[Two Days Later]

"Do we have an accord?"

"Yes Raikage-San. Kumo ANBU have permission to enter Kiri to fight in the bloodline civil war."

Ay stood tall and defiant given recent events. Kumogakure had been destroyed utterly by foreign Kiri ninja and he vowed vengeance. He had scars peppered around his body and a vicious glint in his eyes.

'These kekkai genkai users will pay. I promise you brother, father.'


On the docks of Nami, the sailors once again jumped as a black vortex appeared to show two older-looking Uzumakis, and an older Uchiha.

Naruto now wore a black haori tied with a white obi, black hakama pants, a black trench coat and one katana and wakizashi on his right hip. His blonde hair had streaks of red within it and now was fashioned in a ponytail past his shoulders with spikes on top and two red bangs that framed his face. His azure eyes had become slightly tinged with purple on the edges and the pupil was now slit.

Kushina was wearing a drastically different outfit from the past two days ago. Her attire now consisted of a loose white haori tied with a black obi, black ANBU pants, and a glossy black trench coat. Her hair was now tied in twin ponytails that hung loosely over either shoulder to her now C-cup breasts. Around her neck hung a jewel that switched colour from the deepest crimson to the brightest azure to the darkest black and the brightest white continuously.

Mikoto's outfit now consisted of the standard Uchiha attire, which was; a black shirt with a high-collar left slightly open and the clan's crest on its back, with blue pants and bandages around her shins. Around her waist was a white sash adorned with pouches and other various weapons. Her raven black hair was left unimpeded as it fell to the small of her back, and her eyes were always in the state of her three-tomoe Sharingan.

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber of the Uzumakis had been the best training possible. Every year inside was a single day outside, although their bodies could only take two days inside in their current condition. Over the two-year training, Naruto had taught Kushina and Mikoto so much, and the trio had managed to gain their respective Summons permission.

The training itself was harsh. In the first six months inside, Naruto had helped the both of them to master all of their affinities. After testing them, Naruto concluded Kushina had inherited wind from the Nidaime Uzukage, water from her Kaa-san, and lightning from both. Mikoto had a strong fire nature with a matching lightning nature, like her son Sasuke would have had in the future. And so, Naruto had the pair of them use Kage Bunshin training to learn every single jutsu he knew of those from his five Sharingan, his own experience, the jutsu he had copied from this timestream, and the scrolls he had managed to… 'borrow' and 'copy' from libraries and clan compounds.

The three months after that, Naruto finished helping her master the Uzumaki clan ken and taijutsu styles. She had already been very proficient in both Beniuzu (Crimson Whirlpool), the kenjutsu style, and Hirai Uzuken (Flying Whirlpool Fist) the taijutsu style.

He had honed Mikoto's Sharingan to bolster her taijutsu style. Illusions came naturally to her and when she combined it with her hand to hand combat she could confuse a variety of enemies. Only the strongest of chakra sensors and doujutsu users would be able to contest her.

The last three months of that year were spent teaching Kushina to infuse her chakra chains with elemental chakra and help her form things other than chains with the chakra. She learned that she could form anything with them and it was much like Naruto's Onmyouton: Banbutsu Sōzō except she had to keep a constant feed of chakra in the object or it would disintegrate on a molecular level.

Once the year was done, Naruto finally opened up the dozen clan scrolls and together they learned the many kinjutsu within. One such technique was the Chi Bunshin (Blood Clone). It was a conscious replica of the user that literally took half of Kushina's and Mikoto's Kage level reserves to make one, while Naruto could make four, that had a few bonuses on it.

It retained whatever chakra the user used to make it, had the memory transfer aspect of a Kage Bunshin, could regenerate chakra, and even could use any jutsu that the original could. It literally doubled the girls training and quadrupled Naruto's training.

With it, the trio found they could allow the Bunshin to train, both Chi and Kage, and would relax in the single bedroom with the Chamber, usually reading a scroll together. About six months into the second year, Naruto finally figured out the Uzumakigakure Kekkai Genkai Seikaku Fuin (Hidden Whirlpool Bloodline Limit Awakening Seal) and placed it on Mikoto and Kushina. Once it activated, he again tested their chakra.

It yielded surprising results for the trio. Kushina awoke her Uzumaki bloodline of yin and yang release. Combining it with her respective nature releases she could form ice and swift release. Mikoto received metal and dark release along with an even stronger aptitude for genjutsu and Naruto received an assortment of different elemental kekkai genkai thanks to his Rinnegan.

Once Kushina's sub-elements were discovered though, Naruto got her clones to work on mastering them, then jutsu, and then sub-elemental Chakra Chains. She was now beyond powerful, though not as much as Naruto, nor with enough experience to take on a Kage, and seventeen years old.

He done the same for Mikoto, drilling her with different tactics and manoeuvres to work her new elemental releases with her Sharingan and mangekyō.

Sajin, the ship captain was suddenly at the blonde's side. "Naruto-sama! I trust you found what you desired in Uzu?"

Naruto nodded to the captain.

"Very much so, I found what I needed in the Uzukage Tower over the two days and afterwards I had clones searching all over Uzu for anything else, finding a few other things. Oh, and Sajin…" Naruto made a hand seal and suddenly a small red ruby materialized from the air, dropping into his palm.

"That's your payment." Sajin looked at Naruto in awe, silently tearing up at his generosity before thanking him profusely.

Naruto simply waved it off, and said it was what he deserved. Then the trio took a quick Kamui back to the abandoned Akatsuki base in Kusagakure to see Han waiting for them with three scrolls at his feet from the chair he was sitting on. Apparently, the man had changed his attire to look like that of the Akatsuki except with the single difference being a pattern of tanned horns in place of clouds as well as a kanji for 'prideful' on his back.

"About time you three got back. I looted everything. Scroll on the left has all of Ishigakure's money, numbering near the trillions. The middle has the heads of any shinobi that were under Suzuki Nakamura's command and refused to join us. The right one holds any 'shinobi equipment' I found. Everything from weapons to expensive scrolls Suzuki purchased just so he could. It also contains all the paperwork Nakamura had for all transactions and such."

Naruto nodded.

'The seeds of dissent have been planted. Iwagakure won't stand back and let its neighbouring nation be ploughed. Onoki's a prideful being, he'll surely blame Suna for the transgression, invoking war upon them. Because Konoha are their allies, they'll respond. Plunging the nations into a war they have no hope in winning.'

"You saw our training through your eyes?" Han nodded. "Good. I want you to use the Hiraishin seal I placed on the Uzukage desk and train for… I think you can survive three days in there without consequences, so spend three days, which will equal three years, within it. By the time you're out, you should have mastered your Path's abilities. I also have a copy of all my scrolls in a storage seal there that only Mikoto, Kushina, myself, or my Paths can open. Spend your time there wisely. There is a Chi Bunshin awaiting your arrival to place the Awakening Seal on you too."

Han smiled. "You thought of everything, huh?" Naruto nodded. "I'll be off then." Naruto send a mental image of the hand seals to use and how to form his chakra correctly to Han, who made them before shouting "Hiraishin no Jutsu!" (Flying Thunder God Technique) and disappearing in a flash of yellow.

Mikoto brought the scrolls to Naruto and they disappeared in a Kamui. Naruto was that much closer to his revenge.


"Am I… Am I dead…?"

Fugaku opened his eye, the pain in which he'd been struck by Naruto's Raikiri had greatly diminished. His eye that had been used for Izanagi was hidden under bandages whilst he looked ahead at one of the oldest men he'd ever seen in his life.

"Where am I…?"

"Between this life and the next, my young Uchiha."

"Those eyes… No way… You're an Uchiha as well?"

"Well… Perhaps I am."

'He rescued me…? But wait, I was surely dead. That lightning technique struck my heart. How am I alive!?'

"You said we're between this life and the next, where exactly is that? It's dark and I can't see. And besides, who exactly are you?"

Fugaku winced his spiel being cut short. 'I don't want to die…'

"The simple fact that you're able to feel pain means you're still alive. However, that you've survived could be called miraculous. When my agents brought you to me, I was sure that you weren't going to make it."

"How did I make it through?"

"It was difficult, but you pulled through an extremely taxing operation that had less than 1% chance of working. After, I patched you up as best I could."

"Are you saying you saved me? Thank you."

"It's too early to thank me just yet, and besides I still intend to have you repay your debt to me, after all we do have something in common."

"Something in common? What's that…?"

"We've both been vilified by the Uchiha clan."

With that, the old man opened his lone eye, revealing a set of crimson orbs with three tomoe shining in their depths.

That's a wrap!


Yep, Fugaku is alive it seems. How did he survive the Raikiri attack? Have a guess. Correct guesses get rewards. ;)

The time line thanks to Naruto's meddling is beginning to be shaken up. The Raikage and Kumo as a whole have joined the side of the Mizukage to deal with the rebel kekkai genkai users. Ay wants revenge for Bee and his father and Kumo have always desired bloodlines, what will this mean for Mei?

Any questions? Review them!

I still need some summoning ideas, anyone?

Pwease review, favourite and follow! Pwetty pwease, with whipped cream and strawberries on top!

Till next time, Uzunami 669.