Prologue: Where time abandons the lonesome to forlorn pasts.

Raven held the kerosene soaked rag gently in her hand. It had endured much aging since that day she helped repair Cyborg's baby, but she found comfort in returning to it from time to time. It spoke to her now of the passion of Nature.

"Hush little one," she cooed motherly. "We must not speak of Terra now.

We must not even mention our thoughts of her. It has been forbidden."

At that, she carefully furled up the cloth as if it were the night time sky watching over one of her most perfect of days, and restored it to its resting place beside her diary.

She left her room quietly, an unadorned book drawn close to her chest, and she put much effort into appearing as if nothing had just happened.

In the kitchen Robin spoke to Starfire in a language unknown to Man, but she did not fall for this ruse and refused to kiss him so easily.

Changing tactics, Robin turned away and mulled "Did you notice how Raven shuffled slowly past us in the hallway yesterday? Clearly, she has unwittingly fallen in love."

Starfire snaked her arms around Robin and thrust the side of her head against the small of his back.

"That is the most wonderful news!" she exclaimed. "Does she have the crushing on Beastboy? It was the two yesterdays ago that I saw him wandering the streets with his eyes positively full of okarins."

"Yes," Robin purred as he pirouetted around to return Starfire's embrace. "It must be the two of them in love. What else could explain such potent silence between them?"

The cave's scenery rose up to surround Beastboy like antique frescoes upon an earthen landscape. He stood weakly in that abandoned place with a bouquet of empty promises clenched within his hand.

"Where is she?" he wondered. He thought of asking the stalactites where Raven had gone off to, but knew better than that. The stalagmites were much more familiar with her comings-and-goings. Unfortunately, they refused to associate with him on principal.

"I did not mean for things to end so badly" he murmured, but they would hear none of it.

"No one could ever blame you for Terra's death, or her disappearance." whispered Raven from behind him.

The suddenness of her voice drew Beastboy back to the melancholy of their situation. He made no movement to address Raven, but instead clasped the flowers tighter in his hand. Brushstroke lilies they were, Terra's longtime favorite.

"Have the others come?" he asked carelessly.

Raven's reply matched the monotone of Beastboy's voice.

"They've found ways to busy themselves ahead of time. This particular anniversary is more meaningful to you than to them."

Select memories returned to Beastboy of his day with Terra at those abandoned fairgrounds. Even after so much time, such recollections were always close within his reach.

"So why are you here? This date doesn't hold much meaning for you either."

Raven stuttered. She pulled some stray hairs away from her face. She may have wanted to see Beastboy's eyes at that moment, but she did not say so.

"Time is well wasted on some people. It shows your feelings for them." She paused. "That's why you're here for Terra." Another pause, shorter this time. "I respect you for that, so I wanted to support you."

Unbeknownst to Raven, a smile had slyly crept upon Beastboy's face. "Thank you," he said.

He then kneeled beside their makeshift altar for Terra and laid down the lilies, staying on his knees to whisper a simple prayer or perhaps to make one last confession to her.

A few moments passed, and soon Beastboy felt Raven's presence kneeling beside him. They stayed that way for quite some time. One cannot know how long, for time moves too unpredictably in these matters.

They were very close at that moment.