Anyway, I came up with a lot of this headcanons myself based off the canon, or sometimes culture of the region. Others I found and sort of tweaked a bit to fit the way I interpret the characters.
The nations weren't sure what to expect when the book fell from the sky along with a note. Germany cautiously picked it up
Dear Nations,
In this book is the Secrets of ten nations. You guys cannot leave until you have read all of the book. You aren't allowed to kill each other.
Milky O. Awesomeway
"What a stupid-sounding name," Romano mumbled. "I don't want to know anything about any of you."
Germany started to open the book but England reached for it. Germany sighed and handed it over. England opened it. He looked at Romano. "Well, that's fine, because you're first anyway." Spain, Prussia, and America snickered.
Romano fumed. "What? You're lying, you bastard!"
England rolled his green eyes but began to read aloud. There was more to Romano said nation turned tomato red then just the grumpy, cynical, uncouth, and rude version of Italy.Romano mumbled something under his breath. It was something not a lot of other nations realized. "I've always realized that," Italy said. He was cynical, sure. He cursed a lot. He was rude, sometimes, around certain nations. Grumpy, depends on the definition.
But he was more than that. He had feelings, emotions that other nations sometimes overlooked for his younger, cuter, polite, bubbly brother. All the things that Romano was not. Romano started to get up, but Prussia pushed him back down. Romano struggled to get out of his grip, but it was useless.
But because no one really made a genuine effort to get to know Romano, there were one hundred things that no one knew about South Italy
1. He thought that Veneziano was better than him since North Italy was born
"Roma!" Spain said. "Haven't I talked about you about that?" Romano turned away, not wanting to be reminded of Spain constantly reminding him that Veneziano wasn't better than him. Spain only said it because he pitied him.
2. He still gets jealous about Veneziano's art skills.
Italy blushed. "But fratello, I'm sure you're really good too!" Romano went to reply, but Prussia put a hand over the Italian's mouth.
3. He names every tomato in his garden.
Spain muttered. "I do too."
4. Spain always questioned how once every year on his birthday a bundle of roses, starting from about a decade of dealing with Romano, to present day, always ended up on either his doorstep or his bed while he was sleeping. Romano would never say that it was him.
"That's so cute." Spain gushed at the same time as Belgium, Hungary, Italy, and Liechtenstein
5. Romano never actually did have a crush on Belgium
Belgium, Spain, and Netherlands all blinked in surprise
6. He was rude to males because Vatican City, the grumpy man that he was, beat him for liking guys when he was a child when he gave Holy Rome a bouquet of flowers. He still has scars from it. He flirts with girls for the same reason. And also because his Italian nature makes it impossible to be disrespectful to women
Hungary smiled. "Romano, there's nothing wrong with liking guys." Belgium smiled.
7. On top of that, every male in Romano's life has hurt him in some way.
Austria and Turkey both looked away uncomfortably.
8. He's still afraid of Turkey and France for what they did to him as a child
Spain uncharacteristically glared at France, who laughed uneasily.
9. Veneziano wasn't the only Italian who was affected by Holy Rome's death
Romano struggled to get out of Prussia's arms again.
10. Romano had feelings for Holy Rome as well. Unrequited, of course.
Romano's face burned. His brother turned his face away, suddenly serious.
11. Romano learned Spanish pretty fast as a kid, but he pretended not to. He didn't want Spain to know.
Spain grinned. Romano pouted and gave up removing himself from Prussia's grip.
12. He loves Veneziano, but he can't help but hate him for everyone favoring him over South Italy
Italy smiled, still looking sad. He got up and hugged his brother, who attempted to curse at him. Prussia awhed, along with Hungary.
13. He doesn't like to admit it, but Vatican City is their father
"Ve. He is."
14. He thinks Vatican City is a jerk
The room erupted in laughter.
15. Spain was always so close to France and Prussia and Romano was jealous of them as a kid. Whenever they were over Spain ignored him.
Prussia laughed in Romano's ear. "You were jealous of the awesome me."
16. Romano hates Germanic countries, but unlike what people think he actually does have reasons to.
Germany looked up in surprise. He had always figured that Romano was the overprotective—and slightly racist—brother.
17. Romano hates Germania, dead or not. He killed the Roman Empire.
Prussia let go of Romano right then and hid behind England, who hit him with the book. Romano started releasing expletives at Germany and Prussia.
18. Romano hates Austria for being Germanic, but also for giving him up as a kid, for treating him like shit, and most of all for separating him and his brother. Austria liked Veneziano better than Romano.
Hungary sighed. Austria looked nervous. Spain looked guilty.
19. Prussia is of Germanic bloodline too. Prussia is very annoying. Prussia liked Veneziano over him too.
Prussia came out from behind England. "You don't make it easy, Lovi. You need to learn to trust us and stop trying to push us all away when all we wanted was to get to know you."
Romano almost yelled, "That's rich coming from you!" He ultimately decided not to. Prussia would probably have his time anyway.
20. Switzerland is Germanic too. So Romano hates him as well. And he's always shooting at Veneziano's butt.
"Awh, fratello, I knew you cared."
"SHUT UP, DAMMIT!" Romano really wished he'd stayed home.
21. Germany is the worst. Germany looks just like Germania. Germany in Italian is Germania.
"He does, actually." Austria said.
22. Romano suspects that Germany is Holy Rome and that Prussia and Austria had something to do with. Austria should've told Hungary and Veneziano. They deserved to know.
Prussia hid behind England when Italy uncharacteristically glared at him. Austria tried to slink away from his seat next to Hungary, who looked like she was in shock.
23. Veneziano cried when France told him about Holy Rome's death. Romano hates France for it. How dare he make his brother cry?
France turned away guiltily. It wasn't like he wanted to do it. They all had to do things for their bosses.
24. Romano cried when Spain told him what France had did. He really hates France
France turned away. He'd never hated Romano.
25. He hates France more than Germany.
France was now insulted.
26. Romano can see Canada. The invisible can see the invisible, he always joked when seeing Canada sigh when no one noticed. He doesn't think Canada gets it.
Canada smiled. Some nations looked confused.
"Who?" Kumajiro said.
"Canada." He replied, sighing.
27. Romano likes America
America smiled.
28. He wished that America would notice Canada more often
America dropped his smile and turned to Canada next to him as if he had just realized he was there. Probably did.
29. Romano wished that Iceland would give in and call Norway "Big Brother"
Norway turned to Iceland. Iceland spoke. "No."
30. And that Germany would be nicer to Prussia. The other nations might not see it, but Romano could. England stopped and paled. He continued. Prussia was dying. Why did no one else but Romano notice?
Prussia suddenly had all eyes on him like he was going to disappear at any second. He glared at Romano, who shrugged. It was a while before England went back to the book.
31. Romano could tell. He had been there for Rome's slow demise. He had seen the scars that didn't fade nearly as well.
Veneziano looked like he was going to cry. England quickly moved on.
32. Romano is afraid of being alone
Italy smiled. Romano wasn't sure why.
33. Romano was afraid of thunderstorms
"Me too." His brother said.
34. He hated it when Spain would be gone during a thunderstorm
Spain looked guilty.
35. Romano wished that Veneziano would stop calling France big brother. He should hate France, like Romano did. Romano wished even more that Veneziano would stop calling Spain that. If Spain was anyone's "Big Brother" he was Romano's. But Most of all, he wanted Veneziano to call him his Big Brother, and him only. Romano was his ONLY "Big Brother."
Italy grinned. "I didn't know it bothered you, fratello."
"Shut up, Veneziano."
36. Romano hates seeing Spain cry. Spain crying was the worst thing that he could think of, because Spain was the happiest nation he knew.
Spain grinned.
37. Romano loves Spain's hugs. He just pretends that he doesn't.
"Don't even think about it, jerk bastard."
"But Lovi!"
"Stop calling me that!"
38. Romano is a passionate kisser, but he doesn't show it because he's scared of people using him
"Good kisser, eh?" France asked. Spain growled.
39. Romano is the half-brother of Veneziano, though Veneziano thinks that their full brothers. He's scared that Veneziano won't like him as mush if he knew they were only half-related.
"That's not true!" Veneziano said.
40. Romano is the son of Ancient Greece, making him Greece's half-brother. He suspects that Rome is Greece's father, making Greece also his uncle, which is part of the reason that Romano has never brought it up to Greece. Also, Romano is terrified that if Greece found out that he would disapprove of his little brother.
Greece, who had been sleeping on the table, looked up. "Oh, I knew that already. I always liked you better than Veneziano anyway." Romano blushed.
41. Romano is an amazing singer—better than Veneziano. No one knows that except for Spain, France, and Prussia. He didn't even want them to know that he sings because Romano thinks that he is terrible at it.
Spain nodded. "It's true!"
Romano blushed again. Stupid book.
42. Romano is actually a better cook than Veneziano, though he doesn't normally do it for other nations. Prussia, Spain, Canada, and America are the only nations that he has cooked for.
Germany looked surprised. "East…?"
Prussia shrugged. "It was only a few times, but he is a damn awesome cook."
43. Romano loves his citizens and tourists. It's the other arrogant nations he doesn't like. Particularly the male ones.
"Ve! It's true. Romano is really nice to our citizens and the tourists."
44. Romano is good friends with Japan because Japan is the only nation—besides America— who can accurately translate his comments. Romano, of course, would never say that.
Japan blushed and mumbled something about tsunderes.
45. It's weird how well America can as well considering the idiot can't read the atmosphere regardless of what nation is talking.
England laughed when America pouted.
46. It was Romano who tended to Spain when he came back with injuries from his pirate years. Romano told Spain that it was the maid, or sometimes Belgium
"Don't even think about saying it." Romano said, glaring at Spain, who smiled at him regardless.
47. Romano suspected that Prussia secretly did think that he—meaning Prussia—wasn't all that awesome.
Prussia glared at the book. "Shut the fuck up, unawesome book!" He muttered something under his breath like, "It's not my turn yet."
48. Romano pitied Prussia. He would never say that to the ex-nation. Prussia had too much pride to accept help. Even when the bastard needed it
Prussia glared defiantly at Romano.
49. Germany is Veneziano's best friend. Romano is his brother. Romano should be who he runs to for comfort, not the potato bastard. Was Romano really that bad of a brother?
"No." Italy said. "You're the best fratello I could have, it's just… Germany is nice and he always tries to protect me. You try to protect me, too, but I…" He shut his mouth. Rare of him.
50. Why did Veneziano never have anything good to say about Romano anyway?
Italy turned away guilty. Did Romano really feel like that? Was he really not nice to him? He crawled into Romano's lap, ignoring his brother's protest. Romano sighed.
51. Romano was older than Veneziano… Romano means from Rome. Rome is the capital of Italy. Romano was South Italy. Veneziano is North. Why wasn't Romano called Italy? It's not surprising though. If they had to choose who to be Italy Romano would choose Veneziano too. He was better at everything anyway.
All of the nations looked at Romano in shock. Did he really want to be called Italy? He had never complained about it before.
52. Seeing Germany with Veneziano reminded him of Holy Rome. He worried that Germany would die one day. He doubted Veneziano could lose Holy Rome twice. Romano didn't think that he could either.
Germany was surprised. Rom—South Italy did have some legit reasons to worry about his friendship with It—North Italy.
53. He jumped on Spain as a kid to wake him up because he did the same to Rome as a child and the one day that he had decided to wake him nicely Rome had faded in his sleep. Romano didn't want the same to happen to Spain.
Spain turned to South Italy, shocked. North Italy said, "That's so cute that you don't want Spain to disappear!"
"Will you get off of me you bastard?"
"I'm starting to think that you don't mean that, Roma!"
54. Romano loves it whenever Rome visits him—so much that he ends up embarrassing himself with tears of joy
Veneziano giggled.
"Off, now!"
"No! Besides, you're not making an effort to push me off, so it's fine. Besides, I'm comfortable here."
55. Romano is clingy when he is scared
Spain, Belgium, Hungary, and Prussia laughed in a nostalgic way, all remembering times when he would try to cuddle with them when he was scared of something.
56. Romano actually can throw a grenade. He wanted to see what Germany would do . When the potato freaked out, Romano was pleasantly surprised. He'd never admit that.
Now Germany was embarrassed.
57. Cats really like Romano, and Romano really likes cats too. He figures it was inherited from Ancient Greece.
Greece smiled, remembering his mom.
58. Romano wanted to make the cat the national animal of Italy once, but Veneziano refused. He claimed that it wasn't fair to the other animals. Romano wouldn't talk to him for three days.
"I remember that." Veneziano said.
59. While both Romano and Veneziano are religious, Romano is more so and goes to church more often.
Romano actually smiled at this.
60. Romano's favorite fish is swordfish. It's commonly eaten in Sicily
"Swordfish, huh?" America said. "I don't think I've ever eaten it."
"Come over to my house then, bastard. I have tons of it."
61. Romano loves the show "Ridiculousness" because the people shown on it are such idiots.
America grinned. "That's one of mine!"
62. Romano has nightmares about Grandpa Rome's death
North Italy shuddered.
63. Romano's fear of being alone stems from Grandpa Rome whisking Veneziano away, leaving Romano alone.
Veneziano snuggled into Romano's chest, once again ignoring his protests.
64. Romano is awesome at soccer football. (Americans)
America started to say something, annoyed, but the other nations were laughing so hard even his loud "hero" voice was drowned out. Canada and Australia remained silent, neither pointing out that they also called it soccer.
65. He didn't mind the mafia. He'd rather they'd be in his land than Veneziano
"Awh. That's so—"
"Call me cute one more time, Spain and I'll-"
"I'm starting to think you don't mean that."
66. He finds it easier to talk to Spain than Veneziano
North Italy looked sad. "Why?"
Romano turned his head. "It's just we we're… DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT BASTARD!
67. No matter what he says, he secretly likes being called cute. He hates it because he believes that the person who called him that wasn't honest. He doesn't know how he could be cute when Veneziano was there
Veneziano got off of Romano's lap, and he looked angry. The other nations looked shocked. "Fratello, you need to stop comparing yourself to me!
68. Romano's favorite color is tomato red. Veneziano's is green.
"Of course."
69. Romano is very protective of children.
Veneziano smiled, remembering that one time that a group of teenage boys were harassing an eight-year-old kid and Romano stepped in.
70. He doesn't know how anyone could mistake his brother for a girl when his name was Italy Veneziano. Veneziano, really? Austria really was an idiot.
Prussia laughed at this.
71. He hates his human name. Lovino isn't an Italian name and it sounds like Rovino, which meant I ruin. Vargas is Spanish. He wouldn't mind Vargas too much if Feliciano had a different last name. A true Italian name. Feliciano already had Germany/Holy Rome, Austria, and Prussia. He couldn't have Spain too. Not that it mattered. Didn't Spain want Veneziano instead of Romano anyway?
Spain had never realized how much Romano secretly cared about him.
72. Romano always wondered how his brother could defeat Turkey when they were small, but he had to be saved by Spain of all people.
England stopped reading to snicker. A few of the nations looked surprised that North Italy could do that.
73. Romano hates asking for help
74. Romano hates England turned to stare at the nation. "Really South? Really."
"South?" Italy Romano questioned.
England continued reading England for what he did to Spain during their pirate days.
Spain smirked at England.
75. Germany was going to betray Italy like Germania did to Rome. Romano knew it. Why didn't Veneziano?
Prussia spoke. "South,"
"Where did this nickname come from?"
"You're South Italy?" Hungary said. It sounded more of a question than a statement. "Romano, if you wanted to be called Italy you should have said that it bothered you."
South Italy blushed.
76. Holy Rome promised Veneziano that he would come back. What a liar. Romano hates broken promises. Especially from Germans.
Prussia, apparently not done with whatever he was going to say, decided to comment. "South, we're not going to betray you just because our father did. You need to stop being so distrusting and cynical and become awesome like me."
Italy Romano stared at him, unimpressed. "I still don't believe you mean that."
Prussia raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious, Lovi. Betraying cute things is so un—"
"Don't call me Lovi, and I wasn't referring to that."
77. That German was going to hurt Spain, dammit! That's all they are good for. Hurting Romano or something that he lov—er, could somewhat stand.
Spain looked. "You love me?"
78. He is secretly ticklish
His face told enough to nations like Prussia, Hungary, Belgium, Spain, his brother, France, America, and Denmark. No touchie the Italy Romano. When America said this, a bunch of nations looked at him. Including England, who ultimately decided to continue reading.
79. Romano wasn't good at chores as a kid. He rarely even tried. He knew he would do it badly, so why even try? When he did try, he messed up. The Cholera did not help.
Spain and Austria both wondered if they were too hard on South Italy.
80. Cholera was painful.
Now they both winced.
81. He was a hard worker now, and he got upset when the other, older nations were shocked by it. It wasn't his fault that he had Cholera as a kid.
Prussia was now the guilty one, along with Spain.
82. Romano has to move his hands at all times, or else he gets restless
83. He found Prussia attractive. "Because I am Awesome" Prussia didn't need to know that though… Those eyes, dammit. They were as red as tomatoes. The nations giggled. Italy Romano glared at the book. Besides, Romano had his eyes on another nation.
Prussia pouted.
84. He was in love with Spain
Japan smiled for some strange reason.
85. It was the tomatoes, dammit! And the way he always smiled. And how his eyes sparkled. And how nice he was. And protective. And cheery. Even when he pulled his curl, he loved him. Actually, he really loved it now. He wasn't going to tell Spain that. Better to pretend that he was mad about it.
"DON'T even think about it, pervert!" South Italy said
86. He wished that Spain wasn't so dense
A few of the nations laughed.
87. "Three meals and a nap with pasta" is an affirmative answer. What did it take for Spain to realize that Romano was in love with him?
"It was?"
"Stupid bastard."
88. He's called up Germany to make Veneziano impressions just to mess with him
Germany looked shocked. Prussia laughed. "You're awesome, kid!" France, America, England, and Denmark were all in varying amounts of hysteria, and even Sweden was cracking a smile.
89. Romano hates that Veneziano is taller than him because he hates seeing his little brother so grown up
90. He's actually good at art, he just doesn't realize it.
91. Romano is as obsessed with fashion as Poland and France
92. Romano mumbles things in Spanish when he's sleeping.
93. Romano suddenly becomes Germany and Prussia's best friend when he's drunk.
"Hey, South!" Prussia called. "Remember that one time?"
Italy Romano mumbled, "che palle"
94. Romano has an excellent poker face
95. Romano has a stuffed tomato that Spain gave him as a kid. He hides it under his pillow so Veneziano, Belgium, France, Germany, Prussia, Seborga, any other nations that could walk in on him asleep—and especially Spain— will never find out that he still sleeps with it.
"That is so cute!" A bunch of nations squealed—mostly female, but Prussia, Spain, North Italy, and surprisingly Japan all joined in.
96. Romano is jealous of the attention that Spain shows turtles—that's why he claims to hate them so much.
97. Romano is terrified that everyone is going to leave him someday
"I'll never leave you, Romano!"
98. He cries when he is alone
"Italy Romano…?" Spain questioned.
Romano lifted up his head, unsure what he was going to say.
99. Whenever someone calls him Italy, he will hug them and cry tears of happiness.
Spain smiled, about to say something but Norway, who happened to be next to him, covered his mouth and gestured for England to continue.
Prussia on the other hand, yelled out, "I'm going to test it." Germany covered his mouth.
100. He is scared that one day he would fade and Veneziano would be left to represent Italy by himself
Veneziano started to sob. "I would never let that happen fratello!"
After all, Romano wasn't a nation
But Italy was
And with that England closed the book.
I will point out that I do love RomaBel, PruMano, and Spamano.
Anyway, someone on google+ suggested that I do America and France. I will probably also do Prussia and Canada and so that's five. Suggestions on who the other five should be?