Cherry, Atticus, and Cherry's parents were helping the couple named Betty and John with their moving.

"Thank you so much for your help," Betty smiled at her soon to be ex-neighbors. "Now the moving men can get everything else."

"No problem, Betty..." Michelle said, she then hugged the woman as she nearly cried. "Call us as soon as you get to your new place."

"Will do." Betty promised.

"You guys have everything?" Cherry asked John as he put some things in the back of their truck while Tom was still asleep in the living room.

"Yes, we do." John said.

"Looks like someone is still asleep." Atticus said.

Then from behind Atticus, Patch appeared. "I'll wake him up." he volunteered, walking up to Tom ready to get him up the only way a canine can get a cat up.

"Thomas? Tom, honey!" Betty called from inside. "Wake up, Tom, we're leaving!"

The cat was still asleep, but saw the Dalmatian puppy. He then remembered what today was. He grabbed his pillow and flipped his bowl onto his head as he was going out to join the humans to move away.

The brown mouse who lived in the house too, not causing too much trouble heard the news, he grabbed his tiny bags and a blanket as he ran out of his hole, going to move away with them too.

"We'll call you when we get there," Betty told Cherry's parents. "We got at least eight hours of driving ahead us... Oh, am I forgetting anything?"

Michelle chuckled, hugging the woman. "It'll be alright... You two have a good time... We'll miss you very much."

"Well, Tom and Jerry are ready to leave." Patch said.

"Come on, honey, we better get ready." John told his wife as he got into the car.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye..." Betty said softly.

"Goodbye, thanks so much for the help on the homework and everything." Cherry waved to the couple.

Betty and John went to their car and waved goodbye as they were just about ready to move away.

"Well, goodbye Tom and Jerry, I hope you and your owners will be happy in your new house." Patch said to the tom cat and the brown mouse.

The cat and mouse waved.

"Come on, guys, let's play video games." Cherry said, taking out a couple of controls and went off with them to her place.

Tom got comfortable, but once he saw Jerry was coming aboard too, he was trying to get rid of him as Betty and John were ready and starting to drive off, following their moving van.

"I sure am going to miss those two." Patch said.

"Won't be the same without 'em..." Cherry said as she put a game in and held the player one controller since it was her house and she gave controllers to the boys to play with her. "Now which one of you wants to eat my dust first?" she smirked teasingly to them.

"Oh, it's on." Atticus accepted her challenge.

Cherry cackled, she got the game all set up and now they could play. Michelle decided to make them some pizza and gave them a liter bottle of soda pop.

"I'm gonna go and visit Tom and Jerry's old house for old time's sake." Patch said, leaving, already missing the tom cat and the brown mouse.

"Okay..." Cherry and Atticus said, nearly like zombies as they were hooked onto their game already.

Patch rolled his eyes slightly at them and went off. "Humans, I'll never understand them, especially human teenagers and their video games." he said to himself before leaving the house to visit Tom and Jerry's house one last time.

Betty and John had left, however, Tom and Jerry were there. They looked sad as they watched the humans who took care of them were now gone and there was no way of getting them back. They must have been left behind. Patch was now making his way to the house, hoping to see it one last time before it would be demolished.

Tom did a typical chase with Jerry, then locked the mouse up and bolted the hole shut. He was very angry and unhappy right now and he tried to make himself comfortable. There was an aggressive bulldog who came, wanting to torment Tom since he was home and now without Betty and John around, he had more of a chance to chase the cat and maybe even kill him. Patch was able to hear a bulldog barking and recognized it and thought that he was just hungry, but then he saw that it wasn't, because the bulldog was hungry, but for something else.

"Beat it, kid..." the bulldog snarled to Patch as Tom had rushed back inside the house and locked all the doors and windows, not going outside for the rest of the day.

But the bulldog wasn't going to hurt Tom and Patch was going to make sure of it and telling the Dalmatian puppy to beat it, was a big mistake. The bulldog kicked Patch out of the way as he waited for Tom to come out. But then Patch pulled the bulldog away from Tom, throwing him into a tree, surprising the aggressive dog.

"Leave the cat alone!" Patch growled.

The bulldog did a double take. What kind of puppy was that!?

"Leave Tom alone and never torture him ever again!" Patch growled. "Now go back where you came from!"

The bulldog was too afraid of him to argue and began to run for his life. Patch growled firmly, then went back to his usual puppy size. He then hopped onto the window ledge and looked with one eye open to see that Tom was still in there. Mostly avoiding the dog, but the cat had missed his ride with Betty and John to their new home.

"Tom!" Patch cheered, already happy to see the tom cat, made his way in.

Tom had recognized Patch's voice and was happy to know that he was there. The cat smiled and hugged the puppy, then pointed outside a little worriedly as though to ask him if that dog was still out there.

"Don't worry, Tom, he won't get you now." Patch assured the cat.

Tom smiled in relief, patting the puppy on the head.

"You're welcome, Tom," Patch said before looking around. "Tom, where's Jerry?"

Tom blinked his yellow and green eyes, giving a shrug with a small smile to make it look like he didn't know, when he actually had a very good idea of where his mouse 'friend' was.

"Tom, what did you do to Jerry?" Patch asked the tom cat, hoping he would tell him the truth.

Tom stood in front of the hammered down and bolted shut mouse hole, shrugging again. Patch sighed, already knowing where Jerry was and made his way to the hammered down and bolted shut mouse hole.

Jerry sighed as he sat in his tiny couch, twiddling his randomly existent thumbs. Patch then removed the boards from the mouse hole. Jerry blinked in slight shock. He walked out of his hole and saw Patch. He smiled to the puppy and hugged him.

"Hey, Jerry..." Patch smiled, then looked to Tom a little roughly.

Tom smiled nervously and innocently.

"Thomas the cat, I am severely disappointed in you trapping Jerry like that." Patch said.

Tom pouted, looking down to the floor and shuffled his hind leg paw. Jerry looked firm, but patted Tom with a smile to show his forgiveness. Tom smiled back, patting Jerry back.

"Good, I'm glad that you both made up," Patch said, smiling at the two. "So what happened anyways?"

Tom and Jerry gestured to the outside window to show a FOR SALE sign in their front yard now. Their humans were gone and were very unlikely to come back.

"I know about that, but I want to know of how did you two get out of the vehicle?" Patch asked.

Tom and Jerry understood then and then started to blame each other as they explained of how they were accidentally thrown out while the car was moving without them and now they were stuck at the house by themselves without their humans.

"Oh boy," Patch sighed. "Okay, look we'll have to find a way for you two get along and to work together."

Tom and Jerry looked to each other, then folded their arm and turned each other's back on the other.

"Oh boy, this could take a longer than I thought." Patch sighed out of annoyance.

And where it was and where Patch was going to have to endure it, especially with the adventure that him and Tom and Jerry were going to have tomorrow.

It was now starting to get dark. Tom took out a couch cushion and tried to make himself comfortable. He dusted it a bit before lying it on the floor and he struggled to get comfortable with it due to the horrible conditions of being abandoned after a family move. Betty and John didn't even bother to call or come back for him and he was their pet! How careless of them.

"I'll come back tomorrow to make sure we get you two out of here." Patch said before leaving.

Tom and Jerry nodded to Patch, letting him go.

Cherry looked like a mindless zombie when she was playing Mortal Kombat against Atticus and she was winning with barely any emotion in her face. She bit onto her pizza slice after they finished another round, but she had brutally slaughtered his character. "Sorry, but I warned you about playing this game against me."

"Yeah, I guess I should have taken you seriously, especially playing this game with you." Atticus said.

Patch entered, looking like he was ready to go to bed.

Cherry looked over. "Guess it's bedtime."

Patch yawned and stretched a bit.

"You were gone for an awfully long time." Cherry said, deciding to rest her hands in a small bowl of water.

"Surprised you noticed." Patch chuckled since they were in their video game world.

"Well, we did notice you were gone, only a little while because Cherry was destroying me in the game." Atticus said.

Patch yawned heavily.

"Guess we better go to bed." Cherry said, she didn't sound tired at all, but was going to go to sleep if they were.

"Yeah, now sounds like a perfect time to go to sleep." Atticus said, sounding tired.

"Uh-huh, besides, I have something to do tomorrow that needs for me to be up early." Patch said, tiredly as well.

Cherry went to her bedroom to get her pajamas on while the boys went to her older brother's room which served as a guest room since he didn't live around here anymore.

'Tomorrow is going to be the start of a brand new adventure, I just know it.' Patch thought to himself.