When Caileigh finally came out of her heat two days later she found herself sprawled over the top of Sam with his arms around her. She took a moment to just luxuriate in the feel of all that warm tan skin over long lean muscle. A warm sense of contentment filled her and Caileigh wondered how she had gotten so lucky to find a mate like Sam. The small seed of love that she had felt for him had fully blossomed within her.

She had spent the last four days completely at his mercy. In the grips of her heat she had been completely vulnerable. There was no pain, no blood, no fear - just the pleasant ache of well used muscles. He had cared for and protected her in a way that no one else ever had. She felt completely safe with Sam, safe from him and safe from anyone else. She knew without a doubt that Sam would use his strength to keep her from ever being hurt again.

She only hoped that Castiel had found the same thing with Dean. And that was a new feeling, Hope, something she had very little experience with.

Sam came awake to the scent of contented Omega filling the room. He was greatly relieved, some part of him had worried that Caileigh would regret what they had done or that he may have unknowingly scared or hurt her. His inner Alpha was deeply satisfied by the sense of contentment coming from his mate.

Sam planted a small kiss on the top of her head. She raised her head to look at him. He tenderly brushed tendrils of her raven locks away from her face with his fingertips before leaning up to kiss her. The kiss was tender and sweet, full of love and contentment.

"Good morning," Sam said with a brilliant smile.

"It is," she replied, smiling back. "Much as I really don't want to move, I need to check on Castiel. I also want food and a shower."

Sam laughed, "I think that can be arranged. I'll text Dean and have him bring Cas over."

"We should shower before they get here," she said, wrinkling her nose adorably at the smell of sex that permeated the room.

Sam chuckled, agreeing that their brothers would probably appreciate it if they did. He rolled over, retrieving his phone from the nightstand and texting his brother. He turned back in time to watch as Caileigh stretched out her lithe body like a cat. If he hadn't been pretty completely depleted from the last four days of near constant sex, he would have made love to her right then, laying claim to every inch of that alabaster skin. Her head tilted to the side revealing the mark of his mating bite. Sam thrilled at the knowledge that he already had laid claim to every inch of the beautiful Omega in front of him.

In the shower they lovingly cleaned every inch of each other's skin. Sam took special care washing Caileigh's long ebony locks, her hair was one of his favorite things. After rinsing the shampoo out of her hair, Sam worked conditioner all through it, using his fingers to painstakingly work through every tangle. When he was done he carefully rinsed her hair clean.

Caileigh turned around, winding her arms around his neck, urging Sam to lean down for a soft kiss. "I love you Sam," she said.

"I love you too," Sam declared.

Cas and Dean were waiting in the living room of the apartment when Sam and Caileigh emerged from Sam's bedroom. Sam had put on a clean pair of jeans and shirt. Caileigh was wearing one of Sam's shirts, which came down to her knees, since she didn't have a clean change of clothes.

As soon as Cas and Caileigh saw each other they embraced, wrapping each other in a tight hug. Cas had brought some clean clothes for Caileigh and he followed her when she went back into Sam's bedroom to get dressed. Sam and Dean both smiled indulgently as the twins closed the door behind them. They knew that Cas and Caileigh had never been apart this long and needed some privacy to reassure each other.

Once alone in the bedroom, Castiel and Caileigh scented and scrutinized each other to make sure neither had come to any harm. While Caileigh got dressed in a pale yellow sundress, she explained to Castiel that she had told Sam about what had happened to them during their first heat. She confessed that she had fallen in love with him and that it had been her idea to mate, Sam had been willing to leave the apartment if she wanted.

Castiel filled Caileigh in on the happenings of the last few days. Since his heat ended, he and Dean had spent a lot of time talking. Dean had noticed during Cas' heat that certain things scared Cas or made him uneasy. Dean had done his best to work around those issues and to keep Cas feeling safe. The first night after his heat, as Cas lay curled up in bed with Dean, he had shared the story of what had happened to them with his mate. The twins were so glad that they had both found mates that they could love and trust.

In the living room Sam and Dean got caught up with each other as well. They spoke in low tones of what the twins had shared about their first heat. While both Alphas wanted nothing more than to track down and kill those who had hurt their mates, they knew from experience the damage that kind of destructive obsession can cause. After their mother's death, their father had become obsessed with tracking down her killer. John Winchester had dragged his sons all over the country tracking his target and drinking himself into an early grave. Instead, the brothers decided to focus on building a future with their mates. The Alphas determined to keep them safe and make them happy.

Once the twins left the bedroom the four of them headed out to the diner for a late breakfast. Sam willingly gave up his customary shotgun position to Cas, happily sliding into the back with Caileigh. At the diner Dean led them over to his usual corner booth, the one he had shared with Cas two days ago. Sam and Dean sat at both ends of the booth while Cas and Caileigh sat together in the middle, holding hand under the table. The brother's caught each other's eyes across the table, smiling at the smell of happy Omega coming from their mates.

Charlie took their order after Dean introduced her to Caileigh and Sam. She was just getting off shift, so they invited her to join them. Charlie, it turns out, was pretty awesome. Dean had sort of adopted her as his honorary little sister. While she and Dean were into all of the same movies, Charlie discovered common ground with Sam and Caileigh. It turns out they were fans of many of the same books. By the time they left the diner, they had agreed to all get together on Friday night for a viewing of the original three Star Wars movies.

After breakfast the four of them headed to the grocery store. Cas and Dean had planned a special steak dinner with pie for dessert, while Sam gathered everything needed for a salad to go with it. Back at the brother's apartment they all sat down with tea for Cas and Caileigh and beers for Sam and Dean to discuss their next steps.

Now that they were mated, the brothers didn't like the idea of Cas and Caileigh staying in their own apartment. They left the final decision up to Cas and Caileigh, figuring that the twins wouldn't appreciate Alphas making unilateral decisions about their lives. They had nothing to worry about though because neither Cas nor Caileigh wanted to live apart from their mate. They decided that the twins would move into Sam and Dean's apartment. They would talk to the landlord and start packing things up tomorrow, since Cas and Caileigh both had to go back to work the day after.