Written for the Pairing The Character Challenge - Character: Regulus

365 Prompt - Wand

200 words

Thanks to Firefly for the help :)

"I know you're there," Regulus said, pausing at the sound of very faint footsteps behind him. "Show yourself or get hexed."

A moment later, he found himself looking at James Potter, though he kept his wand raised.

"How?" He began.

"Cloak," James replied, calmly folding it and pushing it into his robes. "I need to talk to you."

"Is it about my brother?" Regulus asked. "Don't tell me, let me guess. You want to know his secret desires so you can steal him from Lupin?"

James snorted. "Sirius?" He began. "It's not about him, don't worry."

"Does he know you're here?" Regulus asked.

James shook his head. "He's probably worked it out though."

"So... it's not about you being interested in my brother?"

"Sirius is like a brother to me," James said. "There's only one Black I'm interested in."

Regulus slowly lowered his wand. "What?"

"Maybe I have my own motives for wanting to help you?" James stated.

"And how can you help me?" Regulus asked.

"The same way I helped your brother," James assured.

"Playing the big brother?" Regulus snorted.

"Trust me, there is nothing brotherly about my interest," James assured him.


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