A/N: Karen, Matt, and a baby. This is what this story is about, and it's loaded with fluff! Also, please note that I revamped this story (I tried to get rid of as many mistakes as I possibly could, and I re-wrote some bits). I hope you'll like it!

"Come on, Matt, don't be so stubborn!" Karen complained.

"Stubborn? Me?" Matt chuckled, offended. "You're the most stubborn person I know!"

Karen rolled her eyes. "You don't know that manypeople, Matthew Michael Murdock."

"Still, I won't do this," the lawyer replied, folding his arms over his chest.

She took his hand and placed the warm mug onto his palm. "Be brave. Just one, tiny sip!"

There was no way in hell Matt would drink that horrible, disgusting beverage. Tea? Really? He was a coffee person. The whole thing was blasphemy, plain and simple.

Matt Murdock was a picky man. His heightened senses had influenced his tastes, and tea had become a nightmare. Coffee, on the other hand, had become delicious and it helped him stay awake during his long nights as Daredevil. Karen would argue that theine had the same effect. But it didn't make it taste any better.

Karen sighed. "You taste my cup of tea, I'll taste your coffee," she coaxed. "Deal?"

A mischievous smile broke across his face. "How about we drop this nonsense and go for a hot chocolate instead? With whipped cream... Marshmallows..." he mused.

He knew how much Karen worshiped chocolate. Sometimes, it even scared the hell out of him. He couldn't see her face, but every time he or Foggy mentioned chocolate or when the smell of chocolate was in the air, her heartbeats increased in a significant way. He was pretty sure it gave her the butterflies. However, her addiction was so adorable he couldn't hold it against her. He loved nothing more than teasing her about it.

Karen pouted. "That's so not fair. You're cheating!"

Matt shook his head innocently. "I'm not," he replied, "I'm merely trying to find a common ground and avoid a war."

"Because you're the peaceful lawyer and I'm what, the witch secretary? The obnoxious office manager?"

He smirked and her heart sank. "You're Karen Page, and that's enough trouble, believe me."

They both laughed heartily, tears already forming in the corners of their eyes. Matt bet Karen was even more beautiful when she was laughing. He pictured the corners of her lips twitching upwards as if to reach her ears, her teeth facing the light with pride, her tongue barely visible, the wrinkles about her eyes. If only he could see her.

They had gone through many hardships together, even though they had known each other only for a few months. Matt had lost his father at a young age, and Stick, the father figure of his childhood, was now more of a foe than a friend. Foggy had been his only family, until they took Karen's case and defended her. He remembered that day all too well. The shivers on her skin, the quaver in her voice, it was still vibrant, clinging to his memory. And yet, he had perceived so much strength in her, despite her tears and desperation. That woman was a fighter, and he had felt blessed to be able to take Fisk down by her side.

Ever since the Kingpin had been put behind bars, the small practice had been filled with joy and peacefulness. They had gained some clients, made a bit of money, they could even afford to pay Karen. On that sunny morning, Matt felt grateful that their biggest problem revolved around the ancient conflict opposing tea to coffee. Karen, on the other hand, relished the sight of Matt's smile. It was nice to see it again, after all the darkness that had engulfed him a few months ago. She wiped her tears away and took the cup of tea back.

"You have no taste, sir," she cheered.

Matt was about to give her a speech about the symbolism of oppression that tea embodied when the door swung open, revealing an exhausted Foggy.

"Guys, you love me, right?" he asked.

"We won't help you hide the body, Foggy," Matt scoffed.

Foggy sighed, turned around, took something and dropped it at Matt's feet.

"Foggy," Karen began, puzzled, her eyes set upon the object... and what was in it. "What the hell...?"

"What?" Matt asked, confused. He could hear a fourth heart. "What's this?"

"A whiny little thing!" Foggy explained. "Tadaaaa!"

"What on earth are you doing with a baby?" Karen asked. Suddenly, she froze and stared at her friend knowingly. "Did... hum... Marci..."

"God, no," Foggy piped, scrunching his nose. "This is Gracie, my sister's daughter."

"You have a niece?" Karen said, tenderly peering into the baby's eyes.

"You have a sister?" Matt echoed, arching a brow.

Foggy hit his forehead with a hand. "Yes, Matthew, a half-sister. Candace, remember? You dated her!"

Matt's lips formed a telling "o" and Karen suppressed a laugh. He had never looked so embarrassed and she was enjoying this way too much. "Oh," he stammered, scratching the top of his head. "Candace, yeah. Hum, sure, how is she?"

"Nevermind," Foggy sighed. "Her babysitter's sick and she has to go to a conference or something with her husband this weekend, so of course she figured I could take care of Gracie. She can't seem to wrap her mind around the fact that I, too, have a job." He massaged his temples, and Karen knew this was part of his strategy. Their beloved friend was definitely trying to inspire pity, and it was working. "Anyway," he continued, "Marci called before I got here and... she booked a nice cabin the woods upstate and we're leaving in two hours."

Matt frowned. "You're leaving today? Foggy, you can't just..."

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry, but it's Friday anyway and... I feel like this is going somewhere, guys."

"What, you think she's gonna propose this weekend?" Karen snickered.

Foggy glared at her in silence for a few seconds. "You should stop hanging out with Matt, his terrible sense of humor is rubbing off on you."

"Get to the point, Foggy," Matt sighed.

Foggy bit his lower lip and cocked his head to the side. "Could either one of you take care of Gracie for me?" he begged. "Until Sunday night...?"

Karen gulped. "You're kidding, right?" she said. Seeing his pleading look, her smile faded away and she looked at Matt. "Matt, tell me he's kidding."

"Come on," Foggy insisted, "it's just for the weekend! I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate!"

Karen crossed her arms over her chest. "You could take Gracie with you," she proposed, "women love guys with babies."

"Have you met Marci?" Matt snorted, "she'd cook the baby or toss it in the trash."

Karen nodded. "She definitely sounds like a lovely person."

Foggy grinned and headed to the door. "Thanks, guys," he cheered, "I'll make it up to you I promise!"

Karen stood up swiftly and rushed to the door. "Wait, we didn't-"

"Bye!" she heard his voice drifting up from the staircase.

She went back into the office and closed the door behind her. "This isn't happening," she said, her eyes fastened on the baby.

"I'll murder him," Matt mumbled. "Once he gets back, I'll beat him up with my cane."

Karen knelt before Gracie who was gently babbling in her baby bouncer. "How are we supposed to do this?" she asked to God knows who.

Matt drew in a deep breath. "Let's be practical. Do you... Do you have any experience with babies?"

"Hum, a little," Karen answered. "I used to look after my cousin when I was a teenager."

The lawyer sighed in relief. "Good. Because I don't."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked up to Matt. "Shall I take her in, then?"

Matt tilted his head to the side. "Hum, isn't your place..."

"A work in progress, yeah," she nodded. "Many sharp and dangerous objects lying around." "Guess it wouldn't be the safest place for a baby," he noted. He hung his head and directed it towards the steady heartbeats rising from the floor. "She'll come with me, then."

Karen frowned and bit the inside of her cheek. "Matt... With all due respect..." she began.

"I know," he said, "and let me tell you I don't trust myself enough to take care of a baby given my situation." He passed a hand through his hair and left his spot to kneel by Karen's side. "Would you..." he shyly began. "Would you be willing to give me hand?"

She felt her heart leap in her throat and her face cracked into a gentle smile. "You want me to... to move in with you to take care of Gracie?" she asked.

Matt shrugged. "Seems like the only realistic option. Plus, it's just for two days."

"Sure, let's do that," Karen replied.

She wanted to slap herself. Why on earth would she accept to do that? She was about to spend two nights and three days with a baby and the man she literally wanted to have babies with. This was going to be awkward. But they didn't have much of a choice. They couldn't just get rid of the precious thing Foggy had left them with. She put her hands on both sides of the baby bouncer and gave the baby her biggest smile. "Don't die on us, sweetie, okay?"

A/N: I KNOW that Karen likes coffee as well, but I don't know, I wanted this story to start like that. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Welcome to Fluffland :)