Note: My Inquisitor is a male rogue. Cover image can be used for reference.

Cassandra POV (Haven prison)

Leliana and I enter the room where we see the prisoner and possible murderer. His left hand still glows and I'm relieved that his hands are bound by two different locks. He stares at the floor and refuses to meet anyone's gaze - something that an innocent person wouldn't do. The four guards surrounding him sheathe their swords as I walk around him.

"Tell me why we shouldn't kill you now." I begin though my mind is mostly made up already "The conclave is destroyed. Everyone who attended is dead," I position myself to face him directly "except...for you"

He offers no response. I grow impatient.

I grab his left hand and stare straight into his eyes. "Explain this." I hiss. His hand begins to glow again and I force it back to the floor.

He looks at me for the first time. "I...can't."

Unbelievable. "What do you mean you 'cant'?!"

"I have no idea how thi-"

I unsheathe my sword. "You're lying!"

I'm about to strike him when Leliana grabs my arm and firmly eases me back.

"We need him Cassandra."

We always have had different methods. She might be right but I'm still unsure. However, I must not allow him to see us disagree openly. I step back and allow her to continue the interrogation.

He looks at her and appears to be pleading "So...uh.. What now?"

"Do you remember what happened? How it began?"

"I just remember running because some creatures were chasing me...I thought I saw a woman."

Leliana crosses her arms "A woman?"

"She reached out to me but..."

This is leading us nowhere. I look at Leliana. "Go to the forward camp. I will take him to the rift." She nods and leaves and I face him. I remove the wooden lock but maintain the other.

"What did happen?" he whispers as I pull him forward.

"It will be easier to show you." I state flatly, shooting him a final glance before walking out the door, him following behind me. Outside the breach has gotten wider. The sky would've looked peaceful if not for the horrible green cloud that led to a portal of demons. "We call it 'The Breach'." I explain, not bothering to face him. "It's a massive rift into a world of demons that grows larger with each passing hour. It's not the only such rift, just the largest. All were caused by the explosion at the conclave."

"An explosion..." he whispered as I turned to face him.

"Unless we act," I begin, "the Breach may grow until it swallows the world." As if to prove my point, the breach lights up like lightning. The prisoner screams as he collapses to the ground. I bend down so we're at eye level. "Each time the Breach expands, your mark spreads and it is killing you. It may be the key to stopping this but there isn't much time."

He scowls as his eyes lock with mine. "I don't seem to have much of a choice." He seems angry but he is in no condition to argue.

I yank him to his feet and drag him past the sea of angry onlookers. "They have decided your guilt. They need it. The people of Haven mourn our most holy, Divine Justinia, Head of the Chantry. The Conclave was hers. It was a chance for peace between Mages and Templars."

I suddenly find myself angry. "She brought their leaders together. Now they're dead!" I exclaim. I can feel myself getting angrier and I take a deep breath. "We lash out, like the sky, but we must think beyond ourselves, as she did, at least until the Breach is closed." I say in a more subdued tone.

With a bit of reluctance I unsheathe a small blade and free the prisoner from his last shackle. "There will be a trial. I can promise no more." I turn around and began walking "Come. It is not far."

"W-What? Where are we-"

"Your mark must be tested on something smaller than the rift." I explain

We walk the path in silence. My heart aches as I think about Divine Justinia again, how I failed her. It seems like so long ago I was able to do the impossible with the help of the Maker. I was able to save the previous Divine, Beatrix III, by defeating a Prime demon abomination named Frenic, along with his minions. I should have been able to protect Justinia as her right hand.

Leliana and I have done all we can in preparation for the rising conflict with the Templars and Mages. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a worthy Inquisitor to begin the Inquisition. The Warden Commander mysteriously disappeared, and we still have no word about the whereabouts of the Champion of Kirkwall.

I'm sure the dwarf knows more than he is letting on. I barely believe anything he says.

The prisoner collapses again but refuses to let me help him. His mark is spreading. I wonder wha- My legs give out as the floor crumbles under us. I collide onto the frozen lake and my breath escapes me. I glance at the destroyed bridge but my attention returns to a demon that appeared from the rift. A Shade.

"Stay behind me!" I demand, my sword at the ready. The demon lurches and I rush forward, slamming my shield into it. It claws away at the hard wood but is unable to penetrate my shield. I slam my shield against it harder this time, knocking the demon back. I quickly stab the beast in the chest, slaying it.

"It's over." I say, turning to face the prisoner who is reaching for a bow and quiver, the weapon of one of the fallen archers of Haven.

I began walking towards him, my blade outward, anticipating conflict. "Drop your weapon. NOW!"

He loads his arrow and I'm prepared to block with my shield when the arrow flies past me and a Shade lets out a shriek behind me. The arrow plunges deep into its skull before the form evaporates into a grayish black cloud.

"Attacking the only person giving me a chance to prove my innocence is foolish," he says flatly, the bow now slung on his back, "I agreed to help but I'm no use to you dead." He looks at the floor "I hope." he mutters.

He has a point. I drop the issue but gesture for him to walk ahead of me as I guide him. He rolls his eyes but walks ahead of me without hesitation. It's possible that I misjudged him… Slightly possible.

Varric (Valley outskirts)

I expected better from Cassandra's men. They act like they have never fought a demon before. What started as a simple 5 on 3 battle quickly became a 2 on 3 battle. Okay, so maybe we slayed the first 3 demons that are generally known as "lesser shades", and maybe during our impromptu cheers ANOTHER 3 appear out the blue and impaled the two warriors with their hideous claws. One should never underestimate.

They're coming after me now and seem to be ignoring Chuckles thanks to his aura trick. His name is Solas but I find Chuckles more fitting. Bianca, my crossbow, finds the demon to my right in her crosshairs and I fire once. The form evaporates.

That's one down, but the other two are too close for comfort. On instinct I throw my smoke bomb and embrace the shadows before their claws sink into me. Now they're coming at Chuckles but he doesn't flinch. He aims his staff and fries the two shits with a single lightning bolt. Glad he's on my side.

I compliment him with a thumbs up that goes ignored. In his defense, it's hard to accept a compliment from a dwarf that's practically invisible. I step out of the shadows just in time to greet another wave of demons. 5 Shades this time. All rushing towards me.

"Chuckles!" I throw myself backward, my bolt killing one as the other four rush at me. They're too close and I feel my grip on Bianca loosen as my energy is sucked away. My vision gets cloudy. Claws everywhere. A barrier engulfs me and I'm spared from a death blow. I tighten my grip on Bianca and aim at the one on the far left hoping Chuckles will be a team player and not let me get killed. An arrow lands in its skull but it's not my bolt. I aim at the one next to it but I see it dragged away. Grappling hook. I risk a glance and see the Seeker and what looked like a rogue companion at her side. That's not right.

Whatever it was, I use the opportunity to take out the last two demons. I feel fine, but I know it's because my adrenaline is still at its peak. I reach into my pocket and ingest a dosage of red liquid; my vision returns and I allow myself a soft exhale. I look over and see Chuckles and the strange man close the rift with that glowing mark of his. The prisoner. He looks at Chuckles as if he's a god, even though he was the one who technically closed the rift. A fact that Chuckles make perfectly clear, even telling the man that he could 'hold the key to our salvation'.

"Good to know." I begin, deciding this was a good time to introduce myself if any. "Here I thought we'd be ass-deep in demons forever." I approach the man. "Varric Tethras: Rogue, Storyteller, and occasionally unwelcome tag along." I throw a wink at Cassandra for good measure and she doesn't disappoint me with her response.

"I'm Maxwell. Nice to meet you, Varric," the man stated with a slight smile - a gesture that Cassandra has yet to master - "and your crossbow too"

"Thank you. Bianca and I have been through a lot together."


"Yes indeed, and she'll be great company in the valley."

"Absolutely not!" Cassandra began in her usual killjoy demeanor. "Your help is appreciated, Varric, but..."

"Have you been in the Valley lately, Seeker? Your soldiers aren't in control anymore." My voice adopts a sing-song tone at the last three words, "You need me."

She makes a big deal out of that and storms away but no one cares. Chuckles introduces himself and Maxwell looks at him again with great veneration. I mean he only kept Maxwell from being killed by his own hand. I guess a little astonishment is appropriate. We begin our way towards the forward camp.

Killing the demons along the way was surprisingly easy but the small talk was nearly impossible between Chuckles' and the Seekers' repeated insistence on reaching the forward camp and Maxwell's silence. We reach another rift and quickly take out the demons with Maxwell closing the rift without help.

The Spymaster and Chancellor Roderick greet us on our timely arrival. I guess I should add that the Chancellor ordered for Maxwell to be taken away and executed in Val Royeaux, but this request was so asinine that no one offered a response.

"Order me?!" Cassandra stepped forward, ruining our one moment of solidarity. "You are a glorified clerk, a bureaucrat!"

"And you are thug, one that supposedly supports the chantry." The Chancellor hissed.

"They're really talking about me like I'm not here." Maxwell mutters, seemingly to himself, as the Spymaster and Seeker go back and forth with the Chancellor.

I give him a nudge "In their defense, two of them are not well known for their diplomacy."

The subject changes to the best strategy for reaching the temple. The Seeker wants us to charge through with the soldiers. The Spymaster recommends we approach from the mountain. I can already see where this is going. A good friend of mine had been forced into these circumstances before. I look away as the other pair of eyes fall on Maxwell asking for his decision. We wait.

3 Days later

Solas (Haven)

The Rift is as beautiful as it is frightening. I stand mesmerized by it. I know the rift acts as a connection between this world and the demons in the fade, but there's more to it than that. I have journeyed through the fade and discovered and done many incredible things. Ruins that were long forgotten. I interacted with demons safely. I believe the interpretations of the fade vary on the mindset of the individual. Unfortunately this has led to our current dilemma.

Pride demons are a perfect example of this dilemma. They manifest themselves in the forms that are most fatal to the humans mortal code. They use mankind's own nature against them. The demon we encountered at the temple of sacred ashes attempted to use our fears against us. Maxwell, I mean the Herald, proved his competence in weakening the creature and successfully stabilizing the rift. He requires more resources before he's able to close it. The Inquisition has officially been reborn. I hope that this Inquisition avoids repeating the mistakes of their predecessors.

Thedas was plunged into chaos following the end of the first blight. Mages were largely considered evil and the Inquisition was formed with the goal of "protecting people from the tyranny of magic" in whatever way it was manifested. The Chantry, Templar Order, and the Circle of Magi were all created subsequently, and now the Templar-Mage rebellion is at its worst. The irony. People throughout Thedas has learned to fear mages, especially someone like myself; an Apostate.

I enter the Tavern and approach the Innkeeper. I believe her name is Flissa. I can hear the song performed by the Bard and the patrons engrossed in conversation.

Can you
Guide me
To the revolt inside me

"Greetings, can I get you a drink?" Flissa asks. Her smile appears genuine.
"I would be grateful for a cup of tea."
"I'm sorry, we ran out of elfroot. I informed sister Leliana. Can I get you anything else?"

"Oh, no bother. Thank you." I turn and walk towards the exit and stop as I feel leers surrounding me. Their eyes drift from me to the two soldiers blocking the exit. The song continues with no interruption.

Fire Inside me

The soldier on my left glared at me and muttered "Knife Ear" as the two soldiers simultaneously brush past me. I'm knocked back but I remain upright.

Gone are the days
Of our peace.

I exit without a backwards glance. Brutes. How predictable.
Outside I notice the Herald shaking hands with two refugees. He waves and motions toward me.

"The chosen of Andraste, a blessed hero sent to save us all." I notice there's a hint of haughtiness to my voice which was not my intention.

He puffs his chest and a grin flashes his face. "Am I riding in on a shining steed?"

"I would've suggested a griffon, but sadly they're extinct. Joke as you will, posturing is necessary."

I turn and look upwards towards the rift. "I've journeyed deep into the fade in ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations. I've watched as hosts of spirits clash to reenact the bloody past in ancient wars both famous and forgotten. "

I face him once more, "Every great war has it's heroes. I'm just curious what kind you'll be."

His face darkens for a moment and he averts his gaze slightly before he looks at me again. "Hopefully I'll be a worthy hero."

"I see. Time will determine that prophecy then." He looks at me and now I avert my gaze. "I will stay then. At least until the breach has been closed"


I give him a bland stare "I am an apostate surrounded by Chantry forces in the middle of a mage rebellion. Cassandra has been accommodating but you understand my caution." Especially after what happened briefly before this conversation.

He shrugs, "We need you. I wouldn't even know how to seal these rifts if not for you. You're safe here Solas."

"Thank you. For now let us hope that either the mages or the templars have the power to seal the breach." I want to ask him a question but I'm unsure how he'll react.

The Herald nods and begins to turn away. My curiosity gets the better of me.

"Herald, can I ask you something?"

He faces me once more, "Yes?"

"On our way towards the Temple of Sacred Ashes, you chose to take the mountain path. Why?"

"I wanted to confirm the status of the missing scout party."

"I see. The choice was not in vain."

Silence stretches between us. I can't describe the look on his face but he appears to be contemplative.

"We're heading out to the Hinterlands shortly. I should go." I stare after him as he walks away.

Yes. It will be very interesting to see how he turns out.

5 Days Later

Maxwell Aka The Herald (Hinterlands: Acquisition camp)

We've reached camp after journeying for four days and five nights. Varric, Cassandra, and Solas are sound asleep but I lay awake in the tent. Varric's obnoxious snoring is impossible to handle. I now see why Varric's tent always had more room than the others. There's more to it than that though. My stomach feels full with butterflies and I can barely breathe. It's been like that since we arrived. It all felt like a blur, walking the path with little resistance, meeting Scout Harding and being briefed about the warring Templars and Mages. Now I know that it's real and I have to act. I'm frightened.

I am certainly not the blessed hero of anyone or anything. I am a pawn but I will play along until we can close this breach. It's not like I have a choice. Cassandra made it pretty clear that the Inquisition was the only thing standing between life and death for me. Some people have been kind to me, but others… I see the way they look at me. They still believe I did this.

Is it my fault? I don't know. No, it can't be. But... is it? I still can't explain how this happened to me or why I was at the conclave, or - what the… Okay breathe… breathe… again. My body feels sluggish but I can't stay in this tent. I walk out and observe three soldiers standing watch around the perimeter. No, make that five. My coat and boats are removed but it's evening and mostly everyone is asleep except for the guards so it matters not. I cross to the table next to the potion tent, gravel crunching under my feet. I'm relieved to see ten bottles ready and sealed for us to take come dawn. Will that be enough for the four of us? Will I be enough?

I sit at the fireplace hugging myself for warmth. I need to focus on what I do know. I am of the Trevelyan family in Ostwick. I love my aunt Lucille and tolerate my father at best. Ambassador Montiliyet's family is on good terms with mine. I attended their last party in Antiva, though reluctantly. I haven't had the heart to admit that to her. Between Cassandra and Leliana, it's hard to describe which one is more frightening. Varric has been friendly and Solas... cordial. I have yet to speak to the Commander but I purposely avoided him. I don't have anything against him, I just always resented my father for constantly reminding me that I had to choose soon between serving either the Chantry or the Templars. I have no interest in either.

But enough of the whining. I have to focus. The mission is simple. I just have to reach Mother Gisele and convince her to join the Inquisition. Cassandra, will be more suited for that. I'll have to deal with the Templars and the Mages but so far, we haven't heard from them. Maybe they moved on from this area. Templars should be...

My thoughts fade to black.

When I come to, Cassandra is shaking me violently. I can barely make out what she's saying.

"...rald - HERALD! Wake up. The Templars and Mages are fighting ahead of us!"

Coats and boots are handed to me and I fumble to dress myself. I'm hauled to my feet and my legs feel limp. I reach to Cassandra for support but she's already rushing forward and I nearly topple over as Solas runs past me.

"Herald, quickly!" Solas exclaimed.

I will myself to keep up with him. My lungs are burning and my vision still slightly blurry but I'm moving.

"Herald!" Someone shouts.

"I'm moving!" I retort, wishing everyone would stop berating me. I'm moving as fast as I can. I ignore the subsequent shouts. It sounds like it's coming from behind me but everyone is screaming and I can't focus. Just keep forward.

I proceed down the trail and my momentum wears out. Solas and Cassandra stop ahead where they are concealed by tall trees near the bottom of the hill. I slow down into a walk and attempt to catch my breath; legs and lungs are both burning. I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

"That's far enough. Time to die!"

I spin and reach for my bow but my hand grasp nothing but air. I pat my back but it's empty. I forgot my weapon. Panic rises through my chest and I scramble for something to say to prolong my life a bit longer until my eyes lock onto Varric in front of me laughing.

He cleared his throat "I'm glad I have your attention. I believe you're forgetting something?" He hands me my bow and quiver.

A number of responses came to my head, but all I could do was exhale sharply as the drumming of my heartbeat deafened my thoughts.

I gave him a weak nod and continued forward, avoiding eye contact with Cassandra and Solas since I know that they saw that.

"Do you smell that?" Cassandra asked and for the first time i'm grateful that she is... well, the way she is.

I take a whiff but the smell is unmistakeable. A wretched combination of blood, burning, and shit, meaning one thing. Death. Or more accurate, murder.

"Yes." I respond.

"Mother Gisele will not be too far. The Templar and Mage war has traveled too close to their resting area. We can't let them extend any further."

I nod and we continued walking without speaking. From 100 yards away we see our first body. A rebel mage, beheaded. I tear my gaze away and stay forward. The pile of bodies continue. A collection of Mages and Templars lay before us. The stench is at its strongest here. My throat is dry but I breathe through my mouth because the stench is unbearable.

Shouting ahead. It wont be long now. We find cover behind a large tree and peer onto the field below us. I can't put into words what I'm witnessing. All I can see is chaos. Mages and Templars fill the arena. There have to be twenty at least. One mage is assaulted by three knights at once, blades piercing his flesh. A Templar is on the ground writhing in a pool of blood, his body in flames.

"Oh maker" Cassandra says. Solas only shakes his head in disapproval.

"We can't take them all, Seeker." Varric states. "Let them weed each other out first."

Cassandra grunts but even she would have to agree that Varric is right. There's just too many. I watch helplessly as someone is murdered, either by steel, fire, ice, or just bare hands. The agony of a man's last words that is either abruptly cut short, or slowly fades away. I can't imagine which is worse.

This is what divine Justinia has worked to end peacefully, but there's no peace now. And based on what i'm seeing, I don't think there will be.

The numbers are dwindling and I can only see a total of eight. Three mages and five Templars. Make that two Mages as another is struck down a few yards away from me. She falls to her knees and the knight plunges his sword through her heart. The two mages begin retreating as the other four Templars give chase.

The one remains here, inspecting the corpse of his latest victim. My heart is racing and I take deliberate slow breathes to gather some courage, the bow in my hand. My fingers fumble on the arrow as I take aim. One. Two. Three. My arrow flies through his neck and I already know that he is dead.

That was the first time I murdered a living person.

I know that it won't be the last.