabinet above the sink. And say hi to Svet. She's been missing her little ginger boy. Yev's still asleep."

Ian smiled, heading to the kitchen. He never felt at home in his own house. Something about Frank not being there, and Fiona having to do all the work, made him uneasy, but he knew Fi did the best she could for them. But being at the Milkovich's, with Mickey, Mandy, Svetlana, Yevgeny. It was the chaos he loved most, because it helped him escape the chaos in his brain. And that was the sort of controlled chaos he loved. And he wouldn't trade his little insta-family for the world. He smiled as Mandy came in, handing him some toast.

"You okay today?"

"I'm okay everyday Mandy. I have all of you guys. And that's what's important."

Ian said, swallowing the pills and waits for Mickey to come back.