"I... I was just trying to protect her."

Flickers of the memories still flashed in my head. For the past few hours, that's all my dreams consisted of. I had been stuck in the dreams of the past. Everything ached, both physically and mentally. Peter had almost killed me; my life was seconds away from ending... He had wanted to kill me like he killed my mom. He killed her. After all this time, we'd thought Peter had wanted Scott but he had wanted me, too, and because of my refusal, he tried to kill me.

It had been my power that had stopped him somehow. I knew what I was now, an Oracle, whatever the hell that meant. He had provided me with a name and now I had to figure out the definition. My mom was one, too, and she had been on Peter's side... helping him, telling him what would happen all those years ago. And so, seven years ago, Peter Hale killed my mom because she wanted to save her family. She wanted to save me.

I could hear voices in my room, could hear them talking about me, "What happened?" I knew straight away that was my dad.

"She went to find her friend, Miss Martin, who is in the room opposite, and both girls were attacked."

"I saw Lydia... That was an animal or something but... Millie... She was strangled. What kind of animal strangles people?"

"That I can't tell you. All I can tell you is that she'll be okay. She's just asleep. She should wake up soon. The wounds at the back of her neck are definitely animal claw marks. They're deep but as long as she changes the dressing every day they shouldn't get infected."

"You'll be okay," my dad whispered as he walked towards my bed, "Hear that, Millie, you're okay."

"We'd like to keep her in overnight just to make sure the wounds can be properly checked but once she's given the all clear, probably in the morning, she'll be allowed to leave."

"Thanks, Doctor." The door closed so I could only presume the doctor left the room.

I heard a few shuffles before I felt a hand slip into mine, "I'm not losing you, too, Millie." My dad whispered, "Not you."

It took every ounce of strength I had to open my eyes when all I wanted to was sleep, "Y-You're not going to," I whispered, my throat burning and feeling very much like sandpaper... I guess that's what being strangled feels like.

"You're awake," He grinned, "Millie, thank god." He pressed a kiss to my temple, "Don't talk. You were... You were strangled, Millie."

"Ly-Lydia," I croaked, heartbeat quickening. I needed to know that she was okay. What if I hadn't gotten there in time? What if... "Lydia."

"Shh, she's all right," He told me quickly, stopping me from panicking, "She's in the room across the hall. She's hanging in there. Her injuries are bad but the doctors are positive she'll be okay. You did a brave thing, going after her, stupidly brave but it's what your mom would've done too."

He paused, leaning forward in the chair, the whole atmosphere of the room changed them, "Millie, I think it's time we spoke about your mom." And suddenly, I was fully awake.

It took him a few minutes to prepare himself for the conversation and all I could do was stare at him. I knew what I was now, I knew what she was; we were Oracles. What did that mean? I hadn't a clue but at least I knew what I was. It would help us in our journey to discovery.

"She was attacked." He said finally, "It was a lot like what happened to you and Lydia. They said it was a mountain lion but even after weeks of searching the forest, they never found a single mountain lion. Whatever it was though, it was vicious."

I tried to remain as neutral as possible. Of course, I knew that Peter had killed my mom but... I couldn't tell him that. It would break him. Hell, I was barely holding it together.

"You were just going on ten, Mil, you were too young... You didn't notice and you couldn't understand..."

"Dad..." I whispered, reaching out for his hand.

"Millie, your mom... she- she lost her mind." I felt sick. She lost her mind. How? In the visions, well memories, that I had seen of her and Peter she looked fine... How could she have lost her mind?

Seeing my confusion, he elaborated, "She kept telling me that she was going to die; kept telling anyone who would listen that she had seen the future; kept telling everyone she had a power. She started obsessing over it... God, it was awful." He stopped, staring off to the white wall as he remembered. She predicted her own death. She had seen the inevitable and couldn't stop it. She went mad over something she could never stop.

My dad gave my hand a tight squeeze and I didn't realise that I was crying until I felt a tear drip onto my arm, "I know this hurts, that's why I never told you earlier but I think you're ready now." He told me quietly, "Millie, the night of her death she... she was going to leave us. Well, she was going to then decided to 'trap him'. That's what she told me, that she was going to 'trap him' and that she would come back. She said that she was leaving to keep us both safe from him... I still don't know who she was referring to."

Peter. She was trying to trap Peter but he knew, he was always a step ahead of her like he was with us. I'd seen that memory, Peter was confronting her and then... he killed her for her betrayal.

"I know it's a lot to take in, I know I should've told you earlier but-"

"Thank you," I whispered, "for telling me now."

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before there was a knock on the door. Sheriff Stilinski walked in, "I'm not interrupting, am I?" I quickly wiped my face and smiled slightly at the Sheriff.

My dad stood up, "Not at all, Sheriff."

"It's good to see you awake," he smiled slightly at me, "How you feeling, kid?"

I shrugged, "Like I was just strangled."

He gave me a sympathetic smile, "Is it okay if I ask you some questions about the attack?" The Sheriff asked, "I can come back in a while if you'd prefer..."

I shook my head, "Ask away." My voice was clearer now, it didn't hurt as much to talk though it was still extremely painful. My dad told me the doctors' had given me the all clear, that there was just swelling in my throat but no serious injury so I was able to talk, just in a whisper-y rasp. It hurt and would hurt like hell for a few days until the swelling went down but I was okay. I wasn't dead... yet.

"How did you know to go out to lacrosse field? How did you know that's where Lydia was?"

"I knew she went looking for Jackson outside but I just... had a feeling that's where she was." Because I can see the future and I saw where she was.

"Why didn't you tell anyone where you were going?" He asked me.

"I felt like I didn't have time... I can't explain it, Sheriff, it was like I just knew I had to find her." Because I can see the future and I saw she was in danger.

"Did you see the animal that attacked the two of you?"

I shook my head, "I was concentrated on Lydia, I had my back turned." It wasn't an animal... sort of. Peter Hale is the man who attacked us. Peter Hale killed my mom. Peter Hale is a werewolf and he's not going to stop until he's got his pack. Lying was surprisingly easier now... I blamed Stiles for my improvement in telling lies. That boy was always making me tell fragments of truth and a whole lot of lies.

"That explains the back of your neck... But you were strangled; was there someone else? A man? A woman? Anyone?"

I looked at my hands, "It happened too fast, Sheriff... My main concern was Lydia, I was trying to help her and I blacked out before I saw anything." Peter Hale, Sheriff. Peter Hale is the one you want.

The Sheriff sighed and gave a nod, "Thank you for answering. You should get some rest but before you do, I have one of your best friends, my idiot son, who is desperate to see you... That okay?"

I nodded quickly. My dad smiled at me, touching my arm gently, before asking the Sheriff if he could talk to him privately. My dad told me he'd brought some clothes, pyjamas and a change for tomorrow, if I wanted to change and with a promise to not be too long, the two left and Stiles bounded in, "Millie, oh, thank god!" He pulled me in for a tight hug, making sure not to squeeze me too tight, "Are you okay?"

He pulled me back, inspecting me, "Stiles... Peter Hale killed my mom," I told him feeling the anger surge through my veins, "He killed her because she betrayed him. She was on his side... He wanted her to leave us, me and my dad; he wanted her to leave us and she agreed but she tried to trap him and... he killed her."

"God, Mil, I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"She- She predicted her own death, Stiles. She saw it and my dad told me that she went mad; she went mad trying to stop it."

"Wait, your mom had these powers, too?"

I nodded, "Oracle." I stated, "That's what I am. Peter told me. My mom was an Oracle and I am, too."

"At least we've got a name now... I'm just glad you're okay, Millie."

"Stiles, how's Lydia? Tell me the truth."

Stiles looked down before telling me that she was hanging in there, she was in a coma after losing a significant amount of blood, but it was like she was allergic to the wound or something. My heart ached and I felt like I had failed her. I should have gotten to her quicker. If I'd left a minute earlier, I could've made sure she'd never even came face to face with Peter Hale. Stiles' hand squeezed mine, murmuring that I shouldn't blame myself. He knew me; he knew exactly what was running through my head.

"Peter bit her... Is she turning?" I asked quietly.

Stiles looked pained, "After he attacked you, he took me to track down Derek, he offered me the bite and he said 'if it doesn't kill you'... When Scott got bit, it healed almost instantly. Millie, she's not healing."

I shook my head, "She's not dying, Stiles." I told him strongly, "She's not... She can't."

Stiles' hand slipped into mine as we sat there in silence. There was another knock on the door and an unexpected visitor popped their head in, "What are you two losers doing? Are you having a moment?" Jackson asked, trying to tease us but the worry on his face; the panic and the anguish was perfectly clear. He was worried about Lydia, we all were.

"Nice to see you, too, Jackson." I muttered.

"How you feeling?" He asked, walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

I shrugged and was about to answer when a thought appeared in my head - Scott, "Stiles, where's Scott?"

"We don't know," Stiles said, glancing to Jackson, "We have no idea where he is."

"We have to find him," I said.

"We?" Jackson asked, "You're in a hospital bed and I'm not going anywhere with him."

Stiles scoffed, "Get over yourself, Jackson, you're not that great, either."

"Do you have the Jeep?" I cut over Stiles who shook his head, "Jackson?"

He nodded, "I've got my Porsche... but if you think I'm going anywhere with-"

"Whittemore," I hissed, "you two - yeah, both of you - are breaking me out of here and we're going to find Scott. You think what happened on the field is bad? Well, things are about to get much worse. You're breaking me out of here and we are going to find Scott, understand?"

The two boys glanced at each other before giving slow nods, "One quick question," Stiles asked, "How the hell do we break you out of here?"

"Simple." I smiled, swinging my legs over the bed, "We run."

"As great as this plan is," Jackson drawled, "you need to put on clothes that aren't a hospital gown."

"This is so not going to work," Stiles muttered as he checked out of the door to make sure no one, like my dad or the Sheriff, was nearby.

I pulled on my shoes and straightened up, "As far as anyone knows, we're just visiting Lydia." I said, "Not breaking out." Thank god my dad had brought a change of clothes because I would really rather not fight Peter Hale with my prom dress and heels on.

"You ready?" Stiles asked, "Can we turn around now?"

"I'm ready." He turned to me and a silent conversation passed between the two of us; are you sure? Are you really ready to face your demons?

"No one's coming, let's go." Jackson said, opening the door wider, "It's now or never."

With a final glance between us, we left the room, checking every which way. It was then that we could hear voices from down the end of the hall. Stiles and I shared a worried look, "Hurry," I whispered as we realised it was my dad and the Sheriff coming back. I looked around but came to a complete stop as I stared into the room directly across from mine.

Lydia lay, unconscious, the machine beeping in time with her heartbeat, as she slept. My hands began to tremble by my sides, I'd not saved her; not at all. I felt the fear that I'd shut out for so long creep back in. I stepped closer, feeling the world fade around me, as I stared at her. Images of Lydia screaming, covered in blood, flashed in front of my eyes the longer I stared.

"Millie, come on!" Stiles exclaimed in a half whisper as he tugged me away, "She's going to be fine," he told me, "You know what we have to do to save her."

He was right, I did know what we had to do; we had to kill Peter Hale.

We were just at the front entrance when Chris Argent, with two other hunters by his sides, blocked our path. He eyed the three of us with suspicious eyes, "That's some nasty bruises you've got there, Camilla," He told me. My hand moved to my head, feeling the tender skin, "You should really be getting that checked out."

"I'm fine." I croaked, feeling so uncomfortable under his gaze.

"I was wondering if you could tell me where Scott McCall is." He knew. He knew we were hiding something. He knew that we knew about the supernatural. He knew that Scott was a werewolf.

"Scott?" Stiles shrugged, "I haven't seen him since the dance. Millie?"

I shook my head, "Me either. Haven't seen him. Jackson?"

Jackson, who looked terrified, stammered which made Stiles groan. Now it definitely looked like we knew something when we didn't even know the whereabouts of the boy.

Chris smiled before grabbing Stiles' arm and dragging him into the nearest vacant room. Jackson and I were shoved along behind by the two other hunters, "Let's try this again." Chris hissed, pushing Stiles against the door once we were all in, "Where is Scott McCall?"

"We told you! We don't know." I told Chris as strongly as I could manage.

"I'm sorry, I'd love to believe you, Camilla, I would," why does he keep calling me that?!, "but for some reason, I just don't." He turned back to Stiles as his hands bunched in Stiles' shirt, "Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

"No, I can put it on my to-do list if you just let me go." Stiles retorted.

"Well, I have," Chris' voice was darker, "and the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you want to know what happened?"

Stiles, being the sarcastic idiot he is, replied with, "Not really. No offence to your storytelling skills."

"He tried to kill me and I was forced to put a bullet in his head... The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?" Chris was angry, almost shouting in Stiles' face, as Jackson and I stood side by side, watching the scene unfold.

Stiles shook his head, "No. It sounds like you need to be a little bit more select-"

"Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon?! Did you have to lock him up?!" Mr Argent was a whole lot angrier and louder, yelling at Stiles now.

"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer that we locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?"

I wanted to yell at Mr Argent, wanted to tell him that we didn't know anything, that we just needed to find Scott; that something bad was going to happen... But I couldn't. I was too scared; too weak to help Stiles and I hated myself for it. Strength was what I never had; I always tried to stand up for myself and others, always trying to be something I wasn't but truth was, I was a scared teenager.

Mr Argent gave a bitter chuckle, "I hate to dispel a popular rumour, Stiles, but we never did that."

"Right," Stiles nodded, "Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it." I frowned, what was Stiles' angle here? Something else was going on. He knew something.

"Never." Chris replied stonily. Say what you will about him, he was loyal as hell.

"What if someone does?"

"Someone like who?"

"Your sister." Everyone in the room froze. Mr Argent's eyes moved to Stiles, searching his face for any possible sign that he was lying. Kate Argent was his sister, would she really betray their family like that?

"Tell me what you know."

"Everyone okay?" Stiles asked Jackson and I once the door of the empty room slammed behind the hunters, "Millie?" After Stiles told the hunters about what his dad told him about the woman who burned down the Hale house and how he mentioned she wore a pendant exactly like Allison's, they left in a hurry. Kate Argent had burned down the Hale house, killing most of the Hale family. She had broken the code; betrayed her family and their whole line of work. And now they knew.

I nodded, "I'm sorry," I mumbled pathetically to Stiles, "I-I wanted to say something but-"

"Millie, you don't need to protect me." Stiles said, giving me a half smile, "I should be the one protecting you. You don't need to step in. Besides, we're in the process of breaking you out of the hospital since you were attacked, I don't really think you should be getting into any more fights, okay?"

I managed to give him a smile, "Yeah, okay."

"Jackson, come on, you look like you've seen a ghost." Stiles scoffed, "We gotta go find Scott. We have to end this once and for all."

And so, the three of us left the hospital, slightly panicked and very scared. Jackson was walking a little bit ahead of us, telling us that he needed to get away from the madness for a few minutes, while Stiles and I trailed behind, "My dad's going to kill me." I muttered.

"Then he'll kill me... And my own dad will bring us back to kill us both again." Stiles agreed. After a moment's pause, he asked, "What did you find out about your mom?"

"We're Oracles," I told him quietly, "She was on Peter's side, feeding him information. He wanted her to leave me and my dad, she agreed... But she decided to try and trap him. I don't know how but it didn't work, he knew - god, Stiles, he always knows - and he... killed her." We were almost at Jackson's Porsche, "I saw it. It wasn't visions, it was memories, Stiles. Peter's claws were in the back of my neck and I saw his memories."

Before Stiles had a chance to reply, Jackson yelled, "Hey, asshats! Come on. We have to find Thing Number Three and we have to leave pretty quickly because your dads' will be right behind us if we don't go now."

Stiles and I didn't have to be told twice so we all climbed into Jackson's Porsche. I had barely thrown myself into the backseat (tiny backseat) when I heard Stiles take a sharp intake of breath, "Jackson, in!" He yelled, hastily turning the engine on, revving the car as he readied himself to drive.

Jackson did as asked and without so much as a warning, Stiles threw the car into reverse and sped out of the carpark, "Dude, what the hell?" Jackson yelled.

I craned my neck to look at the hospital doors to see two fading figures; my dad and the Sheriff, "So dead." I whimpered, sinking into the backseat, "If Peter Hale doesn't kill me tonight for real, my dad will."

"Hey, no one's dying tonight." Stiles said strongly as he swung the car around another turn.

"Can we ease up a little please? This thing was expensive!" Jackson was glaring at Stiles.

"Did you pay for it?" I asked Jackson who told me 'no' in reply, "Well, shut up."

"How do we stop it?" Stiles asked, "How do we stop Peter?"

"By 'stop' you mean..."

"Kill." I filled in for Jackson, "We have to kill the alpha." Jackson looked petrified and it almost made me smirk, "Being a werewolf isn't all it's cracked out to be, eh?"

"Wait," Stiles said, "What was that thing Lydia made in the school the night we were trapped? That thing we tried to throw on Peter?"

'No, we're going to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail. What? I read it somewhere.' I remembered Lydia's words and recited them to Stiles, "Lydia Martin, you absolute genius." I whispered to myself as Stiles drove towards the school.

Breaking into Beacon Hills High School was almost like a second nature for us now, it was all we seemed to do. By now, we were past the point of feeling guilty about it. This was a matter of life or death. We had to do this. We had to find a way to stop the Alpha and this was the only option for us.

After Googling the ingredients, the three of us managed to find the right ones. The boys had entrusted me to mix them together, telling me that neither of them trusted themselves but gladly trusted me - the girl who was petrified to even fall asleep.

"Last ingredient," Stiles told me, handing me a bottle of Sulphuric Acid.

"Sure this won't blow up in my face?"

"Want me to be honest or lie?"

I puffed out my cheeks as I took out the stopper of the bottle and poured the required amount into a measuring cylinder, "Here we go." I whispered before carefully pouring it into the mixture.

Nothing happened.

"How do we know that it's worked?" Jackson asked, looking over at me.

"We don't." Stiles sighed, "We just have to pray it did." I separated the mixture into two bottles and capped them, "Ready to do this?" Stiles asked.

"We have to save Scott." I said, "We have to save him... Let's go."

"Hey, hey, hey, ease up a bit!" Jackson hissed to Stiles.

"You didn't pay for it, Jackson, shut up." Stiles muttered under his breath as he sped over the grass. We had to get to the Hale house, that's where they were; it started there and it would all end at the Hale house, so if that meant speeding through the woods in a Porsche at night, so be it.

"Faster, Stiles. Drive faster." My palms were pressed against my eyes. It was only flickers of what was happening mere minutes from where we were. Flickers of Kate and a gun, Scott and Derek on the ground... Allison standing over them with her bow. What the hell was going on? I thought to myself as the pain in my eyes subsided.

Stiles slammed his foot on the accelerator and Jackson didn't even complain about the car and how it wasn't supposed to be treated like this. He could see now that the world of the supernatural - that the world of the unknown - was not at all desirable. It was awful, hideous; everything you wouldn't want.

"There they are!" Stiles yelled out, punching the steering wheel a few times to distract Peter from Scott. Peter was in his Alpha form. It was not a man that stood. It was a black, muscled beast with glowing red eyes and long fangs. Scott looked tiny compared to the black, hulking beast before him. The three of us rushed out of the car as quickly as possible. The Alpha's red eyes met mine and I felt a jolt of alarm in my stomach.

"Stiles, now!" I shouted before Stiles launched one of the bottles at Peter. We'd expected it to shatter and set him on fire and that would be him over... We didn't plan on Peter catching the bottle with ease before snarling at the three of us.

Scott's eyes wildly leapt from us to Peter and then to the ground where Allison's bow was. "Allison!" Scott yelled, scrabbling on the ground to pick up her bow before tossing it to her. In a matter of seconds, she'd assembled the bow, slotted in an arrow before releasing it through the air. We all watched with wide eyes as the arrow ripped through the air, heading straight for the bottle. It shattered the bottle easily, flames erupting up the Alpha's arm. It had worked! Lydia Martin, if you were here I would totally kiss you right now.

"Jackson!" I urged him. He glanced down at the second Molotov cocktail before chucking it as hard as he could, hitting the Alpha straight in the chest. Its body was engulfed in the flames as he roared, loudly, trying to advance towards Allison but Scott wouldn't let him.

"No!" He yelled, rushing towards the flaming Alpha and kicking him in the chest. The Alpha staggered backwards, stumbling away from us where he transformed back to his human self, before falling to the ground.

Despite myself, I found myself walking towards Peter. The smell of burning flesh was putrid, making me want to be sick, but I pushed it aside as I stood over him. He was still alive, taking shuddering breaths, staring up at me.

"That fear you feel," I started, voice angry, "that's what my mom felt when you were killing her. That pain you feel, that helpless feeling; she felt those, too. You deserve to die, she didn't," I shook my head giving a bitter laugh, "Burn in hell, Peter."

I stood up, walking away from him. I couldn't. The anger, the pain, the sadness was overwhelming. For so many months, I'd bottled it up and now, it was pouring out of me. I wiped my tears away angrily, refusing to cry over him. Stiles walked towards me, "C'mere," He said softly, opening up his arms.

As soon as his arms closed around me, I felt my defences fall away. I felt myself break down. Stiles' arms were tight around me, rubbing my back comfortingly. His head rested on the top of mine, murmuring that it was over now... But it wasn't. It wasn't over.

Derek walked over to Peter's body and Scott pulled away from Allison. He kneeled down over Peter's body. "Wait!" Scott yelled, running over to him. I pulled away from Stiles as we watched the two, "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you... Derek, if you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family... What am I supposed to do?"

Derek loomed over Peter, looking more conflicted than ever but Peter's words let us know his decision, "You've - already - decided," Peter said during his final breaths, "I can smell it on you!" His eyes flashed red and Derek drew back his hand, claws extending.

"Wait! No, no, don't!" Scott yelled but it was too late. Derek slashed through Peter's neck, staining the ground red. Everything fell deafeningly silent as we watched Derek stand up and turn to Scott.

"I'm the Alpha now."

"Where the hell have you been?!" I'd expected my dad to be angry, furious actually, but I didn't quite expect him to be this angry, "You snuck out of the hospital, Millie. You snuck out after almost dying! You and your friends went searching for the thing that attacked you! Do you understand how unbelievably stupid and irresponsible that is?!"


"You could have died, Millie!" He yelled and I noticed that there were tears in his eyes, "I already almost lost you and- and you did it again! Do you understand that?!"

I hung my head feeling an unbelievable pang of sadness, "I'm sorry." I'd expected him to scream at me some more, to storm away in a rage of stomping feet and slamming doors but instead, he pulled me towards him and wrapped me in the tightest hug. I clung to him, feeling more lost and feeling more like a child than I ever had before. I clung to him and I let myself break one more time that night.

It was in the wee hours of the morning when I eventually went to bed. My dad told me that we'd go to the hospital tomorrow, make sure I was okay, and then we'd have a serious talk. I wasn't looking forward to it but I wasn't looking forward to sleeping either. At night, when everything was silent, my mind was awake. That's when the visions were the worst. When I slept, my mind was open and bad things crept through the open door.

Everything with Peter was over... He was dead but that didn't mean there weren't other things coming our way.

I tossed and turned in my bed as the nightmare cut through my mind. I could feel the pain of my powers but I couldn't wake up... or maybe I was already awake, I couldn't tell. It was loud; it was so loud.

I could hear yells, screams, hisses, crashes and I could see. God, what the hell could I see? Flashes of green, green scales and yellow eyes... Those eyes, so familiar yet so foreign to me. I woke up drenched in a cold sweat, panting and head pounding. Something bad was coming... Something awful. Something was going to come along and plunge us into the deep and once again, we'd be going into the unknown. All I could do, as I stared up at the blackness of my room, was pray that we'd survive this; whatever this was.