Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

Author's Note: This is my first try at something like this. I'm open to any suggestions of improvement.

Shiver. That's exactly what happens every time you touch me. The chill that runs down my spine leaves me wanting more. Heat so hot like liquid fire scorches my veins when I feel your breath against my neck. I want to feel so much more of you. This fire is slowly building, threatening to consume us if we let it. I have no objection to that happening. My mind is so hazy already, and you've invaded my senses. We're in such in an intimate position on this dance floor. Our bodies are so close that one couldn't tell where I begin and where you end. The two of us are pushed up so tight that we look like one being. We look like we belong with each other.

Only you and I would know the whole truth. My back against your muscular chest as we move to the music. Your arms wrapped around my waist while your hands caress my stomach. Those hands are so soft and gentle on my skin. The slowly move up body until they reach my breasts. Then you really start your sensual torture. Rubbing. Squeezing. Pleasuring. You know just how I like to be touched. They're a place you always make a point to tease. This is where I always moan out your name. Jounouchi. You're driving me insane, and you know it. While I'm distracted by your hands, I didn't notice you kissing my neck. There you are going from left to right with butterfly kisses. Its only once you start nipping at me do I realize that you've given me a love bite. I can't help the gasp that escapes my lips. I hear you chuckle in my ear behind me. Its no secret between us that you know where all my spots are. Even you in my ear like this arouses to no end.

To make matters worse, I feel the electricity spark within us. The flow is starting on its way down between my legs. You must have sensed this, too, because you spun me around suddenly. Here we are face to face. My legs are straddling your right one as you grind against my center. I draped me arms around your neck to balance myself. I was so disoriented, and I knew I couldn't stand on my own two feet. I felt the heat rush to my face as I adjusted to our new position. I just didn't know if it was due to embarrassment or desire. Right now it didn't matter. This man in front of me has me moaning and groaning just by touching me. We were supposed to be dancing. If you looked closely enough, you'd see me writhing against him shamelessly. I was trying to get more friction from his leg to satisfy my growing need. A need that only he could fulfill. It was a fact he and I both knew. I want him. He wants me just as much. So far this is the only time we'd be together like this.