- Hiii. How've you been?

Ah. He did not recognise her before she spoke up. Dressed up in modern outfit which accented her figure, she really looked like an adult woman, and gave that wibe too. Sunglasses helped. Different than when she was in more traditional clothing, when she looked more like a girl.
- You haven't forgotten Ageha, have you? Amakawa Yuuto-kun, demon slayer.

She surely had loud mouth. Not that he could comment on it, given that he and Rinko were surrounded, by Ageha and her clumsy minion Sasa, while she brandished blade that almost killed him before. But for all she talked about killing him, she was in no rush to strike deadly blow, or even beat him up a bit.
That is, until she pointed blade at Rinko, who (bless her thoughtless act-not-think personality) dared to point out he spared her before. Guess she was not the type who was good with being embarrassed of being shown mercy. Or with being embarrassed at all. Trying to stop her from hurting his friend might have impressed her, but also annoyed her to the point she gave him a kick in the gut that felt like he being hit by a car. Guess she doesn't like to be ordered around, he though as shock caused him to almost loose consciousness. He remembered through fog, how she carried him to isolated place under the bridge.

- No one will interfere. From now on, its just you and me.

For someone who acted as if she hated him, she surely acted flirty. That reminded him off... Shizuku? She tried to kill him first, only to try seduce him. So, maybe he can get away from this, if she gets what she wants.
- I have debt to you, so I won't kill you. Maybe.
- Maybe. So what do you want?
- You ask too much questions. I will do whatever I want anyway. So how far did you done with Crimson Blade?
Himari?! Man, talk about being blunt. Was she Jealous? Why else would she ask. He had nothing to lose.
- Why? Want me to show you?
Well, either she kills me for talking back, or not. What was I thinking, at best I get nothing, at worst I'll die!
- Hoho. You think you can talk back to Ageha? You are not as kid-like like I though. I am gonna show you a lot more erotic things than she did.
He didn't really trust her. He could believe she was attracted to him, he had at least three admirers, but way she did things...
Attack is best form of defense.
- But that's not all? If all you wanted was making out, you didn't need to kidnap me, its not like I am married, so what do you really want?
- What.
Uwwaa. Is she angry at ruining the mood? Too late to turn back now.
- If you just wanted to show me good time, you wouldn't start by kicking me in the gut. What are you after?
- Hah. Hahaha! You are smarter that I though, with that idiot face of yours.
Idiot? Oi...
- I want your blood. Its all right, I'll show you whole bunch of incredible things, for the favour.
Her smile, and look in her eyes were ominous. Before he began to panic, he remembered how he once read about a man, who killed predator by stuffing his hand back into beasts throat that it choked to death. He had no time to think if this was good idea...
- You want my blood? Fine, I can oblige.
And bit his lip, drawing blood.
- Go ahead and lick it off, if you aren't all talk.
She was little stunned by his audacity, but before she could react, he decided he's not gonna change tactic that works, and pressed his lips to hers.
He forcibly jammed his tongue, stained with his blood inside her mouth. She answered with wrestling it with her own, before parting away.
- Ahaha. So this is blood of demon slayer? I might come with just one sip - and went back to making out.
But he left her no time to recover. Be began fondling her breast, while other hand held her wrists forcibly. As Ayakashi she was stronger, but he counted on her arousal not only weakening her, but into not resisting in the first place. He was not disappointed, though he had no way to know if it was his uncharacteristically manly behaviour, or his blood that did most of the job. He began to undress her, and instead of offering any resistance, she started to take off his own clothing.
Haha. I am gonna have my first time like that? Oh well, better than being beaten up again.
He took of everything off her, sans her stocking and shoes, while he dropped just pants, and she took out his erect member.
- Haha, not bad at all. You really aren't just a boy. My body is getting all hot.
- Turn around then.
He would not feel slightness guilty as for what was to happen, and just carelessly jammed it in.
- Uwwaaah! Bw careful you jackass!
Haha. The feeling was incredible, she really was contracting on him, squeezing him in a way that provided further pleasure.
Hmmm? No way.
- Hahaha. No way. Were you a virgin?
- What!? Uhhh, nn-no?
- Aww, that's was so cute of you, to let me deflower you, no need to hide that.
- Arrggg. I'm really going to kill you.
- You won't if you can't stop shaking your ass like that.
Emboldened beyond his limits, slapped her behind, following with a deep thrust. I you are going to get killed, what you've got to lose?
- Uwaaaah!
After few moments, she somehow managed to turn around through all the pain and pleasure (almost hitting him in the face with her boot in process), face to him.
He held her up by her butt, keeping to pound her, except horizontally rather than vertically.
She looked at him with glazed eyes for few seconds, then bitten into his shoulder.
Awawa! He didn't like being bitten when he was in the middle, but he wasn't too bothered. When he asked Shizuku and Himari about Ageha's type of Ayakashi's, they explained that they were hinoenma, blood drinkers, but unlike vampires they had no side effects like infection, or such.
Still he started to get light headed, so he put all his strength in couple of last thrusts. She stopped sucking on him, after obviously climaxing. Even if she couldn't scream with her mouth full, she squeezed on him so hard, that she might have pulled all of his semen into her womb. He came with all he had inside of her. From what he could understand of human-ayakashi breeding, like most humanoid types she could indeed get pregnant with his baby.
Haha. Don't fuck with me, she is one who kidnapped me, so if she gets knocked up, its her problem.

They dropped on the ground, well, so far for gaining any advantage. He lost a lot of blood, he had even less chance of winning now. Nah, he stopped thinking about that a while ago, he just wanted to fuck her.
As they panted, she semi-consciously gave him another deep kiss, before getting hold on herself, and breaking off.
She said nothing, as she picked up her scatter clothes, throwing his shirt back roughly at him. He was dressed up faster, with male clothes being less complicated, but lacked strength to stand up.
- Don't get the wrong idea.
- Okay.
- I just needed blood of demon slayer to get stronger.
- Okay.
- Give me your cellphone!
- Ok... hah?
- I need to be able to contact you, whenever I feel like drinking you blood.
- Sure.
She entered her number, and called herself so she would know his. She threw it back at him.
- Waaah!
He wanted to stand up, forgetting how much blood he lost, so he fell down.
- Just please don't drink so much I die from lack of blood.
- Really... come over here.
She crouched near him, pointing at her back.
- I'll give you piggy-ride home.
- Huh - he gave her confused look.
- Don't get wrong idea! It would just be pain if some other Ayakashi killed you! Then all that blood would be wasted! If anyone bleeds you out so much you'll die, it would be me!
He wanted to say something witty, but he didn't want to risk her taking back the proposal. He didn't feel like crawling back home.

He was little disappointed, he almost hoped she would go all the way, and tuck him into his bed, but he guessed this was as much of "nice" as Ageha was capable of right now. Or at all.
- I better give Rinko a call to let her know I am all right.
Sasa seemed too clueless to actually hurt Rinko, so he didn't worry about her.
- Yuuto? You're okay?
- Yeah. She let me go after a while.

He didn't really feel like giving her any details.
He went to bath, and to get his dirty clothes in the washing machine, lest Himari or Shizuku would smell _exactly_ what happened to him. He didn't fell like explaining, he could bear them, but Rinko would just try to beat him up.

Apparently Shizuku and Himari went looking for him, but not immediately after he was captured. It seemed Sasa was smart enough to not let Rinko call for help, until got distracted by food, but they had no way to know where they were. It appeared that Ageha prepared a barrier before she took him, and took care that it was not too easily detectable.

At least in the meantime, Himari who was shrunken due to Kuesu's prank turned back to normal.
Still, she was very sorry for moping over being unable to protect him, rather that actually try to protect him.
- Okay, as long as you are sorry, and won't do it again. Besides, I don't think Ageha is a real threat any more.
- Master, you are soft as noodle. That's why I need to be harsh on you enemies, to make up for you.
- I am not telling you to let her get away with anything.
Still, she had a point, even if she didn't knew. He didn't want to fall in love with anyone just with that one thing.
- Master?
- If she comes to us normally, says hi and everything, no reason to be hostile, as long as she behaves.
- And what if she sneaks on you at night?
There where plenty of situations where he would be happy with pretty girl sneaking up on him, but could he really trust her?
I really am soft, imagining Ageha doing things like covering his eyes from behind, "gotcha darling! guess who's there?", or sneaking into his bed to be "lovey-dovey". If Himari won't be careful for me, when it comes to Ageha, I might really get killed.
- Give her one warning if you can, and if she acts hostile, I mean really hostile, not just rude, you can kill her.
She nodded, satisfied enough with the terms.

He also completely forgot that he promised to call Kuesu back after he hanged up on her.
Yandere woman waited long time for a call...