Me: So here I am, creating Tales of Symphonia fanfiction! Long time writer, first time ToS fanfiction!
Lloyd: What am I doing here?
Me: You're my muse!
Lloyd: Great….
Kratos: Be thankful she hasn't pulled out the tomato buckets….
Me: I'm not that evil….
Kratos: *glare*
Me: Okay, maybe I am. But I'm trying to be nice since we're all new here! Someone give a disclaimer!
Colette: redwingedfalcon98 owns nothing!
Me: On with the story!
Kratos looked over at the young brunette across from him. At one time he would have given anything to see his son alive again. Now here he was again. In the flesh. He was sure of it. This was his son. But life was unjust. It just so happened that he was not in a position to reveal himself as anything but a simple mercenary. At that is where he found himself now, at the Martel Temple seal with the chosen, her young half-elf (they thought he was an elf) friend, and the young brunette who shared the same name and same likeness as his long lost son. Could it really be possible that fate had really brought them back together again after all these years? How could fate be so cruel as to bring them back together at a time like this, a time which he knew he couldn't reveal himself to anyone or face Yggdrasil's wrath and risk bringing down Lloyd with him?
Lloyd turned to look at the stoic mercenary, and Kratos turned back, revealing nothing of his conflicting emotions. Giving him a short, questioning look, Lloyd turned back to watch Colette as she walked up to the seal. A light seemed to come from the ceiling as another ball of light glowed down and came toward the group, forming in to another being.
"Wh-what is that?" Lloyd gasped.
"An angel, I would assume," Kratos remarked. Remiel was acting all high and mighty, obviously trying to impress Yggdrasil. Kratos briefly heard the half-elf remarking about whether or not he was Colette's real father, but didn't really care. It was preposterous! All angels from Welgaia, save for the four seraphim, were sterile because of the age of lifeless beings Mithos was bringing about. An unlucky side effect.
Colette stepped forward to get closer. Remiel started speaking importantly. "I am Remiel. I am an angel of judgement. I am here to guide Colette, daughter of the mana lineage, on her journey to heaven as the seventh chosen."
Remiel descended and guided the cruxis crystal up in to the air so it was at his chest. "The time has come to awaken the Goddess Martel who sleeps at the center of the world."
"Awaken the Goddess Martel…It's just like the legend Raine told us about!" exclaimed Genis. Kratos rolled his eyes. Of course the stories of Mithos and Martel were fading in to legend. He wondered how many legends were about him.
That's when Remiel let the cruxis crystal go and headed for its host. Time slowed as it hit its intended target, not Colette, but Lloyd Irving.
Colette screamed. Genis gasped. Kratos remained silent, unable to move. Remiel just hung there. As everyone looked at Lloyd and the light flashed, indicated the cruxis crystal had infused with his body,
"How could this happen?" Lloyd gasped out loud. "Why is the cruxis crystal attached to me? Does this mean I'm the chosen?" Genis shrugged his shoulders and grabbed at the cruxis crystal, seeing if he could possibly remove it. "Nope, it's stuck," he said in awe.
"Oh no! Lloyd! What do we do?! Are you really a chosen now! Please let it be me instead! Not you!" Colette didn't want her friend to end up like she would've had she been the chosen. Not Lloyd.
Kratos just stood there. No. Not this. Not his son. Anything but his son. How ironic. He came to escort the chosen of regeneration to the Tower of Salvation and now it turned out to be his own son! How could it be his own son! It didn't make any sense! He wasn't born with a cruxis crystal in his hand. The chosen was.
Remiel unfolded a scroll and quickly read from it, found what he needed and put it away.
He cleared his throat so that he had everyone's attention. "It appears you have more angelic blood in you than Colette does. So the cruxis crystal chose you over her, picking you as the new chosen."
Kratos inwardly cursed to himself. Of course. If ever there was a half-angel born, they would be born of pure mana, perfect for a Martel vessel. The cruxis crystal had made a choice. He had not thought of that when he allowed Lloyd to join him up to the seal.
"Oh, Lloyd!" Colette flung herself on Lloyd, sobbing. He patted her head, sure that she was sad because she wasn't the chosen anymore.
Remiel cleared his throat again, clearly having gone off script. "We will bestow upon Sylvarant the Tower of Salvation!"
A great tower appeared out the window. It reached up in to the heavens, too tall to see the top. "So that's the tower of salvation," remarked Lloyd, who was still getting used to the idea of being a chosen. Remiel started to ascend to the heavens but Lloyd stopped him by calling out, "Wait a minute! You gotta give me some answers!"
Remiel stopped for a minute, giving Lloyd the go ahead. "Why do I have more angelic blood than Colette? And are you really my real dad?"
Kratos' and Remiel's eyes locked for a moment, going unnoticed by the rest of the group. Then his eyes returned to Lloyd's and he restarted his ascension. "First, head south to the seal of fire. Understood? My son…" And he was gone.
Kratos' eye started twitching. How dare he call Lloyd his son! How dare he! That so called angel would get it later!
Kratos turned to Lloyd. "I suppose I have to talk to Phaidra about our new arrangements. But first I have something I have to take care of. Will you be alright if you went back on your own?" Lloyd nodded questioningly but decided not to push it. The stoic mercenary would only reveal what he wanted to.
Kratos entered the city of angels through the purple warp pad and immediately grabbed Remiel by the shirt collar, yanking him toward the mercenary. "He's WHOSE son?!" Remiel cowered. "He's your son! I just said that so he would trust me!" Kratos' face turned red as he punched Remiel in the face, knocking him on the ground. "You can't undo it now. But cross me again and I'll show you the meaning of true pain."
Me: So what do you think so far? This is just a prequel, by the way. This will take place over the whole Symphonia storyline, possibly into Symphonia 2.
Lloyd: Seems okay.
Colette: Review and tell her what you think!